Listen to 1000 albums.

I liked a few of the QOTSA tracks, particularly Regular John, but it's one of those albums that just feels too samey for me and I got bored. I really liked Songs For The Deaf, but I've found the rest of their albums to be patchy.
The Replacements - Let It Be


Let It Be - The Replacements - Spotify

Pitchfork review:

Let It Be is widely praised as an independent rock classic and one of the finest albums of the 1980s, but before I started listening to this set, I didn't expect to rate it so highly. I kept thinking of songs that even fans of the record consider insignificant, namely "Tommy Gets His Tonsils Out", the cover of Kiss' "Black Diamond", the near-instrumental "Seen Your Video" and the silly "Gary's Got a Boner". Surely, this was filler.

But the more I listened, the more I realized that all these songs have their place, and each does work on the album that needs doing. Film critics like to speak of emotionally charged moments being "earned" by carefully laid groundwork in character development. The farther Westerberg went out on a limb with songs like "Androgynous" (all of a sudden he's the indie rock Cole Porter, looking out for the shy, arty types that didn't fit in) and "Sixteen Blue" (the ultimate articulation of teenage angst), the more empathy he showed and the more he needed ballast. The dumb songs offer relief and make the ballads hit that much harder. They also rip. It helps that this is the best-sounding record they ever made, and the rockers pummel like never before. The mix is clear; the guitars tear the space in half when they need to and ring clearly when they don't, when they throw in unusual instruments, they work. The six outtakes-- a couple of covers (of T. Rex and, uh, the DeFranco Family featuring Tony DeFranco), and two choice originals-- are strong, but they wouldn't have fit on a record that doesn't waste a note. Let It Be is, in its own way, perfect.
Two albums in one day?

Motorhead are possibly the most overrated metal act ever.
The Replacements - I've been meaning to listen to this album since I was 17 and discovered the Pixies. I read somewhere that two of their biggest influences were Husker Du & The Replacements. Strangely, despite listening to lots of Husker Du since then, I never got round to that Replacements album. Only listened to it once, and there's a couple of throw away tracks that I may skip the next time around, but overall I really liked it. It had a good, slightly chaotic, energy while still retaining both changes in tempo and mood as well as good tunes. Good stuff - now off to google Replacements

Motorhead - Just very...meh. Also be good if we can keep it to one album a day.
Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma


I've been a bit obsessed with this album for a while. The best way to describe it would probably be a 'jazz inspired, electronic, experimental space opera' or something like that. It's basically all over the place in terms of styles which makes repeated listenings necessary really before they all fall into place...and when they do, it's brilliant.

01 - Clock Catcher
02 - Pickled!
03 - Nose Art
04 - Intro/A Cosmic Drama
05 - Zodiac Shit
06 - Computer Face/Pure Being
07 - ...And the World Laughs With You (ft. Thom Yorke)
08 - Arkestry
09 - MmmHmm (ft. Thundercat) great music video
10 - Do the Astral Plane
11 - Satelllliiiiiteee
12 - German Haircut
13 - Recoiled
14 - Dance of the Pseudo Nymph
15 - Drips/Auntie's Harp
16 - Table Tennis (ft. Laura Darlington)
17 - Galaxy In Janaki

It's not on Spotify yet so Youtube links should do OK for now I guess.
Shame it's not on Spotify. I've listened to half the tracks on Youtube and they are pretty good. I just find myself wondering what exactly I'm listening to with music like this - is is a live female operatic vocal, did he get a string section in, or is it a sample, etc?
Death In Vegas - Dead Elvis


1. "All That Glitters" – 6:34
2. "Opium Shuffle" – 5:02
3. "GBH" – 5:09
4. "Twist and Crawl" – 4:59
5. "Dirt" – 5:52
6. "Rocco" – 6:34
7. "Rekkit" – 6:27
8. "I Spy" – 4:58
9. "Amber" – 8:07
10. "Rematerialised" – 8:21
11. "68 Balcony" – 5:07
12. "Sly" – 3:33

Dead Elvis - Death In Vegas - Spotify

Amazon review:
"A milestone in the evolution of British big beat, Dead Elvis shunned the speed, cocaine and amyl nitrate-inspired sounds of its peers for music that suggested the effects of opium or barbiturates. Not that there's anything sluggish about it; rather, it's heavy-lidded and dosed with dub for a profoundly narcotic effect. It's hard to pick stand-outs from a record of such overall high quality, but "Dirt", with its abrasive guitars smeared across a juddering bassline and a bowel-quake of a drumbeat, is truly a thing deserving of awe. "GBH" also does a fair job of living up to its title, in a lively two-step kind of way; and the overtly psychedelic "Rekkit" and "Rocco" probably sound just as good, and much the same, played backwards."

A couple of videos from YouTube:

Bit of a random choice this but I was listening to it earlier today and decided it was a very underrated album (also I couldn't find a couple of other things I wanted to post on Spotify!). It was their first and best album. A mishmash of electronic styles from big beat to ambient to dub reggae - I rate every track and never understood why this album is not better remembered.
Album 39: Queens of the Stone Age by Queens of the Stone Age

1998 - Queens of the Stone Age.rar -

Spotify's not available in Ireland and as far as I can tell Last FM only has snippets of tracks, so you'll have to make do with a download link. It's well worth it though!

A taster:

Thanks for the post. This was the only Queens album I hadn't heard or owned. I like a couple of the tracks but I haven't had time for a proper listen yet.
Shame it's not on Spotify. I've listened to half the tracks on Youtube and they are pretty good. I just find myself wondering what exactly I'm listening to with music like this - is is a live female operatic vocal, did he get a string section in, or is it a sample, etc?

The most common version of it on various despicable sites is mistagged and not the final version, might be why it's not on Spotify yet.
Been away for a few days and now fallen seriously behind...

Just listened to Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire - Thrills album, pretty decent. There's a couple of really nice tracks in there, but they do seem to get lost amongst a fair bit of filler. There was an instrumental in there somewhere which just seemed to be completely out of place. Well worth a listen overall though.
Listened to a couple more albums...

Duke Special: Started well, I enjoyed the first 2 or 3 songs and then don't know what happened. By about track 5 I'd become totally distracted so tried again, same thing happened. Works fine as background music, but trying to really listen to and enjoy it was a boring process.

Amandou & Miriam: There's lots of elements I like here, but overall it's all a bit... flat. The songs are quite lively but never really get beyond that initial burst. There is a lot to like there, but nothing to love. Nothing that really grabs me. Last track was quite good though.
Death In Vegas - heard this one a fair bit when it came out. It's ok if you like that kind of thing, doesn't really excite me though.
Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma


I've been a bit obsessed with this album for a while. The best way to describe it would probably be a 'jazz inspired, electronic, experimental space opera' or something like that. It's basically all over the place in terms of styles which makes repeated listenings necessary really before they all fall into place...and when they do, it's brilliant.

01 - Clock Catcher
02 - Pickled!
03 - Nose Art
04 - Intro/A Cosmic Drama
05 - Zodiac Shit
06 - Computer Face/Pure Being
07 - ...And the World Laughs With You (ft. Thom Yorke)
08 - Arkestry
09 - MmmHmm (ft. Thundercat) great music video
10 - Do the Astral Plane
11 - Satelllliiiiiteee
12 - German Haircut
13 - Recoiled
14 - Dance of the Pseudo Nymph
15 - Drips/Auntie's Harp
16 - Table Tennis (ft. Laura Darlington)
17 - Galaxy In Janaki

It's not on Spotify yet so Youtube links should do OK for now I guess.

What a fantastically profound album, it's almost as if Dark Side of the Moon woke up on the other side of the Universe, it's enigmatic and joyful and yet subdues your mood into a state of isolation, quite literally it takes a hold on your emotions and swings them any which way you want. I seriously want to listen to this whilst intoxicated, I'm going to buy it right now.
Rood - is that Ranking Roger on Twist and Crawl? The album was quite good actually, I was more of a Mo Wax head than Big Beat but some decent tunes on it.

I need to pick up the FlyLo at some point, been a fan of his since the 1983 album and he's one of the best dj/live acts I've ever seen.
Death In Vegas - heard this one a fair bit when it came out. It's ok if you like that kind of thing, doesn't really excite me though.

The funny thing is that, even among people who do like that kind of thing, 'Dead Elvis' doesnt get much praise when I think it is right up there with the best of 90s electronic stuff.

Rood - is that Ranking Roger on Twist and Crawl? The album was quite good actually, I was more of a Mo Wax head than Big Beat but some decent tunes on it.

I need to pick up the FlyLo at some point, been a fan of his since the 1983 album and he's one of the best dj/live acts I've ever seen.

Yes it is! 'Twist&Crawl' is actually a cover/remix of track from The Beat - managed to find the original:
YouTube - The Beat "Twist And Crawl" (12" version)

I've still got a fair bit of Mo Wax stuff as well - could be worth posting some of that stuff here but it is difficult to work out what stuff people on here will and wont know already - I assume most will already a classic like 'Endtroducing' for example.

I would have a listen to F Lotus but it seems like way too much effort to listen to an album via youtube! I have only listened to stuff here that was on spotify even though I had hardly ever used it before this thread
You & Me - The Walkmen - Spotify


1. "Dónde está la playa" – 3:55
2. "Flamingos" (for Colbert) – 1:11
3. "On the Water" – 3:10
4. "In the New Year" – 4:22
5. "Seven Years of Holidays" (for Stretch) – 3:40
6. "Postcards from Tiny Islands" – 4:04
7. "Red Moon" – 4:02
8. "Canadian Girl" – 4:05
9. "Four Provinces" – 4:02
10. "Long Time Ahead of Us" – 3:47
11. "The Blue Route" – 4:26
12. "New Country" – 3:44
13. "I Lost You" – 3:32
14. "If Only It Were True" – 3:07

The fourth album by The Walkmen, and the most accessible, showing some world influences and increased maturity in songwriting. The production is fantastic, it has a real analog quality to it that I miss in a lot of modern rock.
You & Me - The Walkmen - Spotify


1. "Dónde está la playa" – 3:55
2. "Flamingos" (for Colbert) – 1:11
3. "On the Water" – 3:10
4. "In the New Year" – 4:22
5. "Seven Years of Holidays" (for Stretch) – 3:40
6. "Postcards from Tiny Islands" – 4:04
7. "Red Moon" – 4:02
8. "Canadian Girl" – 4:05
9. "Four Provinces" – 4:02
10. "Long Time Ahead of Us" – 3:47
11. "The Blue Route" – 4:26
12. "New Country" – 3:44
13. "I Lost You" – 3:32
14. "If Only It Were True" – 3:07

The fourth album by The Walkmen, and the most accessible, showing some world influences and increased maturity in songwriting. The production is fantastic, it has a real analog quality to it that I miss in a lot of modern rock.

It's pretty good. I'd prefer it if it had "The Rat" on it, but it's still good. I saw them open for Kings of Leon last year.
Today's album is by Pop Will Eat Itself. I was gonna post Dos Dedos Mis Amigos, but seeing as it's not on spotify, I give you The Looks or the Lifestyle instead.

Pop Will Eat Itself – The Looks Or The Lifestyle/New Midprice Version

  1. "England's Finest"
  2. "Eat Me Drink Me Love Me Kill Me"
  3. "Mother"
  4. "Get The Girl + Kill The Baddies"
  5. "I've Always Been a Coward, Baby"
  6. "Token Drug Song"
  7. "Karmadrome"
  8. "Urban Futuristic"
  9. "Pretty Pretty"
  10. "I Was A Teenage Grandad"
  11. "Harry Dean Stanton"
  12. "Bulletproof!"
Malcolm Middleton: Into The Woods (2005)


someone's download

Personal favourites bolded:

1. Break My Heart (4:14)
2. Devastation (3:23)
3. Loneliness Shines (4:19)
4. No Modest Bear (2:27)
5. Monday Night Nothing (3:27)
6. Bear With Me (6:08)
7. A Happy Medium (3:01)
8. Autumn (3:44)
9. Burst Noel (2:46)
10. Choir (4:54)
11. Solemn Thirsty (5:15)
12. A New Heart (2:51)

Malcolm used to be half of Scottish arch-miserablists Arab Strap, he was the balding ginger guy who played guitar and didn't sing. Then they broke up, and to everyone's surprise (mine at least) it turned out he was also a damned fine singer-songwriter.
He's still very Scottish, and he's still very miserable, but he's also a bloody good song writer. Little vignettes of self-loathing, loss and lonely heartbreak. He's not a happy man, the opening line (and repeated refrain) of "A Happy Medium" is "woke up again today, realised I hate myself, my face is a disease", even though the song itself sounds fairly upbeat and poppy with it's fast tinny drumbeat. Elsewhere there's the wry misery of a Christmas spent alone ("Burst Noel" - "when good King Wenceslas looked out, everything was fecked and I was just about, to carve the turkey and watch Eastenders, 'cause they're my friends and my friends are strangers now"), and one of my favourite lines in any love song from "Devastation"; "I'm sorry for the silence, I'm sorry for the noise, you know I'll make it up to you with a million steak McCoys". It's a great album, not a happy one, but not as depressing as the lyrics would have you believe - no more despair.
Continuing my attempt at catching up, listened to Peeping Tom, and really didn't enjoy it. Was a tough listen and, one of two tracks aside, there was nothing that I have any desire to hear again. Not for me.
Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the Peeping Tom album, despite some good guests on the album I was very underwhelmed. The mixture of styles (and I guess guests) never gelled, and in too many places Patton's attempt to combine his more "metal" vocals with pop or hip-hop ended up sounding like Limp Bizkit. A shame because (based on Patton's back catalogue and the guests) it could have been a lot better
Definitely agree on the varying styles not mixing, it felt more like I had my iPod on shuffle at times. I've not every listened to anything of his before, so I'm assuming this was a bad introduction.

Just finished The Replacements 'Let It Be', which I enjoyed a lot more. Didn't think it was anything special, mind, and it was very of its time, but an enjoyable listen nonetheless.
I also had a few listens to Peeping Tom - I wanted to like it because it had so many people that i rate involved in the project (rahzel, dan the automator, amon tobin, kool keith, kid koala etc) but apart from a couple of tracks it was a big disappointment.
I read that a lot of the tracks were put together through email and that Patton has never even met some of the guest artists - that explains a lot.

Listened to The Replacements as well - this is an album that a couple of people have recommended to me in the past but it didnt do anything for me - just sounded like average 70s rock music of which I can think of much better examples, although I will admit that this is not a favored era of mine anyway.

Have had a quick go of The Walkmen - interesting enough for me to want to listen a bit more.
Can't agree with the comments about Peeping Tom. I think the album is class (I am a little bit biased when it comes to Mike Patton though)

Anyhoo, each to their own and all that bollocks.
fair enough - never heard of them and have no idea what to expect - will give it a listen right now

Edit: Completely unexpectedly I actually quite liked it - psychadelic!
Album 40: Peeping Tom

Spotify link Peeping Tom – Peeping Tom

A side project by the great Mike Patton. I could have picked anything that he's involved in, utter genius.

Track listing

  1. "Five Seconds" (featuring Odd Nosdam) – 4:20
  2. "Mojo" (featuring Rahzel and Dan The Automator) – 3:40
  3. "Don't Even Trip" (featuring Amon Tobin) – 5:46
  4. "Getaway" (featuring Kool Keith) – 3:22
  5. "Your Neighborhood Spaceman" (featuring Jel and Odd Nosdam) – 5:45
  6. "Kill the DJ" (featuring Massive Attack) – 4:09
  7. "Caipirinha" (featuring Bebel Gilberto) – 2:46
  8. "Celebrity Death Match" (featuring Kid Koala) – 3:42
  9. "How U Feelin?" (featuring Doseone) – 2:44
  10. "Sucker" (featuring Norah Jones) – 2:33
  11. "We're Not Alone" (remix) (featuring Dub Trio) – 5:10
Edit: for some reason I can't post images :confused:
Listened to this a few days back and didn't really feel it, it was ok and I'd listen to it again but I think I went into it with high expectations with the promise of genius and the fact it features people like massive attack and rahzel but it felt a little thrown together or something, just never clicked.
Don't know how well known they are or if any of you will even like it but I love this album at the minute.

Album 2: Brothers by The Black Keys

Spotify link: Brothers - The Black Keys - Spotify

I'd have called this album 'the good, the bad and the ugly', it had some good stuff on it (the bluesier stuff) but I felt when they veered away from that they lost their way a bit. I'll definitely listen again to it though so maybe it will grow on me.
A track from this album just came on my iTunes on shuffle, so thought I might as well post it. Really enjoyed this when it first came out.

Seth Lakeman - Kitty Jay

Spotify link

This one didn't get all that great feedback in this thread but I must admit I quite enjoyed it. It was perfect background music that will just sit there and not disturb your concentration while you work or read etc. Nothing really stood out on it and that is probably where part of the criticism comes from but for a nice relaxing listen this is not bad at all. He looks a bit of a douche though.
Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma


I've been a bit obsessed with this album for a while. The best way to describe it would probably be a 'jazz inspired, electronic, experimental space opera' or something like that. It's basically all over the place in terms of styles which makes repeated listenings necessary really before they all fall into place...and when they do, it's brilliant.

01 - Clock Catcher
02 - Pickled!
03 - Nose Art
04 - Intro/A Cosmic Drama
05 - Zodiac Shit
06 - Computer Face/Pure Being
07 - ...And the World Laughs With You (ft. Thom Yorke)
08 - Arkestry
09 - MmmHmm (ft. Thundercat) great music video
10 - Do the Astral Plane
11 - Satelllliiiiiteee
12 - German Haircut
13 - Recoiled
14 - Dance of the Pseudo Nymph
15 - Drips/Auntie's Harp
16 - Table Tennis (ft. Laura Darlington)
17 - Galaxy In Janaki

It's not on Spotify yet so Youtube links should do OK for now I guess.

I've had this album for a while now and I love it, highly recommend everyone give it a go.
Just heard these guys for the first time a few mins ago, gonna listen to bthe whole album now, join me.

Tame Impala


Tame Impala - Spotify

Listened to this last night before bed and I didn't like it at all until the final track. The vocals reminded me of some of The Beatles stuff which possibly distracted me but I found my mind wandering to other things and hoping the songs would hurry up and finish.
This one didn't get all that great feedback in this thread but I must admit I quite enjoyed it. It was perfect background music that will just sit there and not disturb your concentration while you work or read etc. Nothing really stood out on it and that is probably where part of the criticism comes from but for a nice relaxing listen this is not bad at all. He looks a bit of a douche though.

I forgot to comment on Seth Lakeman - he is someone I had heard of but never listened to before.
Found out a couple of weeks ago that he was the support at a gig I was going to so I had a listen and thought the album was ok but generally a bit weak.
Then I saw him live a couple of days ago and he actually went up massively in my estimations - a very talented bloke, but ye I agree he does look 'a bit of douche'!