all of them are in the helicopter along with ben and sawyer and somehow ben and sawyer and frank (pilot) remain on the island....

i reckon the boat blows up thus resulting in someone dying...
Nice spot. Forgot about that.

The blog I read about LOST thinks the picture shown at the press conference is a fake. I think the same.

this one

i think the pic is real for some reason and they floated to another island after locke moved the island..only explanation there is
i think all of them get back on the island on the chopper when they realize that they cant defuse the explosives on the boat...
We're into BST now aren't we? I hope we find a lot of stuff out this finale, I like the way they've been revealing things in this season, like how Jack finds out he's Aaron's uncle etc. Apparently the purple sky will be seen again which can only mean that that will come up when the island is 'moved.'
ive just calculated and in 8 hrs the links will be out.

i'll might as well get a quick nap till then
People still watch this?

It's dragged on way too long imo, I got bored of it being so spread out and it making more questions than fecking answering >_<

Prob get it all on DVD once it's over.
People still watch this?

It's dragged on way too long imo, I got bored of it being so spread out and it making more questions than fecking answering >_<

Prob get it all on DVD once it's over.

Bluray you mean...i cant see new DVDs being around in 2010:smirk:

EDIT: then again 2010 is only 2 years away..
Vidared, are you sure about this "extra new scenes" in the 12th episode thing ?

I ju don't want to download it, and re-watch the 12th episode for no reason. I can't find any other news about it, other than that link.
Vidared, are you sure about this "extra new scenes" in the 12th episode thing ?

I ju don't want to download it, and re-watch the 12th episode for no reason. I can't find any other news about it, other than that link.

Sky arnt reshowing ep12 at all so I dont think its true.
if they release a new link with the finale then download it...otherwise dont.

it usually will say that its with new footage in the title
Not sure yet, what with it being three hours. I'm going to wait for it though if it's out in the next hour and bit.
Screw this, it's nearly daylight outside, I'll watch it tomorrow.
I downloaded part 2 first and now it says my 100MB limit is reached, ack
Wow, great episode, action packed.


Locke was in the coffin noooooooooo :(
Was a decent episode quite a few surprises.

Something tells me Locke will still be in it next season somehow, someway, Solius ;)

So it looks like Ben physically moved the island which seems a bit strange although they officially introduced time travel. Surprising to see Locke in there, at least we know who's off now. But what of the island? How did Christian turn up on the boat? How are they going to get back?

Looking forward to next season!

Who knows how they are going to get back. My guess is the island was moved through time and we are going to learn about the origins of the island in the present next season. With the shows characters interacting wth ones from the past.

The turning the cog to move it was a bit dissapointing though, and why is Ben still alive?
Theory for why Claire MUST be dead (Concerns what happened in this ep so highlight to read): Claire appeared to Kate in a dream. Throughout the course of Lost dead people have appeared to other members, e.g. Horace to Locke in episode 11, and even wayyy back when Boone appeared to Locke and also when Eko's brother appeared in Eko's dream. Claire has to be dead.
so locke is the leader of the others on the island and dead off it. jin is more or less confirmed dead...sun is with charles windmore :confused: ben is alive and well and is planning to get back along with the oceanic 6 and locke :eek: and the island has a wheel through which it can be moved and sawyer is alive and will probably be the leader of the losties on the island.

pen and des reunite and frank is alive....keamy gets what he deserves.

i think i summed up the episode :D