Red Dreams
Full Member
the irony.
I am not arguing if it pragmatic for him to fight on this issue or not. But the notion he should just represent the majority opinion on any issue is not totally correct.You have to consider that Obama has broader equities to think about. His domestic agenda, the budget, parlaying his victory into some legislative momentum on a variety of issues he ran on. Why would he squander his momentum by deliberately doing something that would create an adversarial relationship between him and the public, and Congress. The correct answer is he won't.
the irony.
I understand your position Neutral. I'm not giving any advices to the Palestinians either. I think it's their future and they should decide. But what I don't like is people who try to picture them as the bad terrorists who are terrorizing the poor Israelis who just want to live in peace. This is absolute BS in my opinion. If Israel was meant to be a peaceful nation they would have never chosen that location to implant it.
Arabs need to take away the fear that Israel feels - be it real or imagined.
Obama's options are limited given that the public are largely pro Israel. He ran and was elected on a pro Israel platform.
reports that isreal is using chemical weapons circulating.
sorry ... but WTF???
Jake, where do you get your information from? Genuine question.
I think if you told him that IDF soldiers were spearing new born Palestinians on their bayonets, he'd believe that too.
The religious aspect of this conflict which is purely territorial is used to bolster a weak argument - its used by both sides. No one has a religious right to any piece of land.
Would quality of life suffer if israel is a normal functioning democracy and not a theocratic de facto one-religion state?
Jews in america seem to have a superb time and QoL and America is not a jewish state.
That said, if palestinian and israeli arabs became the majority, the problem is could you trust them not to turn the land into a muslim state.
Ha'aretz newspaper in Israel reports that an Israeli envoy in talks in Cairo is seeking a twin-stage ceasefire. First a "small calm", in which Israeli air strikes and Gaza rocket fire would halt, and then talks leading to a "big calm".
Things are moving...
Really find it hard how people are justifying Israels actions. If someone justified Hitlers or the talibans or any other terrorists actions anywhere in the world then there would be huge consequences. fecking disgusting, really is.
Incorrect. Abbas negotiated with Olmert without any settlement freezing. He got the best deal the Palestinans ever had on the table. Needless to say he turned it down, before Bibi took office.
And no, I don't know what you mean by "giving up"
I find that disturbing. Anyone with counterpoints?
I've said this in the past...the Palestinians are paying the price for the criminal behavior of western europe during WWII.
Jews at large identify themselves with the Holocaust and everything that entails. Not being a Jew I can't pretend to completely understand the mindset, but I can sort of understand, why for them - everything points back to that.
It's not fair that Europe was so indifferent for such a long time while Hitler tried to wipe the Jewish population off the face of the earth, and that, now that gets thrown out anytime anyone asks Israel to show restraint or criticizes it.
But can you blame them? Too many of that generation are still alive, they lived through the horrors - I bet if you'd asked anyone back then, was a mass genocide like the Holocaust possible, and they would have told you to feck off.
The reality is, it happened, and despite the US being such a strong ally today, Israel if need be, will go it alone to do what it thinks is best.
Arabs need to take away the fear that Israel feels - be it real or imagined.
Ignore Israel
The arab nations spend billions on toys aka war machinery. Saudis to this day bring in Pakistanis to help them train their pilotsThey are useless, why not use some of that money to help out the Palestinians. Build them roads, power plants, schools, factories...
People speak of Israel being an occupying force, and they had boots on the ground for ages, but atm don't. Why not put together an Arab peacekeeping force - 40000-50000 strong. Get them in the conflict zone.
Lets say we go along with what Israel says...Hamas are the aggressors, these boots on the ground could ensure there were no more rockets outgoing from Gaza, if Israel still bombed Gaza, you'd have the moral high ground.
Why can't they impress on the Palestinians, with each passing day, the Israeli position grows stronger - the staus quo becomes too hard to turn back. The longer this conflict rages, the stronger Israel grows, and the worse off the Palestinians are.
Think about it....there is now a clear divide within the Palestinian independence movement. Could you say the same 5 years ago? 10 years ago?
Conquer and Divide...this is all so obvious, but apparently the current way of doing things is better
Qatar a couple of days ago promised $10mil...$10mil are you kidding me? That's not even pocket change.
Thank goodness for that.
Don't tell Jake though, he thinks they are dropping mustard gas & he'll be terribly disappointed if it turns out not to be true.
Slight exaggeration, this. First, Israel was a complete non-factor in the election, as was, near as I could tell, foreign policy pretty much across the board, (bin Laden's death the possible exception.)
Second, Obama ran saying "I'm pro Israel" and Romney ran saying "I'm pro-er Israel!" While the only people who actually think Obama is anti-Israel are the same nutters who think he's anti-Capitalist (or the anti-Christ), it is fair to say he was slightly less forcefully pro-Israel than Romney was.
To be honest I don't understand this at all. First of all, what do the Palestinians have to do with the holocaust?! It's like invading Iraq because of 9/11. I find it disgusting that some nations are using some terrible disasters to justify actions that are not related to those incidents at all.
So the Israelis don't feel safe because they are afraid of another holocaust?? And who did the first holocaust? The Palestinians who were sitting peacefully in their homes?? Why do we ALWAYS have to think about the emotional scar among the Israelis caused by the holocaust (which the Palestinians had nothing to do with) while neglect the emotional scar among the Palestinians that was caused by the Israelis themselves who invaded their homes?!
Let's look at the facts.
10 people were murdered today in a bombing, one hamas official, 9 civilians. Some where young children.
More and more bombs are going off every few minutes all over Gaza.
3 Israelis have died in this latest round of attacks.
3 Palestinian children have died today.
I'd like to know where you are getting your facts Collin, probably the BBC.
The point Neutral's making is that you don't get anywhere without understanding the other side's psyche. A lot of Israelis are holocaust survivors or the children of holocaust survivors, and the country's been in existential wars most of its existence (not that I'm saying it wasn't to blame for any of them).
And while you might have Israeli empathy fatigue, it's interesting that the PLO guys who negotiated the Camp David accords were very, very surprised to discover Israelis were afraid for their existence. They'd never met an Israeli before the negotiations in Norway, they'd just seen soldiers and tanks, and they were amazed that fear of extermination played any part in the Israeli mindset.
Personally I think the fear's misplaced. Currently the only country in the region that would stand a chance against them in a conventional war is Turkey, and any nuclear attack from a state actor would be suicidal. But rightly or wrongly it plays a huge part in the Israeli-Palestinian dynamic. Hamas doesn't help by denying the holocaust happened and propagating pre-WWII racist mythologies.
Again, what do you expect to happen? I'm not saying it's right, but put yourself in the position of being an elected leader accountable to your people. The people next door, who are run by religious fundamentalists militants, are sending rockets into your major cities. What do you do? How do you stop it in a way that doesn't kill people, and that is politically remotely practical?
Hamas are not innocent, but Israel shouldn't be there in the first place.
A lot of Israelis are against the attack on Gaza
Unlike the Israelis?
What you don't do is destroy cities.
Hamas are not innocent, but Israel shouldn't be there in the first place.
Plecha, Israel wasn't established to protect the Jews from being exterminated. Israel was established to solidify the west's control over the middle east. It's ridiculous that you create a new country for every group of people who think they might be exterminated, especially in a location like that. If you want to protect those people, let them live in your country and protect them.
The history of Israel (right from the start) doesn't suggest either that they "just wanted to live in peace".
It is not irrelevant yet thought pragmatically it should be. It is irrelevant in Oz and US because the native populations there have already been made near extinct or marginalized severely. I think Israel would have done the same by now if the whole conflict had occurred 100 years ago. Unfortunately under the current glare of 24/7 media and internet, conducting massacres is not so simple.
What do you do?
Well that's a can of worms, but it's pretty irrelevant at this point. Should the yanks be in America? Should the Australians be in Australia? Should anyone be anywhere? The country's there now, and it's not going anywhere for the moment. Palestinians have had a shit deal, but bombing their cities at this point is not going to help make their lives less shit, it's going to do the opposite. They know this, and they do it anyway.
Plecha, Israel wasn't established to protect the Jews from being exterminated. Israel was established to solidify the west's control over the middle east. It's ridiculous that you create a new country for every group of people who think they might be exterminated, especially in a location like that. If you want to protect those people, let them live in your country and protect them.
The history of Israel (right from the start) doesn't suggest either that they "just wanted to live in peace".
That does not make any sense. Israel do not listen to anyone in the west, bar US on select occasions. I do agree that it was not very pragmatic to make a Jewish state where they did if the primary goal was a haven against possible future holocausts. But then religious reasons governed that particular 'logic'.Plecha, Israel wasn't established to protect the Jews from being exterminated. Israel was established to solidify the west's control over the middle east. It's ridiculous that you create a new country for every group of people who think they might be exterminated, especially in a location like that. If you want to protect those people, let them live in your country and protect them.
The history of Israel (right from the start) doesn't suggest either that they "just wanted to live in peace".
Well wasn't it a nice coincidence that the Holocaust just happened to take place, just when the West needed a brand new outpost.
Well that's a can of worms, but it's pretty irrelevant at this point. Should the yanks be in America? Should the Australians be in Australia? Should anyone be anywhere? The country's there now, and it's not going anywhere for the moment. Palestinians have had a shit deal, but bombing their cities at this point is not going to help make their lives less shit, it's going to do the opposite. They know this, and they do it anyway.
That does not make any sense. Israel do not listen to anyone in the west, bar US on select occasions.