Laurence Fox feat. Elvis

This is what happens when you call white privileged males "White privileged males".
He's just playing the game of "If you make an unsubstansiated claim(allegedly) and smear about me, I will make one about you.". Still he's not very good at it.

kinda falls down when their claims are substantiated
kinda falls down when their claims are substantiated

Yes it does if they are substantiated. It this about his comments about Sainbury's creating a black-only "safe space" and their black pay gap?
Yes it does if they are substantiated. It this about his comments about Sainbury's creating a black-only "safe space" and their black pay gap?

yeah, it's because he's boycotting Sainsburies because they support Black History Month
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yeah, it's because he's boycotting Sainsburies because they support Black History Month

Alright. One of Sainburies major shareholders is the Qatari government who treat and abuse migrant workers like slaves and a fair amount of them die. Sainsburies might want to have a word with them as well. Of course if we play this game, I don't know for sure if my Iphone is made by a chinese factory worker working under slave-like conditions.
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I have a bigger problem with him targeting two openly gay men and calling them paedophiles to be honest.
Give it a rest :rolleyes:

What's he on about anyway. The only thing wrong with that Sainsbury's thing was this bit...

"Recently we provided our black colleagues with a safe space to gather in response to the Black Lives Matters movement."
If you honestly think that is any way comparable to segregation where black people were excluded from large parts of society then you need to do some reading and educate yourself.
If you honestly think that is any way comparable to segregation where black people were excluded from large parts of society then you need to do some reading and educate yourself.

Eh? I just think this safe space stuff is a load of crap...obviously just my opinion.

Anyway, ignoring that bit it's a good article, actually finally a sensible take on spreading information for once.

Nice guy, really. I can see why @fergieisold loves him.

Well isn't that just the behaviour you'd expect from the leader of a political party?!
Guy is testing the 'all publicity is good publicity' line to it's maximum at the moment.
Well isn't that just the behaviour you'd expect from the leader of a political party?!
Guy is testing the 'all publicity is good publicity' line to it's maximum at the moment.
Of this political party? Yes, it's exactly how'd expect him to behave and he, and many others, feel justified.
They actually think they're fighting a good fight.
I thought this guy was a deranged, whiny little bitch but now he's gone and called everybody a paedophile I think he definitely has a point.

Wtf? He seems to have lost the plot.

That could be some very expensive tweeting.
Are they deleted now? You don't delete things in the modern world, Laurence.
Someone that decides to boycott a business because they are celebrating black history month puts himself in a situation where people will wonder whether he is racist or stupid. The lad seems to think that his actions or words should have no consequences.
Are they deleted now? You don't delete things in the modern world, Laurence.

I'm thinking that it may have occured to him that baselessly accusing people of being paedos may be a sub-optimal financial decision.
Someone that decides to boycott a business because they are celebrating black history month puts himself in a situation where people will wonder whether he is racist or stupid. The lad seems to think that his actions or words should have no consequences.

Or both.
Don't think he's got the personality to lead a successful reactionary movement. Every clip I've seen of him apart from the one where he looks drunk on QT he looks like he's even boring himself.
after he got a bit miffed that his voice wasn't being heard (whilst on a national TV show), he's now gone and been given millions of pounds to start his own political party

he's done a great job of proving that ladies point on question time
after he got a bit miffed that his voice wasn't being heard (whilst on a national TV show), he's now gone and been given millions of pounds to start his own political party

he's done a great job of proving that ladies point on question time
Do we know this to be true or are people trusting the Telegraph to have looked in to it?
Fox himself said that Jeremy Hosking gave him £5m, he could be lying I guess
Wouldnt seem that out of place given what he has done before... donated over £1.5m to vote leave and
In February 2019 Hosking submitted the paperwork to found a new party called Brexit Express, which would welcome Tory MPs unhappy with the Prime Minister's Brexit plans. At the same time, he launched a public campaign in favour of a no-deal Brexit.
Guess he would come out and deny it if he had not made the donation?
TWEET: Reaction from person who Fox called a paedophile for responding to Fox saying Sainsbury's actively anti-racist stance is "promoting racial segregation and discrimination"
Here what one of the people he called a pedophile is doing:

Would be kinda funny if the £5m that Brexit guy donated gets wiped out straight away settling lawsuits from Fox's idiotic tweeting.
TWEET: Fox on "Critical Race theory"

Who's this cnut?
Am I missing something here or have you got the wrong thread?

Probably should have put in the Racism thread. Or a "Woke" thread or a anti-racist thread.