fixated with venom and phalluses
they burned him alive? wow
The evidence people on twitter are using is that the punishment can be applied if it happened to muslims. So since he bombed (effectively fire) muslims, they set him on fire in retaliation.Breaking : Jordanian Pilot burned alive.
Pics are terrible
By the way , it's literally prohibited in Islam - in Bukhari not Koran - to kill or torture using fire.
Bunch of psychopaths.
The evidence people on twitter are using is that the punishment can be applied if it happened to muslims. So since he bombed (effectively fire) muslims, they set him on fire in retaliation.
Its really terrible and I feel sorry for him. War is so ugly.
Jordan confirms it will kill isis prisoners tonight
What a startling hypocrisy by religious apologists.
Using fire to torture people = pure evil.....unless it is God who does it, then it is justice.
Yep. But then all religious people I know are complete hypocrites when it comes to morality. The god of the bible for example is one of the most evil beings ever conceived. And yet they worship it. The god of the quran must be at least as bad judging by what it inspires people to do.What a startling hypocrisy by religious apologists.
Using fire to torture people = pure evil.....unless it is God who does it, then it is justice.
Good point.
That Hadith is about the fire of Hell. So a person's punishment after judgement. Context. Read. Learn.The verse being used on Twitter to condemn this act of barbarity actually refers to Allah as 'the Lord of Fire'. Unbelievable. Do these people have no sense of irony? I would be on the floor laughing if I wasn't so enraged.
What sort of person worships a psychopath?
It's easy to think so, but the only difference is probably that these sickos are broadcasting their crimes to such an extent.I've never seen or read about evil like that since WW2. No words. Horrible...barbaric...sick...these are used to describe crimes like torturing a small animal to death. There's no words to describe these "people".
What a startling hypocrisy by religious apologists.
Using fire to torture people = pure evil.....unless it is God who does it, then it is justice.
That Hadith is about the fire of Hell. So a person's punishment after judgement. Context. Read. Learn.
Curiosity. I've watched all of their videos, and I can't say I've been helping their cause by doing so...Why are people viewing the images/watching the video? Unless it's for security reasons I can't see any reason why you would put yourself through that or give them the publicity.
And I bet some of them will haunt you for a very long time.Curiosity. I've watched all of their videos, and I can't say I've been helping their cause by doing so...
Curiosity. I've watched all of their videos, and I can't say I've been helping their cause by doing so...
Nah, none of them stay in my head. Although this one did hit me quite hard, I haven't felt that bad from one of their videos ever.And I bet some of them will haunt you for a very long time.
They really are a bunch of sadists and psychopaths aren't they. These kinda people pops up in any conflict, no matter what the cause, there are similar stories from the Balkan wars 92-95, rent-a-kills and what have you killing for pleasure and money. Reminds me of the SS' actions in the concentration camps.
That Hadith is about the fire of Hell. So a person's punishment after judgement. Context. Read. Learn.
Not directly no, though in an ideal world they'd have no audience at all.
The Western media gives them all the airtime that they need.
It's not the same though as their own direct propaganda videos. Coverage of ISIS goes well beyond "Western Media" as well so I'm not sure what the argument is there, clearly this activity is also being reported on a lot of Arabic/Eastern networks.
I think the Western media has actively tried to give them less coverage recently. It is still too much. At the end of the day it is a handful of people deliberately being killed in a gruesome way to capture headlines. It works, but frankly we have more important things to worry about. The actual risk that IS And Islamic extremism poses to me and you is virtually insignificant.
What is that based on? Sure, on a statistical level it's much more likely we'll be hurt crossing the road or whatever, but that doesn't mean there isn't an active and present danger from extremism that needs to be countered against. Sadly it's inevitable that there will be another terrorist attack on UK soil in future. I don't think it's realistic to expect media not to cover the issues in Iraq/Syria at all, and if they did go for radio silence there would be an inevitable outcry that 'the West doesn't care about what's not happening on its own soil'.
I think you're also muddling the number of filmed executions published by ISIS with the number of murders they have committed in total. They, alongside other Islamic extremist groups, have been responsible for much more than a 'handful' of deaths.
Western deaths, or deaths of people from rich countries, the ones that the Western media cares about. I am aware that IS are killing a lot more Muslims in their Middle Eastern conflicts. Since when did the West care about that though?
I do believe a climate of fear suits the media and the government. It sell papers and allows for the government to drive through greater surveillance powers over its population. It also keeps the public distracted and looking away from domestic issues, things like social inequality and the inherent corruption of our own political system.
One thing all the oxygen does for IS is lionise it in the eyes of those disaffected domestic Muslims that are vulnerable to recruitment.
The burning of the pilot was quite sad. ISIS are obviously cruisin for a brusin in the near future.
Quite sad?
Why do some of you actually feel the need to watch these videos? I have not myself ever thought it necessary, but am interested to know what your motivation might be.