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UNIFIL statement

Is UNIFIL the new UNRWA? Filled the wrong'uns I bet.
The difference is that there are a lot of European troops on the ground. With Israel's impunity, it likely won't matter either as we saw with the World Kitchen in Gaza.
The difference is that there are a lot of European troops on the ground. With Israel's impunity, it likely won't matter either as we saw with the World Kitchen in Gaza.
Except a few countries, everyone else is ok with a few of their citizens getting killed by Israel. Shrugs shoulders and issue a statement at most.
So they've hit rescue workers, a school, and now UNIFIL peacekeepers all within 24 hours. Precise strikes indeed.

The UNIFIL statements also makes it quite clear they hit them intentionally.
Killing Sistani isn't going to be easy - and this one will actually require US approval which I do not think they will get.
I actually think the Sistani thing is an error. Pretty sure they meant Khameini, and just lazily put up any Ayatollah's pic they could quickly google.

Makes absolutely no sense for them to target Sistani, even for unhinged genocidal maniacs like Israel.

US ambassador to Iraq

Fecking animals. Fair to go after terrorists but bombing the feck out of families is reprehensible. I just can’t see how politicians look at this situation and allow it to continue with no pushback.

US, Uk and European leaders deserve a place in hell for allowing this to happen and Netanyahu will get his comeuppance sooner or later.
Fecking animals. Fair to go after terrorists but bombing the feck out of families is reprehensible. I just can’t see how politicians look at this situation and allow it to continue with no pushback.

US, Uk and European leaders deserve a place in hell for allowing this to happen and Netanyahu will get his comeuppance sooner or later.

How you envision that netanyahu will get it?
What a bunch of horrible bastards these Zionist Nazi's are.
Assassination most probably
I cinically think is closer to the noble price than being assassinated seeing how he was received in the US congress. He will be, alomside ben gurion among the leaders that made israel complete.

The impunity is total like many assholes in history
I just can’t see how politicians look at this situation and allow it to continue with no pushback.
Nobody is pushing back. And any form of protests that seem even mildly against Israel govt are put down with brute force, especially in US and Germany. The popular media is largely pro-Israel and will not allow any form of articles or news that show Israel govt as villains. Regular people could lose their livelihood for something minor as pinning a flag on their dress.
Lebanese military idly watching as Israel wrecks all sorts of havoc and destruction on their nation?

Granted there's not a whole they could do to stop the onslaught but it doesn't exactly portray them as ardent defenders of the land. It's hardly a surprise Hezbollah enjoy the support they do, especially after essentially forcing the Israelis out in 2000.
Lebanese military idly watching as Israel wrecks all sorts of havoc and destruction on their nation?

Granted there's not a whole they could do to stop the onslaught but it doesn't exactly portray them as ardent defenders of the land. It's hardly a surprise Hezbollah enjoy the support they do, especially after essentially forcing the Israelis out in 2000.

What is it they could do?

They don't have modern AA systems and have a handful of MANPADS to fight against fighter jets.
What is it they could do?

They don't have modern AA systems and have a handful of MANPADS to fight against fighter jets.
Oh from an attritional perspective it's a complete mismatch, they'd be toast. Just find it surreal that a nation's military stands idle as their nation is getting brutalised left right and center. I can't imagine that would instil any confidence amongst their citizens for their military.
Oh from an attritional perspective it's a complete mismatch, they'd be toast. Just find it surreal that a nation's military stands idle as their nation is getting brutalised left right and center. I can't imagine that would instil any confidence amongst their citizens for their military.
Or why to spend budget in a military at all. But i get it. Lebanon would only make things worse
So already today we have reports of another attack on UNIFIL with two wounded, and a total destruction of a Red Crescent field hospital.

Israel seriously needs to be reigned in now (as if that hasn't been the case for months and months). It's incredible how much freedom they are given to continue their campaign of death and destruction.
So already today we have reports of another attack on UNIFIL with two wounded, and a total destruction of a Red Crescent field hospital.

Israel seriously needs to be reigned in now (as if that hasn't been the case for months and months). It's incredible how much freedom they are given to continue their campaign of death and destruction.

The main benefit we have in Lebanon vs Gaza is (at least for now) the presence of foreign media, civilians and even soldiers, so that this stuff gets out. It becomes more difficult for normal people to still claim that Israel is being precise or whatever other nonsense they give when they bomb and kill 5 paramedics at a church being used as a field hospital.

The flip side is that the Israelis smell blood. They have managed to strike at and significantly weaken their 2 biggest immediate geopolitical enemies and probably see a window of opportunity to reshape the region strategically. Netanyahu is incentivised to keep the war going for as long as possible to not lose power. Biden is a lame duck and is probably an ideological supporter. Harris we'll have to see but likely similar. Trump is deranged. Europe hides behind the USA. Russia is preoccupied.

And the honest truth is that Arabs' lives are far more disposable than white or Jewish lives, for those with power.

As long as the weapons and diplomatic cover continue to flow, there won't be a stop.
just look on twitter, even after all the carnage in Lebanon, with entire families being wiped out, there are still so many voices in the west with substantial followings / political heft that are defending absolutely everything israel is doing. not by commenting on the atrocities per se, but by reinforcing the danger to Jews everywhere, as somehow that justifies the horrors.
just look on twitter, even after all the carnage in Lebanon, with entire families being wiped out, there are still so many voices in the west with substantial followings / political heft that are defending absolutely everything israel is doing. not by commenting on the atrocities per se, but by reinforcing the danger to Jews everywhere, as somehow that justifies the horrors.
The level of discussion in a lot of Western media environments (like talkshows) is just terrible. So little depth, so little critical questions, so many excuses.

For example, there is little attention to the fact that Israel had already occupied southern Lebanon in the 80s/90s.

The Israeli enemy targeted an army center in the town of Kafra, which led to the fall of two martyrs and three wounded.
So already today we have reports of another attack on UNIFIL with two wounded, and a total destruction of a Red Crescent field hospital.

Israel seriously needs to be reigned in now (as if that hasn't been the case for months and months). It's incredible how much freedom they are given to continue their campaign of death and destruction.

So people seriously still believe this is all Israel?

From what I'm hearing and seeing this is America. Israel is it's proxy, just as people say Hezbollah and Hamas are Iranian proxies.

People need to research Biden and his "relationship" and views, from his early political days to president. This is his swan song.

Israel is not the mega power everyone perceives. It's military is meh at best. Sure they have weapons which are a-list but personnel? Part timers and civilians who have no stomach for dead soldiers of their own.

All these attacks Israel is doing, you can guarantee American and sadly British involvement. The retaliatory attacks are counter by the Americans and their other proxies eg Egypt.
So people seriously still believe this is all Israel?

From what I'm hearing and seeing this is America. Israel is it's proxy, just as people say Hezbollah and Hamas are Iranian proxies.

People need to research Biden and his "relationship" and views, from his early political days to president. This is his swan song.

Israel is not the mega power everyone perceives. It's military is meh at best. Sure they have weapons which are a-list but personnel? Part timers and civilians who have no stomach for dead soldiers of their own.

All these attacks Israel is doing, you can guarantee American and sadly British involvement. The retaliatory attacks are counter by the Americans and their other proxies eg Egypt.

Israel doesn't need A list personnel (whatever that means). They are fighting 2 paramilitary organisations, mostly by bombing the shit out of them from thr sky and have somehow still not managed to beat one of them,despite the fact it's a tiny enclave completely surrounded on all sides now by the IDF.

I'm also not sure what you mean by Egypt getting involved in retaliatory attacks. Egypt has multiple security concerns, foremost of which is trying to subjugate their own population, as well as the potentially existential threat the GERD poses.
So people seriously still believe this is all Israel?

From what I'm hearing and seeing this is America. Israel is it's proxy, just as people say Hezbollah and Hamas are Iranian proxies.

People need to research Biden and his "relationship" and views, from his early political days to president. This is his swan song.

Israel is not the mega power everyone perceives. It's military is meh at best. Sure they have weapons which are a-list but personnel? Part timers and civilians who have no stomach for dead soldiers of their own.

All these attacks Israel is doing, you can guarantee American and sadly British involvement. The retaliatory attacks are counter by the Americans and their other proxies eg Egypt.
You're not entirely wrong but can we stop pretending that it's not just America pumping resources into this or has significant interests in propping up one or more of the parties in this conflict. Several middle Eastern countries alone have things to gain from their neighbors being blown up. Things don't happen only because America bad - and certainly not only because of Biden. There are people in our government who have been far more outspoken with their desire to blow shit up over there and many have them aren't in the WH.

The US government is a behemoth where agencies alone can almost bring a war to someone s doorsteps if they wanted to. You don't even need to know much about our government - just turn on TV shows based on historical events like how we got to the mess in Mexico. Point is- if you're staying on the let's blame America for everything path at least recognize this has been a path it's been on for decades.
Israel doesn't need A list personnel (whatever that means). They are fighting 2 paramilitary organisations, mostly by bombing the shit out of them from thr sky and have somehow still not managed to beat one of them,despite the fact it's a tiny enclave completely surrounded on all sides now by the IDF.

I'm also not sure what you mean by Egypt getting involved in retaliatory attacks. Egypt has multiple security concerns, foremost of which is trying to subjugate their own population, as well as the potentially existential threat the GERD poses.

By A list personnel I meant a meaningful or decent military. The large majority of their army are reservists. Basically playing soldier.

Left to its own devices Israel gets defeated in a weekend by even likes of Hamas. The problem is always that it's only the name on the headlines which is Israel. The weaponry, defence systems and threat is always an America or a UK.

I gave Egypt as an example because I know that Egypt is the second most funded country in that region after Israel. But you only have to look at the countries involved in "dealing" with Irans missile strikes to see how "protected" Israel is.

Sri Lanka condemns attack on two of its peacekeepers​

Sri Lanka's foreign ministry says it "strongly condemns" today's attack on the Unifil (United Nations Interim Force) headquarters in Naqoura, southern Lebanon, in which two Sri Lankan UN peacekeepers were injured.

"Sri Lanka upholds the obligations to ensure the safety and security of UN personnel and inviolability of UN premises at all times," the ministry says is a statement.

Its embassy in Beirut is in contact with Unifil about the medical attention being given to the workers.

Earlier, the Israeli military said it struck the Unifil base when troops identified an "immediate threat against them" nearby and opened fire, adding that the incident would be investigated "at the highest levels".

It's the second time in 48 hours that Unifil's headquarters had been affected by explosions, the peacekeeping mission said.

Ah it's still the brown guys getting attacked. Maybe when it's an Italian or Austrian they get, there may be a little more action.
You're not entirely wrong but can we stop pretending that it's not just America pumping resources into this or has significant interests in propping up one or more of the parties in this conflict. Several middle Eastern countries alone have things to gain from their neighbors being blown up. Things don't happen only because America bad - and certainly not only because of Biden. There are people in our government who have been far more outspoken with their desire to blow shit up over there and many have them aren't in the WH.

The US government is a behemoth where agencies alone can almost bring a war to someone s doorsteps if they wanted to. You don't even need to know much about our government - just turn on TV shows based on historical events like how we got to the mess in Mexico. Point is- if you're staying on the let's blame America for everything path at least recognize this has been a path it's been on for decades.

I do recognize the "role" of other countries, especially those in the Middle East. But it would be a good bet that America has a hand in establishing the leaders of that country somewhere along the way. No in truth past history would put the blame on the Brits and likes of the French, even Israel was a British thing, but ultimately it would be the USA as puppet master over the last say hundred years or so, give or take.
By A list personnel I meant a meaningful or decent military. The large majority of their army are reservists. Basically playing soldier.

Left to its own devices Israel gets defeated in a weekend by even likes of Hamas. The problem is always that it's only the name on the headlines which is Israel. The weaponry, defence systems and threat is always an America or a UK.

I gave Egypt as an example because I know that Egypt is the second most funded country in that region after Israel. But you only have to look at the countries involved in "dealing" with Irans missile strikes to see how "protected" Israel is.

I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously when you say things like Israel would be defeated by the likes of Hamas in a week. The UK provides minimal weaponry to Israel. They undoubtedly receive huge amounts of money from the USA but have one of the largest exports in the world when it comes to the defence industry.

Israel have fought nation state Arab armies in the past and won. Handily. It's a huge part of the reason we're in this current situation.

Jordan, with respect, is not Egypt.