Joe Rogan

Never understood the love for him, thinks he is way more intelligent than he actually is, who loves a bit of forcing his opinion and views down peoples throats a. I do enjoy his opinions on MMA and boxing with that being said.
His original stuff was good because it was a myriad of interviewees and a very relaxed setting which conjured up some unique and sometimes crazy debates/opinions. It was an easy listen with podcasts for everyone (some great but also a lot of terrible ones :lol: ). As the name grew he then started luring bigger fish onto the podcast and, probably, fell a bit into the trap of believing his own image of being this neutral guy who was both a man of the people but rubbing shoulders with the stars type.

I don't really get the reaction against him now though. Established news outlets spread the news they choose/filter and influence people every day, Rogan is just a podcaster who has grown to a huge size and has such a random selection of guests, some of them are going to have bonkers ideas. There's a bit of a cult like following but that's the same for anything of this nature.
Joe Rogan offered $100m ‘over four years’ to leave Spotify for right-wing platform Rumble

Nothing more legit than someone ending an offer with "And yes, this is totally legit."
His original stuff was good because it was a myriad of interviewees and a very relaxed setting which conjured up some unique and sometimes crazy debates/opinions. It was an easy listen with podcasts for everyone (some great but also a lot of terrible ones :lol: ). As the name grew he then started luring bigger fish onto the podcast and, probably, fell a bit into the trap of believing his own image of being this neutral guy who was both a man of the people but rubbing shoulders with the stars type.

I don't really get the reaction against him now though. Established news outlets spread the news they choose/filter and influence people every day, Rogan is just a podcaster who has grown to a huge size and has such a random selection of guests, some of them are going to have bonkers ideas. There's a bit of a cult like following but that's the same for anything of this nature.

Did they make him say racist shit?
Yes, but still no actual defence of what he says or the effect of what he says has. All a vague dismissal of the premises of the criticism.

It's not a vague dismissal, it's just my opinion on where much/some of the criticism stems from. You disagree and seem to think it's all sincere. That's fine.

And I've also never said that his podcast should be free from criticism. Because that's obviously ridiculous.
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It's not a vague dismissal, it's just my opinion on where much/some of the criticism stems from. You disagree and seem to think it's all sincere. That's fine.

And I've also never said that his podcast should be free from criticism. Because that's obviously ridiculous.

who cares if it isn't sincere? people always dig out old shit in situations like this and sure it's petty but that's the world now

they found a video of him saying that white brains are better than black brains, that isn't some out of context faux-pas like dropping an n-bomb... it's a deep-rooted racist belief and no matter what the context of how it resurfaced he deserves to be heavily called out for it.. and all the people who used to think he's "a good guy" (myself included) are/were wrong, sadly

I'd like to think Joe no longer thinks this way and has since learned how wrong it is, but it's still deeply troubling at the very least
I've listened to this guy for probably close to a few hundred hours over the years. Never thought him to be racist. He says he's not racist. I'm gonna go with that. He apologized for having used the word and having made stupid jokes. He's a stand up comedian, talking for hours on his podcast. I don't know. It was probably the right thing to do and seemed sincere. On the misinformation stuff. He should probably show some responsibility considering how big he is. Let's see what happens.
I've listened to this guy for probably close to a few hundred hours over the years. Never thought him to be racist. He says he's not racist. I'm gonna go with that. He apologized for having used the word and having made stupid jokes. He's a stand up comedian, talking for hours on his podcast. I don't know. It was probably the right thing to do and seemed sincere. On the misinformation stuff. He should probably show some responsibility considering how big he is. Let's see what happens.
You are a comedian too right ?
I've listened to this guy for probably close to a few hundred hours over the years. Never thought him to be racist. He says he's not racist. I'm gonna go with that. He apologized for having used the word and having made stupid jokes. He's a stand up comedian, talking for hours on his podcast. I don't know. It was probably the right thing to do and seemed sincere. On the misinformation stuff. He should probably show some responsibility considering how big he is. Let's see what happens.

You've just committed a thoughtcrime.
Rumble didn't bother to mention Spotify in their offer, I suppose they're hoping they just let him walk away for free
People sometimes really commit to someone to the point they overlook their faults. Normally it's romantic partners, sometimes it's joe rogan.
Bet Spotify are glad they agreed to pay him so much money. You would have thought that they would have done their due diligence.
Bet Spotify are glad they agreed to pay him so much money. You would have thought that they would have done their due diligence.

This is what amazes me as well. I think Spotify are in a tough spot at the moment. I know a few people, including myself that switched over to Deezer after Rogan's racist outbursts, not that this makes a difference but I'm sure they are feeling some pressure from several more important sources.
This is what amazes me as well. I think Spotify are in a tough spot at the moment. I know a few people, including myself that switched over to Deezer after Rogan's racist outbursts, not that this makes a difference but I'm sure they are feeling some pressure from several more important sources.

They're about to give Barcelona £240m over 3 years.
This is what amazes me as well. I think Spotify are in a tough spot at the moment. I know a few people, including myself that switched over to Deezer after Rogan's racist outbursts, not that this makes a difference but I'm sure they are feeling some pressure from several more important sources.

I don't think it's that bad for them really

they just need Rogan to stop being a dick-head about vaccines and not say racist stuff.. he should be able to manage that after all this criticism, he is someone who takes criticism on board
Shirt sponsorship and stadium naming rights.

Edit: just read the thread in the football forum, and by 'tough spot' I thought Denis79 might've been referring to financial issues.

Yeah I expressed myself poorly, I meant in a tough spot with Rogan, he an investment that is making Spotify look bad.
Yeah I expressed myself poorly, I meant in a tough spot with Rogan, he an investment that is making Spotify look bad.

Nah, it's my fault. Sorry for any confusion.

I can't see Spotify doing much more than what they've already done, but then it's hard to say. If more unsavoury stuff comes out, then who knows?

My main point from the beginning was that the whole controversy seemed, at least to me, very top-down led - with certain media figures and some government officials leading the charge. I never got the impression that there was any sort of ground swell of public opinion against the podcast. But's a much bigger story in America than it is on this side of the Atlantic.
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I can't see Spotify doing much more than what they've already done, but then it's hard to say. If more unsavoury stuff comes out, then who knows?

Repeated covid misinformation and a love of using the N word. How much more unsavoury does he need to be?
Nah, it's my fault. Sorry for any confusion.

I can't see Spotify doing much more than what they've already done, but then it's hard to say. If more unsavoury stuff comes out, then who knows?

My main point from the beginning was that the whole controversy seemed, at least to me, very top-down led - with certain media figures and some government officials leading the charge. I never got the impression that there was any sort of ground swell of public opinion against the podcast. But's a much bigger story in America than it is on this side of the Atlantic.

Spotify look to be adding warnings labels to Rogan and other content now. Unless something else comes up, it looks like he will keep going.
Nah, it's my fault. Sorry for any confusion.

I can't see Spotify doing much more than what they've already done, but then it's hard to say. If more unsavoury stuff comes out, then who knows?

My main point from the beginning was that the whole controversy seemed, at least to me, very top-down led - with certain media figures and some government officials leading the charge. I never got the impression that there was any sort of ground swell of public opinion against the podcast. But's a much bigger story in America than it is on this side of the Atlantic.

It's non organic smear. Basically big tech is trying to censor, and Rogan then brings those people on his podcast thus giving them 4-5 times bigger platform than those people had. Right now they are looking for that woman to accuse Joe of something.

Anyhow, Joe will come out of this castrated and his podcast will never be what it once was. Hopefully new Joe comes along so I can enjoy conspiracy theories and misinformation. It is far more entertaining that factual mainstream media.
It's non organic smear. Basically big tech is trying to censor, and Rogan then brings those people on his podcast thus giving them 4-5 times bigger platform than those people had. Right now they are looking for that woman to accuse Joe of something.

Anyhow, Joe will come out of this castrated and his podcast will never be what it once was. Hopefully new Joe comes along so I can enjoy conspiracy theories and misinformation. It is far more entertaining that factual mainstream media.

I don't think you get how capitalism works - "big tech" have absolutely no interest in censoring Rogan, uncensored misinformation makes the likes of Spotify and YouTube an awful lot of money. If Rogan does get censored it will be in spite of "big tech" not because of them.
It's not a vague dismissal, it's just my opinion on where much/some of the criticism stems from. You disagree and seem to think it's all sincere. That's fine.

And I've also never said that his podcast should be free from criticism. Because that's obviously ridiculous.

I never said you did say that? I have however asked lots of questions to you directly which you just won't engage with, and to say criticism of overt racism and medical misinformation is begrudgery with zero explanation is a dismissal. You're fully entitled to do that of course but it is what it is.