International law.
In 1977,
Protocol I was adopted as an amendment to the Geneva Conventions, prohibiting the deliberate or indiscriminate attack of civilians and civilian objects, even if the area contained military objectives, and the attacking force must take precautions and steps to spare the lives of civilians and civilian objects as possible. However,
forces occupying near densely populated areas must avoid locating military objectives near or in densely populated areas and endeavor to remove civilians from the vicinity of military objectives. Failure to do so would cause a higher civilian death toll resulting from bombardment by the attacking force and the defenders would be held responsible, even criminally liable, for these deaths.
Now when did Israel start following the Geneva Convention?
Get over mate. We are all dirt living in a land, whichever that may be in this small life of ours. Grow a heart. Stop being so bitter. Kids have died for feck sake whilst playing.
There is one oppressed people in this and it is not Israel. There is one people which the civilian death counter is rising on a daily basis and it is not Israel. One country has all the money in the world it could ever need, the best defence system in the world, the best tech, the best weapons, and has spent billions and billions of pounds on it. The other is being told to move out of their homes, leave everything, eventho they already have nothing and have been cornered and live in what is virtually a prison, or they get blown up with their homes. It is Ramadan too which is even more brutal. And yep, you guessed it, it is not Israel. I could go on.
There is no analogy needed. It is there in black and white for all to see. Whether you are blinded by pride, patriotism, or just numb to your fellow man. Whether Palestinian or Israel, no one deserves to live in fear and get bombed on a daily basis, especially woman and kids. There is nothing, absolutely nothing you can say with all your petty 'well they did that, so we do this' arguments. Seeing those kids blown up, and the reaction from Israel to it is sickening.
The sad thing is, if this was the other way around, the retaliation and the world wide media press coverage it would get. I just fear for the people out there.