The People's President
I've had that feeling for some time now. I hope that they will put things right in the last two episodes but it wouldn't surprise me if they just answered a couple of questions and left the viewer with a bunch of new ones for next season. Why kill a cash cow I guess.
Seriously, this show is pissing me off at this point. All those meaningless filler episodes, those slow shitty flashbacks.. Still, I somehow like Lost, some of the characters are very good and at least they're trying to do something original so I can't really let it go.
Anyone else feel like kicking Jacks head in btw?
Same here, but it's getting silly now. I don't mind unraveling plots, some of the best films ever made have unraveling plots, but they have a plan and structure to them. This has nothing of the sort. They create a bit of mystery and ask questions, and then leave them unanswered while going off on a tangent and asking some other ridiculous questions. . .leaving the viewer dumbfounded. I don't think I've ever seen a movie/TV series with this amount of deus ex machina.