Television Lost: Season 5

jack wasn't on "jacob's list" and this was said by that guy who was on his way to kill sawyer while ben was in surgery to get his tumor removed.
I had a conversation about this the other day.

Its assumed now that Ben was responsible for bringing down the Oceanic plane. Our losties who were on that Oceanic plane are now part of the initial Dharma Initiative. Does this mean that the storyline is going to feature the Losties trying to stop Ben from gassing the Dharma Initiative and gaining control of the Island? If he doesn't succeed surely that means that the Losties plane won't crash in the future?

The ironice thing here is if just like Desmond "you can't stop destiny". They manage to stop Ben from gaining power but the plane still crashes.

Couldn't happen though.

If the Losties prevented Ben's gassing of Dharma, and in the process stopped themselves from ever crashing on the island, then that means they were never there to prevent the gassing, meaing they would crash again. It creates a time paradox.

It's like when people say, if you could travel back in time, would you shoot a young Hitler before he went crazy. But if you killed him as a kid, he would never become that same significant figure, meaing you would now not have had any reason to want to travel back in time, because in your timeline there would be no Nazi Hitler. Meaning he would still grow up.
Couldn't happen though.

If the Losties prevented Ben's gassing of Dharma, and in the process stopped themselves from ever crashing on the island, then that means they were never there to prevent the gassing, meaing they would crash again. It creates a time paradox.

It's like when people say, if you could travel back in time, would you shoot a young Hitler before he went crazy. But if you killed him as a kid, he would never become that same significant figure, meaing you would now not have had any reason to want to travel back in time, because in your timeline there would be no Nazi Hitler. Meaning he would still grow up.

this is turning out be a headfeck.
That is one the very basic time paradoxes which I already explained. They have gone with the destiny-time travel crap.

You will see further proof of this when the identity of the baby born last week is revealed. If it is a character already seen on the show ( it will be), then it more or less proves that given that if time travelling survivors were not there then the baby would not have been born.
This show is getting ridiculous. I wish it was all over and I could just watch the entire thing on DVD over the weekend. There's too many plot holes.
That is one the very basic time paradoxes which I already explained. They have gone with the destiny-time travel crap.

You will see further proof of this when the identity of the baby born last week is revealed. If it is a character already seen on the show ( it will be), then it more or less proves that given that if time travelling survivors were not there then the baby would not have been born.

Any guesses on who the baby is ?

Should be Ben, right ? I mean, its got to be ...
Personally I think that everything we see "from the past" is just that, from the past. No they won't stop Ben from gassing the island, because that is what happened. I'm fairly sure that anything that changes the status quo (not as far as we know, but from a "knows everything" perspective, is going to happen in the "present" in the show. What we see now happened, and is in a way what led to what is happening now.

Obviously that makes no sense in the real world, but then time travel is impossible in the real world (yes, yes, technically you could go forward in time, don't be pedantic).

Or at least that's what I hope will happen. I can enjoy shows that make outrageous claims compared to real life if those claims seem to fit with the world that the show has created. So I fully expect ghosts from Supernatural, Cylons from Battlestar Galactica, and time-travel from Lost.
We already saw Ben's birth.

Oh yeah. Homer moment there. D'oh. What are the other possibilities - Jacob possibly or maybe even Desmond or Ethan? I guess since Horace built the cabin, Jacobs as good a shout as any ... and they have to introduce him sooner or later.
the baby is insignificant.

You really think so ? The way they avoided saying the baby's name in the Sawyer-Horace conversation kinda made it look as if they were setting it up for a major reveal. Also, what with the Egyptian statue and Horace(Horus) being the leader of the Dharma group, I guessed his son might be an important character.
this i why i think they wanted them

Jack - to sort out Ben's Tumour
Kate - so Jack would do the operation
Sawyer - they knew Sawyer would come after Kate if she was captured

I thought they wanted Jack because of the tumour, andtthey wanted Kate and Sawyer because of the Others frakked up justice system, and those two were arrested/deported before the plane crashed. It's the Others way of making sure justice continues.
jack wasn't on "jacob's list" and this was said by that guy who was on his way to kill sawyer while ben was in surgery to get his tumor removed.
Oh yeah!
This show is getting ridiculous. I wish it was all over and I could just watch the entire thing on DVD over the weekend. There's too many plot holes.
Stop watching then and buy the DVD/Blu rays in 2010.
No way is the babys birth insignificant.

I also can't see any plot holes in the show so far to be honest.

whats the chances on Jacob being Jack?

everyone in the cabin was related to him

And when we saw a glimse of him he did have a big beard ala Jack the drunk.


Jacob's eye


Jack's eye


Although that's probably grasping at straws.
Locke's encounter with Horace in season 4.

Could Jacob be Sawyer? :eek:

Shit me, watching that, the "he's been waiting for you for a long time" and Sawyers "we wait as long as it takes" for Locke to get back, means that its pretty damn plausible.

But why was Jacob asking Locke for help when he first entered the cabin, that i don't get.

Actually have you got the clip where he finds the pit, i wanna see if LaFleaur's overalls are in there.
ive been watching series 1 and 2 again, but i dont have 3, gotta wait for that to arrive, ffs, i need more LOST
The name Jacob is a variation of the name James, which is Sawyer's name, and Jack.

Relevant? Probably not.
ive been watching series 1 and 2 again, but i dont have 3, gotta wait for that to arrive, ffs, i need more LOST

Series 3 is my favourite so far.
i didnt really like season 3 while it was on TV, watching one episode a week, ill prob like it better watching 4 eps a night
Series 3 is my favourite so far.

Really cause i found 3 to be too slow in developing the story. My least favourite one so far. Series one is my favourite because it all moves at a quick rate and they're just people lost on an island trying to survive, exploring the island.
I did not see the whole time travel, dharma initiative thing coming at all.
In other words, you've watched nearly all of them then. :D

Yeah, it just got too silly for me. They're clearly taking the piss. . .and I'd rather not waste my time watching it. I reckon 10 years from now, they'll mock it. . . finding it absurd that people kept on watching it, despite the huge mess it evolved into. Then again, US TV series have a habit of going insane.
A series can be absurd and still be class. Twin Peaks was absurd to an extent as well. LOST has definitely crossed the line though. In their attempt to wow the fan boys they have produced a lot of inconsistencies.
A series can be absurd and still be class. Twin Peaks was absurd to an extent as well. LOST has definitely crossed the line though. In their attempt to wow the fan boys they have produced a lot of inconsistencies.

Twin peaks was surreal. But it was meant to be. Whereas the writers of Lost just kept(keep) on making things up as they went(go) along. Makes me laugh when I see Lost fans trying to decipher the hidding means. I mean, for feck's sake, not even the writers know. You fecking gimps.
Twin peaks was surreal. But it was meant to be. Whereas the writers of Lost just kept(keep) on making things up as they went(go) along. Makes me laugh when I see Lost fans trying to decipher the hidding means. I mean, for feck's sake, not even the writers know. You fecking gimps.
That much is true. Some people are falling over themselves to prove that write had it planned it all along, when it is quite clear they did not. In fact they wanted to kill off Jack in the first episode, it's the network executives who insisted otherwise. Same with Ben, he was not supposed to last this long but they changed it when the realised that audience liked him.
That much is true. Some people are falling over themselves to prove that write had it planned it all along, when it is quite clear they did not. In fact they wanted to kill off Jack in the first episode, it's the network executives who insisted otherwise. Same with Ben, he was not supposed to last this long but they changed it when the realised that audience liked him.

I'm not too naive to realize they haven't planned it from the start, that much is obvious. I do think that if they tie in things from Season One, i.e Adam & Eve, it is because they figured out how to during the series, not before it began.

However, now they have an end date. Cuse and Lindelof know how it's going to end so no we can say anything from this season and Season 6 will be planned in advance, which hopefully will make good viewing.