Irish Politics and stuff.

I reckon if a referendum was called it would be passed.
We probably are, Ramshock. Apple haven't got away with this with no statutory support.
Not offer 2% tax. We've attracted companies without that before.
“I’d say hello to Ruairí Ó Brádaigh but I haven’t spoken to De Rossa since, it was treachery on their part”.”- Tomas MacGiolla
"We were right too soon, Gerry Adams was right too late and Ruairí Ó'Brádaigh will never be f**king right." - Cathal Goulding​

Vigil For Life was in Dublin today headed up by the disgusting Youth Defense.
From my initial reading, and bearing in mind that it's half two in the morning, this is what I've taken from the Act.

  • If a Women's health is seriously in jeopardy whilst pregnant, and abortion is the only option, she will be permitted to abort as long as two different medical practitioners agree in good faith that it is the right thing to do.
  • One of these Doctors must be an obstetrician. Whilst the other must specialize in a relevant field.
  • If the women consents, her GP can provide documents to showcase any relevant information.
  • If the Women's life is in immediate danger, a medical professional can carry out an abortion if he or she believes in good faith it is necessary.
  • After the abortion is carried out, the medical professional must produce the certificate allowing the abortion within 72 hours of the procedure.
  • In the case where suicide is involved, it is legal to grant an abortion as long as 3 different medical professionals in good faith come to an agreement that it is necessary.
  • One of these must be an obstetrician, one must be a psychiatrist at a relevant institution, and one be a psychiatrist that works for the executive, an approved center, or both.
  • One of these psychiatrists must be experienced in working with women with mental health issues involved with pregnancy/childcare
  • If the women consents, her GP can provide documents to showcase any relevant information.
  • No medical professional will be obliged to carry out an abortion if the morally disagree with it.
  • If an abortion is refused, a women or a person acting in representation of the women may appeal her case to the executive.
  • Nothing stops a women from travelling throughout the country, or out of the country seeking an abortion.
  • If found guilty of an unnecessary abortion, the guilty party may be placed in jail for no longer then 14 years, or given a fine.
  • In the case where suicide is involved, it is legal to grant an abortion as long as 3 different medical professionals in good faith come to an agreement that it is necessary.
If a women feels that she will become suicidal if she keeps the baby, 3 DRS will see her and decide whether or not abortion is necessary.
- One of these psychiatrists must be experienced in working with women with mental health issues involved with pregnancy/childcare

Because the HSE is full of those, the waiting list will probably be 9 months.
  • If a Women's health is seriously in jeopardy whilst pregnant, and abortion is the only option, she will be permitted to abort as long as two different medical practitioners agree in good faith that it is the right thing to do.

If a woman's life is at risk, as distinct from health. Big difference. Obviously I'm glad this is going through but it's not enough imo.
- One of these psychiatrists must be experienced in working with women with mental health issues involved with pregnancy/childcare

Because the HSE is full of those, the waiting list will probably be 9 months.

Yep. The Government should produce the numbers of how many of these medical professionals are in the country, and where.
If a woman's life is at risk, as distinct from health. Big difference. Obviously I'm glad this is going through but it's not enough imo.

No, it's not enough. It's a start though.
A man on 98FM said abortion is the first step towards Satanism. The Pro Life debater lied 13 times.
So the name of the man who gave 5 year old children leaflets on abortion, and the pro life movement in general is called Eddie Shaw. Naturally, Mr Shaw used to work for the former archbishop of Dublin, Cardinal Desmond Connell, the man who lied to the country about Clerical sex abuse.

I've seen people sacked for much less. No way should this man keep his job.
‘Rage and anger’ over Anglo tapes understandable, says Kenny

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said he understands people’s “rage and anger” after a recording of two formerAnglo Irish Bankexecutives discussing the bank’s bailout by the State emerged today.
The two have denied misleading the Central Bank in the days preceding the 2008 bank guarantee about the amount of State support the institution would require.
In a recording published by the Irish Independent today,John Bowe, who was Anglo’s head of capital markets at the time, and Peter FitzGerald, its director of retail banking, are heard discussing liquidity issues at the bank around the time of the Lehman Brothers collapse.
Anglo Irish Bank told the Central Bank at the time that it would need some €7 billion in finance to stabilise itself, with the recording implying that staff already believed a larger sum would be needed.
The tape suggests the executives believed the authorities would have baulked if Anglo had said a higher sum was needed. The collapse of Anglo ultimately cost the State more than €29 billion.
The recording, from mid-September 2008, suggests that the Anglo executives believed that once such a sizeable sum was committed by the authorities, further support would be forthcoming as the State would not want to risk losing its investment.
“The strategy here is you pull them in, you get them to write a big cheque and they have to keep - they have to support their money,” says Mr Bowe, in the recorded phonecall, of dealings with the authorities. “If it doesn’t look too big at the outset - if it looks big, big enough to be important, but not too big that it kind of spoils everything, then, then I think you have a chance.”
Speaking in Dublin earlier, Mr Kenny said: “I understand the rage and the anger of so many people who have been affected by all of this in their daily lives”.
In a statement to The Irish Times, Mr FitzGerald said he was not a member of the Anglo executive management board in 2008 and “therefore was not involved in the discussions that were conducted by senior executive management of Anglo Irish Bank with the authorities in 2008” in relation to its funding position.
“For the avoidance of doubt, I am not nor have I ever been aware of a strategy or intention on the part of Anglo Irish Bank to mislead the authorities in relation to the forecasted funding position of Anglo Irish Bank,” he said.
RTÉ this morning reported Mr Bowe as having categorically denied the allegation that he participated in misleading the Central Bank September 2008.
In his statement, he told the broadcaster the talks with the Central Bank focused on obtaining funding for Anglo to allow it continue on an interim basis pending a more stable market, when the bank would be able to re-establish other funding sources and repay the emergency finance.
“We envisaged the relevant period of time to be a number of months before the bank would be able to access sufficient alternative funding,” he said.
Mr Bowe also pointed out that the phone call was three days after Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, and therefore took place during a “period of severe and unprecedented market dislocation”.

I'll be filing a crime report down in my local police station tomorrow along with a lot of other people.
All people who voted against were male.
Creighton and others waiting to see if they can make amendments, if they can't they'll vote against it later. The amendments they're looking for aren't gonna happen so it's only a matter of how many other tds are gonna follow. It's amazing that so many tds are voting against an issue that was decided 20 odd years ago. In a way we're lucky FG have a big enough majority to push this through, how many previous coalitions could have afforded to lose the guts of a dozen tds? It's depressing how far behind our politicians are on this issue, we're still gonna have one of the most restrictive abortion regimes in Europe.
What was that about Gerry Adams and the murder of a mother? Is it significant at all?

Bacically, ex-IRA members have accused Adams of ordering the kidnap and murder of a woman in 1972. They say he was an IRA Commanding Officer at the time. Adams has denied being involved in her murder, being an IRA leader (which most people think is bullshit) or even being in the IRA (which everyone knows is bullshit).

Anyways, one of the ex-IRA members gave an interview to a college in Boston who were compliling an oral history of the troubles. In that interview she gave details of the role Adams (allegedly) played. Now the PSNI have got their hands on those tapes and will be using them as part of their investigation into the mother's death. Who knows what will happen?
Right, I knew all that. My question is could he be prosecuted and do time or will it just be ignored? If a trial occurred, what kind of shitstorm would ensue?
Right, I knew all that. My question is could he be prosecuted and do time or will it just be ignored? If a trial occurred, what kind of shitstorm would ensue?

Even if he was prosecuted he wouldn't serve time because it happened during the troubles so would still fall under the release of prisoners during the GFA. That said, I can't see too much pressure being put on for a trial or a charge being brought from any of the major parties because of the shit that would happen as a result. Only the Unionists would want to see such a trial and even at that I'm not sure if the mainstream ones really and truly could be bothered rocking the boat now given how cosy they are at the moment.
Even if he was prosecuted he wouldn't serve time because it happened during the troubles so would still fall under the release of prisoners during the GFA. That said, I can't see too much pressure being put on for a trial or a charge being brought from any of the major parties because of the shit that would happen as a result. Only the Unionists would want to see such a trial and even at that I'm not sure if the mainstream ones really and truly could be bothered rocking the boat now given how cosy they are at the moment.

The Protestant Coalition and The BNP will have a go, that's about it.