Television It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

There's a lot of truth in that. I think it's kind of inevitable. But it didn't make me sad and I still think it's very funny.

Yep. Scrubs was another comedy I liked that took the same route; in the final seasons all of the character's idiosyncrasies and quirks became their actual character. The jokes stayed funny (mostly) but the humour feels hollow.
Just watched all of the new season, and it kinda made me sad. Not because it wasn't funny, it often was very funny, but because of how cartoonish the characters have become, and how on-the-nose the dialogue is. Even when it's hilarious, the jokes feel way too fan-service-ish and inorganic. "Meta" is the new currency in comedy it seems, where self-referencing call backs and winking to the audience is deemed clever.

And all the jokes land a little more flat now that the distinctions are so clear. Gay christian Mac was funnier when it wasn't so obvious all the time. Similarly, psychotic Dennis has way too much dialogue actually explaining him being psychotic.

Still, there were highlights; burned up Cricket, drunk Charlie's subtitles in the premiere, and Keegan-Michael Key's exasperated game show host were gold.

Dennis being overly neurotic and whatnot all the time is my main gripe. I miss the subtlety too :\

Still pretty funny, though.

Charlie's still my fave: "He's gonna put all those brains in my head. Sweet" :lol:
Only just seen all of Season 10, as it's finally on Netflix now. I agree with the above, that particular character traits are much less subtle now. It feels like they have developed the characters as far as they can go. Despite that, I still got plenty of huge laughs from this season. I still get a kick out of Dennis' mental breakdowns, and the bits where he tries to sell his car are great.

I still enjoyed season 10. I've tried getting into other comedies on Netflix like The League and they don't come close to this.
This is quite simply my favourite show. However, I would agree to some extent that some of the subtlety has gone, especially from Dennis and Mac. Like people have said though, it still has plenty of great moments and I'll continue to re-watch it far too much.
Was rewatching this recently and you just have to laugh at Cricket's progression throughout the show...
Season 1:

Season 10:

Just absolutely ruin him :lol:
Was rewatching this recently and you just have to laugh at Cricket's progression throughout the show...
Season 1:

Season 10:

Just absolutely ruin him :lol:

He's (Cricket) actually one of the writers on the show. He's probably my favourite supporting character.

He's also married to the main woman from Bones, so he's doing ok for himself, even with a neck wound that looks like a dogs vagina.

Great show, my favourite comedy at the moment.
Another fantastic episode this week. What a great start to the season.
Charlie's face during the sex scenes cracked me up.
Great episode. Cheeseball 80s throwback done good. The sex scenes were totally bizarre, but the ending was typical It's Always Sunny. Abrupt and anti-climatic, which they do really well.

Good season so far.
Mountain rules.

I love that it didn't turn out to be a dream or something like that. Mac, Dennis, and Dee were actually crazy awesome skiers because of mountain rules.
Didn't like much Frank's first person view episode, but just the title of this one is quite promising.

McPoyle vs. Ponderosa: The Trial of the Century
Didn't like much Frank's first person view episode, but just the title of this one is quite promising.

McPoyle vs. Ponderosa: The Trial of the Century

I thought Being Frank was outstanding personally. Love Frank :D

Only poor episode of this season so far has been Dee makes a smut movie. Otherwise excellent (haven't seen the latest one though).
The latest is fantastic. 11 seasons in and this is still great. Kudos.
The latest episode was brilliant :lol:

I've enjoyed this season but if I had one qualm it would be that it's been a bit too self referential. Chardee MacDennis, Frank thinking it's 2006, etc..
The latest episode was brilliant :lol:

I've enjoyed this season but if I had one qualm it would be that it's been a bit too self referential. Chardee MacDennis, Frank thinking it's 2006, etc..

Yeah I thought so after the first two episodes that they were running out of idea, but both were still funny.

From 'The Gang hits the Slopes' onwards though its been great. Possibly the best season ever.
The courtroom episode is absolutely brilliant.

There's been some classics in this season, consistently great show.
I recently re-watched some episodes of this from the first season. The one with the stain in the bathroom that resembled the Virgin Mary had me on stitches. They're all such despicable human beings. :lol:
I'm surprised at the rave reviews. I love this show, so I'm liking this season, but it might be my least favourite since Season 6. Still, there are golden moments here and there, like Uncle Jack throwing his fake hand and his reaction. Brilliant.
I'm surprised at the rave reviews. I love this show, so I'm liking this season, but it might be my least favourite since Season 6. Still, there are golden moments here and there, like Uncle Jack throwing his fake hand and his reaction. Brilliant.

It's getting very mixed reviews on the UK fan page on Facebook. Loads of people really don't like it. I think it's been great. I like how a lot of the episodes have been a very different formula than the past, without compromising the jokes.
When/where can I legally watch Season 11 in the UK?
It took several months for Netflix to start showing Season 10 last year. Around summer time, I think it was.

Torrents are your best bet, if you don't want to wait.

Figures. I guess I'll wait, then.
It's getting very mixed reviews on the UK fan page on Facebook. Loads of people really don't like it. I think it's been great. I like how a lot of the episodes have been a very different formula than the past, without compromising the jokes.

Sorry, I meant specifically on this thread. The trend tends to be the caf shitting on things I'm a fan of, so it's weird that people here love something that I think is okay.
I keep meaning to get back into this. I got upto season two, I think. The one with the water stain that looked like Jesus, iirc.

The priest in that episode pops up in the show every now and again. One of the best ongoing things in the show.
Don't think the last two episodes have been great. I'm finding most of this season way too self-referential (magician calling Dee a bird and the whole 'implication' thing in the last episode alone) and some of the characters are becoming caricatures of themselves now. They've made Charlie just stupid for stupid sake, like the paint drinking thing amongst others, and well I guess they've finally addressed the Mac being gay thing and they've toned Dennis down a bit but it still doesn't feel like a great season for me.
Don't think the last two episodes have been great. I'm finding most of this season way too self-referential (magician calling Dee a bird and the whole 'implication' thing in the last episode alone) and some of the characters are becoming caricatures of themselves now. They've made Charlie just stupid for stupid sake, like the paint drinking thing amongst others, and well I guess they've finally addressed the Mac being gay thing and they've toned Dennis down a bit but it still doesn't feel like a great season for me.

Fully agree with these 2 points.

This whole season has been sub par. Which is to say it's still better than must comedies out there, but far below Sunny's best. This has been my least favourite Sunny season in like 5-6 years right.
I've enjoyed the meta comedy, but I can understand why it can be grating. Overall I think the season has been very good. Not the strongest, but still very strong. Some episodes have had a very different feel about them, whilst not straying from the style of the show or compromising characters or jokes.

I haven't seen any significant change in Charlie personally. He's always been stupid and illiterate, like the campaign speech he wrote for Dennis which made no sense, or the Nightman lyrics he wrote, which were just nonsensical pictures. I think he's definitely been stupider than this season. There's always been reference and visuals of solvent abuse as well. Instead of spraypaint or bleach, it's paint this time.

Has Dennis been toned down? In the episode where they moved to the suburbs, he got naked and tried to fight the neighbour. He looks as close to a mental breakdown as ever. The bit in Wednesday's episode before he gets thrown in 'boat jail' was amongst the most sinister he has been.