LGBT issues in Football changed its perimeter advertising inside the stadium to rainbow colours. As long as somebody pays them, UEFA seems to be fine.

Edit: Volkswagen did also.
Sure, the fans holding the banner, players on the pitch, other fans at home are all the same.

That's not what people are saying though is it? Painting the entire country with the same brush just because of the views of what hopefully is a minority is obviously wrong, but I'm pretty sure most people who are happy that Hungary are out feels that way because of the Hungarian fans who have publicly shown themselves to be massive bellends + that whole u18 thing, not because they think every Hungarian on the planet shares those views.
That's not what people are saying though is it? Painting the entire country with the same brush just because of the views of what hopefully is a minority is obviously wrong, but I'm pretty sure most people who are happy that Hungary are out feels that way because of the Hungarian fans who have publicly shown themselves to be massive bellends + that whole u18 thing, not because they think every Hungarian on the planet shares those views.
Yeah, same as when England get knocked out. My silver lining will be the schadenfreude from seeing all the knee-booers weeping into their beers.
Tik Tok, Heineken, Volkswagen and Booking have all had rainbow themed billboard ads today. You love to see it!
Tik Tok, Heineken, Volkswagen and Booking have all had rainbow themed billboard ads today. You love to see it!

Rainbow Capitalism

Thank you corporate Daddies who definitely aren't just pandering based on whatever is societally and therefore commercially profitable.
Rainbow Capitalism

Thank you corporate Daddies who definitely aren't just pandering based on whatever is societally and therefore commercially profitable.
Fair point. But it's better than getting a silent response to the recent controversy. That would have also been a Capitalist strategy by choosing to keep out of the debate. Indeed, Gazprom and Qatar Air both had billboard ads without any rainbow colours.

Even if it's cynical, it's still awareness in a forum that otherwise lacks it. I'm not going to be upset that somebody profitting from it because it still helps representation in some small way.
Yes it’s called CSR and it’s been happening for decades. Who is harmed by this?

Well, let’s start with the people some of these corporations are exploiting, the environment they are damaging, the taxes they are depriving, etc etc. Pinkwashing is a serious problem and a lot of corporations are guilty of it. There are many benefits that come with throwing yourself on the bandwagon of the popular sentiment of the day. Which is why everyone from Israel to airlines decide to become moral champions of issues such as these.
Well, let’s start with the people some of these corporations are exploiting, the environment they are damaging, the taxes they are depriving, etc etc. Pinkwashing is a serious problem and a lot of corporations are guilty of it. There are many benefits that come with throwing yourself on the bandwagon of the popular sentiment of the day. Which is why everyone from Israel to airlines decide to become moral champions of issues such as these.
Yes thank you that was very enlightening. Until this very moment I thought corporations do these things solely out of the goodness of their heart. :lol:
The real serious problem however. is violence and discrimination against LGBTQ around the world, and some of the bile spewed above is just a not so clever attempt to oppose bringing attention to the problem. Luckily, corporations will continue to help raise awareness, because what you refer to so condescendingly as jumping on a bandwagon is people demanding an end to the mistreatment of fellow human beings. Social constructs do not change over night and require a long term collaborative effort, which we are in the process of. Hope you’re enjoying it.
Yes thank you that was very enlightening. Until this very moment I thought corporations do these things solely out of the goodness of their heart. :lol:
The real serious problem however. is violence and discrimination against LGBTQ around the world, and some of the bile spewed above is just a not so clever attempt to oppose bringing attention to the problem. Luckily, corporations will continue to help raise awareness, because what you refer to so condescendingly as jumping on a bandwagon is people demanding an end to the mistreatment of fellow human beings. Social constructs do not change over night and require a long term collaborative effort, which we are in the process of. Hope you’re enjoying it.

My post was to the point. It is yours that comes across as condescending. You failed to address the only point my post raised, which is the fact that pink washing is a serious issue that can have big consequences when looking at the bigger picture and it needs to be taken seriously.

Enjoy the process? No. I do however find it fascinating to see that people believe this process is something unique in human history. Spoiler alert: it’s not. Humans have always had a tug of war over what is right and wrong. Includes issues such as these. Read a history book. You might learn something valuable.
My post was to the point. It is yours that comes across as condescending. You failed to address the only point my post raised, which is the fact that pink washing is a serious issue that can have big consequences when looking at the bigger picture and it needs to be taken seriously.

Enjoy the process? No. I do however find it fascinating to see that people believe this process is something unique in human history. Spoiler alert: it’s not. Humans have always had a tug of war over what is right and wrong. Includes issues such as these. Read a history book. You might learn something valuable.
I didn’t fail to address them, I just think they’re a boogeyman perpetuated by bigots stamping their feet so I ignored them in the vein one ignores a 5 year old child throwing a tantrum. As amusing as your attempts to educate are to me, I do know history, and I know the difference between a tug of war over what is right and wrong, and what is plainly wrong. Homophobia is plainly wrong, and your attempts to validate it by calling it a difference of opinion are useless.
I didn’t fail to address them, I just think they’re a boogeyman perpetuated by bigots stamping their feet so I ignored them in the vein one ignores a 5 year old child throwing a tantrum. As amusing as your attempts to educate are to me, I do know history, and I know the difference between a tug of war over what is right and wrong, and what is plainly wrong. Homophobia is plainly wrong, and your attempts to validate it by calling it a difference of opinion are useless.
Everyone here is supporting the efforts to drive out homophobia, but not all a so quick to applaud massively corrupt companies such as VW trying to paint themselves as good guys.
Everyone here is supporting the efforts to drive out homophobia, but not all a so quick to applaud massively corrupt companies such as VW trying to paint themselves as good guys.
Again I don’t need to be taught how corporations operate. I’m fully aware they do nothing unless something is in it for them, but what they do serves the cause.
I didn’t fail to address them, I just think they’re a boogeyman perpetuated by bigots stamping their feet so I ignored them in the vein one ignores a 5 year old child throwing a tantrum. As amusing as your attempts to educate are to me, I do know history, and I know the difference between a tug of war over what is right and wrong, and what is plainly wrong. Homophobia is plainly wrong, and your attempts to validate it by calling it a difference of opinion are useless.
No, you failed to address them. If you don’t have a good argument to produce it is better not to reply than to make up counter arguments to points nobody has made. Just makes you look bad, or should I say, like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.
I’m fully aware they do nothing unless something is in it for them, but what they do serves the cause.

Could it be that...there are...shades or degrees to things...?

That things aren't 100% black or white?

No. Surely not. Too complicated, feck that.
No, you failed to address them. If you don’t have a good argument to produce it is better not to reply than to make up counter arguments to points nobody has made. Just makes you look bad, or should I say, like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.
People are persecuted all over the world, being disowned by their families, being physically harmed, and what has you up in arms is that big corporations have ulterior motives. That’s who you are, and shame on me for continuing to entertain you when I don’t actually take you and your little stand against corporations seriously whatsoever.
Could it be that...there are...shades or degrees to things...?

That things aren't 100% black or white?

No. Surely not. Too complicated, feck that.
There is nothing grey about homophobia and the persecution of LGBTQ. If you’re so bothered by a rainbow flag on a bottle of water or whatever the feck has you up in arms, you have the option of not buying it. Do gay men in Brazil have the option of not being beaten to death if the wrong person or people find out? Common decency is 100% black and white.
Well, let’s start with the people some of these corporations are exploiting, the environment they are damaging, the taxes they are depriving, etc etc. Pinkwashing is a serious problem and a lot of corporations are guilty of it. There are many benefits that come with throwing yourself on the bandwagon of the popular sentiment of the day. Which is why everyone from Israel to airlines decide to become moral champions of issues such as these.

So gay people should not be supported publicly by organisations or companies until the entire capitalist system is over thrown or at least until thorough audit of these individuals and groups reveal no actions or behaviours have been undertaken that are ethically questionable from pollution to leaving an unflushed poo in someone’s downstairs toilet?
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.
I really cannot help you if you can’t see the flaws in your „logic“.
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.

I doubt you disagree with them very much at all
If you live there and don’t like it, leave.
I happen to live in Hungary and don't like the law that triggered all this.

With your permission, I'm staying for now and I'd like to try to change things instead, at the very least by voting for the opposition. I hope that's okay.
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.
What sort of argument is this? I choose to drink alcohol. People aren't gay by choice. They're being discriminated against purely for having the audacity to exist.
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.
Why didn't I think of that sooner?
What sort of argument is this? I choose to drink alcohol. People aren't gay by choice. They're being discriminated against purely for having the audacity to exist.
Also, personally I couldn't give a feck if Arab countries started campaigning against drinking alcohol in Europe. Let them.
Why didn't I think of that sooner?
Every time a law is passed you don't agree with you just leave your country. Easy.
Except you'd have to form your own country on a chunk of rock within four hours.
Ah yes, that classic hot take. “Freedom is speech means people are allowed to shout about opinions I agree with but does not give others the right to speak out opposing it. Respect my freeze peach!”
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.

Is "what happened to free speech?" just the default Conservative reaction to anything? The remainder of your post after that point is promoting the exact opposite of free speech; i.e. shut up about the policies of other countries, and if you don't like the political landscape surrounding you, leave the country.

And if said policies are denying someone's right to simply exist, then yes, it is wrong.
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.
Ah feck, 'ere we go :lol:

I always half suspect these things are just trolling, because let' s face it, the caf will bite.

If, on the other hand, you are being serious. I advice birth control. The world is a scary and gay place, don't bring any children in to this abomination. Please.
Why is it always people suppressing others shouting about free speech?

They want to be free to oppress others and say whatever hateful bile they want, without consequence. That’s why the default talking point for right wing idiots is free speech.
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.
Insulting another member
What happened to ‘Free speech?’. Just because somebody doesn’t like the policy of another country does make it wrong. Only in their eyes . I don’t agree with Poland or the Arab countries but that is they way they want to run their country, who are we to get involved with it. How would we react if the Arab countries campaigned against us drinking alcohol? If you don’t like it, don’t go. If you live there and don’t like it, leave.

You're a moron.

And you're a moron too.