Television It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

The hype comes from it being nothing like most American comedies.....what comedies are you watching that this is similar too? -_-

Well, I'll excuse maybe Curb and Eastbound.
What Smashed?! How many episodes have you watched. There is nothing like it on TV at the moment, the show is genius!
Dunno, 4/5 episodes maybe? Well, how is it genius? Honestly the humour doesn't seem particularly clever to me, it's funny on occassion but no more than a lot of comedies.
Well their overall lack of fear to use any subject as comedy without sentimentality is part of it. But throw in some of the best improv you can find(half scripted, half improv or something), natural chemistry with the actors and complete absurdity and it just clicks for me.
Well their overall lack of fear to use any subject as comedy without sentimentality is part of it. But throw in some of the best improv you can find(half scripted, half improv or something), natural chemistry with the actors and complete absurdity and it just clicks for me.

That's fair enough I guess, to me it all seems a bit wooden but different strokes for different blokes and all that. But it's made out to be a paragon of intelligent humour, like when people were moaning about the vomit scene and saying how it was beneath the show etc- why? It's never come across as particularly highbrow to me. Which I don't mind and I have nothing against the show for that. I like plenty of lowbrow comedies. But still, I mean I watched an episode the other day where one of the guys was at a gym and started flirting with a post-op transexual or something, only for his/her massive boyfriend to turn up. I had to turn it off after the first 2 mins of that as it just wasn't funny for me.
That's fair enough I guess, to me it all seems a bit wooden but different strokes for different blokes and all that. But it's made out to be a paragon of intelligent humour, like when people were moaning about the vomit scene and saying how it was beneath the show etc- why? It's never come across as particularly highbrow to me. Which I don't mind and I have nothing against the show for that. I like plenty of lowbrow comedies. But still, I mean I watched an episode the other day where one of the guys was at a gym and started flirting with a post-op transexual or something, only for his/her massive boyfriend to turn up. I had to turn it off after the first 2 mins of that as it just wasn't funny for me.

I said it was beneath them, but in terms of it being well below the standard and style of their comedy usually. And giving my opinion on the show is hardly moaning.
The montage man. Everything about that montage was gold, probably the best montage since Rocky IV.
It's been a little hit and miss so far but there've been great bits. I didn't like the whole Frank's brother flash back one. Thought that was a bit shite. Some of the Beauty pageant one was great, but I thought the episode as a whole lacked something. The 2nd half of the baby funeral one was hysterical and the last one was pretty good. Charlie trying to work out who would sleep with whose daughters had me creasing.
Yep liked the latest, could just be heating up at the right time. Dennis in the background stalking your one was brill.
It's been a little hit and miss so far but there've been great bits. I didn't like the whole Frank's brother flash back one. Thought that was a bit shite. Some of the Beauty pageant one was great, but I thought the episode as a whole lacked something. The 2nd half of the baby funeral one was hysterical and the last one was pretty good. Charlie trying to work out who would sleep with whose daughters had me creasing.
Sounds about right.
I can't get into this show. I pretty much gave up on US comedies a decade ago. I know this one is a little different but its still not like British comedies.
Really hitting form now.

Charlie and Dennis at the police station and Frank's video where Dr. Mantis Tobbogan makes a reappearance........:lol:.
Best show in TV.

Not quite up to date with this series but not far off. And so far agree with Mockney on the whole. Not quite at the level of series 3-5, but in patches it is still the best thing around.
To keep talking about IASIP what is your favorite episode?

The Aluminium Monster vs Fatty Magoo
The Gang Gets Extreme, Home Makeover.

Ill always have a soft spot for Charlie Wants An Abortion as well. A friend recommended the show and the first one I thought was quite good, but not amazing. But it was episode 2 of series 1 when I realised this show was something special. When Mac is trying to shag the Christian, pro-life girl and makes the t shirt that says: "What if Jesus had been aborted?"
Most recent ep was the funniest one of the season by far for me :lol:
Was that really all they are going to do with the whole Mac being fat arc?