holyland red
"Holier-than-thou fundamentalist"
Yeah. After the Al-Doura and Jenin massacre staging a sequel was just a question opf time.
Trained troops should be above such behavior though.
Arabs executing other Arabs does not excuse these actions, and your diversion tactics. At least have the heart and common decency of condemning such brutality from the IDF.How fitting that in a week when Arabs execute thousands of other Arabs at point blank range, a couple of Palestinian youth getting a taste of their own medicine is an "attrocity"...
Police forces, rather than troops, should be responsible for dealing with civilians in areas of conflict. Troops can not be trained to reach the professional standards required under such circumstances. Take a tank crew and throw them into a hostile village and they'll eventually either respond brutally or run away from rock throwing youth. Our boys have done both on occasions.
Arabs executing other Arabs does not excuse these actions, and your diversion tactics. At least have the heart and common decency of condemning such brutality from the IDF.
I'm sure that is the case and often it is inevitable. But the criticism is also inevitable due to their official role.
I'd answer that but it will just spiral into another pointless debate.I do not condemn soldiers retaliating for having rocks hurled at them.
I'd answer that but it will just spiral into another pointless debate.
If that is true, which I highly doubt then an incident comparing to a thousand.
and plz tell me where is Ariel?
I know where Ariel is, a settlement in the West Bank.
You see, you don't want this argument to lead to anywhere. For me there is a difference and it's not irrelevant. Tel Aviv is in Israel which I recognize as a Jewish state and every Palestinian will if you remove your occupation from West Bank & Gaza and allow us to live and build our state. Ariel and the thousands of settlements through out the west bank are full of radical Zionists who every day through rocks and burn land and assault people.
But Israel don't want that, you don't want peace you want every inch of the land. Your ideological delusion of the promise land is blinding you from the truth that we are going no where, we will not jump in the sea and vanish whatever state terror you perform against us.
The answer is 2 states solution based on 1967 borders, that means Israel have to remove all the settlements from West Bank including East Jerusalem also Palestine to get control of their borders and sky. That the only solution that will last, but Israel simply don't want to give back anything.
The answer is 2 states solution based on 1967 borders, that means Israel have to remove all the settlements from West Bank including East Jerusalem also Palestine to get control of their borders and sky. That the only solution that will last, but Israel simply don't want to give back anything.
Do you think that is realistic now? I can't see Israel removing all settlements in the West Bank.
It's a deal breaker. Land swap was always the only viable solution, if the will was there.
Didn't we agree to stop this kind of language? The minority of Palestinians in Israel are living in their land as they were the people whom Israel couldn't remove and turn into refugees, but settlements are occupation. As for for those refugees, it's the same as Jerusalem I don't wanna get into it for now.
It is however a solution that does or at least is perceived to be Isreal throwing the Palestinians crumbs while getting 95% of what they want. Of course the perceived power difference is close to the actual power difference so perhaps the Palestinians need to compromise more than Israel? Not for me to say as I don't have to accept any solution.
I love the region so I want a solution without knowing enough to say how fair that is. In the end everyone needs to compromise I suppose. It also makes me sad that it may not be safe enough to show my son Egypt or Bethlehem or Jerusalem or Massada etc etc
IT IS OCCUPATION, they can stay but not rule
I'm wondering if the Palestinians (and Israelis) can learn anything from Northern Ireland? The IRA/Sinn Fein didn't get the United Ireland that they fought for but they got quite a lot from the compromise in the end.
Occupation from whom?
Palestinian land occupied by Israel, simple.
You know, and many others know, that there isn't and there never was such a thing as Palestinian land. You can tell from my earlier post that I certainly think that an independent Palestine should be part of a lasting solution for the conflict, but this whole occupation business belongs in the slogan department. Israel seized Judea and Samaria, and regained control of Jerusalem, in a defensive war. Tough luck on the agressors. Still, a solution needs to be reached because the two populations would not coexist peacefully in any one-state scenario.
You know, and many others know, that there isn't and there never was such a thing as Palestinian land. You can tell from my earlier post that I certainly think that an independent Palestine should be part of a lasting solution for the conflict, but this whole occupation business belongs in the slogan department. Israel seized Judea and Samaria, and regained control of Jerusalem, in a defensive war. Tough luck on the agressors. Still, a solution needs to be reached because the two populations would not coexist peacefully in any one-state scenario.
People always have the right to stay in the country they are native of regardless of what state it becomes. This is a fundamental of international law.
for a portion of a second I thought we can debate.
back to reality.
Israeli occupation troops break into Birzeit University last night, part of their recent crazy campaign to violate and destroy.
Funny thing is they violate the university campus just to seize some flags and drums![]()
Israel violates every day life of students/staff of schools and universities and you don't need reminding who's universities the world are boycotting now.
Also those images you posted, what do you expect from a university students in an occupied country to build their political movements and election campaigns on while their people are being killed and jailed.
As for the current campaign, I am against what happened IF it is real but the reaction is preplanned to be extreme and revenge based form every Palestinian. You have to wonder why such thing happens, yeah because it's a myth that there are over 5000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and people in Palestine are enjoying their life under occupation without the everyday killing, jailing and land seizing.