L'Oreal sack first transgender model for racism

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Good one. If we called everyone we disagreed with an idiot, you'd have a lot of anger and no solutions. How are you supposed to make people see your point of view if you call them names?
CarolinaRed said more or less the same thing and I addressed him in post #273
CarolinaRed said more or less the same thing and I addressed him in post #273
No, he. UnrelatedPsuedo said it and she agreed when she suggested his contributions to this thread had been some beacon of truth. And I wasn't outright calling her an idiot I was suggesting she might be and for that matter I might be. Perhaps all of us or none of us depending on what you think about the concept of absolute truth.

Edit:- I'm prepared to accept the fact I could be wrong but it seems most people are so set in their thinking they won't even entertain the idea.

Firstly, I'm a he. Secondly I don't agree that racism is over. Thirdly, don't call people names just because they don't agree with you.
Firstly, I'm a he. Secondly I don't agree that racism is over. Thirdly, don't call people names just because they don't agree with you.
Wait what!? I thought I saw you post in a thread about being a she... or had someone in that thread thought you were a she and then you set them straight?

Dammit :wenger:
Seriously, why do you insist on doing this? He's just made a very god point, and you are trying to swerve it. You seem to do that a lot.

So much for being so open minded and prepared to be wrong eh?

No he didn't. He talked about the original source of your grievance which was a little weirdly fixated on her and not her point, but I think mostly he's still in the thread (judging by his quoting me every 2 minutes) to find out whether I agree with her which is irrelevant.
No he didn't. He talked about the original source of your grievance which was a little weirdly fixated on her and not her point, but I think mostly you're still in the thread (judging by your quoting me every 2 minutes) to find out whether I agree with her which is irrelevant.

How is it irrelevant? You were also the one who told someone to answer a question either yes or no because apparantly there can't be a middle ground. So stop dodging the question and answer it.

Do you agree with what she said?
How would you approximate the ethnic make-up of your university?

Looking at some statistics from my university white students make up about 54% of the student population, the next largest is Asian, then Chinese, then Black. It seemed like there was less white people on my course, although granted I can't claim to have sat there and tried to count people by their ethnicity. but I can't seem to find any kind of breakdown by course publicly available, and even then it could have changed, I graduated in 12-13.
Just so we are clear...

I do not condone or agree with saying that all white people are responsible for racial violence.

Nor do I condone or agree with saying that all non-white people are responsible for racial violence.

(See how easy that is)
It's not flip-flopping, it's considering how both eventualities lead to the same conclusion.

You're so wrapped up in your own dogma though. You even went so far to suggest that the HR person in question might have benefited through 'positive discrimination'. (My phrase not yours)

My only point was that in some parts of the world, we're so far past the finish line that we haven't readjusted.

To reiterate: If a black woman accessing whether a white male recruiting two Chinese males and a Malaysian female meets diversity criteria isn't an absolute indication that that battle has been won, I don't know what is. There are loads more to win, but that one there, in that place is settled.

The link was that I, as one single example white male, living that existence, cannot possibly be thrown in with "All white people should acknowledge that they are historical oppressors". It's nutty.

Just one question;

- Do you truly believe that I have to acknowledge anything that some other group of white people did to oppress some other group of people somewhere that I've never been? Is that essential or important to you?
Wait what!? I thought I saw you post in a thread about being a she... or had someone in that thread thought you were a she and then you set them straight?

Dammit :wenger:

:lol: No idea!

and wasn't directly insulting you either if you just read what I wrote.
But it's also possible you've found another idiot who thinks like you?
Either you're calling me an idiot, @UnrelatedPsuedo an idiot, or as I interpreted, both.
He's got you confused with pseudo.

I also later qualified 'Moron' with;

"I used moron loosely. She's an oddball. I actually stand behind and endorse many of the things that she's said elsewhere at other times"

My actual stance is more like "She said some moronic things this time but she's not 100% moron"
Wait what!? I thought I saw you post in a thread about being a she... or had someone in that thread thought you were a she and then you set them straight?

Dammit :wenger:
I'm so hoping you've somehow managed to confuse 2MM with villain. Just for the surreal nature of such.
:lol: Mr "I admit when I'm wrong" is clear as day calling at least one of you an idiot there!

I think that it may be me. But I think I was also labelled female for a page or two.

The daily struggles of a white male. The things I struggle with...
I also later qualified 'Moron' with;

"I used moron loosely. She's an oddball. I actually stand behind and endorse many of the things that she's said elsewhere at other times"

My actual stance is more like "She said some moronic things this time but she's not 100% moron"

Tbf, I'm sure she isn't a complete idiot, she seems to come across reasonably well at times. She even does raise a good point here that people do forget white priviledge is still a huge issue in places.

It's the clear racism that makes her a fool in this case and what she was rightly sacked for. What confuses me is both how that part can be defended by people claiming to want racism wiped out, and why she herself can't just see the error of what she said and apologise.

It all just hurts the fight in a way. And let's be honest, if the whole lot of us and this woman had this conversation down the pub, we'd all be on the same side of the fight against racism. It's just unfortunate some people can't see the point in why this is actually racist in the first place!
:lol: Mr "I admit when I'm wrong" is clear as day calling at least one of you an idiot there!

Yeah it's bizarre to claim otherwise. Although in making his comment so blatantly, then claiming that isn't what he meant at all, it is oddly appropriate for the thread.
I'm so hoping you've somehow managed to confuse 2MM with villain. Just for the surreal nature of such.
:lol: Possibly. I don't know anymore.
I think that it may be me. But I think I was also labelled female for a page or two.

The daily struggles of a white male. The things I struggle with...
Nah, I called 2 Man Midfield a woman. Sorry for the confusion!
I think that it may be me. But I think I was also labelled female for a page or two.

The daily struggles of a white male. The things I struggle with...

Ah whitey problems. I know them well.

Still, considering I'm now realising I'm actually violently racist, I'm going to go punch my black neighbour.

Well I would if he wasn't such a huge lump and gives me some rather excellent whiskey!

Edit: feck it, I might go hit his wife instead. 2 birds and all that...
Yeah it's bizarre to claim otherwise. Although in making his comment so blatantly, then claiming that isn't what he meant at all, it is oddly appropriate for the thread.

I'm just worried he's off writing a whacking long post about how racist I am now. Last time I asked him a yes or no question, I got compared to slave traders! :lol:
Yeah it's bizarre to claim otherwise. Although in making his comment so blatantly, then claiming that isn't what he meant at all, it is oddly appropriate for the thread.

What would have changed in between me supposedly calling you an idiot and then supposedly backtracking to cause that shift? Maybe as the post I referenced you explained, I wasn't doing that in the first place? Don't you think if I was the kind of person to do that I would have done it at some point in my other dozen or so posts in this thread to people who've clearly tried to mask their egregious racism as some historical economic explanation?
Tbf, I'm sure she isn't a complete idiot, she seems to come across reasonably well at times. She even does raise a good point here that people do forget white priviledge is still a huge issue in places.

It's the clear racism that makes her a fool in this case and what she was rightly sacked for. What confuses me is both how that part can be defended by people claiming to want racism wiped out, and why she herself can't just see the error of what she said and apologise.

It all just hurts the fight in a way. And let's be honest, if the whole lot of us and this woman had this conversation down the pub, we'd all be on the same side of the fight against racism. It's just unfortunate some people can't see the point in why this is actually racist in the first place!

Your post pretty much nails it.

"I identify with that person so I'll defend them regardless" is just so bizarre.
I'm just worried he's off writing a whacking long post about how racist I am now. Last time I asked him a yes or no question, I got compared to slave traders! :lol:

If it helps you sign off on this thread for tonight then I honestly don't know or care whether you or your small boys are violent racists.
What would have changed in between me supposedly calling you an idiot and then supposedly backtracking to cause that shift? Maybe as the post I referenced you explained, I wasn't doing that in the first place? Don't you think if I was the kind of person to do that I would have done it at some point in my other dozen or so posts in this thread to people who've clearly tried to mask their egregious racism as some historical economic explanation?

So you in fact did not call anyone an idiot?
If it helps you sign off on this thread for tonight then I honestly don't know or care whether you or your small boys are violent racists.

Yeah, cheers for that. Now can you answer the actual question I asked twice? Pretty please?

Do you agree with what this woman said in the original posts? As in do you condone those words she used?
I used moron loosely. She's an oddball. I actually stand behind and endorse many of the things that she's said eslewhere at other times. Aside from the obvious. I didn't comment in this thread until I'd looked back a few years.

However, she's 30. She should be at an age where she could openly and honestly say "What I said was racist. I'm sorry if I offended people"

A mea culpa would have gone a long way. But from what I've seen, she's only tried to justify what she said and that's always going to be wrong.

It's far too true that people of colour and/or those that identify with her gender status have identified her as "One of ours" and rallied around. That's also wrong. 'The white guy is the problem'... but white people don't engage in anything like the protectionism that we're seeing here.

Every race, sex and gender has the ability to act like a cnut. I'll equally condemn everyone for doing something I feel is wrong no matter what they look like.

We could take all of these comments, from her, charlottesville protesters, antifa activists or anyone that's been recently antagonistic and simply put them on paper as words. Put those words in front of people without giving a face to them and good people come to a quick and fair concensus on what's right and wrong.

Adding the face and narrative is where all the nonsense comes from.

I'm using moron somewhat loosely but not entirely. She's managed to take a subject where it should be really hard for her to get anything but pretty much universal agreement except from another sect of morons and yet she has successfully managed it. She can claim all she wants that what she actually meant was something vastly different to what she actually wrote, but this isn't a case where an accidental word in a sentence has changed the perspective of what she meant. It's pretty damn clear she intended to write exactly what she wrote and the lack of acknowledgement that what she wrote is inherently racist and her attempt to weasle her way out of it by suddenly altering her entire narrative just makes her another piece of shit on a shoe in the collection of racists in my opinion.
So you in fact did not call anyone an idiot?

Correct. I said it's possible, then I went on to explain it's possible I am the idiot and I'm getting this whole thing wrong. The point was that just because you agree with someone who thinks like you doesn't mean you're both right and so merely expressing your agreement is meaningless and doesn't actually add anything to what's being discussed. I'm beyond caring whether you think otherwise because this thread has long passed the stage where it was of any benefit to anybody or any wider discussion.
What would have changed in between me supposedly calling you an idiot and then supposedly backtracking to cause that shift? Maybe as the post I referenced you explained, I wasn't doing that in the first place? Don't you think if I was the kind of person to do that I would have done it at some point in my other dozen or so posts in this thread to people who've clearly tried to mask their egregious racism as some historical economic explanation?
Yeah, that didn't slip past me.

So.. which posters are masking their racism?
Yeah, cheers for that. Now can you answer the actual question I asked twice? Pretty please?

Do you agree with what this woman said in the original posts? As in do you condone those words she used?

She's a moron trying to express a genuine feeling that most people who are affected by the same feeling struggle to articulate. I agree with her general sentiment.
Correct. I said it's possible, then I went on to explain it's possible I am the idiot and I'm getting this whole thing wrong. The point was that just because you agree with someone who thinks like you doesn't mean you're both right and so merely expressing your agreement is meaningless and doesn't actually add anything to what's being discussed. I'm beyond caring whether you think otherwise because this thread has long passed the stage where it was of any benefit to anybody or any wider discussion.
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