CE Specialist
Come on Uzz, they didn't just randomly walk up to that woman at the bus stop and shot her. We've already went through all this before.
Jerusalem: IOF shot-dead Palestinian, eyewitnesses refute any “stab attempt”
Settlers attack Nablus homes
1 day ago
PNN/ Jerusalem/
A Palestinian youth on Monday morning has been executed by Israeli occupation police forces, under claims that he tried to initiate a stab operative near Lion’s Gate (Bab Al-Asbat) in the old city of Jerusalem.
Mustafa Al-Khatib (18) killed this morning by IOF
Walla Israeli website claimed that Mustafa Al-Khatib (18) from Sur Baher town, East Jerusalem, tried to stab an Israeli officer in Jerusalem, but the police shot him, leading to his immediate death.
Al-Khatib is in his last year of study (Tawjihi grade) in Al-Ibrahimiyyah high school in Jerusalem.
Eyewitnesses at the scene confirmed that the man did not initiate any stabbing attempts, saying that he was passing in his vehicle through the old city’s narrow street, when the police stopped him, and opened fire on him for no apparent reason.
Other eyewitnesses said that he was taking out his mobile phone from his pocket, when IOF shot him.
From this morning.