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So it's the two boys in Beitunya? The incident where the IDF denied the use of live ammunition?
They can claim what they want, the two boys were shot dead regardless. B'Tselem claimed the IDF claims were nonsense.
So it's the two boys in Beitunya? The incident where the IDF denied the use of live ammunition?
i like this game. let me play too.
1. The fact that you even suggest this is a fair war is humorous at best.
2. When you oppress and occupy people. Just like the Nazi's did to the Jews. When the oppressed are put in a corner just like the Gaza people are, then they will try and fight back no matter what, with what little they have.
3. Trying to compare the death tolls for both sides over the past 10 years is LAUGHABLE. USA has provided Israel with the best defence mechanisms for these home made rockets that are coming in to Israel and they are doing feck all lets be honest.
4. The difference between Hammas' rockets and Israels rockets is not even comparable. Israel has all the technology. They have pin point accuracy. They know exactly what to target, where to target, how many people are in the area, how many potential casualties. They have all the technology to see into Gaza. Mistakes made by Israel's billion dollar rocket system are minimal. They know exactly what they are doing and why. They want to destroy the infrastructure. They have succeeded
5. Israel has violated, occupied, oppressed, terrorised, invaded, killed not only Gaza civilians but invaded countries with no retaliation. Thousands have been killed and Israel gets away with it.
This game is boring. As are you. The word Hamas is being thrown around way too easy. It is a word being touted in the media as an excuse. If Hamas did not exist, then another excuse would be found. It is quite clear that Israel wants to eradicate Gaza completely off the map as your own MP's have clearly stated. The intentions have been made clear. Hamas is just an excuse for Israel. They are no threat. They do not have the means.
Also, i want to make this clear that there is no problem between Jews and Muslims. This is not a religious war. I have seen many Jewish Rabbi's, i have friends in Israel that constantly protest against the Zionist's and want to free Palestine from occupation. Muslims protected and safeguarded Jews, allowed them to preach and pray under safety for many years and they respected each other very much. This was at the time when Jews were being persecuted by the Christians. My Muslim friends say the same thing. This is not religious. This is corrupt, powerful, savage leaders that have their own agenda no matter the cost and are causing war crimes and violating human rights.
This argument goes in circles anyway. You try to justify the killings of innocent civilians and the occupation and oppression of these poor people and i will never be able to accept it. What is happening in Gaza not just now but for a decade is inhumane and wrong.
Why dont you answer that question yourself. Imagine if you were Palestine, and they were Israel. Palestine had all the rockets, technology, equipment and were oppressing/occupying you. What would you do? Would you try and fight back? I think its pretty self explanatory. It takes a little bit of common sense to work this all out people.
I agree with your concluding sentiment there.
I just think its difficult to sympathise with one side's melancholic "How can we live?" stance when the other side endures a much more macabre existence, mostly caused by the other side.
Question for you, why do you and other critics of Israel insist on comparing body counts and then insisting that because thankfully, hamas rockets haven't been successful this somehow gives them impunity to fire them?
Why dont you answer that question yourself. Imagine if you were Palestine, and they were Israel. Palestine had all the rockets, technology, equipment and were oppressing/occupying you. What would you do? Would you try and fight back? I think its pretty self explanatory. It takes a little bit of common sense to work this all out people.
They can claim what they want, the two boys were shot dead regardless. B'Tselem claimed the IDF claims were nonsense.
But B'Tselem are hardly impartial. A joint investigation is still under way (http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=17717). Regardless, do you really believe that the kidnapping and murder of the Israeli teenagers was that spontaneous and did not involve substantial time for planning? Very unlikely.
The "small rockets" we're discussing here have killed scores of Israelis in the past. Israel's ability to retaliate to rocket fire should not be compromised by the brilliance of its engineers that managed to develope an efficient protective system against those rockets.
Now where did we hear about Israel targetting hospitals and ambulances? See the Red Crescent ambulance there carrying out another humanitarian mission.
We are not going to solve the blame game on who started/whose fault is it, but since this latest video has been elegantly ignored here's another one. You're the pilot and these armed Hamas combatants have been involved in exchanges with your colleagues on the ground...blow the feck out of that ambulance or not? War crime or not?
You'd have to go even further back than 1967 too.
As for what's triggered this current clusterfeck, well different people will tell you different things. Some will say it was started by the murder of three Israeli teenagers in the west bank, others will say the murder of a Palestinian child not long before then was the cause, others have started the clock at Hamas lobbing a round of rockets.
I didn't suggest that.
Question for you, why do you insist on putting words into other people's mouths? I've never said anything like that. Try reading.
Apologies. That's how interpreted this previous post of yours.
I'm not trying to cheapen the psychological and physical trauma these rockets have had. Simply stating that their morbid effect is tame compared to the the fireworks show the Gazans enjoy.
How do we know they're Hamas? The IDF can't be a more credible source than the ISM surely?
I was simply collating the differing theories I've heard from multiple sources.
Good one. Can't tell, perhaps they're PIJ.
Actually Eboue, you did:
"You can call it that! Because they are alive, unlike several hundred on the other side of the conflict."
There is no problem between Jews and Muslims? This IS a religious war, reading Hamas' doctrine proves my point. Looking at the indoctrination and the Nazi style propaganda that Palestinian school children are being taught again proves you wrong.
Muslims protected and safeguarded Jews? http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/t...499-dhimmi-non-muslims-living-in-the-khilafah - If you class living as third class citizens and not being allowed to worship and paying a Jizya for this privelage as protecting and safeguarding then you really are cuckoo.
Hamas are no threat? As I said to someone else earlier in this thread, go to Sderot and don't run for cover when the sirens are on and tell me if they are a threat then.
That being said I do agree with your sentiment about corrupt and savage leaders on BOTH sides, not just Israel.
My MP's? Who said I was Israeli? You have a habit of reading words that don't exist.
This argument only goes round in circles because you are refusing to accept Hamas plays as big a part if not a bigger part than Israel. Simples.
Hamas "hijack" Red Crescent ambulances to run arms and carry their troops Kaos. This has been proven many times.
As much as I appreciate the tongue in cheek humour, you know what I was alluding to.
I do, and as always all we can do is employ common sense and choose what to believe.
I agree with your concluding sentiment there.
I just think its difficult to sympathise with one side's melancholic "How can we live?" stance when the other side endures a much more macabre existence, mostly caused by them.
Who was in the Levant before the Ottoman Empire? The Khilafah (Caliphate). They share views extremely similar to ISIS. God help us all if they gain control of the Arab world.
It is a fight over religion, just as much as it is over land.
If was the operative word thereISIS or anyone of their ilk aren't going to take over the Arab world![]()
I think quite possibly the horror that the people in Gaza face actually takes away from what it must be like living in Israel under these conditions. I hope that makes sense and doesn't come across as disrespectful, but I feel like those of us from safe countries may not be able to really understand what it must be like because it's so easy to compare to the horror in Gaza.
Now Israel absolutely need to try and find another way to tackle the situation they are in, and find a way to not only protect their own citizens but protect the Palestinians from Hamas actions as well, rather than see them essentially attacked on two fronts.
The sad thing is both parties seem to want the other gone, but while the one side is an established world player and military power, and the other is happy to sacrifice as many people as it takes, unless they both swallow some pride and really commit to a peaceful resolution I can't see any long term ending that doesn't involve the Gaza Strip being levelled by Isreal.
All i am seeing is what is infront of me and that is one set of people that happen to be Muslim are being terrorised and oppressed by a country which happens to be Jewish for reasons that do not justify the killings of innocent civilians.
Saskjoe what other way is there? Hamas don't want any peace with Israel.
I don't think the radical elements of Israeli society want peace with the Palestinians either, especially if it means having to declare borders and cease building settlements.
No and I totally agree. I think they are just as much to blame in this situation as Hamas are. Seems to me that there are entities on both sides who revel in keeping the death rolling. I just think Israel does get an unfair amount of criticisms.
Saskjoe what other way is there? Hamas don't want any peace with Israel.