Kylian Mbappe | Signs new PSG contract until 2025, La Liga says they intend to file a complaint

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Sire it was, you just want yo shift the narrative from your boy Mbappe.

And yes, I quite frankly despise everything the likes of City, Newcastle, PSG and Chelsea represent, I obviously can't tell other fans how to support their club, but if United got purchased by the Saudis instead of Newcastle you can bet I wouldn't be supporting them anymore.

And no, I'm not seeing what I want to see, I literally had no idea about his image rights issue until I read your post, and anyone who claims to be meticulous about their image wouldn't choose to work for an oppressive regime - the problem with going public about what and who you want to represent opens you up to a load of instances where you can be labelled a hypocrite.

I wouldn't take that bet, to be honest. It's very easy to say, I don't know if that would stick if you're a real fan of United, you should know a club is bigger than its owners, but I can understand your viewpoint, I just don't agree with it and I don't think there's any hypocrisy there. If he chose to play in Qatar, then I would agree. He's playing in his hometown where his family and childhood friends live, he's got murals of him there, it's just not the same thing but it's very easy to make judgments.
Must be sad for him to be winning a trophy and the atmosphere in the stadium is just like any other game.
I wouldn't take that bet, to be honest. It's very easy to say, I don't know if that would stick if you're a real fan of United, you should know a club is bigger than its owners, but I can understand your viewpoint, I just don't agree with it and I don't think there's any hypocrisy there. If he chose to play in Qatar, then I would agree. He's playing in his hometown where his family and childhood friends live, he's got murals of him there, it's just not the same thing but it's very easy to make judgments.

:lol: I'm loving all these passive aggressive insults you're throwing my way purely for the fact I expressed an opinion.

Yes, I am a real fan of United, and I've supported this club throughout it's current crappy ownership, BUT if there was an ownership change, and the owners were human rights abusers (like PSG, Man City etc) then I would no longer be that loyal fan, as that's exactly what those reigimes want, dedicated support from brain dead idiots who blindly follow the club, why do you think these reigimes buy these clubs, you think they buy them out of the goodness of their hearts? They're buying millions of subservient little minions.

If he wanted to play in Paris so much, why didn't he sign for Paris FC? Oh yeah, money - listen, you can choose to believe that his shit don't stink but it does, he's a self righteous hypocrite and the fans of these clubs ain't much better.
Teams craft anti-Mbappé plans as well.

Also, total number of goals scored in the 2007-2008 season : 1002
In 2020/2021 : 1024

I think it's pretty safe to say the difference is negligeable over 380 games.
Yeah I gone off my memory there but I still think its fair to say that leagues have become much more top heavy with goals mostly concentrated in one outlet ( I'm basing that on the increase of 30 + goalscorers, your benzemas , lewys and even the likes of immobile).
As you say it's very negligeable but still does give him a slight advantage plus mostly playing as an outright striker compared to Cristiano playing as a winger.
If he wanted to play in Paris so much, why didn't he sign for Paris FC? Oh yeah, money - listen, you can choose to believe that his shit don't stink but it does, he's a self righteous hypocrite and the fans of these clubs ain't much better.

The rest of your comments were not necessary, if you wanted to be insulting there was no use for the mumbo jumbo you wrote to try to make it sound as if it was a well-thought analysis.
The rest of your comments were not necessary, if you wanted to be insulting there was no use for the mumbo jumbo you wrote to try to make it sound as if it was a well-thought analysis.

My initial comment on his post didn't contain any insults to him actually, it was only when he questioned what I actually do/did for charity to be questioning Mbappe (whataboutism) and then questioning wether I'm actually a United fan because I wouldn't support the club if it were run by oppressive reigimes did I then resort to insults.

At the end of the day, don't give if you can't take.
Yes, I am a real fan of United, and I've supported this club throughout it's current crappy ownership, BUT if there was an ownership change, and the owners were human rights abusers (like PSG, Man City etc) then I would no longer be that loyal fan, as that's exactly what those reigimes want, dedicated support from brain dead idiots who blindly follow the club, why do you think these reigimes buy these clubs, you think they buy them out of the goodness of their hearts? They're buying millions of subservient little minions.
Imagine supporting a club owned by a major Trump donor and thinking your hands are 100% clean.

No doubt the owners at PSG and City are way worse due to the sheer nature of their geopolitical power, but United is literally in the hands of human rights abusers/enablers. What you're accusing Mbappé of is exactly what you're doing in this thread, in that you're pretending you wouldn't tolerate stuff and turning a blind eye to the issues you do tolerate.

The reality is all of us are making daily compromises between our ethical values and our passions and consumption choices and making 1 good thing and 1 bad thing is better than doing 2 bad things. I commend Mbappé for not promoting harmful companies. I regret he's one the faces of Qatar's soft power, but it's not like I have much more respect for Pérez or Abramovitch (but I guess we've finally reached the consensus that he's a piece of shit).

This post may come across as whataboutism but it's more about the stupidity of the purity test we're supposed to hold against the rare few celebrities that bother to speak out on various issues. The same happened with Lebron James with regards to NBA in China.
@antk yup, completely the same thing really.
That's not what I said at all, but the fact you're instantly refusing to engage with the possibility of the United owners being bad enough to warrant not supporting them should help you understand why some others are still supporting City or PSG.
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That's not what I said at all, but the fact you're instantly refusing to engage with the possibility of the United owners being bad enough to warrant not supporting them should help you understand why some others are still supporting City or PSG.

No doubt our owners are bastards, and no doubt bad people, but why even mention them in the same breathe as the Qatari reigime? There's modern day slavery rife in that region, women's rights non existent and good luck if you're in a same sex relationship, you're comparing apples to Oranges here.

Anyway, my point was that Mbappe being picky over the use of his image was hypocritical and self righteous, it was then dragged into a bigger debate because a PSG fan wasn't happy that I critiqued their man.
Anyway, my point was that Mbappe being picky over the use of his image was hypocritical and self righteous, it was then dragged into a bigger debate because a PSG fan wasn't happy that I critiqued their man.

Oh yeah, how self righteous of him to refuse to take part in commercial partnerships with betting websites or junk food restaurants, the guy really is a b*stard.
Insulting another member
:lol: I'm loving all these passive aggressive insults you're throwing my way purely for the fact I expressed an opinion.

Yes, I am a real fan of United, and I've supported this club throughout it's current crappy ownership, BUT if there was an ownership change, and the owners were human rights abusers (like PSG, Man City etc) then I would no longer be that loyal fan, as that's exactly what those reigimes want, dedicated support from brain dead idiots who blindly follow the club, why do you think these reigimes buy these clubs, you think they buy them out of the goodness of their hearts? They're buying millions of subservient little minions.

If he wanted to play in Paris so much, why didn't he sign for Paris FC? Oh yeah, money - listen, you can choose to believe that his shit don't stink but it does, he's a self righteous hypocrite and the fans of these clubs ain't much better.
There's nothing passive aggressive or even aggressive in what I said, I think you're just sensitive because you're talking nonsense. Nothing about your post makes any sense, why would a superstar in the making play for a Ligue 2 club? Are you really that thick?

Harvey Weinstein was a rapist, do you no longer watch any of the movies he's produced? If you don't then you're a hypocrite in your weird little philosophy on what fans should do.

Art, like a football club, like anything out there, once it's out in the public sphere, it also belongs to the people. It doesn't matter who owns a club, especially as PSG existed long before the Qataris and it will exist after them as well. It doesn't belong to them, it belongs to Paris and its fans first and foremost, same for any art form out there.

But given the 'logic' you're trying to use in your arguments, I'm guessing this will all go over your head, so cool story, good luck to you (btw, that's passive aggressive, for future reference).

Imagine supporting a club owned by a major Trump donor and thinking your hands are 100% clean.

No doubt the owners at PSG and City are way worse due to the sheer nature of their geopolitical power, but United is literally in the hands of human rights abusers/enablers. What you're accusing Mbappé of is exactly what you're doing in this thread, in that you're pretending you wouldn't tolerate stuff and turning a blind eye to the issues you do tolerate.

The reality is all of us are making daily compromises between our ethical values and our passions and consumption choices and making 1 good thing and 1 bad thing is better than doing 2 bad things. I commend Mbappé for not promoting harmful companies. I regret he's one the faces of Qatar's soft power, but it's not like I have much more respect for Pérez or Abramovitch (but I guess we've finally reached the consensus that he's a piece of shit).

This post may come across as whataboutism but it's more about the stupidity of the purity test we're supposed to hold against the rare few celebrities that bother to speak out on various issues. The same happened with Lebron James with regards to NBA in China.
You got it. Great post.
There's nothing passive aggressive or even aggressive in what I said, I think you're just sensitive because you're talking nonsense. Nothing about your post makes any sense, why would a superstar in the making play for a Ligue 2 club? Are you really that thick?

Harvey Weinstein was a rapist, do you no longer watch any of the movies he's produced? If you don't then you're a hypocrite in your weird little philosophy on what fans should do.

Art, like a football club, like anything out there, once it's out in the public sphere, it also belongs to the people. It doesn't matter who owns a club, especially as PSG existed long before the Qataris and it will exist after them as well. It doesn't belong to them, it belongs to Paris and its fans first and foremost, same for any art form out there.

But given the 'logic' you're trying to use in your arguments, I'm guessing this will all go over your head, so cool story, good luck to you (btw, that's passive aggressive, for future reference).

You got it. Great post.

And now resorting to flat out insults, guess a spade doesn't like being called a spade.

Not being sensitive, on the same note, why would a superstar so conscious of his image choose to represent an oppressive regime? If he loved Paris so much why not drop down a league and make Paris FC relevant again? Would jave meant much more than winning a CL with a plastic club like PSG.

PSG will be a shell of a club if the Qataris ever leave, probably leaving you in massive debt, though you'd probably get bought out again just like Chelsea.

Now you're just trying to draw random parallels to justify Mbappes hypocrisy, to clarify I'm a nobody, I don't go around announcing my superiority (you were goading hence me saying clubs run by oppressive reigimes would make me stop supporting them) like it sounds like he does (you're the one who said he's so meticulous about who he associates with).

It's clear we just fundamentally don't agree though, and considering you're resorting to petty little insults we should just agree to disagree like grown ups rather than throwing toys.
Not being sensitive, on the same note, why would a superstar so conscious of his image choose to represent an oppressive regime? If he loved Paris so much why not drop down a league and make Paris FC relevant again? Would jave meant much more than winning a CL with a plastic club like PSG.

You don't make any sense for at least 5 pages, this is getting ridiculous.
Looks like he is staying, can't say i really blame him, the amount of money PSG is throwing at him is insane.

That said, he lacks ambition.
On the bright side, Real will surely go all-in on Haaland now.

City-bound, don't you get it? You can't beat these "teams" off the pitch, you may beat them on the pitch but they have unlimited money so they can take the humiliations.
Big news if true, also means that Real can pivot their attention towards Haaland and grab him away from City.
How credible is this report. I’m really surprised he chose the money though
Tbf they're only saying that it looks very likely and that discussions are ramping up. Can't access the full article though.
Kind of makes sense if it is true, the deal to Madrid kind of went all radio silence over the last few months
Another 3 years in an irrelevant league. Great job!

250 mil though, like damn.

Madrid should just focus on other areas really, get in a new DM and LB. Vini and Rodrygo already doing great up front.
Reddit strikes again then. They said Le Parisien are Tier 1 depending on the journo.

They haven't been reliable in a while, maybe they have sources on that one but I would wait for someone else to confirm it.
It's the right move in the immediate, he's only 23, I think he will have some kind of clause that lets him leave at the end of next season is rumors are to be believed (still really waiting to hear whether this renewal is even true to begin with), but PSG is a better team than Madrid, who are the gods' chosen team this season but realistically they will have some rebuilding to do. With players like Hakimi, Neymar, Messi, Veratti, Wijnaldum (just kidding), Mendes, they have a solid core of players, they just need a coach that knows how to actually manage, and they need the owners to stay the feck out of the team's decisions.

Personally, I'd like him to leave to England over Spain, but regardless of where he goes, the league gets easier for him with him in it. Only a few teams could afford him, City or Real, he'd dominate both leagues with those teams unless Barcelona put up a challenge which still remains to be seen with their financial situation, so this whole staying in a easy league is kind of moot, wherever he goes he'd be massive favorite unless he went to a team like Newcastle or something, which just would never happen. Paris is his hometown, winning a CL there is bigger than anything else club football can offer for him, but after 5 years I'd say you gotta move on and try elsewhere, but that is some good money to make at that age.
He lacks ambition, Ronaldo and Messi always put football over money, this kind of decision will stop him from fulfilling his potential.

They were often wrong.
Let's see if they are right this time. But they sounds pretty sure this time.
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