Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

They are trying. No doubt. The other day it was published in the JPost that Greater Judea was promised to Israel by God. That would be Southern Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank and so on (parts of Syria, too, I guess). They cannot, for long, maintain any serious incursion in Lebanon (which moves north) because Hezbollah will not allow it (see 2006). A different beast to Hamas despite Israel's qualitative advantages. They cannot, that is, even do the things the settler mentalists want in Gaza and West Bank (yet) despite what is now an obvious attempt to try.

If Israel were to attack Iran it would require genuine support, not just arms, from the US. It would have to draw the US into that war and the US knows it and wants no part of it. The entire Middle East would be on flames if it were to happen and the US (not Israel) would be receiving all the blame. In the era of rising Arab states, and blocs, and more, it just isn't sane or desirable from even a war-planning point of view to engage Iran in all out war (it would be disastrous for all involved).

It make sense on paper, truly it does. But many in US are itching to get to Iran also. In the end, US will do what Israel does. I guess we will find out in the next month. Another thing to be optimistic for a hot war with Iran not happening is that Israel is planning Lebanon for now
But many in US are itching to get to Iran also. In the end, US will do what Israel does
There is a difference between Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon (which Israel has been firing rockets at for fifty years), and Iran. And the US knows it. It's a big difference. I have no idea how you could even imagine a war with the US and Iran that is not a Vietnam (exponentiated) scenario. And knowing that in advance, there's just no way. The Pentagon would shut that political bullshit down in seconds if it were mounting high. Unless Iran attacks a US warship or something like that, there just isn't any scenario where this happens.
Isreal response will be huge. There wont be a single school or hospital left.
It is designed for Hamas and so on, really, though, isn't it? The Iron Dome? I mean, it's pretty fecking good at what it does but what it does doesn't typically include anything beyond the capacity of the Palestinians (and Gaza within that set) if I am reading it right.

It's not that their weapons platforms aren't good (they are), all the way from Iron Dome to Arrow-3 to David's Sling.

The big problem that they face is geography. They have no strategic depth because their country is so small.

They can't place early warning Radar's on their border, with 500km of desert to traverse before any missile gets to any urban area. All their population centres are in proximity of each other.

They have no data-link between their entire armed forces including air-force and navy for synchronized interception (Think Link-16 as an example). They don't have navalized air defense assets that are mobile.

Think about it this way.

Imagine Canada launches a missile at Washington DC is this ridiculous fictional scenario. US Early Warning in Maine detects it, Fighters from Upstate New York are scrambled to intercept, THAAD and Patriots from Rochester New York start firing, A second layer of strategic air defence in Philly/New York City region starts trying to intercept. By the time it reaches DC it would have had to go through multiple multiple layers of heavy Strategic depth in order to reach it.

Iran Fires at Tel Aviv. Israeli detects it. Israel doesn't have anything in Iraq/Jordan that they can use to intercept the incoming missiles (because it's not their country being the main reason), and by the time the Missile Arrives to hit Tel-Aviv it only has to deal with the air defenses in the block around Tel-Aviv because Israel has no strategic depth.
It also means their enemy can focus fire on one general region rather than spread their fires across 1000's of KM's.

Israel cannot park DDG's on their coastline to double up as Naval Interceptors. Mainly because they don't have that kind of naval asset.

They also lack the 24/7 Aerial coverage that the US has for example, with it's armies of intelligence planes circling all day every day.
Can someone ELI5 if possible the latest escalation here?

I know about the Hezbollah pagers thing, has Israel admitted it was them? Why have they been bombing Lebanon? Why did they target Hezbollah? And why are Iran now attacking Israel?
There is a difference between Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon (which Israel has been firing rockets at for fifty years), and Iran. And the US knows it. It's a big difference. I have no idea how you could even imagine a war with the US and Iran that is not a Vietnam (exponentiated) scenario. And knowing that in advance, there's just no way. The Pentagon would shut that political bullshit down in seconds if it were mounting high. Unless Iran attacks a US warship or something like that, there just isn't any scenario where this happens.

I am very aware about the differences. But we are in a very different scenario than the past, Israel has much more capabilities than 20 yeas ago and the assynchronity between the 2 countries is gigantic. Also Iran is the least stable ever. I am not saying an invasion of Iran, but carpet bombing for a while and the US defending Israel full on of Iran's attacks.

I can see it happening because Israel can go scot free while bombing none stop
It's not that their weapons platforms aren't good (they are), all the way from Iron Dome to Arrow-3 to David's Sling.

The big problem that they face is geography. They have no strategic depth because their country is so small.

They can't place early warning Radar's on their border, with 500km of desert to traverse before any missile gets to any urban area. All their population centres are in proximity of each other.

They have no data-link between their entire armed forces including air-force and navy for synchronized interception (Think Link-16 as an example). They don't have navalized air defense assets that are mobile.

Think about it this way.

Imagine Canada launches a missile at Washington DC is this ridiculous fictional scenario. US Early Warning in Maine detects it, Fighters from Upstate New York are scrambled to intercept, THAAD and Patriots from Rochester New York start firing, A second layer of strategic air defence in Philly/New York City region starts trying to intercept. By the time it reaches DC it would have had to go through multiple multiple layers of heavy Strategic depth in order to reach it.

Iran Fires at Tel Aviv. Israeli detects it. Israel doesn't have anything in Iraq/Jordan that they can use to intercept the incoming missiles (because it's not their country being the main reason), and by the time the Missile Arrives to hit Tel-Aviv it only has to deal with the air defenses in the block around Tel-Aviv because Israel has no strategic depth.
It also means their enemy can focus fire on one general region rather than spread their fires across 1000's of KM's.

Israel cannot park DDG's on their coastline to double up as Naval Interceptors. Mainly because they don't have that kind of naval asset.

They also lack the 24/7 Aerial coverage that the US has for example, with it's armies of intelligence planes circling all day every day.
A much more informative (militarily) comprehension of what I had assumed. Thanks. Question, doesn't Israel merely piggy back upon the US' concentric circles of missile defenses? Or is there a limit, regionally, to what the US is providing? I.e., having no real naval capacity of its own, isn't the Israeli calculus that the US fills that gap?
A much more informative (militarily) comprehension of what I had assumed. Thanks. Question, doesn't Israel merely piggy back upon the US' concentric circles of missile defenses? Or is there a limit, regionally, to what the US is providing? I.e., having no real naval capacity of its own, isn't the Israeli calculus that the US fills that gap?

Kind of, just earlier the DoD launched a press release that said three US destroyers in the region were providing interceptions for Israel.

By the way, the "Circles" of air defense is a myth, that also needs to die!

There are so many factors that go into the interception range of a missile that drawing an arbitary circle around Anti-air assets tells us absolutely nothing.
Can someone ELI5 if possible the latest escalation here?

I know about the Hezbollah pagers thing, has Israel admitted it was them? Why have they been bombing Lebanon? Why did they target Hezbollah? And why are Iran now attacking Israel?
The death of the Hezbollah commander and Hamas leader on what was perceived to be Iran's watch (Iranian officials killed in the former, the latter taking place in Iran) is largely the issue to which Iran has been expected to respond.
Over the last year people have rightly been asking why America isn’t stopping Israel. It’s very likely that America simply wholeheartedly agrees and is encouraging Israel actions.

I'm not sure there's any country on earth that would have acted much differently this last year.
If the Israeli's are going to retaliate Iran need to place all their air defences around schools, hospitals, antenatal clinics, nurseries and universities.
Dahiya. Brutal shit.

But efficient....

If you truly seek peace, that's the worse thing you can do. If you want to assert your domination on other countries and/or people, that might help you win battles but you'll always end up losing the war.

Israel isn't the first colonial country that used such tactics. Their efficiency relies on the complete destruction of the people they're up against, otherwise it's bound to blow back.
Can someone ELI5 if possible the latest escalation here?

I know about the Hezbollah pagers thing, has Israel admitted it was them? Why have they been bombing Lebanon? Why did they target Hezbollah? And why are Iran now attacking Israel?
You can't be serious :lol:.

If the Israeli's are going to retaliate Iran need to place all their air defences around schools, hospitals, antenatal clinics, nurseries and universities.
So much tunnels and command centers to be destroyed.
People, just watch and read carefully how the mainstream media is going to describe the attack and its damage.

That's propaganda 101 being played right in front of your eyes.
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Does the entire discourse around today's actions serve to just piss me off?

What did the Houthis fire at Israel? Widely reported as hypersonic which came to my incredulity (Russia, US, China, etc., - I know these nations have developed them with Russia the first, allegedly, to have them, but didn't think the Houthis had a stock available?). Wouldn't be too surprising if Iran did have some, though, would it? (If it came in exchange from Russian bartering for Iranian munitions which has been taking place). No idea, has to be said.
What did the Houthis fire at Israel? Widely reported as hypersonic which came to my incredulity (Russia, US, China, etc., - I know these nations have developed them with Russia the first, allegedly, to have them, but didn't think the Houthis had a stock available?). Wouldn't be too surprising if Iran did have some, though, would it? (If it came in exchange from Russian bartering for Iranian munitions which has been taking place). No idea, has to be said.

It's a stupid term because almost every ballistic missile by definition is hypersonic.

Iraqi SCUDS in 1991 were Hypersonic by that definition.

If we're going for the military specific term which is "air breathing scramjet engine cruise missile that travels mach 5 at sea level" nobody has that yet.
What did the Houthis fire at Israel? Widely reported as hypersonic which came to my incredulity (Russia, US, China, etc., - I know these nations have developed them with Russia the first, allegedly, to have them, but didn't think the Houthis had a stock available?). Wouldn't be too surprising if Iran did have some, though, would it? (If it came in exchange from Russian bartering for Iranian munitions which has been taking place). No idea, has to be said.
I thought it was common knowledge that Iran have hypersonic missiles. They don't just have the one 'Fattah' one either. They have 4 or 5 different types varying on distance.
By the way, the "Circles" of air defense is a myth, that also needs to die!
Without exhausting the page, what do you mean? For the US, one assumes this is somewhat accurate - or is the metaphor wide of the mark? Concentric circles of defense, air or otherwise, is how the US reports its own capabilities (and this is quasi-official literature). Just curious. Never was one for military specifics beyond the generalities.
It's a stupid term because almost every ballistic missile by definition is hypersonic.
But surely there's a difference, unless the gaslighting by all the media is just mental, between what Russia has now and what it had in 1991? The time it takes for one of these new class of missiles to reach a target is far less than what it used to be. I mean, they can, apparently, hit London in about 15 minutes. This could be bullshit, but that's what the press briefings, western, too, have been.
Can someone ELI5 if possible the latest escalation here?

I know about the Hezbollah pagers thing, has Israel admitted it was them? Why have they been bombing Lebanon? Why did they target Hezbollah? And why are Iran now attacking Israel?

Basically Hezbollah are one of a number of proxies (including Hamas, Houthis) that Iran have in the Middle East that basically act as a means of asserting their influence/deterrent without direct Iranian involvement.

Hezbollah has been one means of insurance policy/deterrent against Israel given they're heavily armed and sat on their border in Lebanon (firing rockets but not really trying to get into a war). Israel have basically gone after Hezbollah recently (hence attacks on Lebanon) because Netanyahu needs some political wins to show for his own survival and because Iran is unstable internally actually doesn't really want confrontation at this moment (so is calling their bluff by escalating) and there is a big void in the US elections. They have basically crippled Hezbollah by assassinating leaders and a lot of their command chain.

So basically Iran can't lose face with its proxies (who generally can't fight a direct with Israel) and needs to show they will support them, otherwise that whole system will collapse. Hence the missile barrage which still looks careful to avoid full escalation.
Without exhausting the page, what do you mean? For the US, one assumes this is somewhat accurate - or is the metaphor wide of the mark? Concentric circles of defense, air or otherwise, is how the US reports its own capabilities (and this is quasi-official literature). Just curious. Never was one for military specifics beyond the generalities.

There are two strands of criticism of the A2/AD bubble concept. On the one hand, there is sometimes a lack of technical understanding when gauging A2/AD’s real tactical effectiveness against officially claimed theoretical ranges and its effectiveness in individual ranges. On the other hand, there are higher-level questions relating to doctrine and strategy.

The doctrinal criticism is admittedly somewhat misguided, as while it is true that Russia does not appear specifically to plan operations around how to establish the bubbles as efficiently as possible, that does not mean that the Russian Armed Forces wouldn’t use available weapons to intercept targets of opportunity within range. As such, the weapon systems available would indeed have an effect on the battlefield and any NATO operations conducted there.

However, the more serious issue with A2/AD bubbles is the lack of popular understanding about how to interpret the familiar perfect circles (indicating the notional reach of these weapons) that appear on media maps and infographics. To begin with, practical engagement ranges are more or less always significantly shorter than theoretical maximum ranges – especially when only based on numbers reported in Russian sources, which are themselves prone to exaggeration.

This stems from several factors. First, targets can manoeuvre in the face of incoming missile fire, which forces missiles to bleed energy. Second, target acquisition is affected by a variety of factors that have implications for range. Sensor ranges for air-defence and anti-ship missiles are limited by natural features like terrain and the curvature of the earth. For ground targets, Russia’s limited number of reconnaissance satellites and its apparent problems with processing, exploiting and disseminating acquired intelligence on time-critical and mobile targets mean that A2/AD bubbles are far from the solid domes of destruction which some articles and think-tank pieces have made them out to be.

A further issue that seldom gets the attention it deserves is the cost of the high-end systems and their munitions. This has led to their procurement in relatively limited numbers. In a high-intensity conflict, there are serious questions regarding how long Russia could maintain a significant number of systems operational and rearmed.

Manoeuvre and combat operations within the bubbles are thus evidently possible, as has both been argued by some analysts all along and demonstrated in practice more recently on battlefields in the Middle East and Ukraine.
I thought it was common knowledge that Iran have hypersonic missiles. They don't just have the one 'Fattah' one either. They have 4 or 5 different types varying on distance.

Yeah, they do. So does anyone with a intermediate/long range ballistic missile.

It's just terminology gaslighting.
But surely there's a difference, unless the gaslighting by all the media is just mental, between what Russia has now and what it had in 1991? The time it takes for one of these new class of missiles to reach a target is far less than what it used to be. I mean, they can, apparently, hit London in about 15 minutes. This could be bullshit, but that's what the press briefings, western, too, have been.

Russian ICBM's could reach Mach10+ about 5 decades ago.

It's Russian gaslighting and the media not understanding things well enough to call it out.

Even their air launched Kinzhals are just Iskander's put on a plane.
Basically Hezbollah are one of a number of proxies (including Hamas, Houthis) that Iran have in the Middle East that basically act as a means of asserting their influence/deterrent without direct Iranian involvement.

Hezbollah has been one means of insurance policy/deterrent against Israel given they're heavily armed and sat on their border in Lebanon (firing rockets but not really trying to get into a war). Israel have basically gone after Hezbollah recently (hence attacks on Lebanon) because Netanyahu needs some political wins to show for his own survival and because Iran is unstable internally actually doesn't really want confrontation at this moment (so is calling their bluff by escalating) and there is a big void in the US elections. They have basically crippled Hezbollah by assassinating leaders and a lot of their command chain.

So basically Iran can't lose face with its proxies (who generally can't fight a direct with Israel) and needs to show they will support them, otherwise that whole system will collapse. Hence the missile barrage which still looks careful to avoid full escalation.