Keir Starmer Labour Leader

The state of this.

It doesn’t matter what he says or pledges now. The fact is that his first statement shows what he really thinks and how he views this (or how he wishes to be perceived as viewing this) so I can’t see how he can go back on that, or how the Muslim population of the UK can think that everything is okay now because he has said something else.
Keir Starmer first and foremost wants to win the election. I am sure he made the decision to come out with that statement in line with the voting data he has. If it wasn't beneficial to his election chances I doubt he would have made that statement.
Keir Starmer first and foremost wants to win the election. I am sure he made the decision to come out with that statement in line with the voting data he has. If it wasn't beneficial to his election chances I doubt he would have made that statement.
He believed that the Muslim population of the UK had nowhere else to go. That they would vote Labour whatever he said. He's wrong. This was the obvious result of his stance.
He believed that the Muslim population of the UK had nowhere else to go. That they would vote Labour whatever he said. He's wrong. This was the obvious result of his stance.
Deffo. There’s a UK Muslim Census that’s doing the rounds (around 17,000 people have completed it so far). The overriding message is that the majority of them voted for Labour in 2019, and won’t be voting for him next year. The damage has been done.

The issue is that there is no one that speaks for the UK Muslim population now. We’re essentially a one party democracy with this version of Labour. He’s a Tory in Labour clothing.
Deffo. There’s a UK Muslim Census that’s doing the rounds (around 17,000 people have completed it so far). The overriding message is that the majority of them voted for Labour in 2019, and won’t be voting for him next year. The damage has been done.

The issue is that there is no one that speaks for the UK Muslim population now. We’re essentially a one party democracy with this version of Labour. He’s a Tory in Labour clothing.
I know it's truly sad.
Yeah I've found myself politically homeless thanks to Starmer. Which is a bummer considering I live in a Con-Lab battleground constituency with a horribly insufferable Tory MP.
Yeah I've found myself politically homeless thanks to Starmer. Which is a bummer considering I live in a Con-Lab battleground constituency with a horribly insufferable Tory MP.
I always find this an interesting term, because politics has always been about compromise when talking about power. It's very unlikely you'll have a party where you agree with everything they do, but you have to, on balance compare it to the incumbent or challenger.
I always find this an interesting term, because politics has always been about compromise when talking about power. It's very unlikely you'll have a party where you agree with everything they do, but you have to, on balance compare it to the incumbent or challenger.

Exactly this, people want utopia where they get everything they want and none of what they don't want, it's not that easy to do and gain enough votes to take power, for all Blairs faults and there are enough of them he understood this more than anyone
This time 2 years ago, the Tories looked well on track to win the next GE, and Labour looked to be crisis. What has happened since then (it appeared that the Owen Patterson scandal, even before Partygate, ignited things, has been seismic).

Ultimately Starmer has been a hugely successful leader of the opposition so far, as he when he took over the party had 202 seats in the commons (7 fewer than when Kinnock took over for perspective) and many people were saying that realistically all they could achieve at the next GE was making solid gains and reducing the deficit as much as possible. But now they look well on track to win a majority. Far more importantly, I hope he will a successful PM. I don't want the highlight to be the Tories being booted out the next GM, and to be underwhelmed after then.

Blair was both a successful leader of the opposition (Labour were already going to win a comfortable majority in 1997 without him, but he increased the size of the majority to 'super landslide proportions), and IMO was a very successful PM until he passionately supported the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Exactly this, people want utopia where they get everything they want and none of what they don't want, it's not that easy to do and gain enough votes to take power, for all Blairs faults and there are enough of them he understood this more than anyone
Exactly, I get there will be red lines for people, but I think I've always had to vote on the lines of least worst option (apart from when I voted lib dem as a hopeful teen).
This time 2 years ago, the Tories looked well on track to win the next GE, and Labour looked to be crisis. What has happened since then (it appeared that the Owen Patterson scandal, even before Partygate, ignited things, has been seismic).

Ultimately Starmer has been a hugely successful leader of the opposition so far, as he when he took over the party had 202 seats in the commons (7 fewer than when Kinnock took over for perspective) and many people were saying that realistically all they could achieve at the next GE was making solid gains and reducing the deficit as much as possible. But now they look well on track to win a majority. Far more importantly, I hope he will a successful PM. I don't want the highlight to be the Tories being booted out the next GM, and to be underwhelmed after then.

Blair was both a successful leader of the opposition (Labour were already going to win a comfortable majority in 1997 without him, but he increased the size of the majority to 'super landslide proportions), and IMO was a very successful PM until he passionately supported the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Starmer has been chipping away at the foundation of the Tory government through PMQs throughout, but it has been more of an implosion of their side rather than a surge towards Labour.

He's just managed to be a viable, if bland, alternative while their arrogance, deception and incompetence caught up with them.
This time 2 years ago, the Tories looked well on track to win the next GE, and Labour looked to be crisis. What has happened since then (it appeared that the Owen Patterson scandal, even before Partygate, ignited things, has been seismic).

Ultimately Starmer has been a hugely successful leader of the opposition so far, as he when he took over the party had 202 seats in the commons (7 fewer than when Kinnock took over for perspective) and many people were saying that realistically all they could achieve at the next GE was making solid gains and reducing the deficit as much as possible. But now they look well on track to win a majority. Far more importantly, I hope he will a successful PM. I don't want the highlight to be the Tories being booted out the next GM, and to be underwhelmed after then.

Blair was both a successful leader of the opposition (Labour were already going to win a comfortable majority in 1997 without him, but he increased the size of the majority to 'super landslide proportions), and IMO was a very successful PM until he passionately supported the illegal invasion of Iraq.

2019 was a single issue Brexit election for the vast majority of the voting population. As it wasn't a direct referendum it showed up what the first past the post voting system really came down to. Tories got a massive majority on the back of a single issue. Claiming how they smashed the Red Wall ffs.

Thats gone now and those Labour voters that voted Tory because they wanted Brexit are now returning to Labour and the Tories are losing votes everywhere else becuase they are a disaster.

Timmy Mallet would win an landlide against these clowns after the last 3 years.

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

How are you supposed to 'trust' (I know that word is doing a lot of heavy lifting there with regards to a politician) your prime minister when he gives an interview saying that he was not saying something that he quite literally is recorded on video saying.
Its rather interesting Starmer waits for like 10 days before coming out and claiming his words were misinterpreted. The video in question was widely spread on 11th October.

You would think someone who truly believed his words were misinterpreted would come out right away and clarify his remarks rather than waiting this long.
Yeah I've found myself politically homeless thanks to Starmer. Which is a bummer considering I live in a Con-Lab battleground constituency with a horribly insufferable Tory MP.
So you are not politically homeless. You vote for whoever has the best chance of beating the Tory.

I thought Nandy had genuine convications and wanted to do good in this world. The in person focus groups had her as the best Labour candidate for leaders, well over Starmer. Mostly due to all of them thinking Starmer is a generic lying polition tbf.

Starmers crew didn't like that potential leadership threat from her and offered her the Shadow Foreign Sec job to keep her quite.

Dissapoiting to see how she's now resorting to party lines to keep in favour. Thought she had more fight than that.
I thought Nandy had genuine convications and wanted to do good in this world. The in person focus groups had her as the best Labour candidate for leaders, well over Starmer. Mostly due to all of them thinking Starmer is a generic lying polition tbf.

Starmers crew didn't like that potential leadership threat from her and offered her the Shadow Foreign Sec job to keep her quite.

Dissapoiting to see how she's now resorting to party lines to keep in favour. Thought she had more fight than that.
Apparently Nandy is a former chair of the Labour friends of Palestine.

Apparently Nandy is a former chair of the Labour friends of Palestine.


Remember Clare Short? Convinced by Blair not to resign over the Iraq War (that could have made a difference), promised a key role in Government, then after the vote sidelined and eventually resigned with hardly a murmur.

I bet all the Shadow Cabinet have been told "just repeat the party line for now, and you will have a key role in shaping the future of Britain after the election..."

Nandy will be sacked within 12 months of the election I bet.
Apparently Nandy is a former chair of the Labour friends of Palestine.


I know :(

Gave it up when she was made Shadow Foreign Secetery, along with her endorsement of an arms embargo on Israel. After that she was quietly demoted a couple of times. Like all potential dissenters or leadership challengers, he wanted them out of public sight.
I thought Nandy had genuine convications and wanted to do good in this world. The in person focus groups had her as the best Labour candidate for leaders, well over Starmer. Mostly due to all of them thinking Starmer is a generic lying polition tbf.

Starmers crew didn't like that potential leadership threat from her and offered her the Shadow Foreign Sec job to keep her quite.

Dissapoiting to see how she's now resorting to party lines to keep in favour. Thought she had more fight than that.
Nandy is not an activist, she is a member of the shadow cabinet, I would expect her to toe the line in public, that is her job FFS.

I like Nandy a lot, she is a very good communicator but now's the time to be a pro.
Nandy is not an activist, she is a member of the shadow cabinet, I would expect her to toe the line in public, that is her job FFS.

I like Nandy a lot, she is a very good communicator but now's the time to be a pro.

Done her career a world of good. She might make it to tea lady in the next re-shuffle!
Actually this is a good thing. It shows he's so committed to winning that he's willing to lie despite there being very clear and obvious evidence otherwise. That's who Labour need in charge. A winner. The only thing that matters is a Labour win.

Actually this is a good thing. It shows he's so committed to winning that he's willing to lie despite there being very clear and obvious evidence otherwise. That's who Labour need in charge. A winner. The only thing that matters is a Labour win.

He's worse than Gerry Adams. In a few years, he'll deny he was ever in the Labour Party.
Remember Clare Short? Convinced by Blair not to resign over the Iraq War (that could have made a difference), promised a key role in Government, then after the vote sidelined and eventually resigned with hardly a murmur.

I bet all the Shadow Cabinet have been told "just repeat the party line for now, and you will have a key role in shaping the future of Britain after the election..."

Nandy will be sacked within 12 months of the election I bet.
Great memory. Yeah it will be a repeat of that.
I know :(

Gave it up when she was made Shadow Foreign Secetery, along with her endorsement of an arms embargo on Israel. After that she was quietly demoted a couple of times. Like all potential dissenters or leadership challengers, he wanted them out of public sight.
Really disappointed.

I like her.
Tbh I’ve never really been a fan of Nandy but yeah this is pretty awful from her.
Done her career a world of good. She might make it to tea lady in the next re-shuffle!
How about people do a great job in their current brief and get a promotion instead? It is easy to forget what a good government looks like after all this time, but we need people who are going to focus on getting the stuff done they have been asked to do. The country is in a mess, and a labour front bencher talking about the things that personally concern them but aren't actually in their job description isn't what we need right now.
How about people do a great job in their current brief and get a promotion instead? It is easy to forget what a good government looks like after all this time, but we need people who are going to focus on getting the stuff done they have been asked to do. The country is in a mess, and a labour front bencher talking about the things that personally concern them but aren't actually in their job description isn't what we need right now.

Keir Starmer seems to have changed his mind about starvation sieges being war crimes, after some pushback. Did you make up your mind yet?
How about people do a great job in their current brief and get a promotion instead? It is easy to forget what a good government looks like after all this time, but we need people who are going to focus on getting the stuff done they have been asked to do. The country is in a mess, and a labour front bencher talking about the things that personally concern them but aren't actually in their job description isn't what we need right now.
Isn't the Shadow for International Development? Seems fairly pertinent to her brief?