Let's all laugh at England

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In fairness to England, they are the only national team to get to the semi of the last two international tournaments, lost on penalties today with a lot of dodgy decisions against them. It doesn’t look so bad moving forward.

Right, never mind the blatant no penalty that Kane got an almost missed with help from a laser pointer



You constantly booed your opponents anthems.
You (especially Sterling and Kane) probably dived more than everyone else while also complaining about other teams doing it all the time.
You laughed at the little crying German girl and called her a "nazi slut".
Your coach celebrated the "revenge" for world War 2 after defeating us.
You beat up a Denmark fan after the semis and his little son had to flee.
You beat up Italian fans today even before the game.
And seconds after the game your racially insult the three black players that missed their penalties on social media.

And you still wonder why probably all of Europe rooted for Italy tonight?

Face it, for others English football fans are probably the worst of all and that is why we love the karma and your sweet tears now.
talk about sweeping generalizations! One billion people have access to social media yet you can determine their nationality...
Give me more. I need to fill the syringe before I inject straight into my veins :drool:

I don't believe you're Scottish, because you typed a full sentence.

In all fairness, we both had a good Euros, since we both got to a cup final. Our final was 1 - 1, and your cup final was 0 - 0 :D
I don't believe you're Scottish, because you typed a full sentence.

In all fairness, we both had a good Euros, since we both got to a cup final. Our final was 1 - 1, and your cup final was 0 - 0 :D

To be fair, I'm talking about needles and injecting stuff into my veins... is there anything more Scottish than that? :lol:
Quality control

Oh right, your history smells of roses doesn't it or so you lot like to think it does.

Here's some news for you, your country stinks of shit, even shitty than England's, certainly shitter at sport, England's aim is to compete against the world, your sport is all about 'beating' England or in Scotlands case getting an heroic draw (they are still celebrating that now).

An Irish person laughing at England losing a major footballing final is like a leg amputee laughing at an able bodied person running and falling over.
I want to see footage from all the pubs/cities when the last penalty was missed.

Great point, we always see it when they win…but surely it should be win and lose as a team. Let’s see the footage
Oh right, your history smells of roses doesn't it or you lot like to think it does.

Here's some news for you, your country stinks of shit, even shitty than England's, certainly shitter at sport, England's aim is to compete against the world, your sport is all about 'beating' England or in Scotlands case getting an heroic draw, they are still celebrating that now.

An Irish person laughing at England losing a major footballing final, is like leg amputee with both legs missing laughing at an able bodied person running and falling over.

Hahahahaha. You sure told him! :lol:
Nice from you to getting xenophobic to non English United fans.
United was always about being open to Europe.

English culture is about to despise Europe as I can see.

You are saying to me that I don’t know your culture when I am sure you can’t even speak another langage, the irony…

It's not irony. I don't pretend to understand another culture. :wenger: Though I can order a beer in French.

If you think most England fans reckon they're actually going to win a tournament, then you really don't understand English culture. It's honestly that simple.
These morons are way too caught up in their feelings that they've lost all perspective of reality. For some reasons they think everything should somehow revolve around England as if this isn't an international forum with people from all over the world posting on these boards.

Every other country get eliminated, laughed at and it's okay but when England get their deserved mocking after the shitshow they displayed at Wembley, these lots think people should get in line because England.

The most hilarious part are these people bringing up United players as a reason not to laugh at England. I wonder if they were this sympathetic toward other nations that have United players. Something tells me they celebrated when teams like France and Portugal dropped out because it increased the chances of England sneaking up this cup.

Oh right, your history smells of roses doesn't it or you lot like to think it does.

Here's some news for you, your country stinks of shit, even shitty than England's, certainly shitter at sport, England's aim is to compete against the world, your sport is all about 'beating' England or in Scotlands case getting an heroic draw, they are still celebrating that now.

An Irish person laughing at England losing a major footballing final, is like an amputee with both legs missing laughing at an able bodied person running and falling over.


Your salty tears...they fill me with joy and taste delicious.
Ah, another person who totally misinterprets that song.
The song really does rattle people :lol: You do know the song lyrics are about being optimistic through repeated failures, right?

It amazes me how many people hear that and think "arrogance", when it's entirely the opposite message of the song.

We arent English, so when you sing it and it comes accross as arrgoant it is beceuase it is, you may hide behind optimism after you lost but they way you all go on about it is the opposite. The song is a jinx stop using it like plebs it only brings hardship upon you.
Oh right, your history smells of roses doesn't it or you lot like to think it does.

Here's some news for you, your country stinks of shit, even shitty than England's, certainly shitter at sport, England's aim is to compete against the world, your sport is all about 'beating' England or in Scotlands case getting an heroic draw, they are still celebrating that now.

An Irish person laughing at England losing a major footballing final, is like an amputee with both legs missing laughing at an able bodied person running and falling over.
Pump the brakes, kid, you're getting way too invested in this.
You didn't even mention about the reaction wheb Sterling's dive was criticized vs Denmark. All I kept reading is that " you're all salty hehehe". Karma is a bitch

Exactly. All I saw after that match was "Go cry more" "These salty tears are so delicious"

Well guess what, the tears of all of you from the final are even more delicious.

It's funny because the England team has a lot of players that I really like, including some of our own, but the fans are absolutely insufferable.

Go cry some more lads.
You constantly booed your opponents anthems.
You (especially Sterling and Kane) probably dived more than everyone else while also complaining about other teams doing it all the time.
You (especially Sterling and Kane) probably dived more than everyone else while also complaining about other teams doing it all the time.
You laughed at the little crying German girl and called her a "nazi slut".
Your coach celebrated the "revenge" for world War 2 after defeating us.
You beat up a Denmark fan after the semis and his little son had to flee.
You beat up Italian fans today even before the game.
And seconds after the game your racially insult the three black players that missed their penalties on social media.

And you still wonder why probably all of Europe rooted for Italy tonight?

Face it, for others English football fans are probably the worst of all and that is why we love the karma and your sweet tears now.

Have you ever watched Serie A? I have no issue with people rooting against England, I despise a lot of things about this country…but these things that people from other countries in Europe have got on their high horse about is genuinely hilarious.

I’m not sure what is more stupid in your post, the things that Italian fans have directly done themselves consistently throughout their footballing history, or the things that you are blaming the whole of England for? Someone said something nasty about a German girl on social media, do you think that’s a viewpoint of even a slight minority of the country?

Really bizarre.
It’s going to Rome
It’s going to Rome
It’s going.. footballs going to Rome
England’s still dreaming
Southgates still a berk
Oh right, your history smells of roses doesn't it or you lot like to think it does.

Here's some news for you, your country stinks of shit, even shitty than England's, certainly shitter at sport, England's aim is to compete against the world, your sport is all about 'beating' England or in Scotlands case getting an heroic draw, they are still celebrating that now.

An Irish person laughing at England losing a major footballing final is like a leg amputee laughing at an able bodied person running and falling over.
I knew it!

Oh right, your history smells of roses doesn't it or you lot like to think it does.

Here's some news for you, your country stinks of shit, even shitty than England's, certainly shitter at sport, England's aim is to compete against the world, your sport is all about 'beating' England or in Scotlands case getting an heroic draw, they are still celebrating that now.

An Irish person laughing at England losing a major footballing final is like a leg amputee laughing at an able bodied person running and falling over.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The salt :lol:

The actual racism :lol:

Ahahahah I love it. Give me some more salt please because you're about to be banned :lol: :lol:
Have you ever watched Serie A? I have no issue with people rooting against England, I despise a lot of things about this country…but these things that people from other countries in Europe have got on their high horse about is genuinely hilarious.

I’m not sure what is more stupid in your post, the things that Italian fans have directly done themselves consistently throughout their footballing history, or the things that you are blaming the whole of England for? Someone said something nasty about a German girl on social media, do you think that’s a viewpoint of even a slight minority of the country?

Really bizarre.
Spot on, what an embarrassing post that was. Lack of common sense is gone all out of the window by some posts on here.
Wonder if James McClean has posted anything tonight.
How much advantage by UEFA does England need to finally bring it 'home'? What else can the UEFA do for them? :lol:
Hahaha, people legit losing their marbles over this. Oh man, I'm just going to keep refreshing and enjoy the show!
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