Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

They’ve got “ham” in their name ffs what did yous expect?

by the way I have it in good authority that the cat eats Felix beef, lamb, duck, fish and chicken sachets!! So he can’t cry about animal abuse, the meat eating animal!
It's not about it being strange, it's about it being hypocritical. You can't call yourself an animal lover if you pay for them to be slaughtered. You can call yourself a dog/cat lover but you clearly don't love all animals if you eat them.
You are exactly correct about this.

"Don't underestimate the capacity of humans to adjust their beliefs according to their self-interest"
If animal abuse deserves a bigger ban than racist abuse, crimes against animals are worse than crimes against people of colour. One cat was abused horribly, millions of footballers get racially abused, but the one cat gets more "ban days" than all of the bans for racism in the prem this year added together?

Or perhaps A) physical abuse is worse than verbal abuse. B) Suarez got a 4 month ban for racism.

Also where is the millions of cases of racial abuse in the PL? If even a fan gets caught they get banned from the stadium for life I believe
Like I said the 'holier than thou shite' is just you projecting again. The fact that you didn't address any of the points maybe shows your cognitive dissonance.

Thanks for the phycological assessment, Sigmund. I was long overdue one after all those games of WW. The projection part is of particular interest. You see, I entered a midget throwing contest down my local this one time, where the object of the game was to throw a midget covered in padded velcro down a 'runway' that was also covered in velcro as far as possible. I projected him about 8 feet if I recall correctly. Heh, good times.

But yeah, how about that Kurt Zouma, eh? The man (a term I use as loosely as possible) is pure evil. Say what you like about us meat-eaters, but we generally don't kick and slap our food around before consuming it.
How do you tell if someone is vegan? They'll tell you in every single thread on the Caf even if it isn't remotely relevant to the conversation.

Zouma is an arsehole, it's plain and simple. Hopefully he has to go to an awareness course and make a public statement about animal cruelty, maybe even voluntarily sign up for some public service? But I'm not sure where some people are expecting the line to be drawn before they are "satisfied". Does he need to be banned from all sport for life, and sent to the Phantom Zone for 300 cycles?
Sorry but this is an awful argument. You can’t compare the natural process of eating meat to hitting a defenseless animal out of the fact your a massive dickhead. Does this argument mean that those who hit animals should go unpunished because people eat meat? People who are defending zouma are shameful
I'm gonna become a vegetarian just so I can kick my cat in the face, then walk over to my neighbor's house and give her dog a rear-naked choke. Might even head to the pet store and slap a few rabbits across the face and then take my kids to the farm so they can see me Stone Cold Stunner a few goats
Thanks for the phycological assessment, Sigmund. I was long overdue one after all those games of WW. The projection part is of particular interest. You see, I entered a midget throwing contest down my local this one time, where the object of the game was to throw a midget covered in padded velcro down a 'runway' that was also covered in velcro as far as possible. I projected him about 8 feet if I recall correctly. Heh, good times.

Wait, this is interesting..are there actually WW games played on here? :angel: Loved playing them back in the day on a different forum.
Wait, this is interesting..are there actually WW games played on here? :angel: Loved playing them back in the day on a different forum.

WW games take place in the general forum at least once a month. New members can't access the general, though. Sorry.

@12OunceEpilogue @RedSky

PM the scouts with the best grovelling messages your brain can muster, persuading them to facilitate your promotion. Failing that, just bribe them. Dick pics are the preferred form of currency.

I agree with her premise in general but I reject it's application to the Zouma situation. He's been fined two weeks wages and lost a big endorsement deal but he's continued to play games as normal. People roasting him on social media isn't being cancelled. That's just social media. People will eventually move on to other things. Zouma won't be talked about on a daily basis forever. He'll then likely keep down his down and pick up another endorsement deal and his life will go on.
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But I'm not sure where some people are expecting the line to be drawn before they are "satisfied".

Some people never will be satisfied. That's the nature of online outrage - or whatever you want to call it. It will be too little (or too late, or both) in one way or another no matter what happens. Those people aren't interested in "justice" in a more or less traditional sense, though - they are easily as questionable from a moral perspective as the target du jour they're attacking.

They're also as generally bad - if not more so - than smug vegans. Which says a lot. Because smug vegans are...well, I'm sure I don't have to elaborate.
"Misguided kick" is a ridiculous term to introduce here.

It's pretty feckin' obvious that this person has no idea how to treat a cat in the first place.
Physical abuse is worse than verbal abuse, and this is a hill I’m willing to die on. Yes, I’m white, but I’ve been called a gypsy countless times online when people found out I’m from Romania, a country with 90% percent of…romanians, while the biggest minority here being by far the magyars. And the vast majority of those that called me that are from the PC ridden Western Europe and Scandinavia. So I think I’m allowed to have an opinion even if I’m not a poc.

Please remember the outrage with Sebastian Coltescu being wrongly accused of racism in the game between Istanbul and PSG. All the game he was being called a gypsy culminating with one person from the Istanbul bench saying “In my country romanians are gypsies”. But yes, nobody cared, who the feck cares about romanians, it’s not cool. And Sebastian Coltescu wasn’t even racist, had he been you wouldn’t have known it, trust me. But the public outrage was bshit, literally being offended for nothing. You even had pocs like Barnes and Micah Richards defending him but what do they know.
Also, we had @Godfather calling him “romanian cnut” as if it mattered from what country he was, showing you the double standards from all these PC virtue signaling people.
But yeah, how about that Kurt Zouma, eh? The man (a term I use as loosely as possible) is pure evil. Say what you like about us meat-eaters, but we generally don't kick and slap our food around before consuming it.
Instead you let someone else do the animal abuse for you..

Are you suggesting he'd have been less evil if he'd just fried his cat and eaten it?
Instead you let someone else do the animal abuse for you..

Are you suggesting he'd have been less evil if he'd just fried his cat and eaten it?

i didn't see the original comment but.... one animal is meant to be a pet and cared for and is your responsibility, kind of like a child? The other isn't. And this shouldn't be a debate on the ethics of meat eating. It's an animal abuse issue - it's that simple.

imagine adopting an animal that will rely on you for everything, just to torture it in your house for shits and giggles
This thread has really been a wild ride. The dominant theme now seems to be vegans having their say.
one animal is meant to be a pet and cared for and is your responsibility, kind of like a child? The other isn't.

The problem is mainly one of conflation (to what extent it's done on purpose is a separate issue):

Conflating eating meat with actively supporting the meat industry (in all its non-glory) is an obvious one.

Conflating killing animals (in a purely general sense, terminating their lives for whatever reason) with cruelty is another one.

Conflating meat eating with sheer "luxury" or "pleasure" is a third one.

And then - of course - the standard false equivalency based claim that anyone who eats meat (for whatever reason, under whatever circumstances) is abusing animals and thus cannot possibly accuse anyone else of animal abuse.
One "misguided kick" :lol: :lol: . Funny how people think that after saying "i love animals", they can talk rubbish.
I tried to avoid using "what about" in this thread but it is major theme of this thread so why not. WITHOUT by any means, trying to compare which evil is bigger but what about if that term "one misguided kick" (and btw slap in the face) or "he did a mistake" is used in other abuse;
"He gently slapped his wife only once"
"He said N word only once"
"He said only once that he hates gays".

Downplaying this Zouma shit is getting better and better. He is a cnut. Animal abuser who deserves punishment.
@Godfather: ”Demba Ba should have knocked that Romanian cnut proper out. SImple.

Literally as bad as the ref.
No, it "literally" isn't. It's worse, actually. Far worse.

That poster is directly insulting the ref based on his heritage/nationality/ethnicity, whatever. The ref was pointing the player out based on his skin. Wrong but probably not intentionally insulting.

Putting "Romanian/Black/Irish/Asian cnut" in the same as wheelhouse as saying "The black guy/one" is ridiculous.

Nice to see a proper example of understanding, empathy and inclusion from the austrian poster @Godfather. Who cares about xenophobia and racism against romanians, it’s good to see people are eager to put their hands on those juicy virtue signaling points. It doesn’t matter the ref wasn’t even racist, he wanted to show us how much he cares about tackling (non) racism with xenophobia and also a degree of racism. Well done, mate, you are a PC warrior.

Also, thank you @Shane88 for your sensible comment, as a Romanian I appreciate it.
Instead you let someone else do the animal abuse for you..

Are you suggesting he'd have been less evil if he'd just fried his cat and eaten it?

Two of you now. How are you lot multiplying so fast?

I must have become confused somewhere, so perhaps you could explain. What the shit does our eating habits (which is the same as roughly 90% of humanity) have to do with Kurt Zouma drop-kicking a defenceless cat 6 feet across his kitchen floor, and as if that wasn't enough, slapping the poor thing out of his son's hands with enough force to send him bouncing off the table and on the ground?

That cat must have been petrified out of its wits. Absolutely petrified. The really sad part is the poor thing probably thought he/she deserved it. Feck sake.

Stop defending the guy.
Don't they already say to much.
They say only as much as their weak bodies allow them to.

That cat must have been petrified out of its wits. Absolutely petrified. The really sad part is the poor thing probably thought he/she deserved it. Feck sake.

Stop defending the guy.
This is it. Enough diverting the discussion from the main point that the guy is an utter wanker.
That cat must have been petrified out of its wits. Absolutely petrified. The really sad part is the poor thing probably thought he/she deserved it. Feck sake.

Stop defending the guy.

Agree, Zouma should be put with a bigger feline in a cage. For those without an ounce of empathy, it’s not “just kicking a cat”, this guy is a psychopath who 100% abused humans before(which you hold to such higher standards).
Physical abuse is worse than verbal abuse, and this is a hill I’m willing to die on. Yes, I’m white, but I’ve been called a gypsy countless times online when people found out I’m from Romania, a country with 90% percent of…romanians, while the biggest minority here being by far the magyars. And the vast majority of those that called me that are from the PC ridden Western Europe and Scandinavia. So I think I’m allowed to have an opinion even if I’m not a poc.

Please remember the outrage with Sebastian Coltescu being wrongly accused of racism in the game between Istanbul and PSG. All the game he was being called a gypsy culminating with one person from the Istanbul bench saying “In my country romanians are gypsies”. But yes, nobody cared, who the feck cares about romanians, it’s not cool. And Sebastian Coltescu wasn’t even racist, had he been you wouldn’t have known it, trust me. But the public outrage was bshit, literally being offended for nothing. You even had pocs like Barnes and Micah Richards defending him but what do they know.
Also, we had @Godfather calling him “romanian cnut” as if it mattered from what country he was, showing you the double standards from all these PC virtue signaling people.

Was a stupid comment back then and still is. Deleted it too. Sorry if you took offense
I really appreciate this, I’m sorry too for being rude. It’s all fine for me.

Nah no apologies needed. You weren't rude either. Classic case of chatting crap and then getting called out on it. Deservedly so. Absolutely no need from me to mention nationality in that context. Just plain dumb.
I have a question though (keeping in mind that what Zouma did to a domestic cat was wrong)... How many of you think that the life of an animal is worth as much as that of a human and why?
I personally believe that you can't pretend it is if you eat meat (i do eat meat by the way).

And please no over emotional answers, it's a forum not an echo chamber and people are entitled to different opinions.
I'm gonna become a vegetarian just so I can kick my cat in the face, then walk over to my neighbor's house and give her dog a rear-naked choke. Might even head to the pet store and slap a few rabbits across the face and then take my kids to the farm so they can see me Stone Cold Stunner a few goats
I have a question though (keeping in mind that what Zouma did to a domestic cat was wrong)... How many of you think that the life of an animal is worth as much as that of a human and why?
I personally believe that you can't pretend it is if you eat meat (i do eat meat by the way).

And please no over emotional answers, it's a forum not an echo chamber and people are entitled to different opinions.
Who’s burner account is this?
I personally believe that you can't pretend it is if you eat meat (i do eat meat by the way).

Animals eat other animals.

This has nothing to do with "worth". The latter is a purely human concept. Nature doesn't recognize "worth".

We obviously can't pretend we're predators in the same category as sharks or tigers, though. But it's not unnatural for our species to kill animals for food. It doesn't follow - in any way - that eating meat for humans is equivalent to us pretending we're more "worth" than other species.

Some people obviously do feel that way - that's undeniable. People have the unique human quality of cuntishness, after all. But on a, say, philosophical level - no, this is bollocks. You can kill, and eat, another animal without raising yourself above it (in terms of ultimate status under whatever grand guiding principle you recognize, be it science or God or feck knows what).
Who’s burner account is this?
If you can't answer the question, move on.

Animals eat other animals.

This has nothing to do with "worth". The latter is a purely human concept. Nature doesn't recognize "worth".

We obviously can't pretend we're predators in the same category as sharks or tigers, though. But it's not unnatural for our species to kill animals for food. It doesn't follow - in any way - that eating meat for humans is equivalent to us pretending we're more "worth" than other species.

Some people obviously do feel that way - that's undeniable. People have the unique human quality of cuntishness, after all. But on a, say, philosophical level - no, this is bollocks. You can kill, and eat, another animal without raising yourself above it (in terms of ultimate status under whatever grand guiding principle you recognize, be it science or God or feck knows what).
Humans don't eat humans though, atleast they aren't supposed to.
But thanks for sharing your point of view.
There I absolutely no way in hell this is an isolated incident as many keep suggesting. The one time he’s on camera at home he just happens to physically abuse his pet? Utter nonsense.
There I absolutely no way in hell this is an isolated incident as many keep suggesting. The one time he’s on camera at home he just happens to physically abuse his pet? Utter nonsense.
Its a much his first time as it was greenwood abusing his gf who just happened to be recording it.