Keir Starmer Labour Leader

Yes I have, why?

No, the tests the video refers to are what Labour proposed as the precondition for easing the lockdown. Not the government.

The irony of Corbynite left complaining about credibility.

Starmer’s not gonna fare well if whenever he is criticised his supporters just point to failings Corbyn made too. That interview is not a good look for Labour, you’d be better off focusing on that. It was a poor interview from Dodds.
Starmer’s not gonna fare well if whenever he is criticised his supporters just point to failings Corbyn made too. That interview is not a good look for Labour, you’d be better off focusing on that. It was a poor interview from Dodds.

I’m not defending it, it was shit. Just amused by the hypocrisy.

This will be a significant self-inflicted wound by Labour if Starmer fails to confront the most unpleasant aspects of the leaked internal report.

From each according to his means, to each according to his means
losing black voters to who? the tories rip the pish out of what's her name, and the whole windrush thing.
losing black voters to who? the tories rip the pish out of what's her name, and the whole windrush thing.

Abstention I'd guess. In almost every demographic (age, ethnic background, social class), voter turnout generally corresponds with the extent to which members of that demographic feel that the issues important to them are represented by the major political parties. Albeit my citation for that is my Politics undergraduate statistics coursework.
To staying at home because nobody represents them.

Back to Labour's default setting re: benefits.

Shame you didn't read the article, you've got completely the wrong end of the stick from that headline alone.

From each according to his means, to each according to his means

If this was leading up to an election then this position wouldn't be so bad. Ensure welfare is adequate for all but reward those who have paid in (you'll have loads who feel they have who actually haven't) with a small additional welfare if they do fall on hard times. You can sell that as fair to most and fairness is key.

The issue is we're 5 years off an election and such commentary just supports and gets spun into the Tories ideals. Exact same mistakes as Milliband era.
If this was leading up to an election then this position wouldn't be so bad. Ensure welfare is adequate for all but reward those who have paid in (you'll have loads who feel they have who actually haven't) with a small additional welfare if they do fall on hard times. You can sell that as fair to most and fairness is key.

The issue is we're 5 years off an election and such commentary just supports and gets spun into the Tories ideals. Exact same mistakes as Milliband era.

The relatively modest changes he's talking about are Labour's immediate demands in response to the current crisis, not their plans for the next election. It says they haven't made a decision on what they want to run with long term, other than scrapping UC and talking about some principles for a replacement, all of which are pretty sound. Anything they say can be spun in a bad headline or interpreted in bad faith, I dont think that's reason for Labour not to try and do such interviews.
Shame you didn't read the article, you've got completely the wrong end of the stick from that headline alone.
Seen this excuse given elsewhere and I'm struggling to see how the headline contradicts the content in which he talks about "lack of a connection between what you put in and what you get" and "I feel if you have made greater contributions to the system, there is an argument that you should receive more out of that system."

Admittedly he hasn't gone full Yvette Cooper and declared war on people with long term disabilities with it but it's a start.
Seen this excuse given elsewhere and I'm struggling to see how the headline contradicts the content in which he talks about "lack of a connection between what you put in and what you get" and "I feel if you have made greater contributions to the system, there is an argument that you should receive more out of that system."

Admittedly he hasn't gone full Yvette Cooper and declared war on people with long term disabilities with it but it's a start.

“Another core principle for Reynolds is dignity for disabled people in the welfare system, focusing on unlocking support rather than a punitive approach. He highlights the number of work capability assessments that are overturned at tribunal. “No one should be satisfied with it,” he asserts.

“I don’t have the answer to this yet, but there’s clearly a challenge around having a work capability assessment or some form of device that is the gateway to eligibility for disability benefits which treats people with respect because they don’t feel that’s what’s happening at the minute.

“There is a demand from some quarters for more medical expertise going into that which I can understand, people can have medical conditions and still not then find the system is supportive of them. And yet, at the same time, we don’t want to medicalise disability, because clearly people are affected in different ways by different conditions. And they, quite rightly, are individuals with their own aspirations for how they want to work.”

As I say, anything can be interpreted in bad faith.

another one to file under "Starmer alienating Black voters"

Headline taken not completely out of context, but leaves out the context of his full message that he disagreed with the statue still being there. He is naive and stupid to say something like that which could be, and has been grabbed as a headline, even though his actual message was supposed to be something else.
Headline taken not completely out of context, but leaves out the context of his full message that he disagreed with the statue still being there. He is naive and stupid to say something like that which could be, and has been grabbed as a headline, even though his actual message was supposed to be something else.

Nah, however he'd phrased it they'd still have made out like he was a dick. Because apparently suffering the worse electoral hammering in memory isn't enough to teach a lot of people on the left that just maybe they are going about things wrong.
Nah, however he'd phrased it they'd still have made out like he was a dick. Because apparently suffering the worse electoral hammering in memory isn't enough to teach a lot of people on the left that just maybe they are going about things wrong.
The two options are left wing or trying to both sides a statue of a fecking slave trader, in order to keep your new LBC pals happy - whilst kicking racism within your own party into the long grass.
I don't think he has any choice but to be as 'safe' & as uncontroversial as possible. Anything else, and they'll claim his nan wasTrotsky or somethin'.
I don't think he has any choice but to be as 'safe' & as uncontroversial as possible. Anything else, and they'll claim his nan wasTrotsky or somethin'.

Yup. If he'd said anything other than he said, the red tops would have screamed about 'Starmer LOVES rioters!! No-one is safe from this violent THUG!!'.

Also what he said was actually true and the right thing to say, although apparently that now means I love slave traders or something.
Yup. If he'd said anything other than he said, the red tops would have screamed about 'Starmer LOVES rioters!! No-one is safe from this violent THUG!!'.

Also what he said was actually true and the right thing to say, although apparently that now means I love slave traders or something.
the only people even pretending that are the corbyn mob and even they seem to realize operation #smearstarmer is going about as well as the 2019 general election did for them
Looking forward to him saying something true and right about his new on air colleague's comments from today. Maybe he'll wait for PMQs.

Mentioned this in another thread, the entire call was racism unchallenged and then he (Nick) jumped on the next caller who dared to say we had racism in the UK too.

Can't say i had any issues with Starmers interview, he took the cautious rather than brave and principled stance but such is his role. I did feel really uncomfortable about how much Ferrari fawned over him though.
what's the number of people who both "don't want statues taken down" and "might vote for labour"? because i can't think of many people who care this much about a fecking statue and don't follow britain first on facebook, like, who specifically are you even trying to appeal to?
what's the number of people who both "don't want statues taken down" and "might vote for labour"? because i can't think of many people who care this much about a fecking statue and don't follow britain first on facebook, like, who specifically are you even trying to appeal to?

You mean who is Starmer trying to appeal to?
Even if that's the message you want to put across (that the statue should be taken down but not like this) there's still no need to say they're "completely" wrong. Because then you get that headline.
Nah, however he'd phrased it they'd still have made out like he was a dick. Because apparently suffering the worse electoral hammering in memory isn't enough to teach a lot of people on the left that just maybe they are going about things wrong.

Are you implying Dawn Butler (who resigned from Corbyn's cabinet in 2017) has been looking for an opportunity to depict Starmer as a 'dick'? That's an interesting take rather than just accepting Starmer's phrasing has pissed her off, and with much justification.
If I were to go into politics, I'd be a Conservative because they don't have to say the absolute perfect thing to please every kind of person in existence.
Is he copying Blair's formula of winning elections by going to the right of centre, knowing traditional Labour voters are never going to vote Tory anyway so he's trying to get votes from the other side?
Clumsily worded, but apparently what most people agree with

Are you implying Dawn Butler (who resigned from Corbyn's cabinet in 2017) has been looking for an opportunity to depict Starmer as a 'dick'? That's an interesting take rather than just accepting Starmer's phrasing has pissed her off, and with much justification.

Maybe he shouldn’t have used ‘completely’, but frankly it doesn’t matter what he says at the moment as he’s under endless attack anyway. From his own party. Jesus wept, the Tories must be laughing their arses off..
If I were to go into politics, I'd be a Conservative because they don't have to say the absolute perfect thing to please every kind of person in existence.

That's the big issue for Labour. Their key demographics almost always find themselves on opposite sides of these massively emotive issues, whereas the key Tory vote generally falls on the same side of the divide (even when their MPs don't).
Maybe he shouldn’t have used ‘completely’, but frankly it doesn’t matter what he says at the moment as he’s under endless attack anyway. From his own party. Jesus wept, the Tories must be laughing their arses off..

Starmer has not faced anything close to the hostility that Corbyn did under his tenure - that was the peak of the Tories laughing their arse off. As the leaked report shows, there was a faction actively rooting for a Tory majority in 2017. What Starmer is having to deal with now is a centre-left Black MP criticising him for saying protestors were 'completely wrong' to remove a statue of a slaver - let's not start pretending this is some sort of concerted effort from 'Corbynistas' to undermine Starmer.
Is he copying Blair's formula of winning elections by going to the right of centre, knowing traditional Labour voters are never going to vote Tory anyway so he's trying to get votes from the other side?

I sincerely hope not since it is this exact process of traditional Lab voters turning away (to UKIP/Tory/Brexit) that has seen the party's electoral performance increasingly decline beginning a few years into Blair's leadership.