Irish Politics and stuff.

It's Tdon you need to keep an eye on, crazy bastard.
It says a lot that I've lived here for a year and a half and didn't know FF were a republican party. But then again, they're probably not really anymore - if it doesn't directly make their TDs richer, then why would they want it?
It says a lot that I've lived here for a year and a half and didn't know FF were a republican party. But then again, they're probably not really anymore - if it doesn't directly make their TDs richer, then why would they want it?

They're not, to be brutally honest. In their constitution they state

To secure in peace and agreement the unity of Ireland and its people.

Fianna Fail were founded In response to the signing of the Boundary Agreement between The UK and Ireland in 1925, a meeting of Sinn Féin was held in 1926 to discuss the future of the party. Failing to get an agreement, Eamon de Valera resigned as leader of Sinn Féin and took on the 16 May 1926, the inaugural meeting of Fianna Fáil was held in La Scala theatre in Dublin.
"if we allow gay marriage why not have grandfathers marrying their grand daughter" - susan phillips on vinb tonight
"if we allow gay marriage why not have grandfathers marrying their grand daughter" - susan phillips on vinb tonight

Who is Susan Phillips? I'm worried she has any public forum to express her strange views.
I guess it's hard to find anyone with a reasonable viewpoint as to why gays can't marry so you end up with loonies getting a platform.
Who is Susan Phillips? I'm worried she has any public forum to express her strange views.

She's a moron, I heard her before saying that Lesbians were selfish for "choosing" to be lesbians but then trying to be "more female" by wanting to have kids. Because being a lesbian means you're not female, apparently.
Anyone I know that is against gay marriage is against people being gay in the first place and are nothing more than bigots.
Who is Susan Phillips? I'm worried she has any public forum to express her strange views.

Wicklow independant right wing Christian fundementalist politician.
"if we allow gay marriage why not have grandfathers marrying their grand daughter" - susan phillips on vinb tonight

fecking hell never thought of that, even more reason to go with it so.

Govt trying to compromise on morality. Health Minister James ''cnut'' O'Reilly believes that women should see 4 psychologists and 2 doctors before they're allowed to abort on medical and mental health issues.

I believe women should also be allowed to vote, but only if GOVERNMENT health experts agree she'll use her vote soundly.
You've just made two posts with two statements that don't seem to be in anyway backed up by the links you posted Jake.
Trying to make 300m savings on public sector jobs, mostly already being paid little.

The second one is another kettle of fish, about abortion in general.
Govt wants to cut wages on the poor and €300ml in public sector savings don't mean the same thing unless you're brainwashed by the self serving public service unions.

Are you brain washed?

Also, that thing about 4 psychologists and 2 doctors sounds like utter crap to me. Even in this backwater if we do see reform at all it won't be like this. How long do you think it would take to see 6 different healthcare professionals? Too long for someone to then go and have an abortion. It's an impossible solution.
Govt wants to cut wages on the poor and €300ml in public sector savings don't mean the same thing unless you're brainwashed by the self serving public service unions.

Are you brain washed?

Also, that thing about 4 psychologists and 2 doctors sounds like utter crap to me. Even in this backwater if we do see reform at all it won't be like this. How long do you think it would take to see 6 different healthcare professionals? Too long for someone to then go and have an abortion. It's an impossible solution.[/QUOTE]

We agree on that then. That's what's been suggested man, literally that.
Sounds like media drivel to me. Where's the source of this leak, or even where has it been printed?

This would be the ultimate Irish answer to an Irish problem.
I agree he's a cnut, but that always sounded like scaremongering bullshit. I'm actually disappointed that the pro-choice lobby would push such a salacious obviously tripe story in the first place.

Govt trying to compromise on morality. Health Minister James ''cnut'' O'Reilly believes that women should see 4 psychologists and 2 doctors before they're allowed to abort on medical and mental health issues.

I believe women should also be allowed to vote, but only if GOVERNMENT health experts agree she'll use her vote soundly.

Is that really his middle name?

Weird Irish knobbers.

The left must be so disappointed by the obvious vote defending on the fence stance by both Sinn Fein and Labour. Pretty poor of them (and typical) to refuse to take a stand with the people and the ideology that they purport to represent.

Wait till the grown ups make a decision and watch the two of those parties attack it no matter what it is in an effort to gain favour with as many voters as possible. Shitty politics TBH.
Yep, in saying that The Workers Party have hated SF since the 70s, and Labour since the 90s. Now the Trots are starting to follow suit Labour wise, but are apetethic at best towards to Tiocfaidhs.

What also upsets the left is that these parties go against the mass opinion, yet still get voted in, time and time again.
Jake, Ireland is essentially a center right country with a very very conservative electorate. The Left make more noise through the media and the Unions, but the fact that FF and FG have always been in power must show you where the countries allegiances lie. Look how Euro-Skeptical we have been in the last few referendums, straight out of the Tory Manifesto.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, what this country needs is one main Right party and a true Left alternative. FF and FG need to amalgamate as they are one big party anyway and if the Left can then form a proper center left party and put forward a realistic alternative plan for the country then we might see significant change.

As it stands all non-unionised Irish (the majority anyway) see the left as a civil service protector who will do anything to line their own pockets when they get into power. In fairness that's with good reason too if you look through the history books.
Jake, Ireland is essentially a center right country with a very very conservative electorate. The Left make more noise through the media and the Unions, but the fact that FF and FG have always been in power must show you where the countries allegiances lie. Look how Euro-Skeptical we have been in the last few referendums, straight out of the Tory Manifesto.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, what this country needs is one main Right party and a true Left alternative. FF and FG need to amalgamate as they are one big party anyway and if the Left can then form a proper center left party and put forward a realistic alternative plan for the country then we might see significant change.

As it stands all non-unionised Irish (the majority anyway) see the left as a civil service protector who will do anything to line their own pockets when they get into power. In fairness that's with good reason too if you look through the history books.

Why would FF and FG unite though? It's not really in their interest as they're the two dominant parties as it is. Agree that Ireland is essentially a conservative electorate, I think that will be reflected in any abortion or marriage equality referendums in the future. I'm not saying they wouldn't pass but the 70% support they seem to enjoy in opinion polls would drop a lot closer to 50%.
Firstly, I don't think that FF and FG will unite, but it would be in the best interests of the country if they did. As we all know politicians will always put the party before the country.

The marriage equality will go through no problem as apart from the true bigots I can't see people against it bothering to go and vote while those pro change will mobilise. It's an easy sell to people, unlike the abortion debate. That then get's into peoples own views on religion and right to life so I can see the no campaigners getting people stirred up sufficiently about this to come out in big numbers to at least make it a close thing. Government politicians like that Neanderthal Michelle Mulhern will not help matters!
I think you two are forgetting how stupid and lazy the electorate can be when it comes to voting. Its the same everywhere not just here. I do wish there was a legitimate alternative to government than those two showers of shite. SF are never going to be universally accepted by the populace and I can't imagine any party going into coalition with them. Its all fairly depressing isn't it? Theres not even one outstanding charismatic figure who the people could get behind.
I think you two are forgetting how stupid and lazy the electorate can be when it comes to voting. Its the same everywhere not just here. I do wish there was a legitimate alternative to government than those two showers of shite. SF are never going to be universally accepted by the populace and I can't imagine any party going into coalition with them. Its all fairly depressing isn't it? Theres not even one outstanding charismatic figure who the people could get behind.

Yeah and also a well organised group who vote en masse can really stir things up. The OAPs when they marched on the Dail were impressive and I think the majority of them are very religious and would vote no on the marriage and abortion referendums.
I think you two are forgetting how stupid and lazy the electorate can be when it comes to voting. Its the same everywhere not just here. I do wish there was a legitimate alternative to government than those two showers of shite. SF are never going to be universally accepted by the populace and I can't imagine any party going into coalition with them. Its all fairly depressing isn't it? Theres not even one outstanding charismatic figure who the people could get behind.

Not at the moment, no. If they moved towards the centre economically and had someone like Mary Lou as leader instead of Adams then I think FF probably would, I suspect both parties would happily compromise on some principles if it meant getting into government.
Not at the moment, no. If they moved towards the centre economically and had someone like Mary Lou as leader instead of Adams then I think FF probably would, I suspect both parties would happily compromise on some principles if it meant getting into government.

:lol: Understatement of the year!