But he hasn't. Ronaldo has played in other leagues. Either way when you move past qualifications where both teams have had no trouble.. Argentina go up against Brazil & who else? Mexico? Chile?
Portugal have to go up against Germany, Italy, England, Spain etc etc.
Why you lot get very defensive about hm is very weird.
Argentina only has qualifications for the world cup, but in those qualifications they always have to play against Brazil, and then as you said they face Chile, Uruguay, Colombia or Paraguay, squads that have potential to be QF's every world cup, then you have Venezuela, Ecuador or Bolivia, those teams are no pushovers if you count the fact that when you play in Bolivia you'll do it in La Paz, 3k meters above sea level.
Portugal have 2 qualifiers for both WC and EC, but seed system will almost guarantee they don't play another superpower in that stage, and at worst they'll end up with one team on their level and another challenger, they faced Albania, Denmark, Serbia and Armenia in their EC qualifyers, you think any of those teams would challenge Urugua, Chile or Colombia? I don't think so, not even Bolivia in their stadium.
If we go to the 2014 qualifying Portugal faced Russia, Israel, Azerbaijan, Northern Ireland and Luxembourg and still had to go to the second round against Sweden, you're saying those teams are stronger than the south american ones?

. I'd like to see the Messi hating arguments if Argentina failed to lead that group.
As I have to say everytime here, I'm being defensive with him because people are telling half the story in both ends of this debate to look for a comparison that should be off the table. I wouldn't compare Luis Suarez whole career to Cristiano, even if he managed to score more 2 or 3 seasons, so what I don't get is why people have to bring up Cristiano anytime people talk about Messi, he has the same reason to be at his level as Gerd Müller had to be with Pelé and Maradona, yet I've never seen in my life anyone bringing Müller to those heights and we're constantly reminded of Ronaldo when someone mentions Messi