Irish Politics and stuff.

''Chuckie ar la'' and a nazi sign.

Corduff graffiti is getting so creative.
Margaret Thather Kenny

Odd comment. You're basically agreeing with me. Hes not a fit politician to lead a politicl party imo.

My opinion on him doesnt matter its obvious his "leadership" is holding the party back.

What I dislike in a major way is the fact he gets wheeled around GAA clubs basking in former "glories" which fly in the face of his parties current political stance. Obviously he had a part to play in the peace process but given his past its like giving praise to a french translator for speaking french!

Much worse is that generations of kids are exposed to this shite. Glorifying a past most rational people want to forget and move on from.

I suppose it pays the bills though eh?

I am agreeing with parts of what you say, its moot anyway he will never be Taoiseach and wont have any part in shaping future policies. But to say he is a poor politician is wrong as his electoral record conflicts that. He has done more than most to get the north out of the hell it was in for decades. His equivalents on the unionist side would never have taken the steps he and McGuinness took when they got the IRA to stand down and believe in a political solution.
Just read Martins speech, knobjockey.
They should just hold a referendum, rather than let that shower of feckwits do what's right.
Just heard Peter Mathews (FG TD) was on Vincent Browne tonight opposing the abortion legislation, apparently he actually said "sure we're all going to end up dead anyway". I really, really hope that was less stupid in context.
Just heard Peter Mathews (FG TD) was on Vincent Browne tonight opposing the abortion legislation, apparently he actually said "sure we're all going to end up dead anyway". I really, really hope that was less stupid in context.

It wasn't
The main political parties are really ending up looking like such neo-conservative gobshites over all this. It's not legalising abortion, but the actual lawmakers are confusing the issue more than the no name campaigners who normally try to smudge things.
I wouldn't mind this nonsense so much if it was a new problem that had arisen, but they're just debating an issue that's already been decided. Attempts to exclude the risk of suicide as grounds for an abortion were rejected in 1991 and again in 2002. How many more times do we have to go through this crap before Pro-Life campaigners and politicians accept the will of the people? Even with this legislation we'll still be one of the most restrictive states in Europe when it comes to abortion, the influence the pro-life lobby has in this country is amazing. The views of these politicians are so far behind those of the population in general, it's actually ridiculous.
Ah lads, come on, its a difficult moral quandry for them, they're to be pitied.

Shame there are no where near as many moral quandries when it comes to cutting the most vulnerable in society.
Michelle Mulherin TD said:
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.

Preach sister. Down with the gays and baby killers.
If you don't want to watch it all. She says ''Fornication is the leading cause of pregnancy''
She's also the same one who went mad at for giving advice to teenagers that want to have a threesome.
Kennedy: “So you think it’s an acceptable risk for woman to be allowed to continue with a pregnancy even if that pregnancy would damage her health. You think that’s acceptable?”

Browne: “For the rest of her life. Seriously imperil her health for the rest of her life.”

Mathews: “But sure we’re all going to end up dead anyway.”
Kennedy: “So you think it’s an acceptable risk for woman to be allowed to continue with a pregnancy even if that pregnancy would damage her health. You think that’s acceptable?”

Browne: “For the rest of her life. Seriously imperil her health for the rest of her life.”

Mathews: “But sure we’re all going to end up dead anyway.”

Jesus. That's an unbelievably crass and insensitive thing to say. What an absolute moron. Still, he's no Michelle Mulherin. She's a brilliant kind of stupid, it's actually very impressive.
What about Leo ''I don't think referendums are very democratic" Varadkar?
Is anyone going to Belfast from Dublin for the may day parade, with a spare seat?
I can't provide petrol money, but there's a pint in it when we get there. Live in Dublin but can get to anywhere in surrounding areas.
Can't pay for fuel but can spend money on booze.

Typical Irish socialist.

I think you're mainly talking to yourself in here jake.
:lol: reminds me of the strudent days. some lads were always broke but somehow had money for pints.

problem is I think that Irish politics is so misearable that I think most here have given up on it.
Nahh, I can afford A PINT. That's about it.

I'm going to get a bus down, mams loaning me a score.

Yep, a lot of people have given up and you can't really blame them. It's up to the next generation to lead the way now.
Irish mammies......

best thing to do is to chain up Leinster House and burn it to the ground. preferably when it's full of the current shower.
a new model is seriously needed. The Noggies are not perfect but from the little I hear they've got a good handle on things. I wonder how many cute hoors they have in their midst.
They've a Socialist Government!
Well to be fair at least they did the same the all those who raped kids (once they were born)........... Oh wait.
Was sucked into a debate with a member of the new Prod party up north. Here's what I said, 2 days later there has been no reply.

I'm yet to be given proof of any abuse on Unionist parades by the PSNI.

When I was in Belfast a few weeks back I was threatened by someone draped in a Union Jack outside City Hall, because of my Irish accent, and trade union background. I was called a 'wee Catholic cnut' which is funny because I've never been a member of any religious organisation, right in front of a PSNI officer, and it was let go.

Maybe if they weren't protesting over such a trivial matter, and if they weren't associated with a bunch of bigoted idiots, people would take them more seriously.

The fact that Willie Frazer, and his racist lapdog Jamie Bryson are part of a political party specifically for one religion is disgusting! It's farcical, and it is not what we need in the future to succeed in a fight against bigotry, sectarianism, and violence. I'm not even going to get into the links with the far right and the two gentlemen I've aforementioned. And I wont talk about the obvious money making racket that they are involved in, because what would I know? I'm just a wee Fenian bastard.

They do themselves no favors in the way they go about things in a thuggish, brutish manner. When your main aims are to discriminate, intimidate, and make it out as if they are the victims.

They associate all things Republican with the IRA of the troubles. Forgetting that the only reason the IRA ever existed was because of the invasion of their ancestors on Ireland almost a millennium ago now.

The hypocrisy they spew calling the Catholic/Republicans all sorts of abusive and threatening terms. Yet the majority there graffiti, there music, there protests, and so called 'culture' is fundamentally driven by hatred, violence, and sectarianism.

Of course you have bad eggs on both sides. I consider SF to be a scourge on Irish Republicanism, and nothing more then a spineless populist pseudo socialist, excuse for a political party. I have no time for them, as they are not in the elk of Connolly, Pearse, Tone, and CO.

So I urge the lumpens of the unionist community to keep burning the tri colour, to keep threatening innocent young 'Taigy cnuts', and to keep playing the victim card when it doesn't fit. Because all they're really doing is making a show of themselves, and it's as funny as it is sad.

If I had to describe this Neo-Loyalist movement in one word, it would be ignorance, not bravery, Paul.

A FINE GAEL Senator has called on Ireland to follow France in implementing a new levy on smartphones.

Catherine Noone said the funds raised could be used – not to support the Arts as in Paris – but to help provide for suicide prevention measures.

“The issue of suicide and suicide prevention is again under the spotlight in recent days, thanks in no small part to the inspirational message of Kerry teenager Donal Walsh,” she said.

“While government funding for suicide prevention has actually increased this year, I think we need to be looking at new ways in which to fund suicide prevention measures. Placing a small levy on the sale of smartphones could be a very simple way to generate extra revenues for this crucial area.”

She slated a tax of between one and four per cent of the cost of a device.
“Considering a smartphone can cost several hundred euro, I think adding a few euro as a surcharge would not have a negative impact on phone sales, but it could have a very positive impact in terms of resources for suicide prevention.”
Currently there are 1.6 million smartphone users in Ireland. That figure is expected to rise dramatically in the coming years.

Noone said she intends to raise the idea with Minister Michael Noonan in the coming days and is hoping for a “positive response”.

Tax everything!!
It's not a bad idea, but what will the money do?

I'd rather it go to Child benefit.
Well Shatter's playing a blinder taking attention away from the penalty points whitewash isn't he.
Donal Walsh is the lad who said "I hear of young people committing suicide and I’m sorry but it makes me feel nothing but anger. I feel angry that these people choose to take their lives, to ruin their families and to leave behind a mess that no one can clean up."

Obviously what happened to him is sad but I can't say I agreed with his message. Depression is as much of an illness as cancer is.
Of course it is, WP.

But Walsh was only a kid, and I doubt he was aware of the numerous possible reasons someone might take their own life. I know I wasn't at 16.