Television It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Best moments in this one came from Charlie and Frank...
but I also liked flustered Mac, who's so confused his head's about to fall off, as well as the hot dude, for very base reasons. Dee's gag-reflex didn't work for me, but it's consistent with her character, I guess ;P and Dennis' decision-making baffled me... but I'm wondering where the marriage plot takes the series... it may well be worth the wait for a pay-off... I hope
Next weeks episode looks like it could be pretty good. I agree with Jveezy that last nights episode was a bit closer to form
Next weeks looks like it will be fecking hilarious, it's great when they are all in close proximity to each other and the boat provides that

Return to form, I say... loved Dee's dancing with the new green man... and the implication :)
The last two episodes have been amazing! :lol:

Has anyone watched this - ?

43 minutes of goodness that I'm about to watch right now!
:lol: Charlie's scream at the start.

Was a bit of a weak episode I thought, though.
:lol: Charlie's scream at the start.

Was a bit of a weak episode I thought, though.

:lol: Charlie's scream had me in stitches too.. set the tone so nicely for me.

The last two episodes have been cool and have had touches that made it feel fresher than in ages...
the montage, having Dee dance with the green thingy, the podcast antics, which I quite liked :) The way the last two episodes ended too were quite funny, in a weird way... The sinking boat, and the green man going foof, and the gif-like blooper to end the latest was good too :)

I consider it a return to form, yesh. So looking forward to the rest of the season.
Part where Dennis runs towards the pool and gets tackled had me in stitches.

Charlie's shorts :lol:

Great stuff
I loved the part when Dee and Dennis are at the public pool and Dee gets hit in the head with a rock, and Dennis comments that the kids are playing by throwing rocks at each other, and further goes on to say who does that or summat. Two seconds later it cuts to Mac and Charlie throwing rocks at each other for fun
I found it amusing howin Mac's brown out had Dee played by an ostrich
It looks like they have a new Charley like character coming in next week its gonna be good
The whole blackface stuff was hilarious Mac looked like Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder.
Hahaha... loved the production of the movie...
why did Dennis's Gibson impersonation have an Aussie accent when Mac's didn't?