Isn't it odd that only white brazilians are attending the games?

You two are basing this on what exactly? The players uve seen for them at the World Cup? Its like watching the Dream team at th Olympics and thinking the majority of Americans were African. Dont worry I used to think the same thing about the countries before i investigated further. PS I should have been clear that i meant White European or Indigenous

Equador :

63% Metzido (European/Indigenous mix)
6% Whites
7% Indigionous (Known as Amerindians)
7% African

Colombia :

49% Metzito (European/Indigenous mix)
43 % European
10 % African-European or African-Indiginous mix
1% Indigenous

Chile :

65 % Metzito (European-Indigenous mix)
30% European
5% Indigenous

Costa Rica :

65% European
13 % Metzito (European/Indigneous mix)
7% Mulatto (European/African mix)
2% Indigenous
1 % Black

Argentina and Uruguay - predominately White-European countries
Venezuela and Peru - Only countries were indigenous people make up a substantial number of the population (Over 30%) along with Mestizos.
Paraguay - predominately Mestizo country (95%).


Based on this you can easily say :

Chile :
Sanchez and Vidal - Metzito

Columbia :
James Rodriguez - European
Cuardado - African European/African Indigenous
Falcao - African European (Ive seen a documentary where his father is black and his mother is white)

Costa Rica :
Brian Ruiz - European
Campbell - Mulatto

Equador :
Valencia - African mix

Argentina :
Messi/Mascherano/Higuain etc - European
Di Maria - Metzito

Brazil :
European - Oscar/David Luiz
Mulatto - Neymar, Thiago Silva, Dani Alvez
African - Ramires?

The original question was about the fans, the players' weren't mentioned.

My wife is Brazilian, my comments are based on my observations whilst spending time there, and also meeting a lot of Brazilian people. I don't see many that I would look at and think they are "White European", my wife included.
I was trying to be politically correct, we will call them "negros" and if they are of mixed race "mulatos", but in argentina, or south america it doesnt have the same connotation that it has in other countries

you'll be biting us next.
Definitely, there's also a bit of a "positive" discrimination, sort of "we found a good player there, there must be many more"... it's strange Mexico has little to non existant mulatto (we have also our poor coastal provinces with marjority of mulattoes) players playing in the top level, but I guess it's because for a long time Mexican football has been pretty centralized between Mexico City & Jalisco and just recently started searching gems in the rest of the country... the lack of height in some positions could be solved if the Northern states were scouted better.

Never seen a Mexican mulato myself, not just playing football. It is possible there's poor infrastructure where those live but also, very likely, that they don't see any mulatos playing football, thus don't identify it as a way out but an option that is out of bounds and only for whites/mestizos.
Never seen a Mexican mulato myself, not just playing football. It is possible there's poor infrastructure where those live but also, very likely, that they don't see any mulatos playing football, thus don't identify it as a way out but an option that is out of bounds and only for whites/mestizos.

Giovanni Dos Santos would be the closest thing but he isnt really ahaha
Never seen a Mexican mulato myself, not just playing football. It is possible there's poor infrastructure where those live but also, very likely, that they don't see any mulatos playing football, thus don't identify it as a way out but an option that is out of bounds and only for whites/mestizos.

Yeah, they're often the "ignored" root in Mexico... here some examples, both from the southern Pacific coast provinces:

Abel Fuentes


Marco Antonio Granados:


And well, Giovani Dos Santos (and his brother Jonathan) is mulatto himself, but his parent is Brazilian so I don't count him as a "native" Afro-Mexican.
My wife is Brazilian, my comments are based on my observations whilst spending time there, and also meeting a lot of Brazilian people. I don't see many that I would look at and think they are "White European", my wife included.

Aye, it's largely in the south you would find clear White Europeans, particularly immigrants from the 20th century that have remained so by sticking around with those of the same nationality/race. The rest of the country is largely different shades of mixed race.
Yeah, they're often the "ignored" root in Mexico... here some examples, both from the southern Pacific coast provinces:

Abel Fuentes


Marco Antonio Granados:


And well, Giovani Dos Santos (and his brother Jonathan) is mulatto himself, but his parent is Brazilian so I don't count him as a "native" Afro-Mexican.

First one is what you would call zambo, some very clear indigenous traits. The second is mulato indeed. I knew about Giovani, cleared that up ages ago as I felt he looked a bit like Ronaldinho and nothing like a Mexican :smirk:
First one is what you would call zambo, some very clear indigenous traits. The second is mulato indeed. I knew about Giovani, cleared that up ages ago as I felt he looked a bit like Ronaldinho and nothing like a Mexican :smirk:

Well, after Mexico abolished slavery in 1810 we also pretty much stopped the influx of Africans, so most "black" provinces are mostly zamboes or mulattoes (when blacks isolated themselves in the early independent Mexico days they mostly married Amerindians). That also has made that the black features have disappeared in the most part, but it's not weird that in a family where all look castizo or mestizo you find a zamboish or mulattoish looking kid. Similar to the case in this song :lol:
Wait, so these two constitute as white in Brazil?


How does the average black man in Brazil look then? Excuse the ignorance.
Neymar isn't white, he's mixed race. In fact, both look it. No, your examples are pretty poor. David Luiz you could argue is white.
Well, after Mexico abolished slavery in 1810 we also pretty much stopped the influx of Africans, so most "black" provinces are mostly zamboes or mulattoes (when blacks isolated themselves in the early independent Mexico days they mostly married Amerindians). That also has made that the black features have disappeared in the most part, but it's not weird that in a family where all look castizo or mestizo you find a zamboish or mulattoish looking kid. Similar to the case in this song :lol:

Aye, that's usually called cheating ;) Why the hell am I listening to Sonora Dinamita? What was that all about?
In what European countries would he fit in? His skin colour is far too dark.
In Mediterranean countries his skintone is not unusual at all. His face would be slightly exotic and distinct though.
In what European countries would he fit in? His skin colour is far too dark.

Yeah pretty much what everyone else said. My dad is from Montenegro and he is much darker than Ruiz. Im also pretty dark but have light blue eyes. In Australia most people mistake me for Brazilian for some reason
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In Mediterranean countries his skintone is not unusual at all. His face would be slightly exotic and distinct though.

If anything I'd say his facial features are more European than his skin tone. Which Mediterranean players at this WC are as dark as him?
You two are basing this on what exactly? The players uve seen for them at the World Cup? Its like watching the Dream team at th Olympics and thinking the majority of Americans were African. Dont worry I used to think the same thing about the countries before i investigated further. PS I should have been clear that i meant White European or Indigenous.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. This is coming from a person who thinks metzito is a word.

I'm basing my opinion on a number of things: anecdotal evidence from South Americans I have talked to, a fairly decent knowledge of the history of the region thanks to my university degree, basic research on wikipedia (which seems to be your main source), etc.

Equador :

63% Metzido (European/Indigenous mix)
6% Whites
7% Indigionous (Known as Amerindians)
7% African

Colombia :

49% Metzito (European/Indigenous mix)
43 % European
10 % African-European or African-Indiginous mix
1% Indigenous

Chile :

65 % Metzito (European-Indigenous mix)
30% European
5% Indigenous

Costa Rica :

65% European
13 % Metzito (European/Indigneous mix)
7% Mulatto (European/African mix)
2% Indigenous
1 % Black



The information you posted yourself basically says exactly what I posted, that the majority of the population in those countries are indeed mestizo, not white European.
Yeah pretty much what everyone else said. My dad is from Montenegro and he is much darker than Ruiz. Im also pretty dark but have light blue eyes. In Australia most people mistake me for Brazilian for some reason


It's pretty obvious why dumbo!
You just have a tan, mate.

And Ruiz doesnt? Pretty sure its hot all year around in Costa Rica (Seeing as theyre right on the Equator). Granted that photo was from Summer, but the weather is always cooler in the Mediterranean and heceforth people are darker.
Mitroglou is a Romani gypsy. Cesc & Samaras aren't even close to his colour, neither are your other examples.
If anything I'd say his facial features are more European than his skin tone. Which Mediterranean players at this WC are as dark as him?

Maybe not as dark, but close: Ricardo Costa, Lorenzo Insigne & Pedro Rodriguez.
Mitroglou is a Romani gypsy. Cesc & Samaras aren't even close to his colour, neither are your other examples.

I think it's pretty bloody obvious that White European (alas, Caucasian) and European ain't the same thing. Much of the Meds has Arab/North African influence and there's as much mixed race as for many of these Latinos. Point is though, that's very much where most people set the bar when answering White European in a census, it's always invariably an inflated figure.

Not sure why we are even discussing this, mind. Is it to define "white Brazilians"?

There's a stat which is far more telling: internal tourism spend by Brazilians at the WC was expected to be more than twice as much as the entirety of all incoming foreign tourism spend. It indicates how much it is something attracting the relatively well-off.
That don't make sense mate?

He was trying to be politically correct. See, most of us have all sorts of trouble working out how to not say black to avoid random uproar. I don't get it myself, we keep calling people white, really don't get the big deal with saying black.
why? they are not african american from USA, but from brazil

Only the US is America mate. Come on, you know that, we are not Americans just the chaps who happen to live on the same Western Hemisphere landmass.
Link me to an article where it says Mitroglu is a Gypsy? If anything he would have Turkish heritage and not Gypsy.

Maybe. I've been told that he's gypsy by many Greeks but maybe they mean he's mixed with Turkish which would account for his surname. I don't write Greek so I can't search it. Anyway he stands out even in the Greek team which is probably the darkest in Europe so he's a long way off from looking European.
Not to mention the majority of European immigrants to Latin America were from Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Italy, Portugal etc. Its no secret theyre going to be darker than immigrants in the US from places such as Britain, Ireland, Scandanavia, Germany and Russia.
Maybe. I've been told that he's gypsy by many Greeks but maybe they mean he's mixed with Turkish which would account for his surname. I don't write Greek so I can't search it. Anyway he stands out even in the Greek team which is probably the darkest in Europe so he's a long way off from looking European.

In Balkan countries Gypsy is used as a derogatary term (Like Ni88a). In footballing circles anyone who played or supports Red Star Belgrade or Olympiacos Athens is called a Gypsy by opposition fans. Mitroglou is definitly darker than the average Greek, but not by much. Many Greeks whose last names end with 'OU' are generally descendants of ethnic-Greeks who were kicked out of Turkey during the Greek-Turkish War during ww1 and subsequent years.
I asked @Mockney about this.

Yes was the answer. There was a lot of hospitality areas too. It's not a huge surprise though. Football tickets in this country are expensive enough.

@MarceloFalcon also raises a good point, it was an entirely online process ticketing, which is naturally going to preclude lots of people in less flushed areas. There's not much 3G in Brazil.
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