holyland red
"Holier-than-thou fundamentalist"
You're clutching on to hyperbole. No one is suggesting the US strip Israel to its barebones and watch it get overrun, that's not even remotely necessary. Something as simple as threatening to withdraw Israel's annual funding would be very convincing I'm sure. And besides Israel can take care of itself perfectly well (it did so if previous Arab-Israeli wars are anything to go by), the US refusing to veto resolutions in its favour for example isn't going to lead to Israel's demise.
Actually, I wish they did. Israel do not need that cash and some sense will be better off without it.
RK, do you believe that Palestinians statehood should be granted while Israel isn't recognized as a Jewish state? Do you beleive that the Palestinians should give up their "Right of Return"? Do you beleive that Israel is likely to enjoy peace when it's back to "pre-1967 borders"?