fixated with venom and phalluses
'An evening with ISIS'?to what ? Suli's hourly Kobane updates ?
Something good, man.
'An evening with ISIS'?to what ? Suli's hourly Kobane updates ?
Did you see the pics from Deir Ezzor where the SAA beheaded two dead ISIS members? There were so many pics of all of their dead bodies.'An evening with ISIS'?
Something good, man.
No but my friend did talk about that to me. Im gonna look for it nowDid you see the pics from Deir Ezzor where the SAA beheaded two dead ISIS members? There were so many pics of all of their dead bodies.
So these western fighters going to fight for the YPG who like ISIS are listed as a terrorist organisation by most western countries will they be subjected to the anti terror laws or does that only apply to Muslims?
Yeah the terror lists are bullshit depending on who you are, as they say one man's terrorist is a next man's freedom fighter. Just find the hypocrisy funny when it's a Muslim from the west going to Syria it's a disgrace but if a white biker/ex military person goes it's heroic. Either way you must be a batsh*t crazy sociopath to go and fight in a foreign country's civil war by your own accord, if your're Syrian/Iraqi/Kurdish i can probably understand wanting to go there to fight.
Well the reason for that is that the YPG and other organisations these 'white bikers/ex military' have joined are not decreed as terrorist organisations in their countries, whereas ISIS are.
The 'white bikers/ex military' lot would be equally condemned if they joined ISIS.
PKK are listed as a terrorist group in the US, UK and other Western countries as well as the UN.
These westerners are joining the YPG, not the PKK.
Sorry if I'm wrong but aren't the YPG cut from the same cloth? Same as Al Queda and ISIS?
you should understand the logic behind it. Obviously they dont litterarily label every single person as terrorist/militant/combatant. Just everyone they can without looking like complete idiots, which is everyone as long as there is no evidence against such a statement.
The word "precision strike" is also a good example how language is used to control the perception of people. In the 90s (first gulf war?) some genius invented new terms for war, that compare military operations with surgical procedure. Its a brilliant move to let peope believe that you only kill the bad guys. War loses almost all of its horror. Obviously thats mostely bollocks, but even Göbbels would have been proud of such a PR stunt. Its one of the reasons why americans dont feel any remorse while killing incredible amounts of people; they really think that the overwhelming majority of dead people are terrorists/combatants/militants or just "up to no good". There is much more to that but I am too lazy to waste my time with writting essays, that you will just laugh off anyway. Following ideology without really realizing it is fairly dangerous.
The problem with bombs isnt that they are missing their target all the time, but them having a significant kill-radius. If you bombard a town like Raqqa you´ll inevitably kill people, who are not targets even if you hit 100% of your targets. An even bigger problem is, that you eventually dont know where/who to bomb in the first place in such an area - at least not with "precision". Having "fancy" laser guidance is helping very little.
I'd say this calls for some personal responsibility.
If you're not AQ, ISIS, Taliban or some other combatant in opposition to the United States, and you're;
A) Hanging out at one of their hideouts
B) Hanging out and a truck full of dudes with Assault Rifles, RPG's and other stuff rolls up
C) Chillaxing at the neighborhood tea shop and (Refer to option B)
I'd say you should get the hell out of the area.
White? Aren't the Syrians, Iraqis, Turks and arabes in general white?Yeah the terror lists are bullshit depending on who you are, as they say one man's terrorist is a next man's freedom fighter. Just find the hypocrisy funny when it's a Muslim from the west going to Syria it's a disgrace but if a white biker/ex military person goes it's heroic. Either way you must be a batsh*t crazy sociopath to go and fight in a foreign country's civil war by your own accord, if your're Syrian/Iraqi/Kurdish i can probably understand wanting to go there to fight.
White? Aren't the Syrians, Iraqis, Turks and arabes in general white?
White? Aren't the Syrians, Iraqis, Turks and arabes in general white?
It's isis controlled territory, kilometres from Kobane. They're meant to be safe there but YPG conduct these type of operations deep in their control to hurt them. You see how they do a runner after killing them, they don't have the aim of controlling these villages in these operations, just to hurt them.What were they doing chilling in some large field out in the open. Silly terrorists.
you should understand the logic behind it. Obviously they dont litterarily label every single person as terrorist/militant/combatant. Just everyone they can without looking like complete idiots, which is everyone as long as there is no evidence against such a statement.
The word "precision strike" is also a good example how language is used to control the perception of people. In the 90s (first gulf war?) some genius invented new terms for war, that compare military operations with surgical procedure. Its a brilliant move to let peope believe that you only kill the bad guys. War loses almost all of its horror. Obviously thats mostely bollocks, but even Göbbels would have been proud of such a PR stunt. Its one of the reasons why americans dont feel any remorse while killing incredible amounts of people; they really think that the overwhelming majority of dead people are terrorists/combatants/militants or just "up to no good". There is much more to that but I am too lazy to waste my time with writting essays, that you will just laugh off anyway. Following ideology without really realizing it is fairly dangerous.
The problem with bombs isnt that they are missing their target all the time, but them having a significant kill-radius. If you bombard a town like Raqqa you´ll inevitably kill people, who are not targets even if you hit 100% of your targets. An even bigger problem is, that you eventually dont know where/who to bomb in the first place in such an area - at least not with "precision". Having "fancy" laser guidance is helping very little.
Channel 4 report on well-known IS fanboy @ShamiWitness -
Should have revealed his full name so the prick gets his comeuppance.
YPG released a video where they surrounded ISIS fighters and killed them all, in Kobane. It's graphic though so I won't post it here. PM me if you want a link.
Mehdi Masroor from BangaloreShould have revealed his full name so the prick gets his comeuppance.
Sorry, it's been claimed by YPG to just be a training video, despite the reports by journalists.PM please
It's been reported in the Indian media. There's also a photo of him floating around, looks like your average, clean-shaven urban South Asian dude.
Mehdi Masroor from Bangalore
So if you born in Europe you are white?No, we're Middle Eastern. White refers to Europeans.
Got a link anywhere? Edit: Nvm, found him:
lol thanks
So if you born in Europe you are white?