Listen to 1000 albums.

Right I've had a listen to a few of the recent albums ...

I'm pretty sure I have seen this lot live at some point, either as support or at a festival, but never actually listened to a full album before.
Did like some tracks but it didn't really grab me as a album - did notice some people rating it highly so it could be a grower?

Didn't like this at all - just can't get into that country music sound.

Explosions In The Sky - Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Live Forever (2001)

This is more up my street, only had a quick listen so far - I like the instrumental stuff but hadn't come across this lot before so will check it all out.
I had thought about posting 65daysofstatic (not sure how well they are known?) on here but I never seem to be about at midnight!

and just to add that I think it is cool to post more well known stuff like Neil Young etc as I'm sure there will be many who havent heard it (i.e. me!)
Enjoyed the Neil Young, have listened to odd bits of him before (including Cinnamon Girl), but never that album.

Andrew Bird is someone I've just never managed to get into, this was no different - he just always strikes me as someone who's... almost trying to hard to be a little bit kooky or off-beat.
Right Im posting something here so everyone else can feck off while I sort it out !
Album 37: Duke Special - Songs From the Deep Forest


Released: 2 Jun 2008
23 tracks
(89:18) link: Songs From The Deep Forest – Duke Special – Listen and discover music at
Right Im posting something here so everyone else can feck off while I sort it out !

:lol: I've been sorting it out since 23:58. Sorry! I can delete it and reserve my spot for tomorrow... or you could.:p
:lol: I've been sorting it out since 23:58. Sorry! I can delete it and reserve my spot for tomorrow... or you could.:p

:lol: FFS! well you sorted it before me so leave it be.
I will try again tomorrow as I wasn't really ready anyway !
I tried the Neil Young and it didn't really grab me. He's one of those artists I just haven't really been able to get into other than the odd song here and there.

The Andrew Bird sounds like a poor man's Tom Waits. Some of the backing is really good though, especially the strings.
Started listening to the Duke Special, wasn't impressed, googled them (or him as it turns out) and his wiki' makes him sounds a lot more interesting than his actual music.

It's very musical (as in musical films or theatre)/theatrical stuff, reminds me of a very sub-par Divine Comedy, with none of Neil Hanlon's wit or charm. Far too "easy-listening", and for a style where the focus is so upon the vocals his lyrics were awfully insipid.

Sorry Cold Zebra (I always feel bad when I criticise someone else's musical taste), but not for me.
Nothing I can do. Just something slightly different I thought may appeal to some. Was never going to satisfy the tastes of everyone. Cheers for giving it a go though.
Going through some old ones

fecking burndogg

Okay here we go,

Album 8

Blind Melon - Nico

LastFM: Nico – Blind Melon – Discover music at
Spotify: Nico - Blind Melon - Spotify

Blind Melon - No Rain

One of my favourite bands. They have it all going for them, including the obligatory prematurely dead frontman.​

Not really enjoying this one too much. As you say they have everything going for them but I just can't get into them at all, it all seems a bit meh and Zeppelin light. I'm on track 9 now and it's the first song that I've actually felt grabbed to pay any attention to.
Album 17: The Stage Names by Okkervil River

Spotify link: The Stage Names by Okkervil River

Genre: Indie Rock
Release Date: August 07, 2007
Running Time: 41:46

Track list:

1. Our Life Is Not a Movie or Maybe - 4:23
2. Unless It's Kicks - 4:38
3. A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene - 3:59
4. Savannah Smiles - 3:38
5. Plus Ones - 3:43
6. A Girl in Port - 6:36
7. You Can't Hold the Hand of a Rock and Roll Man - 4:53
8. Title Track - 5:22
9. John Allyn Smith Sails - 4:33

The ones in bold are my personal favourites, although the album really is consistently strong from start to finish.

Liking this one. A girl in port and John Allyn Smith Sails were highlights for me although I enjoyed the whole thing. Definitely going to listen again to this one, cheers Easy V.
Rood, you putting something up tonight?

If not, I've got something pretty cool.
Yes I have got something for tonight - have chosen an artist and just deciding which of 3 albums to post. I've tried to go for something a bit different to anything else so far ...
Album 38: Amadou & Mariam - Welcome To Mali (2008)


Welcome To Mali - Amadou & Mariam - Spotify

Youtube taster video:

"Amadou & Mariam are a musical duo from Mali, composed of the couple Amadou Bagayoko (guitar and vocals) (born in Bamako 24 October 1954) and Mariam Doumbia (vocals) (born in Bamako 15 April 1958). The pair, known as "the blind couple from Mali" met at Mali's Institute for the Young Blind, and found they shared an interest in music..."

CD: World review: Amadou & Mariam, Welcome to Mali | Music | The Observer

Pitchfork: Album Reviews: Amadou & Mariam: Welcome to Mali
Welcome to Mali is a good one, though the track you posted is completely out of place on the album. This is my favourite:

I preferred the album before - Dimanche a Bamako which was a little less westernised, but even then it was more odd tracks than the whole album.

Lots of great world music reissues out recently if you want to dig a little deeper, Soundway have been releasing some amazing Latin American comps, and there is a brilliant double cd retrospective of Youssou N'Dour's first group - Etoile de Dakar (Once Upon A Time In Senegal - Th? - Etoile De Dakar - Spotify) that is brilliant (nothing like what you'd expect if you judged him on his recent output).
Had to listen to these five times a day when I worked in the specialities dept at HMV.

So do you hate them now due to being forced to listen to it all day? :lol:

I decided to post their most recent and most accessible album because I know many people struggle to listen to stuff that isn't in English - for those who already know Welcome To Mali, it is worth checking out this which is a compilation of their best stuff before they became known outside of Africa:
The Magic Couple - Amadou & Mariam - Spotify
So do you hate them now due to being forced to listen to it all day? :lol:

I decided to post their most recent and most accessible album because I know many people struggle to listen to stuff that isn't in English - for those who already know Welcome To Mali, it is worth checking out this which is a compilation of their best stuff before they became known outside of Africa:
The Magic Couple - Amadou & Mariam - Spotify

Not especially, but that kind of thing can take the magic out of any music. I was not much of a fan in the first place though, it's just not really my kind of thing.

I prefer Ali Farka Touré's stuff if we are comparing Mali musicians.
Album 38: Amadou & Mariam - Welcome To Mali (2008)


Welcome To Mali - Amadou & Mariam - Spotify

Youtube taster video:

"Amadou & Mariam are a musical duo from Mali, composed of the couple Amadou Bagayoko (guitar and vocals) (born in Bamako 24 October 1954) and Mariam Doumbia (vocals) (born in Bamako 15 April 1958). The pair, known as "the blind couple from Mali" met at Mali's Institute for the Young Blind, and found they shared an interest in music..."

CD: World review: Amadou & Mariam, Welcome to Mali | Music | The Observer

Pitchfork: Album Reviews: Amadou & Mariam: Welcome to Mali

Had me in tears, :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Amadou & Mariam are very nice. Not something I tend to put on myself though, but if someone else does I generally enjoy it.
Album 30: Sigur Ros - Takk

sigur_ros-takk-frontal1.jpg Link: Takk... – Sigur Rós – Discover music at

Release Date: 13/09/2005
Genre: Post-Rock (apparently)
Running Time: 65:37

1 Takk... 1:58
2 Glósóli 6:16
3 Hoppípolla 4:29
4 Með Blóðnas 2:17
5 Sé Lest 8:41
6 Saeglópur 7:40
7 Mílanó 10:26
8 Gong 5:34
9 Andvari 6:41
10 Svo Hljótt 7:25
11 Heysátan 4:10

Was tossing up between this and Agaetis Byrjun as my introduction to Sigur Ros, and ended up choosing this one as the reviews I read seemed to suggest that this is their most accessible album.

I'm glad I did, it's a magnificent record. Hoppipolla is an amazing track, but really they're all superb aren't they? It's all very complex, involved stuff and you probably need to listen closely and have a trained musical ear to appreciate it fully, but I thought it was pretty fecking brilliant just hearing it in the background while I did some work.
Welcome to Mali is a good one, though the track you posted is completely out of place on the album. This is my favourite:

I posted that one (Sabali) because it was the only one I found with a proper video - it also happens to be a track that Damon Albarn produced which is why it is quite different to the rest.

Here is a couple of random things I found on youtube for anyone who is interested:
Amadou&Mariam with Damon Albarn interview
BBC Electric Proms - Afrika Express

I preferred the album before - Dimanche a Bamako which was a little less westernised, but even then it was more odd tracks than the whole album...

'Dimanche a Bamako' was the album which first got me onto Amadou&Mariam - basically due to the fact that Man Utd Chao was involved. I thought about posting that but I feel that 'Welcome To Mali' is a much more varied and polished album (production wise) - you are right that it is also more 'westernised' and for that reason I thought it might appeal to those who dont usually listen to much world or African music.

Not especially, but that kind of thing can take the magic out of any music. I was not much of a fan in the first place though, it's just not really my kind of thing.

I prefer Ali Farka Touré's stuff if we are comparing Mali musicians.

I find it strange that you say it is not your type of thing but then you like other similar Afropop artists like the stuff you mention above. Maybe you would prefer their older stuff? Or you don't like Mariam's vocals?
I don't like any them as such, I just prefered listening to Toure (when I was forced to by circumstances of work) than Amadou and Mariam.
'Dimanche a Bamako' was the album which first got me onto Amadou&Mariam - basically due to the fact that Man Utd Chao was involved. I thought about posting that but I feel that 'Welcome To Mali' is a much more varied and polished album (production wise) - you are right that it is also more 'westernised' and for that reason I thought it might appeal to those who dont usually listen to much world or African music.

They do seem to have crossover appeal and have had quite a lot of coverage.

I find it strange that you say it is not your type of thing but then you like other similar Afropop artists like the stuff you mention above. Maybe you would prefer their older stuff? Or you don't like Mariam's vocals?

Ali Farka Toure (eg Red & Green - Ali Farka Touré - Spotify) and others are more stripped down desert blues and not really pop like Amadou & Miriam.
Ye that is fair comment - they are more 'pop'

BTW I had a listen to Etoile De Dakar - pretty good
Heard it loads of times. My mates love them, but I don't really understand the appeal. Decent enough, mind.

For some reason this is the only album by them that is not on Spotify.
Album 39: Queens of the Stone Age by Queens of the Stone Age

1998 - Queens of the Stone Age.rar -

Spotify's not available in Ireland and as far as I can tell Last FM only has snippets of tracks, so you'll have to make do with a download link. It's well worth it though!

Awesome album and worth a few quid too. If you have a copy of this, it's probably worth close to £100, double or more on vinyl.
Album 40: Peeping Tom

Spotify link Peeping Tom – Peeping Tom

A side project by the great Mike Patton. I could have picked anything that he's involved in, utter genius.

Track listing

  1. "Five Seconds" (featuring Odd Nosdam) – 4:20
  2. "Mojo" (featuring Rahzel and Dan The Automator) – 3:40
  3. "Don't Even Trip" (featuring Amon Tobin) – 5:46
  4. "Getaway" (featuring Kool Keith) – 3:22
  5. "Your Neighborhood Spaceman" (featuring Jel and Odd Nosdam) – 5:45
  6. "Kill the DJ" (featuring Massive Attack) – 4:09
  7. "Caipirinha" (featuring Bebel Gilberto) – 2:46
  8. "Celebrity Death Match" (featuring Kid Koala) – 3:42
  9. "How U Feelin?" (featuring Doseone) – 2:44
  10. "Sucker" (featuring Norah Jones) – 2:33
  11. "We're Not Alone" (remix) (featuring Dub Trio) – 5:10
Edit: for some reason I can't post images :confused:
I listened to and gave up on Peeping Tom long ago (as one of many much hyped Patton projects, I'm no fan), but seeing Doseone (and other characters from anticon) in the list of contributors tricked me into giving a couple of the songs another listen. Don't like.

QOTSA is not for me.