Good post
The bolded isn't how it works. Martin Luther King was a massively controversial figure during his time. He had high unfavorability ratings, if there were internet boards back then someone would have been typing "I just don't like the mess they leave, I agree with the message, but the way they've gone about it is wrong and I can only assume the KKK have installed him as a plant, he's united the country against his cause and it's just going to make people hate them more". When the WSPU were being disruptive in public and setting buildings on fire, wise sages just shook their heads "They've simply proven why they don't deserve a vote". They're not trying to get everyone on side, no matter what these protests do it's not going to achieve that. They're trying to raise awareness and reach the minimum amount of people required. Time is running out and they have feck all chance of succeeding anyway, but props to them.
What sort of protest is going to stop oil directly? Assassinations? Bombs? The milquetoast nerds of this island can't handle some confetti I don't know how receptive they'd be towards that.
Are you seriously comparing Just Stop Oil to Martin Luther King?
Everyone knows what he stood for and all those protests at the time were aimed towards combating racial discrimination, something that if you don't get willingly you have no choice but to fight for. This isn't remotely the same thing and tbh its insulting to compare the two at all.
This lot are protesting about I don't even know what. One week they're lying on the M25, the next they're disrupting a game of snooker, the next they apparently have some kind of issue with London Pride. They're just indiscriminately and spitefully attacking people, and then you lot are in here whining about how ridiculous it is that people would get upset about that, or the idea that it isn't really going to help anything (despite it being utterly fecking obvious to anyone who spends a second thinking about it logically, thatit it isnt going to help anything and is going to piss people off).
There is one significant change they have helped bring about so far, and that is to enable the government to have enough support to bring in new anti protest legislation.
What they're cause/activity should be doing is getting us all to talk about how we can realistically cut carbon emissions, oil usage etc. Instead it takes attention away from that and it's arguments about whether its reasonable to lay on a motorway at rush hour and block traffic/endanger lives, and force people to physically drag you aside so ambulances can pass, which of course it fecking isn't OK to do, even though a good chunk of you are stupid enough to pretend it is, for some reason.
This is exactly what I mean about being left wing for the sake of it. This lot can carry on doing these protests forever and you can carry on complaining about people not liking it forever. Its never going to stop oil, is it? But as long as everyone can pretend they're being a do gooder then no matter if any good is actually done?
Here's some things that might at least help "stop oil" or at least create actual discussion about it:
- protesting outside or blockading oil depots
- using the Internet or protests to raise awareness of those profiting from oil at the expense of the planet and normal people
- targeting politicians who are able to influence oil related decisions
- speaking to opposition political groups or parties to try and send a joint message
- raising awareness of actual legitimate anti climate policy from our current government, such as their deliberate stalling of wind energy, pro fracking nonsense, etc. Using this to pressure opposition parties to offer alternative directions.
And of course all of that in itself doesn't really solve the problem, which is that the planet and its resources aren't infinite and there's really nothing we can do about that without some pretty groundbreaking scientific advancements. But at least it would a step towards acknowledging and confronting the real problem.
Honestly I'm actually surprised at the general tone of this thread because usually this part of the forum is quite smart, but this thread is just full of stupid. I don't know what any of you are expecting is going to happen