Joe Rogan

The amount of people defending Rogan on IG using the justification of "speech fredom" is depressing or using a rhetoric implying that this is all a conspiracy led by left wing media and people.
It's non organic smear. Basically big tech is trying to censor, and Rogan then brings those people on his podcast thus giving them 4-5 times bigger platform than those people had. Right now they are looking for that woman to accuse Joe of something.

Anyhow, Joe will come out of this castrated and his podcast will never be what it once was. Hopefully new Joe comes along so I can enjoy conspiracy theories and misinformation. It is far more entertaining that factual mainstream media.

You've moved on from a 'I'm just a fan of Joe Rogan and his podcasts are excellent' to 'Well, he's not that bright and he has interesting guests. Then you went to 'It's not him, it's his guests. He has good people most of the times and some loopy ones'. You started sliding to 'He isn't a racist but he definitely says the N word a lot' and then you are now at 'It's the fecking big tech censoring my favorite conspicary theorist and I need some fun instead of the boring news'.

I don't think you are being tongue in cheek here tbf.
This post is so over the place. What's Joe Rogan having to do with a Republican "landslide"?

And :


The culture was is pretty much entirely what Republican's run on. They know their policy is bullshit so they stick to what riles people up. This is exactly the sort of nonsense that fits into their "don't be a pussy" narrative on American culture. It plays into their hands perfectly. If you really think the average person gives a shit that Joe Rogan said the N-word 12 years ago then you're out of your fecking mind, yet here it is presented as front page news. Laughable.

I like how you're using "word police", like it's actually fine to say the n-word. Actions (and words) have consequences, and if you go around saying the n-word you will be called out on it.

Not entirely sure what you mean with the rest of your post. What desperation? By whom? What's the "convenience"? It seems like you're just throwing out vaguely conspiratorial words and hoping they stick.

The thing is, Rogan wasn't 14 when he said these things, or even 20. He was, what, in his thirties? Forties even? And this wasn't a one-time thing either, this was a fully grown man repeatedly saying racist things.

Shout out to your pre-emptive "this is why Trump won". It seems like you're more concerned about people calling out racism than the actual racism itself.

I didn't say it's okay to say the n-word. If he had said it recently the outrage would be reasonable. The fact is Rogan has been doing 3 hour shows on an almost weekly basis over the last 10 years and you have to go beyond that to find shit that's worth this scrutiny - He's obviously realised since that this shit is unacceptable. People change. Times change. No one is the same person they were a decade before. Whether he was a grown man or not doesn't change that. It's clearly a co-ordinated smear campaign - This stuff has been out there for years and available for anyone but obviously there's an interest in bringing him down now. It's sad and the fact that so many hop on the bandwagon is just pathetic. All the issues that face the US and you have progressives trying to cancel Rogan and conservatives trying to cancel the Rock for stuff said 10+ years ago. What a country.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am stuck, in the middle with Joe.
The culture was is pretty much entirely what Republican's run on. They know their policy is bullshit so they stick to what riles people up. This is exactly the sort of nonsense that fits into their "don't be a pussy" narrative on American culture. It plays into their hands perfectly. If you really think the average person gives a shit that Joe Rogan said the N-word 12 years ago then you're out of your fecking mind, yet here it is presented as front page news. Laughable.

I didn't say it's okay to say the n-word. If he had said it recently the outrage would be reasonable. The fact is Rogan has been doing 3 hour shows on an almost weekly basis over the last 10 years and you have to go beyond that to find shit that's worth this scrutiny - He's obviously realised since that this shit is unacceptable. People change. Times change. No one is the same person they were a decade before. Whether he was a grown man or not doesn't change that. It's clearly a co-ordinated smear campaign - This stuff has been out there for years and available for anyone but obviously there's an interest in bringing him down now. It's sad and the fact that so many hop on the bandwagon is just pathetic. All the issues that face the US and you have progressives trying to cancel Rogan and conservatives trying to cancel the Rock for stuff said 10+ years ago. What a country.

I don’t think the N-bombs are the main issue or even close to it, it’s when he said white brains are better than black brains
I don’t think the N-bombs are the main issue or even close to it, it’s when he said white brains are better than black brains
Interesting how this continues to be ignored, even by the boomer media as well. N word serves as some sort of Pavlov bell to them, in the meantime they ignore the literal racism on display.
I don’t think the N-bombs are the main issue or even close to it, it’s when he said white brains are better than black brains

And there are podcasts since where he said the opposite.

2017 - Episode: 1041 with Dan Carlin. One of the few I'd listen to during that period since I love the guest. Rogan specifically ridicules the idea of racial differences in terms of intelligence. I remember this because it outraged a lot of right wingers at the time.

About 35 minutes in - He couldn't be more clear in what he believes here, in fact he elaborates on it a hell of a lot more than he did in the comments he made in 2011. Maybe we should celebrate someone going from the Bell Curve way of thinking to reality rather than selectively choosing which are now relevant. It's fecking ridiculous.

Edit: Here's exactly what he said:

"We essentially came from the same source - So all this idea of race is just based on a particular amount of time in a particular climate that forced people to adapt to that climate. In the colder darker climates you see paler skin, in the sunnier hotter climates you see more melanin and the idea that these people that have more pale skin are superior to people that have more melanin is just patently stupid. It's just a dumb idea. If you take into account all the socio economic factors that cause people to live certain ways, people that are isolated that live with certain tribal conditions. These things are all easily explained and if you want to chalk it off to intelligence or the superiority of the white race in 2017 you're a f*cking moron."

Hardly consistent with a guy who believes white people have different brains. But I guess 2011 Rogan is more relevant to 2017 Rogan to the people who care. Wonder how much traction the above quote will gain.

Everyone knows what Rogan is. He's the stoned bro talking about shit that he has no actual understanding of. It's why guys relate to him - It's only suddenly mattered since he got popular. He's essentially the modern Howard Stern and holy shit if people were to go through the shit Howard Stern said it would make Rogan look like a saint. Yet they don't, I wonder why...
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And there are podcasts since where he said the opposite.

2017 - Episode: 1041 with Dan Carlin. One of the few I'd listen to during that period since I love the guest. Rogan specifically ridicules the idea of racial differences in terms of intelligence. I remember this because it outraged a lot of right wingers at the time.

About 35 minutes in - He couldn't be more clear in what he believes here, in fact he elaborates on it a hell of a lot more than he did in the comments he made in 2011. Maybe we should celebrate someone going from the Bell Curve way of thinking to reality rather than selectively choosing which are now relevant. It's fecking ridiculous.

Everyone knows what Rogan is. He's the stoned bro talking about shit that he has no actual understanding of. It's why guys relate to him - It's only suddenly mattered since he got popular. He's essentially the modern Howard Stern and holy shit if people were to go through the shit Howard Stern said it would make Rogan look like a saint. Yet they don't, I wonder why...

It’s only mattered since more people are now listen to him is insane reasoning to be honest.
That reminds me, have you heard Rogans dubious appearance on Stern?
It’s only mattered since more people are now listen to him is insane reasoning to be honest.
That reminds me, have you heard Rogans dubious appearance on Stern?

I haven't. I'm genuinely not a fan of either guy, especially Stern and his love of Henry Kissinger and the like. They've both said some heinous shit, especially looking back now, but given their style of show (Although Rogan has become a little more professional from his early days) it's to be expected with the amount of content they put out.

I think Rogan getting called out for his covid stuff is valid - He's objectively misinformed and he deserves scrutiny for that considering his platform. I wouldn't even consider Spotify removing him as "censorship" so much as it would just be disassociation and it would be perfectly fair for them to do so. Joe Rogan will be just fine with or without Spotify. It isn't really the free speech issue people say it is until people call for the government to get involved - Which I've also seen and I think that's absolutely ridiculous.

What is obvious though is that this is pretty clearly a smear campaign. Going back 10+ years to find stuff that can offend our 2022 sensibilities is just ridiculous - Rogan was a comedian who came up through the 80's and 90's and his podcast was him shooting the shit, high with his friends to a hugely niche audience at the time. This was an era where fecking Opie and Anthony were still going and were popular in that same space. Just about any 5 minute segment from any of their shows would horrify anyone today.

If people can't see how ridiculous agendas like this are weaponised by reactive forces then I don't know what to tell you - The Republicans absolutely love this shit and will centre entire campaigns on these issues - "Cancel culture", "they call everyone a racist", "leftist censorship" - You'll hear this shit over and over and over because it's effective and it resonates with the average American who doesn't give a flying feck what Joe Rogan said in 2009 because they probably said some heinous shit too - It's basically professional wrestling to them at this point and it works. They can portray the Democrats, the leftists, the far left and everyone in between as insane, because judging a person based on things they said a decade ago is insane.
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And there are podcasts since where he said the opposite.

2017 - Episode: 1041 with Dan Carlin. One of the few I'd listen to during that period since I love the guest. Rogan specifically ridicules the idea of racial differences in terms of intelligence. I remember this because it outraged a lot of right wingers at the time.

About 35 minutes in - He couldn't be more clear in what he believes here, in fact he elaborates on it a hell of a lot more than he did in the comments he made in 2011. Maybe we should celebrate someone going from the Bell Curve way of thinking to reality rather than selectively choosing which are now relevant. It's fecking ridiculous.

Edit: Here's exactly what he said:

"We essentially came from the same source - So all this idea of race is just based on a particular amount of time in a particular climate that forced people to adapt to that climate. In the colder darker climates you see paler skin, in the sunnier hotter climates you see more melanin and the idea that these people that have more pale skin are superior to people that have more melanin is just patently stupid. It's just a dumb idea. If you take into account all the socio economic factors that cause people to live certain ways, people that are isolated that live with certain tribal conditions. These things are all easily explained and if you want to chalk it off to intelligence or the superiority of the white race in 2017 you're a f*cking moron."

Hardly consistent with a guy who believes white people have different brains. But I guess 2011 Rogan is more relevant to 2017 Rogan to the people who care. Wonder how much traction the above quote will gain.

Everyone knows what Rogan is. He's the stoned bro talking about shit that he has no actual understanding of. It's why guys relate to him - It's only suddenly mattered since he got popular. He's essentially the modern Howard Stern and holy shit if people were to go through the shit Howard Stern said it would make Rogan look like a saint. Yet they don't, I wonder why...

Pretty conclusive quote on Rogans beliefs. Presumably the earlier Rogan had read some stuff about racial differences in intelligence that he later found out to be a load of rubbish?
Pretty conclusive quote on Rogans beliefs. Presumably the earlier Rogan had read some stuff about racial differences in intelligence that he later found out to be a load of rubbish?

If only that was how Rogan worked, though. There are clips of him completely contradicting himself about Covid and vaccines, and that only covers a period of a couple of years. And his old episodes are (or were) still up, which means they're basically as "current" as his newer episodes. This isn't broadcast media, what you say lasts forever (unless you take it down, which Spotify only did in response to this controversy).
I've listened to this guy for probably close to a few hundred hours over the years. Never thought him to be racist. He says he's not racist. I'm gonna go with that. He apologized for having used the word and having made stupid jokes. He's a stand up comedian, talking for hours on his podcast. I don't know. It was probably the right thing to do and seemed sincere. On the misinformation stuff. He should probably show some responsibility considering how big he is. Let's see what happens.
Didn't he say that walking into a cinema full of black people was like entering into a planet of the apes ? Seems like a racist thing to say. He acknowledged it himself. Clearly he has a tendency to say racist stuff given it's unlike it was a one time thing he blurted on TV.
I haven't. I'm genuinely not a fan of either guy, especially Stern and his love of Henry Kissinger and the like. They've both said some heinous shit, especially looking back now, but given their style of show (Although Rogan has become a little more professional from his early days) it's to be expected with the amount of content they put out.

I think Rogan getting called out for his covid stuff is valid - He's objectively misinformed and he deserves scrutiny for that considering his platform. I wouldn't even consider Spotify removing him as "censorship" so much as it would just be disassociation and it would be perfectly fair for them to do so. Joe Rogan will be just fine with or without Spotify. It isn't really the free speech issue people say it is until people call for the government to get involved - Which I've also seen and I think that's absolutely ridiculous.

What is obvious though is that this is pretty clearly a smear campaign. Going back 10+ years to find stuff that can offend our 2022 sensibilities is just ridiculous - Rogan was a comedian who came up through the 80's and 90's and his podcast was him shooting the shit, high with his friends to a hugely niche audience at the time. This was an era where fecking Opie and Anthony were still going and were popular in that same space. Just about any 5 minute segment from any of their shows would horrify anyone today.

If people can't see how ridiculous agendas like this are weaponised by reactive forces then I don't know what to tell you - The Republicans absolutely love this shit and will centre entire campaigns on these issues - "Cancel culture", "they call everyone a racist", "leftist censorship" - You'll hear this shit over and over and over because it's effective and it resonates with the average American who doesn't give a flying feck what Joe Rogan said in 2009 because they probably said some heinous shit too - It's basically professional wrestling to them at this point and it works. They can portray the Democrats, the leftists, the far left and everyone in between as insane, because judging a person based on things they said a decade ago is insane.
The one defence that can’t apply to Joe is how long ago it was. He was 42 when he started the podcast!
White men saying the N word was as iffy back then as it is now. 2012 isn’t the 1950s!
The one defence that can’t apply to Joe is how long ago it was. He was 42 when he started the podcast!
White men saying the N word was as iffy back then as it is now. 2012 isn’t the 1950s!

Buddy to elaborate on what I said earlier - This is the type of stuff that was said on the Opie and Anthony show all the time - That show was going until 2014:

Ironically Louis CK would later be cancelled for the sexual harassment but not a word was/is said about this. Probably because it was actually pretty funny.

Even go back and watch episodes of random TV shows from the 2000's and you can see how much stuff has changed. Rogan in his early podcast days was straight out of that culture and was used to being around edgy comedians trying to be provocative. The likes of Louis CK and Patrice O'Neal who would just say the most horrific shit but still make you laugh.
Didn't he say that walking into a cinema full of black people was like entering into a planet of the apes ? Seems like a racist thing to say. He acknowledged it himself. Clearly he has a tendency to say racist stuff given it's unlike it was a one time thing he blurted on TV.
Yep, a pretty dumb thing to say
Buddy to elaborate on what I said earlier - This is the type of stuff that was said on the Opie and Anthony show all the time

you do realise that anthony cumia is a *massive* racist, and his inability to stop saying massively racist things is why he finally was taken off air?

Back in 2014, Cumia was taking photos in Times Square when he claimed to have been assaulted by an African-American woman who didn’t want her picture taken. He then went on a tirade on Twitter, writing a slew of offensive and racists posts about the incident.

According to Cumia, the woman was in the frame of one of his shots, and upon discovering this, immediately assaulted him, punching him in the face. He proceed to call her an “animal bitch” and a “savage,” referring to her as “it” and stating that “they aren’t people.” He described the race situation in America as a “battle,” adding that “we are losing.”

“It’s really open season on white people in this day and age,” he wrote. “No recourse. Fight back and you’re a racist. The predators know this. Good luck.”
Buddy to elaborate on what I said earlier - This is the type of stuff that was said on the Opie and Anthony show all the time - That show was going until 2014:

Ironically Louis CK would later be cancelled for the sexual harassment but not a word was/is said about this. Probably because it was actually pretty funny.

Even go back and watch episodes of random TV shows from the 2000's and you can see how much stuff has changed. Rogan in his early podcast days was straight out of that culture and was used to being around edgy comedians trying to be provocative. The likes of Louis CK and Patrice O'Neal who would just say the most horrific shit but still make you laugh.

But Joe wasn’t doing an edgy bit? Somehow it popped up in conversation which is just a different level. Plus that show was literally taken off the air because of racism? Look at how their fanbase treated Burrs wife for simply being black.
Look, I don’t think Joe is a racist. He is an idiot with pathetic takes that he constantly hid behind with his whole I’m just a dumbass, don’t listen to me spiel. That hands up approach to hide from criticism doesn’t work anymore.
Even the look he changed, here’s proof doesn’t work with his moon landing conspiracy embarrassment. I could give go back in time and show you videos of Joe having a tin foil hat on, he then got an expert that finally convinced him it’s all nonsense and it looks good in isolation.
only that ignores Joe falling back into isn’t it crazy how people believe we landed on the moon nonsense weeks later asking questions that he already was given answers to.
Joe is stuck in his ways and it’s not a stretch to disbelieve any Arguments about personal growth from a point in his life when he as 42. The man was literally laughing about stories of severe sexual assault until the Spotify move and even had Alex Jones in because he was soooo funny (and totally didn’t want to believe)
I’m predicting this now, all the times he played into the racist trope of claiming all black men have a huge penis will be brought up soon. It’s not just the n word that’s the problem with Joe
The amount of people defending Rogan on IG using the justification of "speech fredom" is depressing or using a rhetoric implying that this is all a conspiracy led by left wing media and people.

It is not depressing. It is the truth.
Didn't he say that walking into a cinema full of black people was like entering into a planet of the apes ? Seems like a racist thing to say. He acknowledged it himself. Clearly he has a tendency to say racist stuff given it's unlike it was a one time thing he blurted on TV.

If you brain makes a connection like that: "A lot of black people" -> "Planet of the Apes" you are a racist, not to mention actually saying it out loud. Don't care what he says now to save his own hide. The man is a racist.
you do realise that anthony cumia is a *massive* racist, and his inability to stop saying massively racist things is why he finally was taken off air?

I'm well aware. That was the tip of the iceberg with Cumia. The fact that such an odious piece of shit was such a prominent voice in American media during that time is exactly my point.
The one defence that can’t apply to Joe is how long ago it was. He was 42 when he started the podcast!
White men saying the N word was as iffy back then as it is now. 2012 isn’t the 1950s!

Yeah, but 10 years ago Joe was a clear left leaning guy so he was an ally. There was no need to expose his wrongdoings back then. Now he is an enemy of the corrupt left so he has to be censored. Objective left is still on the side of Joe.
You've moved on from a 'I'm just a fan of Joe Rogan and his podcasts are excellent' to 'Well, he's not that bright and he has interesting guests. Then you went to 'It's not him, it's his guests. He has good people most of the times and some loopy ones'. You started sliding to 'He isn't a racist but he definitely says the N word a lot' and then you are now at 'It's the fecking big tech censoring my favorite conspicary theorist and I need some fun instead of the boring news'.

I don't think you are being tongue in cheek here tbf.

Yeah, big tech is censoring like crazy lately and promoting "authoritative" news sources. On my YouTube front page Fox News and CNN are always ahead of The Hill or Breaking Points that I usually watch.

Joe's use of "n" word and his "ape" story are terrible. I never disagreed with that nor I will. My claim is that this attack on Joe is orchestrated to take him down because he doesn't play ball. In reality Joe is a rogue left, a lose cannon. Not good for upcoming elections. It's no surprise that "n" word complication came from democrat super PAC, and not from some organization fighting racism.
Yeah, but 10 years ago Joe was a clear left leaning guy so he was an ally. There was no need to expose his wrongdoings back then. Now he is an enemy of the corrupt left so he has to be censored. Objective left is still on the side of Joe.
They are racist? Good to know.
But Joe wasn’t doing an edgy bit? Somehow it popped up in conversation which is just a different level. Plus that show was literally taken off the air because of racism? Look at how their fanbase treated Burrs wife for simply being black.
Look, I don’t think Joe is a racist. He is an idiot with pathetic takes that he constantly hid behind with his whole I’m just a dumbass, don’t listen to me spiel. That hands up approach to hide from criticism doesn’t work anymore.
Even the look he changed, here’s proof doesn’t work with his moon landing conspiracy embarrassment. I could give go back in time and show you videos of Joe having a tin foil hat on, he then got an expert that finally convinced him it’s all nonsense and it looks good in isolation.
only that ignores Joe falling back into isn’t it crazy how people believe we landed on the moon nonsense weeks later asking questions that he already was given answers to.
Joe is stuck in his ways and it’s not a stretch to disbelieve any Arguments about personal growth from a point in his life when he as 42. The man was literally laughing about stories of severe sexual assault until the Spotify move and even had Alex Jones in because he was soooo funny (and totally didn’t want to believe)
I’m predicting this now, all the times he played into the racist trope of claiming all black men have a huge penis will be brought up soon. It’s not just the n word that’s the problem with Joe

That show was taken off the air in 2014. And it wasn't because of anything said on the show itself. I'm well aware the fanbase is repulsive - Just look at their content, how could it not be? Again - That is my point exactly - This was acceptable content even through to 2014. Go look at an Always Sunny episode in 2012 and see how often the word "retarded" is used. It isn't anymore. I don't think they suddenly became better people. Even as recently as then we have moved on a fair bit.

Rogan is an idiot. That much we agree on. But shit he said in 2010 on a pretty small platform shouldn't be front page news in 2022. It's embarrassing. He's clearly not throwing around racial slurs casually anymore, he's clearly outlined a totally opposed view on race to that "white brain" comment he made in 2011. People are always learning what is/isn't acceptable, especially when you move into new spaces like podcasting and youtube. Do you really think in 2010 that he had any idea that every national media outlet would be covering his podcast? It's still insane to me as someone who would listen to it around that time.

People are missing my point. It's not even to defend Rogan. This discourse is actively harmful. I do wonder how many people who are outraged about this are genuinely offended. I wonder how much time they've spent around working class people or in a working class job. I bet they probably spend a disproportionate amount of time online. I heard shit in a factory as recently as last week that would make anything Rogan said look like Sesame Street. Said out loud, in front of everyone and no one gave a shit, because the people who actually give a shit about this stuff are far less prominent than they realise
If saying "n" word fully regardless of context classifies one as racist, then yeah, everyone who said the word but isn't black, is racist.
You seem to keep fixating on the n word & not what he said in long form. I tend to agree with you about n word usage not necessarily painting someone as a racist, but his long form statements put him squarely in the racist category for me.
If saying "n" word fully regardless of context classifies one as racist, then yeah, everyone who said the word but isn't black, is racist.

Or said black brains are different, or said that a black man's body with a white man's brain is a powerful combination (why not the inverse?), or said being dropped off in a black area of town was like being in planet of the apes. Guy clearly harbours and sometimes communicates racist thoughts beyond being caught saying nasty words out of context. Anybody "objective" can quite happily acknowledge that instead of handwaving it away by only ever referring to the times he said the nasty word.
Can any one of the rogan defenders explain why it is so important to prove that he isn't "actually" racist, only that he said a racial slur on air a few dozen times and did a few more racist things?

I listen to a podcast where i'm ambiguous if the main host is racist, and he has multiple hours of offensive material about various races (including my race) that people have compiled together on youtube. I listen to it because it is very funny. If someone called him a racist, I'd shrug, maybe quibble on some details, but it wouldn't be an unreasonable inference to draw.
I haven't. I'm genuinely not a fan of either guy, especially Stern and his love of Henry Kissinger and the like. They've both said some heinous shit, especially looking back now, but given their style of show (Although Rogan has become a little more professional from his early days) it's to be expected with the amount of content they put out.

I think Rogan getting called out for his covid stuff is valid - He's objectively misinformed and he deserves scrutiny for that considering his platform. I wouldn't even consider Spotify removing him as "censorship" so much as it would just be disassociation and it would be perfectly fair for them to do so. Joe Rogan will be just fine with or without Spotify. It isn't really the free speech issue people say it is until people call for the government to get involved - Which I've also seen and I think that's absolutely ridiculous.

What is obvious though is that this is pretty clearly a smear campaign. Going back 10+ years to find stuff that can offend our 2022 sensibilities is just ridiculous - Rogan was a comedian who came up through the 80's and 90's and his podcast was him shooting the shit, high with his friends to a hugely niche audience at the time. This was an era where fecking Opie and Anthony were still going and were popular in that same space. Just about any 5 minute segment from any of their shows would horrify anyone today.

If people can't see how ridiculous agendas like this are weaponised by reactive forces then I don't know what to tell you - The Republicans absolutely love this shit and will centre entire campaigns on these issues - "Cancel culture", "they call everyone a racist", "leftist censorship" - You'll hear this shit over and over and over because it's effective and it resonates with the average American who doesn't give a flying feck what Joe Rogan said in 2009 because they probably said some heinous shit too - It's basically professional wrestling to them at this point and it works. They can portray the Democrats, the leftists, the far left and everyone in between as insane, because judging a person based on things they said a decade ago is insane.

You're right that the culture war is what Republicans run on these days and they blow everything out of proportion and spin it to sound much worse than it actually is. But you're definitely wrong about making presumptions about the "average American." Talking about things people said in 2012 as "insane" is, itself, an insane thing for you to say. The "average American" knew 20,30 years ago that things like the Planet of the Apes comment and the different brains were racist nonsense. 2012 was not 1950. What's really insane is you dismissing calling out these comments as "insane." The major difference between 2012 and now is simply that social media has evolved into a much more ubiquitous thing, where in 2012 social media was more Facebook and people just talked to their friend list. Maybe you didn't see people calling out racism then, but I certainly did and none of those comments would be acceptable.

This manufactured outrage at "cancel culture" and the right-wingers is definitely weaponized by the far-right trying to blow everything out of proportion to hold only their slim majorities in key districts that give them political power because of outdated mechanisms like electoral college and gerrymandering.

And that "opie and Anthony" show was pretty obscure. It looks like it only played in a few East Coast markets (I had to Google it to even know what it was). It was pretty much unknown in California in the 2000s. So, that's not an example of what was mainstream at all. It was very niche and regional with only a tiny minority of people that paid attention to it. For mainstream, you should bring up examples like Rush Limbaugh, though I'm not sure they ever slipped up and made outright racist comments like those obscure radio hosts you mentioned.
Can any one of the rogan defenders explain why it is so important to prove that he isn't "actually" racist, only that he said a racial slur on air a few dozen times and did a few more racist things?

I listen to a podcast where i'm ambiguous if the main host is racist, and he has multiple hours of offensive material about various races (including my race) that people have compiled together on youtube. I listen to it because it is very funny. If someone called him a racist, I'd shrug, maybe quibble on some details, but it wouldn't be an unreasonable inference to draw.

I think it's more that everyone has a different bar when claiming someone is a racist. I don't think people are desperate to prove he isn't a racist, they're just questioning if he really is based on some dumb comments.

I mean...theoretically as he has said things that are racist you could just label him a racist, but then again that probably put 99% of us in that category if we were to go back through the entire history of everything we've ever said.
Yeah, but 10 years ago Joe was a clear left leaning guy so he was an ally. There was no need to expose his wrongdoings back then. Now he is an enemy of the corrupt left so he has to be censored. Objective left is still on the side of Joe.

Give it up ffs. We’ve all witnessed the guy devolve from an open minded free thinker whose output had little impact…. Into a narrow minded fella whose own output is now so large he creates his own Bermuda triangles of confirmation bias. At the outset, he was shaped by new information. Now, he sets the messaging and narrative for millions of people.

He has the worlds biggest podcast. It’s noticeable that guests now pull their punches and moderate themselves. They don’t challenge him as a non-confrontational appearance is worth more than an honest one.

He just got old and turned into a bit of a prick with fame and adulation. Stop dying on silly hills to defend him. He doesn’t even look the Fcuking same. To pretend his brain is still the same as 10-20 years ago is ridiculous.
Can any one of the rogan defenders explain why it is so important to prove that he isn't "actually" racist, only that he said a racial slur on air a few dozen times and did a few more racist things?

I listen to a podcast where i'm ambiguous if the main host is racist, and he has multiple hours of offensive material about various races (including my race) that people have compiled together on youtube. I listen to it because it is very funny. If someone called him a racist, I'd shrug, maybe quibble on some details, but it wouldn't be an unreasonable inference to draw.

Because racists are terrible people and being racist is a serious character flaw - criminal offense in most civilized countries. I am sure Joe Rogan is not a racist. I don't defend his "ape" and "brain" takes. Those were disgusting and in bad taste.
I think it's more that everyone has a different bar when claiming someone is a racist. I don't think people are desperate to prove he isn't a racist, they're just questioning if he really is based on some dumb comments.

I mean...theoretically as he has said things that are racist you could just label him a racist, but then again that probably put 99% of us in that category if we were to go back through the entire history of everything we've ever said.

I think that says more about you than anyone else. None of the people I associate with voluntarily have ever said anything that would put them in the "racist" category as you presume (and I've known them 20-30 years) so I think your 99% estimate is complete bullshit. It's far less but people who HAVE said racist shit in the past sure seem to make assumptions about everyone else.
Give it up ffs. We’ve all witnessed the guy devolve from an open minded free thinker whose output had little impact…. Into a narrow minded fella whose own output is now so large he creates his own Bermuda triangles of confirmation bias. At the outset, he was shaped by new information. Now, he sets the messaging and narrative for millions of people.

He has the worlds biggest podcast. It’s noticeable that guests now pull their punches and moderate themselves. They don’t challenge him as a non-confrontational appearance is worth more than an honest one.

He just got old and turned into a bit of a prick with fame and adulation. Stop dying on silly hills to defend him. He doesn’t even look the Fcuking same. To pretend his brain is still the same as 10-20 years ago is ridiculous.

I actually think that young Joe was far bigger prick than he is now.
Yeah, but 10 years ago Joe was a clear left leaning guy so he was an ally. There was no need to expose his wrongdoings back then. Now he is an enemy of the corrupt left so he has to be censored. Objective left is still on the side of Joe.

He really wasn't.

Corrupt left/objective left :lol:

In reality Joe is a rogue left
It is not depressing. It is the truth.
No, it isn't. His "free speech" isn't under attack, he's being criticised for using his freedom of speech to say some pretty fecking dumb and offensive shit. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.
I think that says more about you than anyone else. None of the people I associate with voluntarily have ever said anything that would put them in the "racist" category as you presume (and I've known them 20-30 years) so I think your 99% estimate is complete bullshit. It's far less but people who HAVE said racist shit in the past sure seem to make assumptions about everyone else.

You'd have to define what is and isn't racist I guess. I was thinking that in theory most people have very likely made a racist comment - usually when joking around with friends. I don't think this makes them racist though in any meaningful way.

I think I was just lucky to grow up through uni with a relaxed diverse group that didn't have a problem with race and didn't care about joking around about our differences! Everyones different though I guess.
Yeah, but 10 years ago Joe was a clear left leaning guy so he was an ally. There was no need to expose his wrongdoings back then. Now he is an enemy of the corrupt left so he has to be censored. Objective left is still on the side of Joe.

Read the first page of this thread.
No, it isn't. His "free speech" isn't under attack, he's being criticised for using his freedom of speech to say some pretty fecking dumb and offensive shit. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.

Yeah, nobody is saying he cant say anything, people are just categorising what he is saying and some don't want to support a platform that publishes it. That's a whole load of free speech in all directions.
Unbelievable Jeff, people were angry that Joe Rogan is being canceled because of vaccine misinformation and for the most part, the same lads are suddenly experts in free speech in racism. Just get the feck out ffs