Kieran McKenna | Close to signing long term deal to stay at Ipswich

My reasoning for suggesting he should move is due to the quality of the squad he has, it would be by far the worst overall squad in the PL. No disrespect to the club, but when you have successive promotions, its normal to have many League 1 standard players in the side.

A club like Brighton if De Zerbi goes, or if Everton decide to go in a new direction, then it could give him a greater chance at showing his true ability.
I can understand that train of thought. However, it leaves one open to getting sacked and rep ruined quicker if it fails. At an Ipswich, just like Burnley with Kompany, if the planning is long term, the board would trust him regardless to keep moulding the team the way he wants even if they went up to the EPL and went back. Plus nothing bests testing your self at the top level with methods that have worked for you surrounded by those you can trust.
I am ready to get on board the Mckenna hype train. Besides Xabi Alonso, who has already committed his immediate future to Neverkusen (we can still call them that until they win the title this season), there is no stand out candidate in the market. The likes of Potter, Southgate, Tuchel, DeZerbi etc are as uninspiring as they come. With regards to Nagelsman, I can't get over the fact that Ole schooled him and his naive style of football in the first leg of our CL match against them. We'd have won the return leg too and qualified for the knock-outs if Ole wasn't such a pussy and set us up to draw in that game.

So, that leaves me with Motta or McKenna, two managers whose teams I have watched only briefly but have left me impressed with their playing styles. Motta's is a more controlled possession based system, whereas McKenna is a more gung ho heavy metal Klopp like system. I am ready for either.
You know EXACTLY what am talking about. It's like you are having amnesia about what you just posted about LVG. A hallmark of that exact kinda fan I've described. Frankly
Hiding behind histrionics and constantly pretending you are superior won't make your views more impressive or prove you are capable of holding coherent discussion.

mate, you've never had one in the first place.
Just bore off. Not interested to argue with 10 year olds You know what - you are asset to the Cafe. Keep doing what you've been doing. Thanks!
I can understand that train of thought. However, it leaves one open to getting sacked and rep ruined quicker if it fails. At an Ipswich, just like Burnley with Kompany, if the planning is long term, the board would trust him regardless to keep moulding the team the way he wants even if they went up to the EPL and went back. Plus nothing bests testing your self at the top level with methods that have worked for you surrounded by those you can trust.

I agree with this sentiment. Ipswich are well over acheiving and their long term plans, I'd doubt, would have included promotion into the EPL this season. The board, especially Mark Ashton as CEO is very well structured and gave McKenna a contract extension (with a £4mil release clause) until 2027. I think they will stick with him regardless of what happens if they get promoted. Its just a question if anyone willing to gamble on McKenna and pay his release clause.

He's certain to win Championship manager of the season. Be a travesty if Farke won it given the resources they both have.
Shame the couldn't manage a win tonight. Such a tight race for the automatic promotion. Really hope he gets them over the line.
Shame the couldn't manage a win tonight. Such a tight race for the automatic promotion. Really hope he gets them over the line.
Such a test will benefit him massively in long term. It is not smaller in scale as compared to the title race of EPL or the CL final.
Well deserved.

There must be mistake.

Surely he was awarded PE teacher of the year. At least that’s what I’ve been led to believe about his abilities by reading opinions on the Caf.

Seriously, I’m glad for him. I’m genuinely curious to see how his work will translate in the PL, especially when you see how highly Kompany’s work was regarded and how atrocious Burnley have been this season.
There must be mistake.

Surely he was awarded PE teacher of the year. At least that’s what I’ve been led to believe about his abilities by reading opinions on the Caf.

Anyone who comments on what any of our coaching staff do is a-bit weird imo. Nobody had the slightest clue what Carrick or McKenna actually done.
I truly hope McKenna & Ipswich get promoted & if they do it will be interesting to see how much money they will have to spend.
Anyone who comments on what any of our coaching staff do is a-bit weird imo. Nobody had the slightest clue what Carrick or McKenna actually done.

That's pretty easy to say in hindsight. I don't think it's that weird. It was made known by Ole that McKenna and Carrick took charge of training.
In fact, it's pretty logical to blame the guys coaching the team everyday for poor tactical performance on the pitch.

Obviously, it now looks like it wasn't down to them as it's come to light that Ole would overrule them tactically (but that's a whole other conversation). But at the time it was a pretty reasonable conclusion to come to. Personally i'm really excited to see what they can both do now they've been unshackled - Mckenna looks like the exciting prospect we were always told he was when he came over from Spurs and it would be great if he gets to the level where he can come back as our manager one day.
That's pretty easy to say in hindsight. I don't think it's that weird. It was made known by Ole that McKenna and Carrick took charge of training.
In fact, it's pretty logical to blame the guys coaching the team everyday for poor tactical performance on the pitch.

Obviously, it now looks like it wasn't down to them as it's come to light that Ole would overrule them tactically (but that's a whole other conversation). But at the time it was a pretty reasonable conclusion to come to. Personally i'm really excited to see what they can both do now they've been unshackled - Mckenna looks like the exciting prospect we were always told he was when he came over from Spurs and it would be great if he gets to the level where he can come back as our manager one day.

Each to their own. Personally, I just blamed the manager.
I truly hope McKenna & Ipswich get promoted & if they do it will be interesting to see how much money they will have to spend.

My Ipswich mates reckon they should sell Leif Davis for 40mil if they get promoted. They are quite adamant that he cant defend and he basically plays most of the game as a left winger and has a skill set that can be replaced as its the tactical system rather than the player that's enabled him to set record breaking assists. They also secured a hefty £100 investment from some native American gambling company so they might be able to splash out a bit?
My Ipswich mates reckon they should sell Leif Davis for 40mil if they get promoted. They are quite adamant that he cant defend and he basically plays most of the game as a left winger and has a skill set that can be replaced as its the tactical system rather than the player that's enabled him to set record breaking assists. They also secured a hefty £100 investment from some native American gambling company so they might be able to splash out a bit?
That's very interesting. I would like very much to see what McKenna can do with some cash to spend. I think he is a genuine talent who just might surprise a few PL teams if he can add to the squad.
My Ipswich mates reckon they should sell Leif Davis for 40mil if they get promoted. They are quite adamant that he cant defend and he basically plays most of the game as a left winger and has a skill set that can be replaced as its the tactical system rather than the player that's enabled him to set record breaking assists. They also secured a hefty £100 investment from some native American gambling company so they might be able to splash out a bit?
Don’t forget the magical FFP. I can’t believe they have a huge income that will support splashing the cash so they will have to box clever
That's pretty easy to say in hindsight. I don't think it's that weird. It was made known by Ole that McKenna and Carrick took charge of training.
In fact, it's pretty logical to blame the guys coaching the team everyday for poor tactical performance on the pitch.

Obviously, it now looks like it wasn't down to them as it's come to light that Ole would overrule them tactically (but that's a whole other conversation). But at the time it was a pretty reasonable conclusion to come to. Personally i'm really excited to see what they can both do now they've been unshackled - Mckenna looks like the exciting prospect we were always told he was when he came over from Spurs and it would be great if he gets to the level where he can come back as our manager one day.
I don’t think he’ll survive if he manage us solely from the fact that some of the players still remember him from his original stint and won’t give him the respect that he deserves.
You could say he’s got more experience under his belt than Xabi Alonso when he took over Leverkusen.
What are the rules on loaning players to one club? can we send more than one to ipswich next year? It would be great if we can send some players and appoint mckenna for the 26 season
It’s pleasing when someone who tries to play positive attacking football is rewarded like this, I think it can send a positive message to teams in similar situations. Also the way he went about his business by building from in house and improving players in his image and to benefit the system and themselves.

Like logging a young player, you have hopes for young managers too but hopefully he can progress through the levels and go to teams that back him in approach and hopefully players that suit his style.

Think there will be a lot of movement amongst managers so maybe someone will take a chance on him next season in the premier league.
The assistants and first team coaches rarely ever speak to the media. I can’t remember one single interview that the club or another media outlet did with McKenna. Could be wrong of course.

Also: How could one tell McKenna had a strong say in subs?
I saw at least a couple of his videos on youtube somehow. The sub comment was based on the reaction to him from the coaching staff, including Ole when a sub was instrumental in a key goal or assist.
Delighted for McKenna. I met him in Manchester once when he was at united, couldn't have been a nicer guy. He was poached by United with a brilliant reputation as a very young coach and was unfairly sullied by leaks to media and general discontent that seemed to all spawn from some toxic players in our squad. I hope he gets them promoted- Ive said elsewhere I think it would be one of the truly great lower league achievements to take them from league 1 to the Prem in 2 seasons, given where they were when he took over. If he kicks on for a couple of seasons then who knows in the future. Once again, shame on all the people who decided they knew best on here and were spouting utter rubbish most likely simply because he was a young coach.
I'm sure he remembers the useless twats too and the disrespect will be mutual!

Absolutely. Its probably too soon for him but if he were to come in as a manager, let him boot anybody he sees fit. Though I suspect some are already gone.
It would be suicide to appoint him currently to Utd - both for us and for him.
Maybe. We'll never know. The romantic in me is imagining a long, successful stint with progressive football, but I'm hopelessly optimistic about everything United.
I saw at least a couple of his videos on youtube somehow. The sub comment was based on the reaction to him from the coaching staff, including Ole when a sub was instrumental in a key goal or assist.

Could also be due to the move/build-up for the goal. Something he worked on with the attacking players.
Maybe. We'll never know. The romantic in me is imagining a long, successful stint with progressive football, but I'm hopelessly optimistic about everything United.
Basically, there's this romantic notion that a good manager is going to thrive wherever he goes, notwithstanding the context he is working in. Utd is currently undergoing massive change from top to bottom, and while I believe Ineos is on the right track with the blueprint they have and the people they're recruiting, it's also too early for this target operating model to be fully effective. McKenna is, for all his promising talent, still very young in the position and I don't believe it would be a good move for him to arrive in such an unsettled massive organisation. Maybe in a year or so, when the upper echelons of the Ineos blueprint are effective, why not. In the meantime, a confirmed manager is needed to navigate these transformative times.
Basically, there's this romantic notion that a good manager is going to thrive wherever he goes, notwithstanding the context he is working in. Utd is currently undergoing massive change from top to bottom, and while I believe Ineos is on the right track with the blueprint they have and the people they're recruiting, it's also too early for this target operating model to be fully effective. McKenna is, for all his promising talent, still very young in the position and I don't believe it would be a good move for him to arrive in such an unsettled massive organisation. Maybe in a year or so, when the upper echelons of the Ineos blueprint are effective, why not. In the meantime, a confirmed manager is needed to navigate these transformative times.
I see where you're coming from, and I don't necessarily disagree. Ideally we would've had a DOF and everything in place before the summer, it would have made everything a lot easier, but gardens apparently need tending a lot more than I realized. The question is; what do we do next season? Do we just wait until everything in the structures above the manager is in place and just power through with ten Hag hoping it will come good again? Do we hire a more experienced manager with the short-term in mind to steady the ship through a transitional period? Or do we take a chance on someone talented even though every piece isn't in place yet?

I have no idea what would be best, to be honest. I've never been more uncertain on what is needed, both on the playing staff side and the manager side of the equation.