La Liga - 2012/2013

It seems he didn't exactly say "Adán is better".

Asked whether he had relegated the Spain international to the bench because he believed Adan was the better keeper, Mourinho said: "In my opinion? Of course.

"As it's the opinion that counts, as it's the coach who chooses and as I consider the opinions of my assistants valid we decided," added the Portuguese. "It seems to me...the work of the keeper who played had absolutely no bearing on the outcome of the game. The coach analyses the situation and analyses the players available, chooses the team to play. You can invent all the stories you like but it's a purely technical decision and nothing more."

You are correct, I've heard the press conference and he didn't literally say that Adan was better than Casillas, he made it sound like Adan was better prepared for this game, hence the technical decision. We all know it's bullshit and they had a fallout though.
Sacking him just isn't the solution and will only cost the club more money. He should finish the season. Winning the league over Barcelona last season has earned him that much surely? If we win the CL this season all of this will soon be forgotten.

No and he knows this too, it was a power play move. Mou is going to go but he'll go on his terms which means either to pay him or get out of his way. It'll merely be interesting to see how Perez handles it since he's already been exposed long before this for capitulating to Mou on nearly every club issue. Tangling with San Iker is really like doubling down so what happens next is anyone's guess
the thing is, that as a coach if your team is in a losing streak and you are going to blame one of the icons, then you better start winning games, else, you are going to get it
I'm assuming that Madrid haven't actually driven Mourinho insane so I'd guess that dropping Casillas (and subbing Alonso) is to help his campaign to get fired at the end of the season and avoid compensation claims against his next employers. Perez will be reluctant, he had to pay Inter a lot to get Mou and presumably doesn't want to lose on both ends of the deal.

The timing's interesting though. This may be a last throw of the dice to try and salvage something from the season. 2 weeks break now until they play again. The press will attack like wolves. He may be hoping to bring the rows to a head rather than letting them keep grumbling away under the surface. Risky, but no riskier than letting them drift.
I don't get how Ramos wearing Ozil's shirt underneath his own is defying Mourinho :confused:

Ozil got subbed off at halftime. Ramos as an act of solidarity put Ozil's (unused!) shirt on under his own for the second half. That's when we discovered Madrid's shirts are see through.
Ozil got subbed off at halftime. Ramos as an act of solidarity put Ozil's (unused!) shirt on under his own for the second half. That's when we discovered Madrid's shirts are see through.

Ah. Yeah, fair enough. To be fair, Ozil should never be getting subbed off at HT. Brilliant player!
Ah. Yeah, fair enough. To be fair, Ozil should never be getting subbed off at HT. Brilliant player!

Who should be subbed off in some matches at halftime for being ridiculously inconsistent and going missing in action.
Guillem Balague:

Mourinho future

My colleague @matallanas explains Madrid has considered Mourinho's sacking. It is not a final decision, there will be a board meeting first, perhaps before Christmas. A calm head of the directors and lack of alternatives (Castilla coach Toril is the favourite as interim coach) might keep the marriage of convenience going till the first round of the Champions League.

It is believed that Madrid will have to pay 20m euros if they sack the Portuguese manager, a bigger financial package (for Mourinho) than if coach and club decide to go their separate ways at the end of the season.

Other sources claim that in the last contract that clause was taken off.

Anyway, to leave Casillas on the bench versus Malaga, one of the difficult trips, was not totally a football decision. Yes, for a while Mourinho has felt Iker did not deal well enough with set pieces but to replace him in such a game points out to a political struggle, a sign of a man wanting to impose his authority against a group of players (not the whole squad but a key bunch) that doesn't believe anymore in his message or methods.

A man wanting to kill before dying.
Obviously not much of a Marca reader then, they've done far worse before

Anyone who remembers their conduct during the 2008 summer Ronaldo saga will have a very similar opinion of that publication :mad:

This situation is certainly fascinating though - seems suicidal in the extreme from Jose, with the only real explanation that seems to fit being that he wants the boot and will seemingly sabotage the team to do it. But that can't really be what's going on, can it?

Such a move would be very damaging to any manager, even one of his standing, even if they progress from in the CL to win the competition after they knock us out in early March. But then again, if England really is his next destination, then perhaps he won't care how his exit from Madrid will reflect on him, as the media here will still worship him, particularly idiots like Patrick Barclay who seems to have Jose down as the greatest, bestest manager in the history of this and every other universe 4eva :rolleyes:

Meanwhile Barcelona just keep on sailing along, even without their manager (though hopefully that will be a very short-term absence). And Atletico 7 points ahead of Real :eek: Fine, that's really only 4 since there is still another Madrid derby to come, and they could still lose Falcao to Chelsea or City in January, but still an impressive position for them to be in :cool:
It's been a fault with Madrid for many many years now. Just look at their past. Sacking Del Bosque, Pellegrini, Capello, for reasons other clubs simply wouldn't. I found the Galactico era to be underwhelming as well. If it weren't for their Real Madrid core at the time that team wouldn't have managed to win what they did. Still didn't do well enough in the league. Always the drama. The head management and the press over there is just mental and I don't think you can really anticipate it as a manager or a player until you're actually surrounded by it.

We'll either face a crumbling team come February or one that's really out for blood. Hopefully the former (sorry Vato).
Well everyone knows all about Madrids circus so it begs the question, why do people still go there to manage them or play for them?!
Will be no surprise if he goes, we've already seen league winning managers sacked at Madrid. The champions league will be the only thing that could save him, but we'll have to see if he lasts long enough to go out of the competition because all he's doing by politicing is hastening his departure. Real Madrid dont really care about the league, its expected. They'll only respect you if you win the champions league. Mourinho on the other hand, when he wins a trophy for you he starts to get more and brave and tries to extend his influence. He hasnt earned the respect to do that yet as he hasnt won the champions league, so its suicide going up against the likes of cassilas. Will probably be like with Terry and Mourinho didnt last long after he stuck the knife in either
Remember what our manager said. As soon as a player think he's more important then the manager then it's only one decision to do. Show the player who's in charge or leave the club.

I have had a lot of respect for Casillias and how he handle himself but lately he act more like a politician then a professional footballer. If the report are true and there are two fractions in the dressing room then Iker is to blame. As a captain his role is to united, not lead a group who seeks confrontation and tries to undermine their manager. The similarities with the Big Man is nothing he should be proud of.

I'm sure that Mou is well aware of what the decision to bench his captain can do to him, sacking is a highly possible option but at the same time the alternative was maybe worse.

Iker Casillias will probably wins this fight but I'm not sure the history will be nice to him when every detail of this story is leaked. His wife Sara and her friends will back him in the beginning but truth had a tendency to come out, sonnet or later.
Mourinho won't be sacked.. I know it's Real Madrid we're talking about, but they're stil no Chelsea..

He will just be told: The CL trophy or the door.

Remember what our manager said. As soon as a player think he's more important then the manager then it's only one decision to do. Show the player who's in charge or leave the club.

I have had a lot of respect for Casillias and how he handle himself but lately he act more like a politician then a professional footballer. If the report are true and there are two fractions in the dressing room then Iker is to blame. As a captain his role is to united, not lead a group who seeks confrontation and tries to undermine their manager. The similarities with the Big Man is nothing he should be proud of.

I'm sure that Mou is well aware of what the decision to bench his captain can do to him, sacking is a highly possible option but at the same time the alternative was maybe worse.

Iker Casillias will probably wins this fight but I'm not sure the history will be nice to him when every detail of this story is leaked. His wife Sara and her friends will back him in the beginning but truth had a tendency to come out, sonnet or later.

Cassilias is a club legend and long term captain. Mourinho is just the next Madrid manager to win the league and be sacked.
The day Ferguson retires and a new manager takes his place, I'd be furious if Giggs or Scholes tried to circumvent his authority, or make him look foolish in public.
The day Ferguson retires and a new manager takes his place, I'd be furious if Giggs or Scholes tried to circumvent his authority, or make him look foolish in public.

Depends how the new manager was behaving, Mourinho has done enough to make himself look foolish to be fair. The man is a circus and these kind of petty antics aren't a surprise IMO.

Casillas is as much to blame because these things work both ways, but Mourinho is the manager so ultimately it is his responsibility to control the players and create a professional, united dressing room.

Would pay to see Real Madrid in trouble!

Like Jose but Real Madrid can feck off!

PLease please please let Benitez go to Real Madrid! Please make it happen!
The day Ferguson retires and a new manager takes his place, I'd be furious if Giggs or Scholes tried to circumvent his authority, or make him look foolish in public.

How has Iker made him look foolish in public?
Casillas is a club legend and long term captain. Mourinho is just the next Madrid manager to win the league and be sacked.

Precisely. WC & 2 time European Cup holder with more than a decade as first team keeper, a lifelong Madridista. He is a living legend for the club and has always been a class act. You piss all over a legend like that, what do you think it does to those aspiring to play for the club?

Mou, on the other hand, is a rent-a-manager. First Valdano now Iker, fans should be looking for Perez' head rather Mou's.

Anyone who remembers their conduct during the 2008 summer Ronaldo saga will have a very similar opinion of that publication :mad:

This situation is certainly fascinating though - seems suicidal in the extreme from Jose, with the only real explanation that seems to fit being that he wants the boot and will seemingly sabotage the team to do it. But that can't really be what's going on, can it?

Such a move would be very damaging to any manager, even one of his standing, even if they progress from in the CL to win the competition after they knock us out in early March. But then again, if England really is his next destination, then perhaps he won't care how his exit from Madrid will reflect on him, as the media here will still worship him, particularly idiots like Patrick Barclay who seems to have Jose down as the greatest, bestest manager in the history of this and every other universe 4eva :rolleyes:

Astute assessment. Apart from theorizing that he is attempting to force Flo's hand in dismissing him (And paying through the nose), Mou was perhaps trying to punish Iker over the Meana fiasco and has underestimated the reaction it would instigate. Several in Spanish media believe Mou has never really had to deal with this sort of opposition from key players in his squad and perhaps has come undone as a result.

This move will have consequences that reverberate, however. If Mou thought he lost the locker room before or that it was divided, what does he think will happen now?

I also think some outside Spain fail too appreciate the value of iconic club players and believe it is some sort of provocative play from the players themselves to get their way - far from it
Guillem Balague:

Mourinho future

My colleague @matallanas explains Madrid has considered Mourinho's sacking. It is not a final decision, there will be a board meeting first, perhaps before Christmas. A calm head of the directors and lack of alternatives (Castilla coach Toril is the favourite as interim coach) might keep the marriage of convenience going till the first round of the Champions League.

It is believed that Madrid will have to pay 20m euros if they sack the Portuguese manager, a bigger financial package (for Mourinho) than if coach and club decide to go their separate ways at the end of the season.

Other sources claim that in the last contract that clause was taken off.

Anyway, to leave Casillas on the bench versus Malaga, one of the difficult trips, was not totally a football decision. Yes, for a while Mourinho has felt Iker did not deal well enough with set pieces but to replace him in such a game points out to a political struggle, a sign of a man wanting to impose his authority against a group of players (not the whole squad but a key bunch) that doesn't believe anymore in his message or methods.

A man wanting to kill before dying.

To me this suggests Mourinho is not confident about eliminating us in the Champions League. The man is not an idiot he knows Madrid's season rests on the European Cup if he thought for sure Madrid could beat us he would never have done something so provocative as to drop 'San Iker'.

Mourinho knows that what he has done has forced talk of his future up the agenda and he also knows, given the club Madrid are, that that talk is unlikely to end up with a decision in his favour.

Mourinho has looked at the situation and thought to himself the key players are undermining me, Ronaldo is not happy with the club, and even if we get past United its likely at some stage we'll have to face Barcelona and decided to force Perez to push him out rather than let the charade continue.

If Mourinho was confident about getting past us he would've just kept it quiet and let things tick on until the tie, go through the rounds won his European Cup and quit a winner. He clearly doesn't feel that will happen so now he wants to be forced out before he is fired for being a loser: For Mou it'd be far better to lose his job during the winter break as the apparent result of a power struggle than to be cut lose the morning after being eliminated from Europe.

Had Madrid drawn Porto or something Mourinho would not be behaving like this.
Remember what our manager said. As soon as a player think he's more important then the manager then it's only one decision to do. Show the player who's in charge or leave the club.

I have had a lot of respect for Casillias and how he handle himself but lately he act more like a politician then a professional footballer. If the report are true and there are two fractions in the dressing room then Iker is to blame. As a captain his role is to united, not lead a group who seeks confrontation and tries to undermine their manager. The similarities with the Big Man is nothing he should be proud of.

I'm sure that Mou is well aware of what the decision to bench his captain can do to him, sacking is a highly possible option but at the same time the alternative was maybe worse.

Iker Casillias will probably wins this fight but I'm not sure the history will be nice to him when every detail of this story is leaked. His wife Sara and her friends will back him in the beginning but truth had a tendency to come out, sonnet or later.

But there's a difference between Mourinho and Ferguson. One of them thinks he's bigger than the club and that he doesn't have to respect what the club stands for. So when a club legend decides that there's seriously something going the wrong way he should be allowed to speak up. Mourinho isn't fighting for Real, he's fighting for himself.
Precisely. WC & 2 time European Cup holder with more than a decade as first team keeper, a lifelong Madridista. He is a living legend for the club and has always been a class act. You piss all over a legend like that, what do you think it does to those aspiring to play for the club?

Mou, on the other hand, is a rent-a-manager. First Valdano now Iker, fans should be looking for Perez' head rather Mou's.

Astute assessment. Apart from theorizing that he is attempting to force Flo's hand in dismissing him (And paying through the nose), Mou was perhaps trying to punish Iker over the Meana fiasco and has underestimated the reaction it would instigate. Several in Spanish media believe Mou has never really had to deal with this sort of opposition from key players in his squad and perhaps has come undone as a result.

This move will have consequences that reverberate, however. If Mou thought he lost the locker room before or that it was divided, what does he think will happen now?

I also think some outside Spain fail too appreciate the value of iconic club players and believe it is some sort of provocative play from the players themselves to get their way - far from it

It doesn't matter if Jesus Christ plays on the left, God in the middle or the Holy Goost on the right it stil the manager who have to be in charge.

You try to portrait Casilias as something above the law, in the end he's only one piece in puzzle of eleven to make a full picture. If report are true and he dislike Ronaldo then his behavior is disgusting, a captain who show his dislike to a teammate so openly is a rotten egg, no matter how smoothly he talk and walks.

The rest of your post is breathing arrogance.