Irish Politics and stuff.

Basically both sides of O'Connell Bridge. Effectively blocking off Westmoreland St, D'Olier St and the fecking Quays @6pm. As I said they disappeared before the celtic game. Its laughable that force wasnt used in this case. Look at the abslolute state of them

Was that outside the Dáil?

Im talking about these utter fools who Stopped half the city getting home. The Garda should have beaten the shit out of them.

Is that not jay walking?
Dear lord. We are saved, by a shower of cnuts with a printer. And feck all else.
If you have a problem...if no one else can help...and if you can find them...maybe you can hire...The Illiterate Provos.
yeah thats them alright. The worrying thing is someone with brains is involved behind the scenes.

The level of propaganda surrounding Alan Ryan since his murder is crazy. I mean theres alway been that element in the poorer parts of Dublin. Take Cabra 15-20 years ago. But the chap wasnt even a real Republican. A drug dealer yes.

Maybe its kenny dalglish ;)

Ara I know, aren't I from the Sinn Fein Republic of Tallaght.

The popularity in these areas is just nature filing a void. It's natural for people who are slowly disenfranchised or marginalised to look for a solution or a representative.
Its standard procedure really, target disadvantaged areas with lies and false promises.

Recruit young unemployed people and muppets. Brainwash them.... Rinse and Repeat.

As well as matching outfits. That's flirting with fascism.
This is the incident on Kildare St. Looks bad and is presented as such, but in the video the cop was goaded into doing this. The reality is there was no need for the cop to do it, as there was no crowd that needed controlling, but the fecking wankers aggressively shouting 'PEACEFUL PROTEST' into the cops faces were fecking dickheads. I'll try and find the video.

Some sick new this morning from Athlone. I was hearing reports on the radio of Sexual Assault but I just seen the headlines on the tabs and they say rape of two girls aged 6 and 9. Hope to god they can recover from this and the scumbag bastards responsible get everything they deserve.
Some sick new this morning from Athlone. I was hearing reports on the radio of Sexual Assault but I just seen the headlines on the tabs and they say rape of two girls aged 6 and 9. Hope to god they can recover from this and the scumbag bastards responsible get everything they deserve.

They should throw the cnuts out into the middle of Athlone and let that be that.
This is fecking sickening. War and the like is abstract to a degree, this is too real. I am suppressing some quite nasty thoughts about what should be done to these sick feckers.
Aye, same as that moses. I'm not usually one for the shouts of hang the bastards or cut off their balls but it's hard to keep calm and reasoned here. These kind of disgusting bastards have no place in society. When you have kids of that age it brings it home big time. My lad was at a party on Saturday and it's just frightening, especially as when we were arriving to pick him up one of the kids who is 5 years old was running outside the house unsupervised. Could happen so easily.
Just heard from a friend in Athlone that that guys name is out and everyone knows who he is. There's also a large mob gathered outside the Garda station.

Can't say I'd be too sorry to see them get at him.
His photo's out already on facebook. I'll not like here for the site's legal safety. The article on the indo website said the father was there when they caught him and people held him back while the guards arrived. I don't know if I could do that. I need to stop thinking about this case now because I'm feeling really sick. Those poor poor kids and their family.
Even more sickening is that he will end up in solitary when he goes to jail to protect him from other prisoners. He should be fecked into general population with them. He wouldn't last 5 minutes. It's all just completely sickening.
His photo's out already on facebook. I'll not like here for the site's legal safety. The article on the indo website said the father was there when they caught him and people held him back while the guards arrived. I don't know if I could do that. I need to stop thinking about this case now because I'm feeling really sick. Those poor poor kids and their family.

I think those people deserve huge credit. The poor wee girl could have had her dad thrown in jail for murder. How would that help with her recovery?

Not to mention that he could have ended up sent down for attacking someone who was completely innocent.

Arriving at the scene on Saturday, gardai found three men pinned down by local residents and relatives of children attending the party. Two men were being held in the house and the third was being subdued on the road. All three men were taken into custody but the two others were later cleared of any involvement in the assaults.

A good example of the folly of mob rule and hats off to all involved for showing such restraint.
I think those people deserve huge credit. The poor wee girl could have had her dad thrown in jail for murder. How would that help with her recovery?

Not to mention that he could have ended up sent down for attacking someone who was completely innocent.

A good example of the folly of mob rule and hats off to all involved for showing such restraint.

I know, I know. I said in my first post on the matter that this case has me thinking in ways I normally don't and has really upset me. I don't think there's any doubt that that lad is the guilty one though.
I know, I know. I said in my first post on the matter that this case has me thinking in ways I normally don't and has really upset me. I don't think there's any doubt that that lad is the guilty one though.

Yeah, me too. I don't think I could have been as restrained as the people who caught him. That's why I'm so impressed.
This incident has had a right effect on the whole country. I went to the school which is in the middle of nowhere (Kiltartan) a half an hour earlier today to pick up little TBP to bring her to a hospital appointment and all doors or entrances to the school were locked. I had to bang on one of the classroom windows to get in and the principal told me that they'll be locking the doors from now on and putting other things into practice as well as a result of what happened in Athlone. The green area in front of my house would be normally full of kids tearing around the place as well on a fine evening like this evening but there isn't a sinner abroad in it now. The country is shook.
When I first read that I thought you said "the right effect. You're right it's had a massive impact, but it's so sad that parents don't feel safe to let their kids out the front to play. Even walking home from school is being seen as too dangerous by loads.

It fecking winds me up to see Ireland like this. My oldest generally cycles to school and that's okay by me, but I wouldn't want her walking the less than a mile home alone.
This incident has had a right effect on the whole country. I went to the school which is in the middle of nowhere (Kiltartan) a half an hour earlier today to pick up little TBP to bring her to a hospital appointment and all doors or entrances to the school were locked. I had to bang on one of the classroom windows to get in and the principal told me that they'll be locking the doors from now on and putting other things into practice as well as a result of what happened in Athlone. The green area in front of my house would be normally full of kids tearing around the place as well on a fine evening like this evening but there isn't a sinner abroad in it now. The country is shook.

feck sake :(