In episode 11 I think, when Locke goes into the Cabin to see Jacob, he sees Claire/Jack's father, along with Claire.

That didn't make any sense to me ?!

Oh and did anyone notice Richard, the guy from the others always looks the same. It's as if he doesn't age ! There was a flash back once to when Locke was a kid, and Richard was there asking him questions.

That was weird too.
That's why he's called ageless Richard. He time travels and presumably uses the Orchid. Perhaps he is Jacob?????

I think Jacob is going to be that tall black guy who Locke met in the hospital. He was in that tv show "The Wire".
Made me laugh too. Another weird thought is that if Locke is really dead, then he might come back as one of those half-dead/ghost people on the island. Those visions of Christian are actually using his body as when Jack discovered his coffin in season 1 it was empty.

or he could be alive and dead at the same time, like the ships doctor
More about the Frozen Donkey wheel. It sounds right.

The passage behind the time Vault leads to an incredibly cold chamber playing host to a massive wheel. The wheel can hardly be turned by human strength alone and even if it can be moved, the person doing so is transported from the island and into another time altogether.

The wheel itself is a larger version of a donkey wheel. A donkey wheel, as most know, was used mainly in mills. Donkeys or horses would be tied to the wheel and forced to turn it to keep the mill going.

Now the frozen donkey wheel has too many risks. Donkeys and horses most certainly wouldn't be able to turn it. They would die from the cold temps. Another reason is that if a human was used to turn the wheel, though they are obviously strong enough, they would be banished from the island and who knows where they would end up.

My theory is that Dharma captured polar bears and trained them to turn the wheel. They put them in cages with mind games to test their intelligence. Then when the island needed to be moved, polar bears would be perfectly capable of turning the wheel and withstanding the freezing temperatures. There was no risk of anybody being transported in time, except the polar bears who were expendable. My guess is that when the island was moved previously, a polar bear turning the wheel was transported to Tunisia in the past. Later, it's bear bones are discovered, complete with a dharma collar around its neck

And Ben moving the island

When he moved the Island, he was teleported (or whatever) to the Tunisian desert, where we find him at the beginning of the circa 2005 flash-forward in "Shape of Things to Come." When we first see him in that scene, he has a wound that matches the cut on his arm at the end of "No Place Like Home." Crazy, right? So, to me, it does seem like he's been genuinely exiled from the Island, and since he leapt forward to 2005 he has been living and working only in the "real world."