Television It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Its only gets better.

I was shock to find out that they still shot the show with the same camera model as the pilot. A DV camera Panasonic AG-DVX100 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and it showed on a HD channel.

To keep talking about IASIP what is your favorite episode?
Mine has to be Nightman Cometh the final episode in 4th season. Charlie is such a legend.
To keep talking about IASIP what is your favorite episode?
Mine has to be Nightman Cometh the final episode in 4th season. Charlie is such a legend.

I would have to agree with that choice. They took a concept that I thought was dead and brought it back to life in a way that was more hilarious than I could've imagined.

Also the one right before: "The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover Edition" has a good shout for the invasion scene alone.
"Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom" for me. Charlie's scheming in that is brilliant.

Either that or, "Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire".

...Or the one Ekeke said.

Dennis: I swallowed some apple seed today.

Mac: Did you make yourself throw up?

Dennis: I tried, but I couldnt make myself.

Mac: Try cigarettes. The smoke will go down and kill all the bacteria in your stomach.
Without a doubt the funniest show ever made, just over Arrested Development for me.

Charlie in the Christmas Special :lol:
finished all seasons & the christmas ep. absolutely love this show! so many classic moments, couldn't possibly pick a favourite episode though.

frank and charlie crack me up, i think all the characters are great though. frank as the trashman was brilliant i thought.
Been watching through this show recently, halfway through Season 3 at the moment, it's class. Charlie is quality :lol:

The episode where Frank and Charlie take the acid and the Dancing Guy in Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire were brilliant :lol:
I think the best ep was the gang gets held hostage
I knew you'd love it, Solius.

I'm telling you, it's not Elvis' cup of tea.
The Gang Gets Held Hostage has to be the funniest episode I have ever seen
I was like what the feck is milk steak when I first heard about it, I was like ehhhh that sounds like shit
Moar... Now!

Incidentally, the best episode is the one where Sweet Dee has a heart-attack... the Pepe Silvia rant is done to perfection by Charlie, and their misunderstanding of the medical care system in the US is excellent :lol:

"What is this, some kind of socialist dictatorship?!"
I'm gonna pull a Good Will Hunting. What's your major dude?
Oh I bet you reading a lot of Gordon Wood ha. You read your Gordon Wood and you regurgitate it from the textbook and you think your wicked awesome doing that, and how bout dem apples and all that Gordon Wood business.
I'm gonna pull a Good Will Hunting. What's your major dude?
Oh I bet you reading a lot of Gordon Wood ha. You read your Gordon Wood and you regurgitate it from the textbook and you think your wicked awesome doing that, and how bout dem apples and all that Gordon Wood business.

"Maybe you could ask him the math or science type question? But you're not a janitor.."

and while we're associating:

"I could go for some wood"

Been waiting for new episodes... hope the torrent makers are on top of this :)
Mac: Uh, no, we're saying 'wooed'.
Charlie: Yeah, cool. We'll get some wood, we'll build something cool, then we'll go get the money.
Dennis: That doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking about, Charlie. We're talking about being wooed by this corporate guy...
Charlie: How are you going to be wood?
I can't fecking wait, this show delivers better than probably any show out in television right now.
First episode........ not quite sure what I thought...

them setting up a premise that'll carry on into the next episode though is novel... I liked the scenes where Mac was getting schooled by liberal biblicisms :lol:
I thought it was good but not that great. Realized that I've missed the gang so much though.