Jurriën Timber | Arsenal player

Very unlucky.
"The 22-year-old has an impeccable injury record; across his final two seasons for Ajax, Timber missed a combined four matches with nothing more severe than a knock. The longest Timber has ever been sidelined lasted less than a month after he contracted pancreatitis at the end of 2020."
Honestly, he was looking as our best summer signing. Hoping it's not too bad, but it looks like months not weeks.
When I did my ACL the same thing happened to me, I was sent back on the pitch because everything seemed ok, when I tried to make a sudden change of movement my knee went.
It looked very similar in this case
I completely severed my ACL and tore my meniscus playing footy. At the time I was in sheer agony for about 5 minutes before getting up and hobbling to play in goals. After a few minutes I realised something wasn’t right. With Timber though it looked like he got an impact bang on the side of his knee. But then second half he kind of felt for the area behind the knee as if something had popped. Weird one.
Wow, that's brutal. Gutted for the lad.

So maybe just maybe, Varane is right that players are being overplayed. To me I just feel that the players haven't had an off season of substance and the line of ACL injuries will be getting longer and longer. On the other side to listen to media commentators say they are getting well paid for it makes my blood boil. They would play games 3 times a week 52 weeks of the year if they could get away with it for media content and revenues.
Arteta can blame nobody but himself for that. Stupid not to take him off at half time.
When I did my ACL the same thing happened to me, I was sent back on the pitch because everything seemed ok, when I tried to make a sudden change of movement my knee went.
It looked very similar in this case
I popped mine and was is agony. 20 minutes later I thought I could continue. Went to go for a jog and collapsed.
Do players still wear blades or have they all switched back to studs on the sole of the boots? Wasnt there something about blades causing knee injuries awhile back?
Feel bad for the guy. Months out due to injury is never good for a player.
For fecks sake. That's fecking brutal man. Gutted for him.
It's terrible in all circumstances, but particularly bad when it is just after a move to a new club. He has had no chance to contribute at all. Really hope he recovers quickly.

Ahh that’s rough. Poor guy. He’s supposed to be quite a quick/agile player as well isn’t he? There’s always the worry that you lose some of that quickness post an injury like this
He looked really good as well and fit into that Arsenal team almost seamlessly. Poor guy, hopefully the injury doesn't affect him long term.
Terrible news for Arsenal. Part of the center back rotation is now gone(for this season). It will be harder now to sustain a title challenge against the grotesque, oil monstrosity.

Wish the lad a quick, successful recovery.
Recent increase in acl injuries among players. It's unlucky or something deeper problem that could be avoided. Definitely need case study.

There have been academic reports that stress fatigue increases chances of ACL injuries. Fixture conjecture and longer games will be a factor
Truly terrible and it's even worse given it was his first game for his new club. Hope he recovers quick.
That's a hammer blow that. Looked like the pick of the new signings so far, and basically means our defending depth is the same as what it was last season.
That's terrible. Regardless of who he plays for, it's not nice to see players have injuries such as this.

Quite alarming the amount of injuries picked up in the first round of games. This is not normal.
That’s brutal. Feel for the guy. Having snapped my own ACL it’s horrible and psychologically tough. I’ve never played again albeit it’s amateur level.

The physical recovery is good nowadays, it’s the psychological aspect that players can struggle with when they return.
Yeh have to feel for him on that one! I’ve had so many knee problems I gave up playing years ago so I hope he gets through this okay.
I’m reading Arteta kept him on? Can you make such an injury worse?
First game of the season and possibly his last game of the season. That's too brutal. Sorry for Timber. Hope he recovers well
I’m reading Arteta kept him on? Can you make such an injury worse?

There was a separate incident just before half time where he did something to his calf(?) and was hobbling around, so it was surprising to see him come back out for the 2nd half where he then almost immediately did his knee in.
There was a separate incident just before half time where he did something to his calf(?) and was hobbling around, so it was surprising to see him come back out for the 2nd half where he then almost immediately did his knee in.
Ah right. So odds are he done his knee by overcompensating for his calf injury I suppose