Joe Rogan

What exactly are the topics he takes on, that nobody else does? I'm genuinely curious, because it seems like the topics on these long form conversation podcasts are generally the same. Joe Rogan might have been first and be the biggest, but I fail to see him doing anything that isn't being done on a number of other podcasts.

I think your right and I worded that wrong. It’s the guests that he has on the show. Apart from the big names be interviews, he also interviews alot of people who aren’t politically correct and don’t have mainstream opinions.

Other podcasts would be embarrassed or scared to interview them in depth like he does. Examples - Edward Snowden, Russell Brand, Ben sharpiro, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock etc. He even got on crazy old Alex Jones on the show. I don’t know many other podcasts that are so diverse with their content.
I think your right and I worded that wrong. It’s the guests that he has on the show. Apart from the big names be interviews, he also interviews alot of people who aren’t politically correct and don’t have mainstream opinions.

Other podcasts would be embarrassed or scared to interview them in depth like he does. Examples - Edward Snowden, Russell Brand, Ben sharpiro, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock etc. He even got on crazy old Alex Jones on the show. I don’t know many other podcasts that are so diverse with their content.

:lol: There isn't much diversity among Shapiro, Peterson, and Jones.

Fortunately, he does have diverse guests from other backgrounds who are actually interesting to listen to.
Blowing everything out of proportion only resonates when there's an element of truth. Only the most far gone people really buy into nonsense like Joe Biden being a socialist whereas I guarantee your average person doesn't give a shit about what Joe Rogan said in 2010 - And loads of people will be sympathetic to the notion that this is being blown out of proportion.

Your talking about a country that has staggering healthcare costs, extreme wealth inequality that grows every year. They're coming out of the worst pandemic in the nation's history with an inflation crisis on the horizon. It is absolutely f*cking laughable that the content of the Joe Rogan Experience in 2010 is part of the mainstream political discourse in 2022.

Opie and Anthony was once the highest rated afternoon radio show in New York City - Reaaaaaally obscure area - It was absolutely available nationally as well. Jesus christ. For you to say you haven't heard of it tells me all I need to know about your knowledge of this medium of discoure.

Afternoon radio is pretty obscure. I doubt you'd find more than 2-3 out of 10 people who could even name an afternoon radio show in their own city (and that's me being very generous) - I couldn't name a single afternoon radio show in LA and I've lived here almost 10 years now. People work and have school so practically no one listens to afternoon radio. And from Wiki, it looks like they were only on about 24 stations, which is not even close to true national reach. By comparison, Jim Rome's radio show was on over 200 stations and in the coveted morning time slot. So yeah, they aren't an example of mainstream media by any means.

And conservatives these days blow everything out of proportion without any element of truth.

Buddy if you can't comprehend the difference between a Monday Night Football broadcast on national television and a comedian's stoner podcast that maybe had a few hundred thousand downloads at the time then that's on you. And Cosell was punished immediately and actually mostly forgiven later - He's still pretty fondly remembered in spite of what he said. They weren't digging up something he said a decade prior.

Rogan fans can't have it both ways. You can't tout him as being so much more popular than any mainstream TV host then try to dismiss him as just a "comedian stoner podcast." That label of comedian disappeared a long time ago since he hasn't just made comedy podcasts in probably over 10 years.

And sure, one difference from Cosell is that the reaction happened immediately but the point is still that he made a comment equivalent to Rogan in 1983 and he was "canceled" so a lot of this paranoia from the right is misplaced. And I don't know any NFL fan that "fondly remembers" Cosell after that. Like Rogan, these are the types of comments that make reasonable people wonder "if they say that in public to an audience of millions, what do they say and think in private?"
He said both at different times.

Just had to find the videos on YouTube to see for myself. I am quite shocked he said them but he actually had hair then so looks like 20 years ago. I also saw that he has made a video and quite rightly apologised, admitting he was completely wrong. People grow and change, that would be ridiculous to cancel someone for what they said 20 years ago.
I think your right and I worded that wrong. It’s the guests that he has on the show. Apart from the big names be interviews, he also interviews alot of people who aren’t politically correct and don’t have mainstream opinions.

Other podcasts would be embarrassed or scared to interview them in depth like he does. Examples - Edward Snowden, Russell Brand, Ben sharpiro, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock etc. He even got on crazy old Alex Jones on the show. I don’t know many other podcasts that are so diverse with their content.

It's not a positive that he's had Alex Jones on the show. The only thing that can do is drive more people towards Jones' content, and we're talking about a person who harassed people whose children were murdered in Sandy Hook. The Americans have already elected people to Congress who have done the same, so nothing good can come of potentially adding to that.

Is there a limit to someone who you would give a platform? I'm not being facetious, it's a serious question. Would you give Anders Behring Breivik a platform? What about Brenton Tarrant? They've both got very clear ideological views, and I'm sure many of Rogan's listeners would find their views interesting.
I think your right and I worded that wrong. It’s the guests that he has on the show. Apart from the big names be interviews, he also interviews alot of people who aren’t politically correct and don’t have mainstream opinions.

Other podcasts would be embarrassed or scared to interview them in depth like he does. Examples - Edward Snowden, Russell Brand, Ben sharpiro, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock etc. He even got on crazy old Alex Jones on the show. I don’t know many other podcasts that are so diverse with their content.

Well, yes and no. As for the Shapiro/Peterson types (add in the Weinstein bros, Sam Harris, Dummy Dave Rubin, etc.) , they constantly go on each others shows to agree on their view points, so not much interesting going on there. There is no positive spin for me about giving Alex Jones talking time after his treatment of Sandy Hook. It's not edgy, daring, free speech or anything of the sort - he should not be given attention.

I do agree he has had a wide range of guests and can facilitate an interesting discussion with many different types, which I guess is why he has become so popular.
It's not a positive that he's had Alex Jones on the show. The only thing that can do is drive more people towards Jones' content, and we're talking about a person who harassed people whose children were murdered in Sandy Hook. The Americans have already elected people to Congress who have done the same, so nothing good can come of potentially adding to that.

Is there a limit to someone who you would give a platform? I'm not being facetious, it's a serious question. Would you give Anders Behring Breivik a platform? What about Brenton Tarrant? They've both got very clear ideological views, and I'm sure many of Rogan's listeners would find their views interesting.

He had Alex Jones on the show way before Sandy Hook mate so that can’t be used against him.

As far as I know, Rogan hasn’t interviewed any killers or atleast I have never seen any guest that I thought was distasteful to be interviewed. Everyone he interviews just has a different point of view or are experts in some weird field! So not sure what your referring to there, are you hinting he has dangerous people on the show who shouldn’t be given a platform? Who?
He had Alex Jones on the show way before Sandy Hook mate so that can’t be used against him.

As far as I know, Rogan hasn’t interviewed any killers or atleast I have never seen any guest that I thought was distasteful to be interviewed. Everyone he interviews just has a different point of view or are experts in some weird field! So not sure what your referring to there, are you hinting he has dangerous people on the show who shouldn’t be given a platform? Who?
He hosted Jones in 2020. Stop spewing shite.
He had Alex Jones on the show way before Sandy Hook mate so that can’t be used against him.

As far as I know, Rogan hasn’t interviewed any killers or atleast I have never seen any guest that I thought was distasteful to be interviewed. Everyone he interviews just has a different point of view or are experts in some weird field! So not sure what your referring to there, are you hinting he has dangerous people on the show who shouldn’t be given a platform? Who?

Alex Jones has been saying insane stuff for decades, but he had him on in 2020.

I'm not saying he's had on killers, but why is that different? Don't they qualify as people with different points of view? They're not going to kill anyone on the podcast, after all. But yes, I am definitely suggesting that he has people on who shouldn't be given a platform, such as Alex Jones. Take a look at the comments on that video if you're wondering why I feel that way, and keep in mind that's Joe Rogan's page, not Alex Jones'. He's giving a very dangerous man a platform, and people are eating it up.
He hosted Jones in 2020. Stop spewing shite.

Relax mate, if I’m wrong then correct me but I’m not spewing shite, i’m not at home all day watching every single video he makes. I got a job and a family. If he did make a video with Alex recently then that’s really poor taste and character.
Would I be afraid?

I’m not a public figure. People in my job say worse every single day and I mean literally every day. In fact about 2 hours ago I played football with guys I work with and a guy called a black player John Barnes just because he’s black. Literally the only reason. He said it, people heard it, no one cared. It’s not that normal people condone this language they just don’t really take offence to it the way people online do. People have their own shit to deal with and life is hard enough without confronting every asshole who says something hateful.

I’ve worked and work with genuine racists, guys who openly hate immigrants and aren’t remotely shy in saying as much. So no I certainly wouldn’t be afraid as nothing would happen me. I just wouldn’t do it because it’s obviously an awful thing to say.

Rogan shouldn’t have said it. No one is saying otherwise. It’s the outrage after such a long time that is just ridiculous.

No one cared when no one cared about Joe Rogan. No one even cared when people cared about Joe Rogan because the guy highlighting it was Alex Jones. People still don’t care. Not really. Because it’s just not important in any sort of grand scheme of things and only an imbecile would think that what someone said 10 years ago can define them today.

Rogan has literally thousands of hours of content and the fact that people have to go back so far tells you everything about what this is.

Other people have posted criticism of this in the past, so you're not correct about people only caring now. Sure, the racist thing piggy backed on the Neil Young / vaccines controversy, but to say no one cared in the past is incorrect.

As for the rest, in my profession I have only witnessed one person being racist and they were sacked couple of weeks later.

If I spend time with people who say racist shit, I stop hanging out with them. Simple.

These things have consequences, you don't have to be Joe Rogan.

This idea that any criticism of what he said is anything other than normal consequences of saying racist/dumb stuff is frankly ridiculous. It's like my former colleague complaining about being canceled by my former boss.

Canceling and consequences are two very different things, what's happening here is consequences.
Other people have posted criticism of this in the past, so you're not correct about people only caring now. Sure, the racist thing piggy backed on the Neil Young / vaccines controversy, but to say no one cared in the past is incorrect.

As for the rest, in my profession I have only witnessed one person being racist and they were sacked couple of weeks later.

If I spend time with people who say racist shit, I stop hanging out with them. Simple.

These things have consequences, you don't have to be Joe Rogan.

This idea that any criticism of what he said is anything other than normal consequences of saying racist/dumb stuff is frankly ridiculous. It's like my former colleague complaining about being canceled by my former boss.

Canceling and consequences are two very different things, what's happening here is consequences.

Same here, the only time I remember it was about 12 years ago and someone at a company a friend of mine worked at sent out a racist meme on company email. He was sacked a week or two later as well.
Yes, he has. I don't think Joe should be afraid (I mean in a physical way) but he should know there are consequences, like there would be for you or me if we said it.

Ive watched the videos now, they were really as bad as you described them, clearly racist. If it were recent then he should be shut down for making hateful content IMO. I wouldn’t want to watch anything from him.

However, as it was so long ago, I think the explanation and apology video he has done is acceptable. He is clearly genuinely sorry and understands how wrong his thinking was. I can forgive him and believe he has changed, I don’t think he is a racist and will keep watching him.
And there are podcasts since where he said the opposite.

2017 - Episode: 1041 with Dan Carlin. One of the few I'd listen to during that period since I love the guest. Rogan specifically ridicules the idea of racial differences in terms of intelligence. I remember this because it outraged a lot of right wingers at the time.

About 35 minutes in - He couldn't be more clear in what he believes here, in fact he elaborates on it a hell of a lot more than he did in the comments he made in 2011. Maybe we should celebrate someone going from the Bell Curve way of thinking to reality rather than selectively choosing which are now relevant. It's fecking ridiculous.

Edit: Here's exactly what he said:

"We essentially came from the same source - So all this idea of race is just based on a particular amount of time in a particular climate that forced people to adapt to that climate. In the colder darker climates you see paler skin, in the sunnier hotter climates you see more melanin and the idea that these people that have more pale skin are superior to people that have more melanin is just patently stupid. It's just a dumb idea. If you take into account all the socio economic factors that cause people to live certain ways, people that are isolated that live with certain tribal conditions. These things are all easily explained and if you want to chalk it off to intelligence or the superiority of the white race in 2017 you're a f*cking moron."

Hardly consistent with a guy who believes white people have different brains. But I guess 2011 Rogan is more relevant to 2017 Rogan to the people who care. Wonder how much traction the above quote will gain.

Everyone knows what Rogan is. He's the stoned bro talking about shit that he has no actual understanding of. It's why guys relate to him - It's only suddenly mattered since he got popular. He's essentially the modern Howard Stern and holy shit if people were to go through the shit Howard Stern said it would make Rogan look like a saint. Yet they don't, I wonder why...

great to see he learned how stupid his beliefs were, and having watched Rogan over the last few years I'd agree he's moved on from that way of thinking

but he still said some dumb racist shit and people are calling him out for saying some dumb racist shit

I'm not sure why you have such a problem with that, but whatever I don't think there is much left to say on this matter
:lol: Man is a racist, it's got feck all to do with who is making the observation

It is interesting debate. If you murder someone you are a murderer for ever, for as long as someone remembers you. However if you steal something, you are not necessarily a "thief" for eternity. Depends on what you steal and how often you stole I guess. When someone has over 15 hours of recorded content per week over a decade, you will find things.

If Joe Rogan is a racist for you, I respect that. For me, he is not. He is a person who said racist stuff, he regrets it and he apologized. Ultimately the offended group are black people, and it is up to them to either not forgive him or forgive him. I am perfectly fine with black people not forgiving him and I understand.

We shall see how this all end. Fun ride.
Ive watched the videos now, they were really as bad as you described them, clearly racist. If it were recent then he should be shut down for making hateful content IMO. I wouldn’t want to watch anything from him.

However, as it was so long ago, I think the explanation and apology video he has done is acceptable. He is clearly genuinely sorry and understands how wrong his thinking was. I can forgive him and believe he has changed, I don’t think he is a racist and will keep watching him.

I've replied to a few people in this thread, so apologizes if I'm confusing you.

Your position is your position, up to you. But surely you can understand why some people don't see it that way and if by any chance spotify decided to remove him, that would be their right as a company and not any sort of left wing conspiracy to silence him.
It is interesting debate. If you murder someone you are a murderer for ever, for as long as someone remembers you. However if you steal something, you are not necessarily a "thief" for eternity. Depends on what you steal and how often you stole I guess. When someone has over 15 hours of recorded content per week over a decade, you will find things.

If Joe Rogan is a racist for you, I respect that. For me, he is not. He is a person who said racist stuff, he regrets it and he apologized. Ultimately the offended group are black people, and it is up to them to either not forgive him or forgive him. I am perfectly fine with black people not forgiving him and I understand.

We shall see how this all end. Fun ride.
So just to be clear, you don’t think he’s racist anymore because someone posted a video of him saying lots of racist things, forcing him to apologise publicly?

Other than his recent apology, that I think we can all agree wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t been publicly shamed, what else has he done to counteract the perception that he’s racist? A perception that exists because he said some fundamentally racist things before, whilst also using racial slurs on a myriad of occasions.

And lastly, I am not black and I still find racism ugly and offensive.
So just to be clear, you don’t think he’s racist anymore because someone posted a video of him saying lots of racist things, forcing him to apologise publicly?

Other than his recent apology, that I think we can all agree wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t been publicly shamed, what else has he done to counteract the perception that he’s racist? A perception that exists because he said some fundamentally racist things before, whilst also using racial slurs on a myriad of occasions.

And lastly, I am not black and I still find racism ugly and offensive.

"We essentially came from the same source - So all this idea of race is just based on a particular amount of time in a particular climate that forced people to adapt to that climate. In the colder darker climates you see paler skin, in the sunnier hotter climates you see more melanin and the idea that these people that have more pale skin are superior to people that have more melanin is just patently stupid. It's just a dumb idea. If you take into account all the socio economic factors that cause people to live certain ways, people that are isolated that live with certain tribal conditions. These things are all easily explained and if you want to chalk it off to intelligence or the superiority of the white race in 2017 you're a f*cking moron."

He said that in 2017, completely unrelated to any controversy, before being publicly shamed and under no pressure to apologise to anyone. Does that sound like a guy who actually believes white and black brains are different?
I actually enjoy the podcast but only tend to watch the ones that interest me. Was a huge wrestling fan in the 80s so really loved the ones with the wrestlers from that time like The Undertaker, Jake the Snake and Jesse Ventura and also enjoyed his stuff with Brian Cox even though it was all over mine and Rogans head.

I love a bit of his conspiracy stuff i.e 9/11 and he was one of the first who embraced it a little so tend to watch those.

Not seen any and have no intention of watching any COVID based chats with whatever Dr he gets on and have personally not noticed anything racist from him, but only watch his episodes where it probably wouldn’t be mentioned.

runs back out of the room
Other people have posted criticism of this in the past, so you're not correct about people only caring now. Sure, the racist thing piggy backed on the Neil Young / vaccines controversy, but to say no one cared in the past is incorrect.

As for the rest, in my profession I have only witnessed one person being racist and they were sacked couple of weeks later.

If I spend time with people who say racist shit, I stop hanging out with them. Simple.

These things have consequences, you don't have to be Joe Rogan.

This idea that any criticism of what he said is anything other than normal consequences of saying racist/dumb stuff is frankly ridiculous. It's like my former colleague complaining about being canceled by my former boss.

Canceling and consequences are two very different things, what's happening here is consequences.

No one even really cares now. This is manufactured outrage if there ever was some. Everyone knows what he said was wrong. No one cares.

Judging anyone's character for what they said a decade ago is stupid. A decade ago I was a transphobic asshole. 7 years later I was in a relationship with a transgender person. I changed. My family's perception changed even more. I don't think I'm transphobic today because I was a prick when I was 21. I don't think my family are transphobic because they were raised as religious fundamentalists. They changed their opinion on that and a lot more and they were older than Joe Rogan.

This is fecking absurd to the point where I'm sick of talking about it. I don't even like Joe Rogan, but I can plainly see a smear campaign when it's this obvious. As a leftist I can clearly see how this plays right into the hand of reactionaries who will feed on this nonsense to the point where they'll build a campaign around it. And people will be sympathetic to them because no one really cares about Joe Rogan's comments in 2010 - The Republicans are the "don't be a pussy" party and this is gold for them. This nonsense legitimises their whole scam. I'd much sooner hold Rogan accountable for some of the heinous people he's had on the podcast since his platform became significant - Milo Yiannopoulos, Stefan Molyneux, Gavin McInnes Mike Cernovich etc. I actually don't think he faced enough scrutiny for this at the time and I do believe he's acknowledged that he was basically conned by these guys but that was causing a lot more active harm than anything he said in his early days. I think he genuinely believes trash like Bret Weinstein and Jordan Peterson are genuine which speaks more to his stupidity than any agenda but I believe it's more harmful all the same. He deserves scrutiny for that, for his covid stance and should be pressure into engaging with more qualified people than he does.

I've never once used the word cancellation. If Spotify dropped him today Rogan would find another platform in an instant. He's too popular in his space to be cancelled. Capitalism would never allow such a free market opportunity to go unclaimed. This isn't about consequences - It's not even about Rogan - It's about the outrage that is transparently manufactured and how people will perceive it, how right wingers will weaponize - It's absolute poison for any leftist to engage in this shit because to a regular person what are you actually doing? What is being accomplished by digging through literally thousands of hours of a mediocre comedian's podcast to find shit that's problematic? Nothing. Absolutely nothing and everyone can see it, even the people pretending to care.

The whole thing is pathetic.
I think your right and I worded that wrong. It’s the guests that he has on the show. Apart from the big names be interviews, he also interviews alot of people who aren’t politically correct and don’t have mainstream opinions.

Other podcasts would be embarrassed or scared to interview them in depth like he does. Examples - Edward Snowden, Russell Brand, Ben sharpiro, Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock etc. He even got on crazy old Alex Jones on the show. I don’t know many other podcasts that are so diverse with their content.

I think there are loads of shows who would interview such people tbh, they just aren't as high profile as Rogan. I think the difference with Rogan was firstly that he was one of the early pioneers of the long form interview/casual conversation podcast format, which created a different style of content that was appealing. Previously everything was more akin to a radio style format, either formal interviews, lectures, debates, or a mix of structured entertainment/skits/promotion of the guest's latest work.

But it became self perpetuating. He got a big audience so got interesting guests, which led to an increasing audience, and more high profile guests. He became seen as the guy who has long form interviews with high profile or controversial guests. Sure, to some extent he developed some skills as a host which added to this. But these guests pop up everywhere. Alex Jones for example, you can find him whoring himself out doing interviews on YouTube channels with like 500 views, and it's the same format as Joe Rogans podcast. They just aren't as high profile as Joe Rogan's podcast.
No one even really cares now. This is manufactured outrage if there ever was some. Everyone knows what he said was wrong. No one cares.

Don't be silly. Someone who loves the N words so much that they say it repeatedly on a popular podcast obviously never says it in privately. After all he probably has black friends.

The guy is a racist even if he thinks he isn't. He may not be burning crosses wearing a bed sheet but I think he is a bit more than Father Ted style racist.

The fact that he is a total idiot, dangerously so with covid, makes him the target he is. Deservedly so.
No one even really cares now. This is manufactured outrage if there ever was some. Everyone knows what he said was wrong. No one cares.

Judging anyone's character for what they said a decade ago is stupid. A decade ago I was a transphobic asshole. 7 years later I was in a relationship with a transgender person. I changed. My family's perception changed even more. I don't think I'm transphobic today because I was a prick when I was 21. I don't think my family are transphobic because they were raised as religious fundamentalists. They changed their opinion on that and a lot more and they were older than Joe Rogan.

This is fecking absurd to the point where I'm sick of talking about it. I don't even like Joe Rogan, but I can plainly see a smear campaign when it's this obvious. As a leftist I can clearly see how this plays right into the hand of reactionaries who will feed on this nonsense to the point where they'll build a campaign around it. And people will be sympathetic to them because no one really cares about Joe Rogan's comments in 2010 - The Republicans are the "don't be a pussy" party and this is gold for them. This nonsense legitimises their whole scam. I'd much sooner hold Rogan accountable for some of the heinous people he's had on the podcast since his platform became significant - Milo Yiannopoulos, Stefan Molyneux, Gavin McInnes Mike Cernovich etc. I actually don't think he faced enough scrutiny for this at the time and I do believe he's acknowledged that he was basically conned by these guys but that was causing a lot more active harm than anything he said in his early days. I think he genuinely believes trash like Bret Weinstein and Jordan Peterson are genuine which speaks more to his stupidity than any agenda but I believe it's more harmful all the same. He deserves scrutiny for that, for his covid stance and should be pressure into engaging with more qualified people than he does.

I've never once used the word cancellation. If Spotify dropped him today Rogan would find another platform in an instant. He's too popular in his space to be cancelled. Capitalism would never allow such a free market opportunity to go unclaimed. This isn't about consequences - It's not even about Rogan - It's about the outrage that is transparently manufactured and how people will perceive it, how right wingers will weaponize - It's absolute poison for any leftist to engage in this shit because to a regular person what are you actually doing? What is being accomplished by digging through literally thousands of hours of a mediocre comedian's podcast to find shit that's problematic? Nothing. Absolutely nothing and everyone can see it, even the people pretending to care.

The whole thing is pathetic.

Indeed. If he wasn't considered part of the IDW and had the likes of Milo, Moleyneaux, McInnes and others on, then this wouldn't be much of a story. The fact that he has entertained some of them on his show creates a composite narrative that he must be a racist.

By corrupt democrats who run CNN and other left propaganda outlets who push corporate agenda and refuse to make a real change for people of USA. Those who sabotage Bernie Sanders and promote Clinton and Biden. Rogan had many guests who are pissed of leftists such as Kyle Kulinski, Tulsi Gabbard, Jimmy Dore, Andrew Yang, Krystal Ball and Bernie himself. On another hand he is hosting conservatives such as Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson etc... When Rogan had 1-2M views on YouTube, no one cared about his comments, but now he has a huge audience. They say 11m views on Spotify alone, but no one is even counting other platforms and shares. He has reached audience that would leave communist USSR propagandist jealous - who were able to broadcast same sh1t on every station when they wanted.

There could be few opportunists here and there that want to dunk on Rogan, but mostly it is orchestrated effort.
By corrupt democrats who run CNN and other left propaganda outlets who push corporate agenda and refuse to make a real change for people of USA. Those who sabotage Bernie Sanders and promote Clinton and Biden. Rogan had many guests who are pissed of leftists such as Kyle Kulinski, Tulsi Gabbard, Jimmy Dore, Andrew Yang, Krystal Ball and Bernie himself. On another hand he is hosting conservatives such as Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson etc... When Rogan had 1-2M views on YouTube, no one cared about his comments, but now he has a huge audience. They say 11m views on Spotify alone, but no one is even counting other platforms and shares. He has reached audience that would leave communist USSR propagandist jealous - who were able to broadcast same sh1t on every station when they wanted.

There could be few opportunists here and there that want to dunk on Rogan, but mostly it is orchestrated effort.

So in summary, Rogan platforms leftists, right wingers, grifters, & charlatans, and when he isn't doing that, he has all kinds of legit guests on from virtually every background you can think of.
So in summary, Rogan platforms leftists, right wingers, grifters, & charlatans, and when he isn't doing that, he has all kinds of legit guests on from virtually every background you can think of.

Fair summary. Yes, he used to platform whoever the heck he wanted, but that time is gone unfortunately and the podcast will be sanitized. But why leftists and right wingers aren't legit guests?
It is interesting debate. If you murder someone you are a murderer for ever, for as long as someone remembers you. However if you steal something, you are not necessarily a "thief" for eternity. Depends on what you steal and how often you stole I guess. When someone has over 15 hours of recorded content per week over a decade, you will find things.

If Joe Rogan is a racist for you, I respect that. For me, he is not. He is a person who said racist stuff, he regrets it and he apologized. Ultimately the offended group are black people, and it is up to them to either not forgive him or forgive him. I am perfectly fine with black people not forgiving him and I understand.

We shall see how this all end. Fun ride.
Apologizing when you got caught, a long time after the fact, makes the act completely devoid of any sincerity for me. I have no problem admitting I am biased since I have been victim lf racist as a teenager in France and I have never seen truly change after they got caught.
His apology is totally meaningless and fake
People seem to really struggle with the fact that as someone becomes more popular, larger scrutiny is imposed on them. I would have thought that was a pretty basic concept.
People seem to really struggle with the fact that as someone becomes more popular, larger scrutiny is imposed on them. I would have thought that was a pretty basic concept.


Also, he has had racists on but for balance he also had leftists on? That's not how it works with the aul racism lads.
So in summary, Rogan platforms leftists, right wingers, grifters, & charlatans, and when he isn't doing that, he has all kinds of legit guests on from virtually every background you can think of.
What legit guests? Honest question, the ratio must be 10:1 towards bro science and anti vaxers.
If what you say is true then the problem lays in all these guests being presented in the same manner. It legitimises bullshit and there is no legit guest, it’s simply a guest?
So in summary, Rogan platforms leftists, right wingers, grifters, & charlatans, and when he isn't doing that, he has all kinds of legit guests on from virtually every background you can think of.

This is a false equivalency though Raoul. Who are the leftists? People who want to open up healthcare and bring corporate tax back to the rate in the 70s?

Like with the Jon Stewart analogy earlier, what is the equivalent material harm that comes from the guests on the supposed 'other side' that you thinks gives Rogan's show balance. I'm genuinely asking.

Bolelli is great and I'd agree with every word of this. I doubt the people calling Joe a white supremacist even believe as much.

I think people applying the sort of scrutiny to the early JRE days have absolutely no idea what that podcast was - Nothing was to be taken seriously. There was a lot of shock jock humour that was what the LA comedy scene was all about. Guys like Doug Stanhope, Joey Diaz and Ralphie May who were close friends with Rogan would base their entire acts on saying outrageous shit that was supposed to offend - This is the sort of culture that podcast grew from. If Rogan has said any of that shit as a UFC commentator he'd have been fired immediately but he was saying it on a goofball podcast that eventually grew into something more serious.
Genuinely flabbergasted by some of the defence.

At least, I can agree with KingCavani's rant that you can't judge a person on what they said about 20 years ago. I lived in a village in South Tamil Nadu with internet being my only exposure to western culture and I saw no problems with Enid Blyton's books. I moved to US and I have changed as a person in how I understand things better. This is a fair point that I will willingly concede, but the Joe Rogan defense keeps moving goalposts like there is no tomorrow. He says dangerous claims about Covid vaccination - "The guy is a humble idiot who shouldn't be taken seriously", He gives a platform to increasingly fringe elements of the right and voice to Alex Jones - "He had Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard", He is outed as making racist statement - "He said it 20 years ago and clearly didn't mean it".

And now it's down to the evil CNN and the Mainstream media too.. Funnily the vehemence is from the law abiding Exodus who loves interesting conspiracy theories ... Just fecking kill me now

Bolelli is great and I'd agree with every word of this. I doubt the people calling Joe a white supremacist even believe as much.

I think people applying the sort of scrutiny to the early JRE days have absolutely no idea what that podcast was - Nothing was to be taken seriously. There was a lot of shock jock humour that was what the LA comedy scene was all about. Guys like Doug Stanhope, Joey Diaz and Ralphie May who were close friends with Rogan would base their entire acts on saying outrageous shit that was supposed to offend - This is the sort of culture that podcast grew from. If Rogan has said any of that shit as a UFC commentator he'd have been fired immediately but he was saying it on a goofball podcast that eventually grew into something more serious.

What do you seriously think about the vaccine misinformation he's been peddling for a while now?