Ignore Israel
The arab nations spend billions on toys aka war machinery. Saudis to this day bring in Pakistanis to help them train their pilots

They are useless, why not use some of that money to help out the Palestinians. Build them roads, power plants, schools, factories...
People speak of Israel being an occupying force, and they had boots on the ground for ages, but atm don't. Why not put together an Arab peacekeeping force - 40000-50000 strong. Get them in the conflict zone.
Lets say we go along with what Israel says...Hamas are the aggressors, these boots on the ground could ensure there were no more rockets outgoing from Gaza, if Israel still bombed Gaza, you'd have the moral high ground.
Why can't they impress on the Palestinians, with each passing day, the Israeli position grows stronger - the staus quo becomes too hard to turn back. The longer this conflict rages, the stronger Israel grows, and the worse off the Palestinians are.
Think about it....there is now a clear divide within the Palestinian independence movement. Could you say the same 5 years ago? 10 years ago?
Conquer and Divide...this is all so obvious, but apparently the current way of doing things is better
Qatar a couple of days ago promised $10mil...$10mil are you kidding me? That's not even pocket change.