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Trump reportedly already has put a pause on foreign aid until it gets re-evaluated to bring it in line with his policies. Or, in other words, give him a new way to grift.
Unless it’s changed within very recently(Which is possible) it’s aid to almost everyone but Israel and Egypt
The US secretary of state, Marco Rubio, has ordered a halt to virtually all foreign aid, but made an exception for funding to Israel and Egypt, according to an internal memo to staff at the US state department.

“No new funds shall be obligated for new awards or extensions of existing awards until each proposed new award or extension has been reviewed and approved … as consistent with President Trump’s agenda,” said the memo.
Sisi will be finished domestically if he succumbs to this. That's why Egypt are standing firm.
Sisi is just a figurehead, and has been a political dead man walking. It's the army who will have the say on this, and they will kindly tell Trump to feck off.
That is a fairly vile accusation. Especially when you seemingly admit it was an error of judgement. If you actually read what I posted rationally you would know I predicted Trump would be worse for Palestinians and the reason I predicted that was because I wanted better outcomes.

Of course I get why people would want to equivocate when the got it so wrong.
Looking at berbatrick's forensic response, I'm not sure it's that vile an accusation buddy.
Trump or not, this was the inevitable outcome for Palestinians anyway, at least trump is up front about the intentions without the bullshit double speak that US adminstrations have peddled for close to 50 years of my life.
"It's an inevitable outcome anyway, so it doesn't matter" is a shocking line of reasoning when talking about human life.
Egypt is the recipient of large amounts of US aid. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump use that to their disadvantage.

Trump will definitely try to leverage it but the arrival of literally millions of angry, ethnically cleansed Palestinians into Egypt and Jordan will almost certainly mean massive regional unrest, ongoing war and the fall of the ruling powers in both of those countries.

I like how people think 4 million Palestinians would be cleansed from those lands, end up in countries which still neighbour Israel and presumably would sit there quietly and not continue to engage in armed conflict with Israel. Leaving both of those countries in the unenviable position of having to use their own armed forces to try to control them.
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Israel and Hamas have come to an agreement about the civilian hostage and Palestinians continue up the road to north Gaza. In what can only be described as a scene literally straight out of a dystopian film.

You seem to be coming in here looking for a fight. I haven’t posted in this thread for a while. Nothing in my post would indicate that I am offended by what you said, unless you would like to point it out.

I never said it is not comment worthy. I am saying that the attempts to link that victory back to Arab and Muslim Americans, or indeed posters in here is wrong. I gave you a multi point list on why that is the case. Somehow that makes me offended.

You seem to think that people pushing back on a comment you made, that they feel is inaccurate, is them being offended.

Do you mind pointing me to a couple of posters on here who posted for Trump because of this topic?

You think it was the deciding factor of the election? Let’s play a little game. There are estimated to be 2 million Arab Americans in the USA. They are spread out across the USA, crossing 1% of the population in 2 states.

Let’s assume 75% of them are adults. 1.5 million. Let’s also assume every single one of them can vote (they can’t), did vote (they didn’t ) , only care about this conflict (they don’t), all voted for Trump (they did not) and now are all voting for Harris.

Even in this odd hypothetical, Harris would just about win the popular vote by about 500k votes. And for reference their percentage of population in the swing states is 0.46%, 0.26%, 1.5%, 0.4%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 0.4%.

For reference, Trump won those respective states by the following margins: 6%, 2%, 1.4%, 3%, 3%, 2% and 1%.

Do you mind telling me how the percentages of that first group could have swung those percentages in the latter group?
this would be correct if the only demographic disagree with the genocide is Arab Americans. The fact is Biden and Kamala stance on supporting the genocide is turning many voters off, including non Arab Americans. And those who can't bring themselves to vote for Trump end up staying home
Biden wasn't good for Palestinians but it was obvious to anyone with a brain that Trump would be worse. I did think it might take longer though. And it seems odd that people would want to not discuss what is actually happening.

Many of the pro Trump / pro Gaza lot didnt want to believe it.

"We dont know what Trump will do" they said. "He cant be worse than Biden", they said.

There will be a Trump Gaza resort and golf course planned by the end of 2025. As Kushner said, Gaza is "very valuable waterfront property"....
If Trump's vision for this ethnic cleansing will be allowed to come to fruition, do you think the Dems will reverse course if they claim the white house back in 4 years?

Like feck they will. Have they moved the embassy back to Tel Aviv?

Biden didn't. It doesn't mean the next candidate / president wouldn't.

In four years, the damage will be done.

Sign of the times, I’ve followed polls such as these for a couple decades now and can’t recall the final two options ever being offered in such blunt terms.
Have they moved the embassy back to Tel Aviv?
Nope, nor will they restore membership in Paris Accords and probably not even WHO (this one is whatever, it might happen, the other one they've decided, regardless of the messages they float, is against their interests).

Sign of the times, I’ve followed polls such as these for a couple decades now and can’t recall the final two options ever being offered in such blunt terms.
Britain is the most reasonable there (less mentalists in the this or that group expelled). Only about 10% for the extremist option if you assume it cancels itself out.

I'd like to see Israeli polling over the decades. They have no intention of two states and one state would mean there wouldn't be a Jewish state so that isn't going to happen. As implausible as the two state solution is, the one state solution is basically impossible given the demographics. It'd be a Palestinian majority within a decade or two (going by trends).

Sign of the times, I’ve followed polls such as these for a couple decades now and can’t recall the final two options ever being offered in such blunt terms.
mystified at anyone outside bibi personally wanting the status quo.
I'd like to see Israeli polling over the decades

This book has a chapter authored by Dahlia Scheindlin tracing Israeli and Palestinian attitudes towards the two-state solution from the late 1980s to the end of Trump’s first term. Some excerpts:

“80 per cent of Israeli Jews surveyed in 1987 opposed the idea of establishing a Palestinian state”

“In a 1986 survey in the West Bank and Gaza…just 16.9 per cent preferred a democratic Palestinian state within the West Bank and Gaza.”

“data collected among Israelis indicates an incremental rise from a low starting point of just 21 per cent support for the establishment of a Palestinian state – in the all-Jewish samples surveyed by the Jaffee Center/Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) – in 1987, to a peak of 32 per cent in 1991, which fell but rose again to 35 per cent in 1993, the year the Oslo Peace Process began.”

“a poll of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians from September 1993…asking whether respondents supported or opposed changing the PLO Charter to include mutual recognition between the PLO and Israel; a majority of 57 per cent supported this.”

“support among Israeli Jews for a Palestinian state reached 50 per cent for the first time in the year after Netanyahu was elected. With minor anomalies, the Jewish public continued to show majority support of 50 per cent or higher from that point onwards, at least through 2009.”

“In April 1997, when asked about a final status plan, a majority of 52 per cent [of Palestinians] supported a demilitarised Palestinian state established in 95 per cent of Gaza and the West Bank.”

“Only in 2006 – long after the failure of Camp David and even after the Second Intifada had largely died down – did INSS researchers begin asking, “Do you support or oppose the solution of two states for two peoples?” Without the singular focus on a Palestinian state, but articulating the concept of a comprehensive conflict resolution, support among the Jewish samples rose to fully 70 per cent in 2006, 63 per cent the following year, and back up to nearly three-quarters (74 per cent) in 2009.”

“in…21 surveys conducted from 2001 through 2010, the large majority [of Palestinians] or a plurality chose the two-state solution. In 11 of these studies, the two-state solution was favoured by an absolute majority. Notably, the highest level of support (69 per cent) was in January 2001. Support then dropped sharply to 44 per cent in April, and remained just below half for most of the years of the Second

“A study from March 2007 (following the elections, but prior to the Hamas takeover of Gaza in June of that year) showed that a strong majority of 72 per cent supported the Arab League’s Peace Initiative (a version of the two-state solution), and 71 per cent supported a process of negotiations leading to the establishment of a Palestinian state in most of the West Bank and Gaza, even prior to a final status solution.”

“Starting from the end of the Camp David talks, the Joint Israeli-Palestinian polls regularly tested the specific items as discussed at Camp David and later elaborated by the negotiators, through to the Geneva Initiative. After each item was tested, the two polls would ask respondents whether they supported or opposed the final status agreement on the basis of those items. Israeli support ranged from 47–64 per cent from 2003 through 2006. During this same time, Palestinian support ranged from 39 to 54 per cent. But the only phase during which both sides showed a majority of support for the whole detailed package was late 2004/early 2005.”

“In 2007, 60 per cent of Palestinians and 64 per cent of Israelis supported “mutual recognition of Israel as the state for the Jewish people and Palestine as the state for the Palestinian people”

“Support on both sides for the broad concept of a two-state solution began to waver and diverge from the upward trajectory of the 1990s, then the high plateau of the 2000s. Between 2008 and 2009, support on the Israeli side dropped ten points (from 69 to 59 per cent), and seven points among Palestinians (from 68 to 61 per cent).”

“Among all Israelis, this support became volatile: it rose again in 2010, then declined unevenly over the next years. Palestinians, meanwhile, showed a consistent, incremental downward trend in support for the broad idea of a two-state solution, dipping below half for the first time in 2014, with only small adjustments in the years to follow. In 2018, both Israeli Jews and Palestinians showed, in a general sense, a new low of just 43 per cent support for the two-state solution.”

What seems clear is that, pre-2023, both communities’ attitudes appeared to generally track each other’s, while the general support offered for the concept of a two-state solution could often decline when delving into attitudes concerning the actual details of such a proposal (most obviously concerning Jerusalem, settlements, refugees, and explicit mutual recognition).
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Biden didn't. It doesn't mean the next candidate / president wouldn't.

In four years, the damage will be done.
Doesn't matter who the next President is - Democrat or Republican they'll tow the AIPAC line and stick to feeding the same pointless lip service about a two state solution that they don't believe in, while doing nothing to reverse the damage done to the prospects of it by the Israelis.
Columbia, which hosts the Edward Said chair, has the same views on the existence of Palestinian people as Golda Meir.

Columbia, which hosts the Edward Said chair, has the same views on the existence of Palestinian people as Golda Meir.

That's one of the sciences biggest problems (not all sciences are the same) but it is this: the perceived necessity to erase one's human tendencies in the quest to be objective. Objectively speaking, it's degenerate. Humans practice science, science ought not practice humans.

This is where they shot a 2-year-old in the head and have been demolishing buildings for 10 days.

"Jews value life and Palestinians don't. That's not a racist thing to say. That's what Hamas says. Russian propaganda is much better, it's got all these people here."

The funny thing is this organisation was founded by Jabotinsky who, from what I can tell, would have disagreed with that line about valuing life. His take seems to be that everyone would value their life and their land and the question was to use force and blood and win the land and so, secure life.

"Jews value life and Palestinians don't. That's not a racist thing to say. That's what Hamas says. Russian propaganda is much better, it's got all these people here."

The funny thing is this organisation was founded by Jabotinsky who, from what I can tell, would have disagreed with that line about valuing life. His take seems to be that everyone would value their life and their land and the question was to use force and blood and win the land and so, secure life.

That 100% is a racist thing to say.

These people are fecking cartoonishly evil. They want all Palestinians dead.
BREAKING | Israeli forces are detaining and blindfolding Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to scare them out of celebrating the release of Palestinians from Israeli prisons.The Israeli army is "confiscating flags and equipment intended for gatherings, and distributing leaflets calling on residents to refrain from participating in demonstrations."

In the most literal sense, Israel is an enemy of happiness.

Interesting wording: "Allow the transfer of individuals out of Gaza, including those who need medical care"
There's an "out" there and no indication of "return".

He was abducted in 2016; jailed; tortured mercilessly; put on trial in 167 sessions for 6 YEARS that both Amnesty & HRW called a sham; blackmailed to plead guilty to legitimize the Gaza siege

Mohammed was the Palestine manager for the Australian organization World Vision International.

Israel falsely accused him of diverting close to $50 million to Hamas from the organization. But World Vision's entire budget in Gaza for 10 years was $22.5 million & Mohammed's managerial level capped his signing authority at only $15,000!

Israel abducted him for PR; to tighten its Gaza blockade by intimidating international organizations & smearing them as Hamas supporters.

All independent auditors & the Australian government who examined Mohammed's record have found "no evidence of wrongdoing or diversion of funds" from World Vision.

He was released yesterday skin & bone, visibly anguished, & traumatised.