LGBT issues in Football

As for indiviuals, it takes a brave person these days to intervene in anything, it's not indifference they're afraid of retaliation and retribution

At Swansea there's a signposted number you can message anonymously to report that kind of behaviour, you just have to send the seat number.
At Swansea there's a signposted number you can message anonymously to report that kind of behaviour, you just have to send the seat number.

Thats a great idea. I'd imagine though the burden of the steward proving something would be tough.
Thats a great idea. I'd imagine though the burden of the steward proving something would be tough.
It would give a location to point the cameras at so a recording can be done, it's a fairly simple measure that can have an impact
The point I'm trying to make is that closing stadiums doesn't work, it didn't work in the 70's, there's a famous clip of George Best scoring a lob at an empty Stretford End that had been closed due to persistent hooliganism, I don't recall how long it was closed but it was more than a few matches, it didn't stop the problem

With today's technology and facial recognition software it should be relatively easy to identify and prosecute/ban individuals, why this doesn't seem to have been properly implemented is down to the police and the clubs - it can and should be done

As for indiviuals, it takes a brave person these days to intervene in anything, it's not indifference they're afraid of retaliation and retribution

Thats fair, I think though its about repeating and doubling down on something. For example you close the Stretford End it achieves nothing, you close it again, it achieves a little more but still not much but you continue to punish till it does work.

Facial recognition is great but when these are numbers in the hundreds or thousands you won't get them all individually I feel. I agree though it should be a first go to for sure, this would sort alot instead of relying on mobile phone and tv footage.

Agree on your last point too but I think if we can create a culture where if 100 people are around 1 or 2 idiots they can ask them to sit down and be quiet or report.
Thats a great idea. I'd imagine though the burden of the steward proving something would be tough.

It's a mixed bag, the one time I've used it (a supporter calling a player the N word) nothing came of it and they remained in their seat for the game, other than a steward talking to them, but I know someone who used it about a couple who were drunk and aggressive and they were removed (probably more conspicuous due to them being drunk?)

I think the hope is with less visible transgressions they will get multiple texts about the behaviour, or if it's a season ticket holder the messages will show a pattern of behaviour. Sadly I do think most of the time as you theorised proving something with the less visible acts would be tough

It would give a location to point the cameras at so a recording can be done, it's a fairly simple measure that can have an impact

That hadn't crossed my mind, good point, especially with gesture related incidents. A Swansea supporter was banned for a Nazi salute a few years ago, and while I think in that instance it was actually picked up by mobile phone footage, it's an example of where the cameras could come into play.

iirc he tried to argue he was miming inviting a spurs supporter for a cigarette :lol: , but the video was as blatant as you could get
At Swansea there's a signposted number you can message anonymously to report that kind of behaviour, you just have to send the seat number.

Excellent. I know it's just game ban but it's a good start. Unfortunately you cannot claim that great idea for yourself cause communists and fascists was using anonymous reporting with great success a century ago.
Thats fair, I think though its about repeating and doubling down on something. For example you close the Stretford End it achieves nothing, you close it again, it achieves a little more but still not much but you continue to punish till it does work.

Facial recognition is great but when these are numbers in the hundreds or thousands you won't get them all individually I feel. I agree though it should be a first go to for sure, this would sort alot instead of relying on mobile phone and tv footage.

Agree on your last point too but I think if we can create a culture where if 100 people are around 1 or 2 idiots they can ask them to sit down and be quiet or report.
If anyone can recall how long the Stretford End was closed that would be good to know, I'm pretty sure it was something that happened more than once and ended up being for a quite long period but I may have it wrong

re: facial recognition, stadiums have crown control cameras, we're not talking mobile phone and TV cameras here though they can be useful, the software is pretty sophisticated and because it's recorded can be run after the fact as well as real time, in this day and age of 4K cameras it should be able to identify most culprits, these cameras are constantly scanning the crowd so it's surprising to me that they aren't used more
If anyone can recall how long the Stretford End was closed that would be good to know, I'm pretty sure it was something that happened more than once and ended up being for a quite long period but I may have it wrong

re: facial recognition, stadiums have crown control cameras, we're not talking mobile phone and TV cameras here though they can be useful, the software is pretty sophisticated and because it's recorded can be run after the fact as well as real time, in this day and age of 4K cameras it should be able to identify most culprits, these cameras are constantly scanning the crowd so it's surprising to me that they aren't used more

I don't know the exact details on Stretford End but I think football is reaching a point near where its gotta be a whatever it takes to make it sink in. (We're kinda going in circle on this one as you feel regardless of how much it happens it won't change and I feel eventually people will get in line).

100% agree on point 2.
Excellent. I know it's just game ban but it's a good start. Unfortunately you cannot claim that great idea for yourself cause communists and fascists was using anonymous reporting with great success a century ago.

communists and fascists gave you a number to report racist behaviour in stadiums a century ago?
@Red in STL - I'll respond to you here as well.

Its sad and not cool for those missing out but its not like there isn't precedent, stadiums have been closed before for racism (in Eastern Europe) but it has to be consistent and zero tolerence (which its not yet). I'm not talking about punishing 5 fans when the number is small they can be dealt with individually, I'm talking about when its in the hundreds or thousands. We can't just let it go on as is sadly.

Every time I see a fan of my club make an aeroplane gesture I'd be absolutely fine with targeting just them but when or if its numerous throughout the 90 minutes the FA saying "No fans for one game" and escalating from there would actually make me happy.

These morons who behave like this, have this weird thing where football is more important to them and its almost a parasocial relationship with their club. Their clubs are more important than families in some cases, we all know how for example domestic abuse spikes when teams lose etc... When they know what they are doing is affecting "their" club, they'll stop, their beliefs will not change but the behaviour will.

I imagine for the first while it'll be chaos but isn't short term pain worth it to allow 15% of the global community to attend a game without feeling like they don't belong or are 2nd class citizens or in the case of racism far greater than 15%.

You did make a great point about the regular people having to stop it McGrathsipan but whats gonna motivate those who normally sit by and do nothing through indifference to step up and tell these people to stop, its when the knock on effect hits them.

This problem seems to be much deeper in football than say rugby audiences or cricket audiences because its been allowed to fester sadly. You guys are well intentioned but an iron fist is what I believe is the only solution.

Anyone that uses a football club as an excuse for abuse or violence is sub par intelligence.
The idea of a club now in the the PL is far fetched anyway. The traditional club has been replaced by commercial entities with rich foreign owners staffed at the elite level by mostly foreign players who come for the money and not the dear old love of the "club" or town its in.

It's just a weird thing that football does to people. A friend of mine is one of the nicest blokes you'll meet. Compassionate and caring guy that does so much for other people in general but when he is watching Liverpool play he turns into this monster. The things he says I won't even type here but safe to say nobody is safe. Race slurs, religion, sexual persuasion, mother , family,
Literally none of us will watch football with him for a few years now.
Not a peep of that kind of thing any other time. It's mental. And worrying.

The only way to stamp it out probably is empty stadiums but that can't be done for ever. Then looking at points deduction or club suspensions from competition but that penalises players which I really don't see as fair on players.

I really have no idea how to sort abuse from the terraces
I find it so disturbing that "woke" meaning to be awake to social injustice has been hijacked by people who seem to think it means "It was okay to be a bigot ten years ago, suddenly people are calling me out on it and I dont like it so I will give them a label"

Thus Woke has become synonymous with "Millenial snowflakes"

As a trans person, i've recieved five thousand times more hate in the past two years than I did in the previous 36 years. Why? Because apparently my views of wanting equality are promoting sexual abuse, pedophilla and perversion. I've had genuine threats upon my life, I've been actively doxxed (luckily my old address) with people being told to "Kill the fecking crossdressing pedo". I've had people mock my appearance constantly (regardless of how I actually look) and be mocked as a "man in a dress with a beard with a sexual kink" I don't have a beard, I am asexual and I wear a dress maybe one day a week in summer.

It's just so disgusting how much hate folk get for simply wanting fairness and equality and this is regardless of their own personal situation.

I feel this forum is generally tolerant of people who are a bit different so I'm happy to share my views with you all, but even here, we've had some individuals have views that are polar opposite to mine.
Personally I have no issue with anyone holding whatever view they want, it's when said view actively causes a negative impact on someone's life I have an issue.

This has be a two cider rant on a Sunday afternoon.
I find it so disturbing that "woke" meaning to be awake to social injustice has been hijacked by people who seem to think it means "It was okay to be a bigot ten years ago, suddenly people are calling me out on it and I dont like it so I will give them a label"

Thus Woke has become synonymous with "Millenial snowflakes"

As a trans person, i've recieved five thousand times more hate in the past two years than I did in the previous 36 years. Why? Because apparently my views of wanting equality are promoting sexual abuse, pedophilla and perversion. I've had genuine threats upon my life, I've been actively doxxed (luckily my old address) with people being told to "Kill the fecking crossdressing pedo". I've had people mock my appearance constantly (regardless of how I actually look) and be mocked as a "man in a dress with a beard with a sexual kink" I don't have a beard, I am asexual and I wear a dress maybe one day a week in summer.

It's just so disgusting how much hate folk get for simply wanting fairness and equality and this is regardless of their own personal situation.

I feel this forum is generally tolerant of people who are a bit different so I'm happy to share my views with you all, but even here, we've had some individuals have views that are polar opposite to mine.
Personally I have no issue with anyone holding whatever view they want, it's when said view actively causes a negative impact on someone's life I have an issue.

This has be a two cider rant on a Sunday afternoon.
I offended you in the past then I apologize as it wasn't intended, it's ok to have a difference of opinion as long as it's civil and rational

TBH I have no real idea what woke is or meant to be, I rather suspect a lot of people, older folks particularly, don't like being told what they should think or do is part of it, having said that, the stuff you mention is unacceptable in any shape or form in any circumstance
The ol’ ‘I absolutely respect everyone, don’t you know, except when my fairytale forbids it ‘ gambit.
We should remember this is a Toulouse FC that were sponsored by Betway while this individual was at the club.
I think we're being a bit unfair here guys, all he's asking is for people to respect his Homophobia.
That quote from the Brest coach is so dumb. I’d be embarrassed if Ten Hag said something like that.
That quote from the Brest coach is so dumb. I’d be embarrassed if Ten Hag said something like that.


"The programming of this day against homophobia is catastrophic," said Brest coach Eric Roy.

"Everyone is free to express their opinions. Personally, I have no problem with it. But you can see that there are players who have a problem with it.

"Then you should not schedule this campaign at that time when you know some players are fighting to avoid relegation. You could do it in December or September."

Excuse me! Can we pause our campaign against homophobia cause we're fighting relegation.
‘I respect everyone, just not gays. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect everyone though.’

Very obviously homophobic. But that’s the good thing about these seemingly shallow campaigns, that are just pondering to the smallest common denominator. They show that even this is still controversial and there are people unwilling of doing even something so meaningless.
They are convinced and proud homophobs through and through. Hateful, vile and potentially dangerous. Now that they show us who they are, they can be fought. That’s a good thing.
We should remember this is a Toulouse FC that were sponsored by Betway while this individual was at the club.

So when his beliefs are contradicting his salary, he is willing to compromise. But when no money are involved he suddenly wants respect for his own beliefs. Hypocrisy.
A man who respects everybody refuses to partake in a fairly hollow gesture to show respect to a marginalised community of people.

Comes across like that Michael Caine bit in Austin Powers, but real. "There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."
So when his beliefs are contradicting his salary, he is willing to compromise. But when no money are involved he suddenly wants respect for his own beliefs. Hypocrisy.
Is that not just footballers the world over though?
I have gay family members, friends, neighbours and work colleagues but astonishingly we seem to have no gay male footballers yet 99.9% claim to support LGBT.
Complete and utter BS. Why more doesn't get made of it, Ill never know.