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WW Lynchpin
You do know this is why he's very popular. His manner is very endearing to many people across football. He's extremely popular in Germany because of his boyish enthusiasm and gregarious ways. Not for everyone but he's a liked figure in the main.
I get that a rival fan base won't take to him, and find him annoying, etc. That's kind of the fun of being tribal. But what kind of amuses / puzzles me is the way certain posters declare, with absolute certainty, that he's a terrible individual and assume that everyone agrees as if it's a perfectly reasonable position to take.
All fans do it, but this thread is possibly RedCaf's biggest example of it. It's the blinkered way in which a rival fan will filter their 'hatred' through a funnel of confirmation bias in order to suit their pre-existing prejudice. Behaviour and comments are over analysed and offered as 'proof' of something or other.
What's more, when confronted with the idea that they're being blinded by prejudice and tribalism, they argue that it's different with [insert name], because blah blah blah.
Love is blind, but so is dislike.
You're missing the point of the video, my pickled friend.
For the vast majority of the human race, scoring a goal against Norwich City does not require a show of passion in any form whatsoever. Unless, of course, you are an associate of Liverpool football club, where celebration of mediocrity is a common occurrence. The video on show is a direct representation of this, incorporating precisely how we United fans feel about your club.
View the video again, witness Klopp's golden brown locks as they flow effortlessly in perfect syncronizationwith the cheesy 80's background music. Absorb the lopsided grin, all but falling from his face. Note the bald guy's double firstpump, or curtains guy with arms raised aloft. Watch the subtle mini dance Klopp performs as he approaches his increasingly jubilant players. The passion, the love for the club, the dedication to celebration, the winning of the Norwich City cup. Liverpool FC in all it's glory right there in one 30 second video.
Hatred? God no. We love Liverpool. The seemingly neverending line of funnies that come out of RAWK are a gift from the heavens.