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can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
While his answer will shock people, it's worth pointing out that if gazans were ostensibly sheltered by Hamas they would logically become legitimate military targets and considered as Hamas supporters.

It's one of these questions where there is no good answers.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
I don't answer stupid strawmen/rhetorical questions from people who would only twist my answer to fit their narrative anyway.

You can now gloat that "I knew you had no answer" or whatever, but it simply isn't worth my time/nerves.
How is asking you to point to some of

The people acting so outraged about the events in Gaza right now were awfully quiet when the Hamas terrorists butchered hundreds of civilians (many teens and women) that were simply attending a music festival.
on this thread a stupid strawman?


Full Member
Feb 3, 2014
So somehow Israel are on the victim side even though in 2023, up until October 7th Israel's "settlers policy" caused 5 times more murders than Hamas?

Do you spot the problem in the point you are trying to make, especially when I have seen no one suggest that Hamas were victims?
Have I ever said that I support the "settlers policy"?

Not at all, I don't like it one bit and think it's criminal, too.

But I don't compare a war for land to a terrorist attack that only had the goal of butchering hundreds of innocent, young civilians at a music festival and dehumanizing/stripping/raping the hostages in the streets, while it was cheered on.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2014
"War for land" :lol:

Some people here are living in their own little reality, aren't they?


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Have I ever said that I support the "settlers policy"?

Not at all, I don't like it one bit and think it's criminal, too.

But I don't compare a war for land to a terrorist attack that only had the goal of butchering hundreds of innocent, young civilians at a music festival and dehumanizing/stripping/raping the hostages in the streets, while it was cheered on.
A war for land? So to be clear when an Israeli kills or injures palestinians, it's part of a war for land but when a palestinian kills or injures an israeli it is terrorism?

That's educational because you are essentially telling me that certain lives are worth more. I'll reiterate this point, in 2023 israelis have killed and injured significantly more palestinians than palestinians have killed israelis even when we ignore the last month. You seemingly didn't care and even worse you are downplaying these actions for no good reason while blaming people for allegedly not condemning Hamas or even worse cheering on them which is false.

PS: Yes you are supporting the "settler policy", you describe their actions as a war for land and believe that it's not comparable to what Hamas did even though in both case people are killed, raped and injured.


Everything is fair game in capitalism!
Jan 8, 2014
Dragon of Dojima
"War for land" :lol:

Some people here are living in their own little reality, aren't they?
No surprise they are following up with the same old chestnuts, like reading off a script.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
This opinion piece illustrates well how hopeless the conflict is. Bad faith actors on both sides.

You can't have a peaceful Israel with extremist on your borders who want to exterminate you.

You can't have a Palestinian state when you encourage settlers to steal land and home, effectively pushing Palestinians out and expanding your own borders.

All so very depressing.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
You know what: Just eff off, really.

I'm out here.

Too many idiots that try to twist any wrd you say to fit their sick agenda.
No one twisted your words, you literally turned murders and a various assaults into a "war for land" that is not comparable to the actions of Hamas even though we are literally talking about the same actions and outcome.

Edit: What sick agenda am I pushing?
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May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
You know what: Just eff off, really.

I'm out here.

Too many idiots that try to twist any wrd you say to fit their sick agenda.
You've literally come into this thread fabricating accusations about posters in here about not condemning the Hamas attack that you then failed to back up, after which you've proceeded to deflect and insult basic questions being asked when you happily clear all blame off parties like the settlers in this conflict and again resort to name-calling when someone simply pointed out your hypocrisy.

I've reported your post and hopefully we won't have to deal with such stuff in here going forward.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2011
Then we are fine.

You can criticize Israel and their very questionable policy all you want, totally fine, as long as you rightfully view Hamas as terrorists and don't act like Palestine (in general) is a saint in that conflict.
So you've just waltzed into the thread 4 weeks after, completely made up what you determined happened(seemingly just so you could give out about 'leftists' a bit), and then gave everyone your blessing. Utter bollox :lol:


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015

With their leadership saying this, there's no wonder that Israel are going all in. Not sure if anyone has a full translation of the Mashal interview (2cents reminded me about it but I've only seen clips)


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
While his answer will shock people, it's worth pointing out that if gazans were ostensibly sheltered by Hamas they would logically become legitimate military targets and considered as Hamas supporters.

It's one of these questions where there is no good answers.
No, it doesn't. Although it complicates things and is not a good idea to put them in tunnels as they could fall under proportionality calcs.

However hamas also said that they have built tunnels instead of bomb shelters for civilians, because it's the responsibility of the UN to protect the civilians. Not sure if it was the same guy and Joshi has mistranslated/misrepresented it, or somebody else.



May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya

With their leadership saying this, there's no wonder that Israel are going all in. Not sure if anyone has a full translation of the Mashal interview (2cents reminded me about it but I've only seen clips)
Those quotes are utterly abhorrent but them saying those things doesn't translate into them being anywhere near having the capability to do anything about that. So I don't see how going "all in" is justified. You don't wipe out entire territories because you've received terror threats from a group.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
No, it doesn't. Although it complicates things and is not a good idea to put them in tunnels as they could fall under proportionality calcs.

However hamas also said that they have built tunnels instead of bomb shelters for civilians, because it's the responsibility of the UN to protect the civilians. Not sure if it was the same guy and Joshi has mistranslated/misrepresented it, or somebody else.

What do you mean by, no it doesn't? Israeli leaders already consider that gazans are military targets and not innocent(it's a literal statement from the president) by simple virtue being born gazans but you think that if Hamas literally sheltered the gazan population in their tunnels, they wouldn't become military targets?


petitioned for a just cause
May 9, 2013
Los Pollos Hermanos...
Those quotes are utterly abhorrent but them saying those things doesn't translate into them being anywhere near having the capability to do anything about that. So I don't see how going "all in" is justified. You don't wipe out entire territories because you've received terror threats from a group.
Presumably Israel, wrongly, justifies it by saying the territory and the group are one and the same given the group govern the territory. Obviously not true and incorrect though.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
Those quotes are utterly abhorrent but them saying those things doesn't translate into them being anywhere near having the capability to do anything about that. So I don't see how going "all in" is justified. You don't wipe out entire territories because you've received terror threats from a group.
Whilst I don't agree with their response, that reply is a little nebulous. They've not only spoken about it, but shown the capacity to carry it out in a highly organised and efficient manner. And they have said they have the capacity and intent to do it again and again. You can see exactly why Israel are at war, and why Israelis and many others are supporting them.

The problem isnt the action against hamas, its the way they are prosecuting it.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
What do you mean by, no it doesn't? Israeli leaders already consider that gazans are military targets and not innocent(it's a literal statement from the president) by simple virtue being born gazans but you think that if Hamas literally sheltered the gazan population in their tunnels, they wouldn't become military targets?
I mean it doesn't make them targets under the LOAC. Assuming that Israel are somewhat adhering (don't laugh, they are somewhat) to them, they wouldn't become targets. The idea is bad because a) if Hamas fighters are in the vicinity they are targets, and civilians couldn't be 'expected' down there, so under proportionality a strike would be ok. and b) Tunnels are predominantly military infrastructure, so there is no check there either. (Not that Israel put much credence into that, one terrorist makes an entire hospital military infrastructure. [the building not the humans; it still needs proportionality]. However Israel could not identify a group of civilians in a tunnel and legally declare them a target because of a and b - proportionality of civilian deaths vs damage to the enemy/infrastructure.

Herzog has no influence on policy, he's a cheerleader.

How depressing is it that explaining loac is more interesting than watching my club play...


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
Whilst I don't agree with their response, that reply is a little nebulous. They've not only spoken about it, but shown the capacity to carry it out in a highly organised and efficient manner. And they have said they have the capacity and intent to do it again and again. You can see exactly why Israel are at war, and why Israelis and many others are supporting them.

The problem isnt the action against hamas, its the way they are prosecuting it.
Am I missing something here? How has Hamas shown the capacity to achieve something like "removal of Israel"?


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
Am I missing something here? How has Hamas shown the capacity to achieve something like "removal of Israel"?
They've shown the capacity to carry out the attack that they did, and that their leadership is threatening to do again and again. "We Will Repeat the October 7 Attack Time and Again Until Israel Is Annihilated"

That's enough, for any nation really.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2000
Rehovot, Israel
I lived there for 20 months, travelled, worked, backpacked. And yeah… pretty much what you said. This was the early 90s so much different to now. But they were just generally horrible. Anyone who wasn’t Jewish was treated accordingly. So when I was working I got quite close to a lot of Arabs who were also working there and, oddly, quite a few Russians. But the Israelis, they didn’t want to know at all. You worked for them and that was that. They always tried to stiff you on pay as well. So we had to agree to get half up front and half when a job was completed.
Unfortunately, all of this sounds very, very accurate.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I mean it doesn't make them targets under the LOAC. Assuming that Israel are somewhat adhering (don't laugh, they are somewhat) to them, they wouldn't become targets. The idea is bad because a) if Hamas fighters are in the vicinity they are targets, and civilians couldn't be 'expected' down there, so under proportionality a strike would be ok. and b) Tunnels are predominantly military infrastructure, so there is no check there either. (Not that Israel put much credence into that, one terrorist makes an entire hospital military infrastructure. [the building not the humans; it still needs proportionality]. However Israel could not identify a group of civilians in a tunnel and legally declare them a target because of a and b - proportionality of civilian deaths vs damage to the enemy/infrastructure.

Herzog has no influence on policy, he's a cheerleader.
Who mentioned the LOAC? The point I made is very simple and grounded in reality, currently Israel and IDF consider that gazans are legitimate targets by simple virtue of being near anything related to Hamas even when they are not actually linked to Hamas or in actual Hamas facilities. Now imagine a world where gazans are literally sheltered by Hamas?

Herzog has little influence on policy but this particular topic is about narratives and the justifications of future or past actions. When Herzog made that speech it was in advance of IDF's incoming indiscriminate bombings which you first doubted but eventually had to realize that it was exactly the plan.

It's not indiscriminate (obviously) - It's just lax rules for target selection and probably far less safeguards than usual. I guess you can compare it to somebody who makes 1000 pizzas a day in a fast food place vs a guy making 20 pizzas a day in an artisan store. They both want to make good pizza, but in the 1st instance time and expedience trumps the quality control that will be present in the latter.
Speechless. They are turning Gaza into Grozny, I’m sure I said they won’t do that, but now I fear the worst is to come.
Take these two posts, they are three weeks apart. You wrote that first post after Herzog and IDF commanders speeches which were pretty clear but you kept denying it until a few days ago but now you deny it again. Israeli leaders at all levels are telling you what they think about gazans and palestinians, just believe them, you don't need to water down or act as if what they say isn't what they and the entire leadership thinks because past, current and future actions are in sync with their words. Herzog or individual commanders may not have the power to do what they say but they speak/spoke for the entire apparatus, those aren't rogue statements.


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
They've shown the capacity to carry out the attack that they did, and that their leadership is threatening to do again and again. "We Will Repeat the October 7 Attack Time and Again Until Israel Is Annihilated"

That's enough, for any nation really.
The attack they carried out is nowhere near the claim and the intent they are talking about and there's no evidence they have any means to achieve that either. Which is what I understood your initial post to be that Israel is responding to a threat comparable to what those quotes are talking about, which isn't the case.

As for your last sentence, if you think having undergone a terror attack and having those terror groups making threats of repeating that is justified grounds to invade an entire foreign territory and wipe it out then I'd advise you to go out and educate yourself on how similar situations have been handled by multiple other countries that have undergone the same situation.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
How does this gel with the whole 'Gazans love Hamas, they all support them' narrative that they like to push?
The primary narrative I've seen of late from the IDF is an attempt to separate the interests of Gazans and Hamas. I'm sure there were a few pro-Israeli accounts suggesting what you have as well.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
Who mentioned the LOAC? The point I made is very simple and grounded in reality, currently Israel and IDF consider that gazans are legitimate targets by simple virtue of being near anything related to Hamas even when they are not actually linked to Hamas or in actual Hamas facilities. Now imagine a world where gazans are literally sheltered by Hamas?
I'm gonna get called heartless/callous and that I don't care again but here we go.

This is an specifically an LOAC discussion on targeting.

They are not targets. The laws allow civilian deaths as a result of killing military targets. They allow destroying infrastructure and considering it military if a single terrorist is here. For example, if Hamas is in a hospital, that infrastructure is then considered a military facility under the LOAC. This isn't some IDF conspiracy. This is the LOAC. And I have explained above how it would be applied to tunnels.

The IDF does not build target packages to kill civilians. They simply have very loose proportionality interpretations. (as do the US etc). They are entirely different thing. The charge of targeting civilians is so serious and theres no evidence whatsoever of it. The charge of bombing indiscriminate targeting is similarly disturbing, and there is no evidence for it.

Take these two posts, they are three weeks apart. You wrote that first post after Herzog and IDF commanders speeches which were pretty clear but you kept denying it until a few days ago but now you deny it again. Israeli leaders at all levels are telling you what they think about gazans and palestinians, just believe them, you don't need to water down or act as if what they say isn't what they and the entire leadership thinks because past, current and future actions are in sync with their words. Herzog or individual commanders may not have the power to do what they say but they speak/spoke for the entire apparatus, those aren't rogue statements.
I'm not denying or changing anything. Nor am I basing stuff on bellicose rhetoric coming after a horrible terrorist attack.

What am I denying? The attacks can both be terrible and wrong, and largely fall within the LOAC. The two aren't mutually exclusive. War is absolutely horrible, as are mass civilian casualties. I specifically said in the first post too that they were using 'lax rules for target selection and probably far less safeguards than usual.' I can specifically be against what they are doing, aghast and horrified by it, whilst it is still within the LOAC.

You seem to be basing your opinion from IDF rhetoric. There's no evidence of indiscriminate bombings or targeting civilians, and I'd encourage you to not make such accusations without basis in reality.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I'm gonna get called heartless/callous and that I don't care again but here we go.

This is an specifically an LOAC discussion on targeting.

They are not targets. The laws allow civilian deaths as a result of killing military targets. They allow destroying infrastructure and considering it military if a single terrorist is here. For example, if Hamas is in a hospital, that infrastructure is then considered a military facility under the LOAC. This isn't some IDF conspiracy. This is the LOAC. And I have explained above how it would be applied to tunnels.

The IDF does not build target packages to kill civilians. They simply have very loose proportionality interpretations. (as do the US etc). They are entirely different thing. The charge of targeting civilians is so serious and theres no evidence whatsoever of it. The charge of bombing indiscriminate targeting is similarly disturbing, and there is no evidence for it.

I'm not denying or changing anything. Nor am I basing stuff on bellicose rhetoric coming after a horrible terrorist attack.

What am I denying? The attacks can both be terrible and wrong, and largely fall within the LOAC. The two aren't mutually exclusive. War is absolutely horrible, as are mass civilian casualties. I specifically said in the first post too that they were using 'lax rules for target selection and probably far less safeguards than usual.' I can specifically be against what they are doing, aghast and horrified by it, whilst it is still within the LOAC.

You seem to be basing your opinion from IDF rhetoric. There's no evidence of indiscriminate bombings or targeting civilians, and I'd encourage you to not make such accusations without basis in reality.
I made the point, I decide whether what I said is about legality or legitimacy and I literally mentioned the later. I said legitmate, not legal.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
The attack they carried out is nowhere near the claim and the intent they are talking about and there's no evidence they have any means to achieve that either. Which is what I understood your initial post to be that Israel is responding to a threat comparable to what those quotes are talking about, which isn't the case.

As for your last sentence, if you think having undergone a terror attack and having those terror groups making threats of repeating that is justified grounds to invade an entire foreign territory and wipe it out then I'd advise you to go out and educate yourself on how similar situations have been handled by multiple other countries that have undergone the same situation.
One of the videos (the latter) said that they intend to continue Oct 7th over and over, until Israel is gone.

Ok, lets consider what you said at face value and look at the 5 worst terror attacks since 1970.

1. 9/11 - 3000+ Casualties - resulted in invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan
2. Tikrit attack, ISIS (1400) - Resulted in the eradication and killing of the group
3. This attack (1300) - Resulting in invasion and war in Gaza
4. Musha Church (1200) - Resulting in the hunting and killing of paramilitary group, as well as multiple extrajudicial killings against Hutu civilians
5. ISIS again (900) - Destruction of ISIS.

We can carry on, but that's how exactly how powerful nations react to an incident like this if they have the means and the target. Not to do so would be more shocking.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
I made the point, I decide whether what I said is about legality or legitimacy and I literally mentioned the later. I said legitmate, not legal.
A legal target is a legitimate target. The word legitimate derives from legislation, which is the law. A legitimate target is simply one that conforms to the law.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
A legal target is a legitimate target. The word legitimate derives from legislation, which is the law. A legitimate target is simply one that conforms to the law.
And a legitimate target isn't necessarily legal.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2013
Wow, thought I'd check on the thread and now we are at the genocide is actually okay part if Western or Western allies do it. Narrative is truly changing, may Palestine be free!


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
And a legitimate target isn't necessarily legal.
How so? I assume you don't mean the target isn't legal, but the way the target is prosecuted can be illegal. Which is precisely what the LOAC address.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
How so? I assume you don't mean the target isn't legal, but the way the target is prosecuted can be illegal. Which is precisely what the LOAC address.
The term legitimate has several defintion one of them is fairly common and means that you can defend or justify something. As an example Hamas leaders are legitimate targets for Mossad even though killing them would be lillegal because murder is illegal.
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Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
The term legitimate has several defintion one of them is fairly common and means that you can defend or justify something. As an example Hamas leaders are legitimate targets for Mossad even though killing them would be lillegal because murder is illegal.
Killing them wouldn't [usually] be illegal. It's a targeted killing, not an assassination or murder, and is jus in bello under LOAC. (There might be an additional layer if the target is an Israeli citizen)

Regardless, what's your point here? Are you claiming based on political rhetoric that israel are targeting civilians/indiscriminately firing?


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Killing them wouldn't [usually] be illegal. It's a targeted killing, not an assassination or murder, and is jus in bello under LOAC. (There might be an additional layer if the target is an Israeli citizen)

Regardless, what's your point here? Are you claiming based on political rhetoric that israel are targeting civilians/indiscriminately firing?
What I said about the question and the potential answers to it was pretty clear.