Classical Mechanic
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He's going to get beaten by Rishi Sunak at the next election
Sunak would be the first minority Prime Minister since Disraeli I think.
He's going to get beaten by Rishi Sunak at the next election
They removed a statue. They did not punch someone. I’d never expect Starmer to come out and say ‘punching someone is ok if they are racist’. To reiterate: I am not saying he should have come out in support of it, but to call it ‘completely wrong’ and actively call for prosecutions? No wonder he’s antagonised some of his own MPs.
I think you’re just saying this to save face. No one in their right mind would label someone who acted purely in self defence a violent person.
No, I said would you call them a vandal. Look them in the eye and say it. Not say they vandalised something. They know what they did. It’s the label I assume plenty of them would reject.
Again, you have shifted what I said, which in itself is telling. I said would you be happy for a right-wing commentator to denounce Mandela as a terrorist? Not to say he played a part in acts of terrorism, but to label him a terrorist, and to insist that is how we refer to him in popular memory.
More to the point, why do you think people deliberately eschew that definition of him? It’s the same reason I would eschew the definition of vandals to those who removed the statue.
He's going to get beaten by Rishi Sunak at the next election
Where society infringes on an individual's rights they are justified in taking proportionate action if the process doesn't correct itself. This is tyranny and should be fought against.
Where is is not a matter of individual rights if you don't get your way, you have to continue within the process until you do through political means or accept the result. This is ultimately a matter of opinion and taking the law into your own hands is infringing on the rights of others. If you break the law you accept responsibility.
Racist apparently.
How is it not infringing someone’s human rights and mental health by having a statue promoting slavery in their city which they have to look upon a daily basis. A daily reminder of when they were the pets of White people.
Imagine a statue of Hitler being put up in London? How would that make Jews feel?
Yes it is racist.
Racist to treat all people equally with equal rights and responsibilities towards society. OK.
Which human right are you referring to?
If there was a Hitler statue put up the person putting it up would face severe consequences and it would be taken down immediately because there is awareness of his actions and the context.
With a man from 400 years ago people would need more persuasion and education but I trust that the argument would win in the end. No point now, its become a law and order question and I don't believe in infantalising people.
Sounds like something that could be resolved through the legal system thenSo in 400 years time will a statue of Hitler be okay because in time his actions will be less fresh in the memory?
Article 3 of the Human Rights Act...Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment.
It is degrading to have to be exposed to a statue promoting slavery and racism. I would also argue it is inhuman although this predominantly applies to physical torture whereas degrading can also apply to mental. Cannot see why anyone would see the need to defend the erection of such a statue, it defies common sense and decency. It demonstrates moral bankruptcy.
If everyone just toed the party line to appease people like your self who are clearly ignorant, nothing would ever change because people like you do not actually want to see change.
I haven’t shifted anything. I’m the one with a nuanced position.
Committing a crime doesn’t make you a bad person but you have broken the law.
I’m not saving face. Maybe I’m just smarter than you if you’re failing to grasp this, over points of language and definitions.
If people just followed the law all the time there would be no such thing as progress. Throughout evolution of society you need agitation and bending of the rules in order for the legal system to respond by either becoming more robust or begin to disapply the rule because it is no longer an accepted norm in society.
We have touched on Mandela but what about Rosa Parks defying the law and sitting on the wrong sides of the bus to fight segregation.
You’re seriously going to argue that the statue shouldn’t have been brought down and these people are vandals? To be honest I find anyone with that viewpoint a tad racist or massively ignorant.
Why should Black people be forced to live in a society where Slave Traders who killed their ancestors and treated them like shit be idolised as heroes of society and given statues? If the racist U.K. can’t give them that minimal level of dignity to take them down then feck em - burn every one of these statues.
Law is at the end of the day an ever changing beast - it’s not perfect or ‘God’s Word/scientific principle’ to put it another way, it’s just a group of humans saying this is what we think is right at any given moment and at times the Law can be an ass and gravely immoral. For these statues to still be up is immoral and a disgrace quite frankly.
I haven’t shifted anything. I’m the one with a nuanced position.
Committing a crime doesn’t make you a bad person but you have broken the law.
I’m not saving face. Maybe I’m just smarter than you if you’re failing to grasp this, over points of language and definitions.
No, you are not being nuanced - that’s my point. I’m using your own words. Your idea of ‘nuance’ meant you would label someone acting in self-defence as ‘violent’.
You also said the people who removed the statue are vandals. That is not a nuanced position to adopt. I’ve asked you twice if you would say to a black person involved that they are a vandal and you either evaded it or changed it to ‘I’d tell them they committed an act of vandalism’. My whole point has been the label of vandal is innapropriate and tacitly you actually seem to have conceded and be in agreement but are masquerading it as your superior intelligence which seems rather bizarre and quite sad.
You’ve failed to answer the Mandela question or tackle my point of why we do not call him a terrorist and why we should object to someone who insists we do. If you’re so smart, answer it. And then explain why it is also ok to label those who removed the statue as vandals (not say they committed an act of vandalism).
You also said the people who removed the statue are vandals. That is not a nuanced position to adopt. I’ve asked you twice if you would say to a black person involved that they are a vandal and you either evaded it or changed it to ‘I’d tell them they committed an act of vandalism’. My whole point has been the label of vandal is innapropriate and tacitly you actually seem to have conceded and be in agreement but are masquerading it as your superior intelligence which seems rather bizarre and quite sad.
To the bold : No I didn’t.
You’ve hinged some huge back and forth over something you told me I’ve said.
You’re tripping over an act and a label.
Regarding your Mandela point : Of course he was responsible for acts that were labelled as Terrorism. I’m not going to wade into the deep waters of South African apartheid politics. But an accepted consensus sets his behaviours alongside a cause that most people believed to be valid. For what it’s worth : I don’t think it’s smart to pick the most extreme examples to make a point about something else in a different country and political climate.
The same people that called for Cummings to be fired are also advocating that vandals get off Scott Free.
To the bold: yes you did.
Happened hundreds of years ago but we are reaping the benefits of it to this day and the stench of the racism still lingers around to this day.Nuanced, or taking a flexible approach is very sensible. Especially nowadays.
Because life is never completely right or wrong or black or white.
I live in Bristol; a city who's wealth partially came from trade. Trade of many commodities including slavery.
But. That happened hundreds of years ago and has nothing to do with modern Bristol.
History cannot and should not be rewritten just to suit current standards.
It is what it is. History.
Ffs Bobby, give your head a wobble.
You asked me to qualify a comment. You made it specifically about that one case with that one statue. You asked;
“Would you look a black person in the eye and call them a vandal for pulling the statue down”
I said that I would happily tell them they had committed an act of vandalism.
That’s what nuance is. I stole things in the past but I don’t consider myself a thief. I’m educating you about the principle of nuance but I’m sure as Fcuk not a teacher.
This is rather sad. You called them vandals. I disputed that. You backtracked and said you'd say they committed an act of vandalism, then even denied saying it altogether - the attempted denial clearly reveals you accept that it may not be such a valid or nuanced label seen as you seem to see yourself as the Master of Nuance for some strange reason. You have now come round to the exact position ('I stole but I am not a thief') that I was arguing for against your position of 'they committed vandalism are are vandals'. But apparently you're the one educating me on nuance?I must say this is the first time I've seen someone switch positions during a debate and then claim that it was their position all along.
You really don’t get it do you.
I stole but I’m not a thief..... But if I get caught Stealing - on camera - I am charged as one.
That’s the entire point.
Yes someone that vandalises is a vandal while they commit that crime. It’s just a word. But when you asked me about one single person you change those terms. I’m not going to brand one person something. But if I see a group of people looting I’ll sure as shit say “Look at the looters”. I’ve explained all of this.
You’re stripping something back to a tiny point of transitional English that you don’t seem to understand, to put some points on whatever weird little scoreboard you keep.
Happened hundreds of years ago but we are reaping the benefits of it to this day and the stench of the racism still lingers around to this day.
Someone who vandalizes something is a vandal, no amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that. Whether @UnrelatedPsuedo would 'say it to their faces' or not is entirely irrelevant.This is tiresome. It seems after all you do agree with me and accept you would not call them vandals but I don’t even know what you’re arguing for anymore. Let’s just leave it at that.
Someone who vandalizes something is a vandal, no amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that. Whether @UnrelatedPsuedo would 'say it to their faces' or not is entirely irrelevant.
10 years seems a bit heavy handed? I know of rapists who have got less.
Just watching Marr at the moment, and apparently it’s up to 10 years for criminal damage anyway.
I would assume that would be causing actual physical damage, or spray painting something offensive on there.
Presumably expensive criminal damage? Anything under £5000 gets community orders, usually attached to unpaid work, ie spray painting.
10 years seems a bit heavy handed? I know of rapists who have got less.
Nobody is going to go to jail for 10 years for vandalising a statue. In fact, I’m willing to bet nobody goes to jail at all. This is just politicians (on both sides) saying what the electorate want to hear. Nothing will come of it.
Alternatively they have been smart enough not to fall into an obvious Tory trap. The Tories will be pissed off they couldn't sucker Labour with that one, Labour have been gifted some easy 'tough on crime' bonus points by the Tories so job done. And slowly that is how Labour wins back lost political credibility.Of course they have. Surprised they never asked for more years to out tory the tories.
This is the opening salvo. We haven't even got to fines for not wearing a poppy and the like yet, that the bidding war will bring.Of course they have. Surprised they never asked for more years to out tory the tories.
The 10 year thing over statues is the govt chasing this Sunday's headline. Labour are right to play a straight bat to it and not get diverted. about the proposals for 10-year prison sentences, Labour's shadow home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds told Sky News: "I would support the government in creating a specific offence of protecting war memorials and I would be willing to work with the government on that."
Labour strategy seems to be playing into the whole "forgotten white traditional working class Labour voter" shtick with a hope that anyone under the age of 40 has no where else to go. It could work(Although the Tories have yet to go under 40% in the polls) but it's going to come at the expense of any decent policy, considering the planet is dying due to climate change and we are about to enter quite possibly the biggest depression since the early 20th century it's not exactly reassuring.Maybe but the best way of all to stop right wing hegemony is to get into power.
The 10 year thing over statues is the govt chasing this Sunday's headline. Labour are right to play a straight bat to it and no
The monsters! Supporting an offence to protect war memorials!