It's pretty obvious I think the people in the end are from the ship. The will now take Alex as hostage to blackmail Ben.
You will see. Ben having Carl killed was hinted just before he died so they won't go down that route. They foreshadowed it as well with that shooting scene on the boat.
According to that promo for the next episode, the oceanic six who make it off the Island are:


I know this is been done to death but I never thought they would consider Aaron as a survivor seeing as he was unborn.
if so then the producers are twats

oceanic six means group of people who survived the oceanic 815 plane crash so how is aaron one of the oceanic six when he wasn't on the oceanic flight 815 and dont tell me he was inside claire because thats bollocks
Good episode.

Bens daughter is fit, wouldn't you say?

Anybody know when Ep 9 is going to be on? Theres a break now, right?
i thought so to she was wankable in that episode.

episode 9 is scheduled for 24 april 9pm to be exact
Q: What is the Smoke Monster?

A: Ah, the big question! The smoke monster is not a machine, nor is it man-made. The smoke monster is fate’s “physical” means of controlling the universe and preserving the timeline. The smoke monster exists only on the island because the island is existing in a past time, where there has already been a pre-determined future – because the losties are technically from the future. Let’s take Eko, for example. He was killed by the smoke monster at the instant at which he had a fundamental change in character. In his flashbacks, he blamed himself for his actions; yet, on the island, he came to realize that he had done nothing wrong. His realization would’ve caused him to make life-altering decisions in the future. Therefore, the smoke monster had to kill him, so that he would not make such decisions. The smoke monster also killed the pilot of 815. This happened shortly after the pilot realized facts about the plane that could potentially affect several people – these facts could’ve changed the perspective of everyone on the island, and thus had a huge impact on everyone.

When the monster is “scanning” people, it is recording their future, and making sure that their current actions correlate with what they do in the future. If the monster sees a discrepancy, it takes action, and in most cases that we’ve seen – it kills someone. Luckily for Kate and Locke, the monster saw that their state on the island wasn’t contradictory to their future-counterparts – therefore, it left them alone.
Aaron is a survivor of the oceanic flight 815 isn't he? He could have died in the crash but he didn't, he survived.

Who gives a shit wether he was on the manifest or not. If 6 people came back aswell as Aaron, they wouldn't just class it as the oceanic 6.
Some answered questions from an interview podcast.

*Shocking twist for the finale will not be the final scene, but close to the end of the episode.
*Oceanic Six are Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and Aaron.
*Tom (Mr. Friendly) is indeed gay.
*Desmond/Minkowski "side effects" may indeed be the "Sickness" that Rouseau refers to... (they hint at it very strongly)
*The Swan Hatch implosion will probably not be revisited. However, we have not seen the last of the "purple sky" this season.
*They explain the appearance of certain paranormal events and what they are....
Ben's mother=apparition
Sawyer's Boar=animal
Hurley bird=no comment
Kate's horse=undead
Mikail' Cat Nadia=animal
Walt=some have been apparition, some have been monster
Boone in Locke's dream=dream
*Lepidus name in Expose script that Hurley read is just a name one of the writers in fond of.
*Is Aaron in danger since he is being "Raised by Another"? The psychic told Claire that she must raise the baby herself. They leave it up to the viewers if you believe if the psychic is real or not.
*Significance of name Kevin Johnson.....the Others chose the most innocuous and bland name they could so as not to raise suspicion and raise attention to Michael's alias.
*Will learn much more about four-toed statue and Black Rock.
*Secret code name for the finale twist "The Frozen Donkey Wheel"
i have it on good authority that Danielle Rousseau is not dead :angel:
i was right last time also didnt two people supposedly die...i just got the names wrong
Cant wait for LOST tonight, Love it.

sayid tells the captain who michael actually is
carl and danielle get shot
michael tries to kill himself several times but the island doesn't let him
he's see's libby several times throughout the episode
tom is gay
michaels mission is to kill everyone on the boat

sayid tells the captain who michael actually is
carl and danielle get shot
michael tries to kill himself several times but the island doesn't let him
he's see's libby several times throughout the episode
tom is gay
michaels mission is to kill everyone on the boat


:lol: how cruel
i actually saved an hour of his life...he should thank me for it.
i actually saved an hour of his life...he should thank me for it.

Thankfully I didnt read your spoilers VIDARED...Ive just went back to this thread right now. It was a decent episode. Who was the sniper though at the end?

I do not appreciate your attempts to ruin my LOST experience, although I still consider you as a decent member.
The last episode I watched was episode 8, is this the last one that was aired? Otherwise I don't want to read this thread in case of spoilers.
The last episode I watched was episode 8, is this the last one that was aired? Otherwise I don't want to read this thread in case of spoilers.

I think that's the last one, what happened in the ep you watched

Walts getting his freak on
Locke isn't impressed
Sayid is looking in awe
Hurleys trying to ignore it
Jack wishes he could move like that

Anyways: When is Heroes S3 starting? Soon, or months away?
Walts getting his freak on
Locke isn't impressed
Sayid is looking in awe
Hurleys trying to ignore it
Jack wishes he could move like that

Anyways: When is Heroes S3 starting? Soon, or months away?

Have they even started writing it yet?
Mid season hiatus.....they've done it every year!! Will be back in 3-4 weeks i think. Heroes back in September by the way...i think