Television Lost: Season 5

jin is miles

Good episode.

The scenes with Hurley, Miles and his dad were brilliant
I actually am starting to believe though, that Locke is actually dead. The Smoke Monster or Jacob has taken his form.

They'll find the coffin and find Locke's body will still be in there me reckons. Like Ben says "Dead is Dead", you can't come back from that.
I actually am starting to believe though, that Locke is actually dead. The Smoke Monster or Jacob has taken his form.

They'll find the coffin and find Locke's body will still be in there me reckons. Like Ben says "Dead is Dead", you can't come back from that.

Ben, as usual, was lying hen he said all that stuff about John walking around scaring him. locke has been resurected, he is not dead.
Take a look at this video from Comic-Con last summer.

Possibly Spoilerish so don't read on or watch if you don't want to.

You can hear Faraday's voice in the background, which means at some point he tells Chang about the Purge and that's probably why he sends Miles and his mum off the island. The 'credible source' is Faraday himself.

Very interesting.
that footage could be from the next episode but then again these episodes were not "shot" back then ?
Not sure, but it's just an image of Chang, up to people if they watch.

Plus I think it was made as a thing for the hardcore fans who go to conventions. We may see them filming it but not that video.
one thing i notice from that is Faraday finds the video useless just as Chnag starts going on about changeing the past. Obviously two different sets of theories fdrom the two on time travel etc, faraday with the whatever happend happend theory and chang with the back to the future ish theory.

Not a big thing to point out I know but it could mean a conflict between the two in a future episode
there's nothing new in them. just a bunch of clips from older episodes covering the O6 story.
Not too many torrents flying around for the recap special. PM will be appreciated.
since its just a clip show im just gonna wait for sky to show it on sunday rather than waste a couple of gigs

Not too many torrents flying around for the recap special. PM will be appreciated.

I actually wouldn't bother watching it. Watched it last night. Just a bunch of clips thrown together with tad bits of commentary here and there.

Its all stuff you already know.
i have it on good authority that the next episode will be a "cocks out" episode.
This episode has more or less been spoiled totally on the internet. I did not read any major spoilers before some cnut put them on while I was chatting on Skype
I watched them..and from whats on them, this has the potential to be one of the best episodes ever
I'm fine when it comes to watching previews, I can resist.

Cannot wait for Thurs though.
no actually there are 4 episodes left.

14,15 and 16 is a two hour one. :D
People really shouldn't bother with Previews. Half the time the preview itself it trying to mislead the viewer. I used to watch them for BSG and Lost, but theres very little point now. It's like going to watch a movie at the cinema and having half the story explained to you before hand. Takes away the shock appeal :)