Television Lost: Season 5

you lot really will lap up any old shit without question wont you??!!

richard: yes...if we take ben he wont remember any of this

audience: aaaaah ok....thats why he doesnt remember sayed as an adult!!!

nothing to do with the fact these mugs have been making it up as they go

Ben was never meant to be the leader character, but people took to him and they changed their plans accordingly.
you lot really will lap up any old shit without question wont you??!!

richard: yes...if we take ben he wont remember any of this

audience: aaaaah ok....thats why he doesnt remember sayed as an adult!!!

nothing to do with the fact these mugs have been making it up as they go

Tbf the majority of people agree it is an easy way out by the writers. Then again in the future we could see what happens inside the Temple, maybe they'll actually show the reason why he LOST his memory.

It is still a poor explanation but I can let it slide. I'm not one to nitpick, I enjoy the show and that's all that matters.
he he he.

Gus has seen the light.

seriously, lads. Just so no. They're making fools out of you.


There is a solution, chaps.
Deep down you all agree with me. Come on, who knows more, you lot or me?

But anyway, 8 to go. I reckon the ending will be amazing. Someone will wake up and it'll all have been a dream. A very bad and convoluted dream, but a dream nonetheless.
Deep down you all agree with me. Come on, who knows more, you lot or me?

But anyway, 8 to go. I reckon the ending will be amazing. Someone will wake up and it'll all have been a dream. A very bad and convoluted dream, but a dream nonetheless.

theres a whole nother season next year yet

edit: just had a look on LP and theres 6 more of S5 left (including Dead is Dead)
Stunning episode

"What lies in the shadow of the statue" wonder that that could mean?

Desmond kicks ass :cool:

I'm thinking something a la 'What did the snowman say to the other snowman?' kind of thing
good episode that.

why doesn't locke go and find richard and the others on the main island instead of fecking around?
I'm thinking the new people with guns are more of Widmor's people. Its either that or a new faction we havent seen yet.
How fecking cool was that episode.

- Confirmed the suspicions that Smokey judges people and decides whether they live or die. Alex was a manifestation of it, as a way of telling Ben to follow Locke.
- First hand look at Smokeys lair, it comes out of a vent and then out through the temple, shows you your past and judges you. Nobody actually has a name for it.
- Desmond did in fact beat the shit out of Ben like we thought, but glad he didn't kill Penny.
- Young Widmore actor looked a lot like him, good casting.
Oh and didn't expect Caeser to die so soon. Thought he was gonna turn into a main character. Never liked him anyway.

Did anyone else think Ben was going to die like Eko with Yemi?
Arent Richard and the Others supposed to be at the temple?
I thought Ben would always survive, he's too big of a character to die at this stage of a series. Smokey might still have attacked him, but Ben could have survived somehow.

Cesar might not actually die. You know how things work on this island. But for sure, if he survives he'll have an interesting confrontation with Benjamin in the future.
There's seemingly a light to the right of Anubis, thus ensuring a shadow. And on the floor in front of Anubis there is a snake. So the anwer would have been " A snake " I guess ?
Apparently Ben's house is exactly as it was the last time he was in it, including the Risk game Hurley and Sawyer were playing :lol: nice touch.

Also where did Locke go when he left the Barracks?
What a fecking amazing episode !

Good some answers are starting to unravel now. I think its safe to say the Eygptian gods have something to do with this island (Mainly Anubis) it looks like.

And thats not a light next to Anubis thats an Ankh.

We also know how Ben summons smokey, apparently by pulling a plunger.

I too believe that picture is Anubis and Smokey, but i can't be sure whether theyr'e against each other.
How fecking cool was that episode.

- Confirmed the suspicions that Smokey judges people and decides whether they live or die. Alex was a manifestation of it, as a way of telling Ben to follow Locke.
- First hand look at Smokeys lair, it comes out of a vent and then out through the temple, shows you your past and judges you. Nobody actually has a name for it.
- Desmond did in fact beat the shit out of Ben like we thought, but glad he didn't kill Penny.
- Young Widmore actor looked a lot like him, good casting.

I thought this too, knew straight away. Any chance it was just the same actor, with long hair?

Also, id bone alex something rotten